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    • Jour 6

      Oh, it's a sandwich!

      12 avril 2023, Japon ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      How can I adequately describe Tokyo DisneySea? I agonised over this for minutes, until I realised there is only one way to do it justice. In the immortal words of cultural heavyweight Borat Sagdiyev, DisneySea is 'Wee waa, woo waa!'

      Once again we had an early start, although not as retina searingly early as yesterday. Today's park odyssey kicked off at the gentlemanly hour of 6am.

      At 7:30am we walked the two hundred metres from our hotel to the special hotel queue for my new favourite phrase, 'Happy Entry'. I'm already a master at this, but I think I probably have been for a long time, only we haven't put a title on it before.

      On the stroke of 8:15am the cast members activated the turnstiles to unleash the horde. My research had informed me that Soaring: Fantastic Flight can quickly reach queue levels of 120 minutes plus, so we beelined for that, and once again were in the first boarding group. The ride is the same as in California, Florida and Shanghai, except for the local scenes at the end of the flight naturally. By the time we exited the ride the queue had grown to impressive length, over 80 minutes, so it was a good choice to knock it off early.

      My next must do was Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love the Indiana Jones ride at Anaheim and had high hopes for the Tokyo iteration. To my relief it lived up to it's namesake, and is possibly even better, so I've ridden it twice today, and will ride it quite a bit more on Friday, now that I've discovered its Single Rider line.

      The following few hours saw me ride all the tentpole attractions at DisneySea, including Raging Spirits, Tower of Terror (twice), Journey to the Centre of the Earth, DisneySea Electric Railway, S.S. Columbia and Toy Story Mania.

      Breaking up this high speed park orbiting ride whirlwind were stops for Churros and the chance to try a Reuben at the New York Deli. This isn't some Puerto Rican dude in hotpants like it sounds, but a really tasty sandwich, which came as a great relief to me!

      To finish off the evening I watched Disney's Light the Night fireworks show, which is small by U.S. standards, but a good way to conclude another great park day.

      Tomorrow it's our second and last day at Tokyo Disneyland. For some reason it opens later tomorrow, but I'm not arguing about the chance for a little extra sleep.
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    • Jour 5

      Open the gates!

      11 avril 2023, Japon ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Let me get this out of the way early, many Disney fans, who have visited multiple parks worldwide, rate Tokyo Disneyland as the best. Based on today's experience I'm likely to agree with them. Read on to discover the scientific formula I used to edge towards this conclusion.

      Today was 3 years in the making, a chance to add another Disney park to the list of Disney parks visited. Now I only have Paris remaining, out of the 6 Disney locations worldwide.

      The day began at 5am, because you don't just turn up at the gates and expect to win. Your Disney game needs to be stronger than that, and my Disney game has been hardened in the furnace of queue-robics, and merchandise combat.

      Staying in a Disney hotel gets you a 'Happy Entry' for your chosen park. This gives you a critical 15 minute head start on the general admission peasants, and you must strategise to make your quarter of an hour count! I already knew that 'Belle's Enchanted Castle' was the ride to start with.

      We left the hotel at 6:30am and used our Suica cards to get us onto the Disney Resort Line monorail. Two stops later and we arrived at the Disneyland park outer entrance and joined our first queue of the day, a holding area for Disney Hotel guests.

      Just after 7am we filed through the metal detectors and walked towards the park entrance proper. Here I had my first taste of Japanese organisation. Almost everyone had a mat that they laid on the ground to then sit on while they waited. Boy, did I feel like an animal just standing there!

      At 8:15 precisely (it's Japan, what else would happen?) we were let through the turnstiles and fast walked towards 'Belle's Enchanted Castle'. Luckily I still possess my incredible natural athleticism and we were almost the first people through the queue line and onto the ride. It retells the story of Beauty and the Beast as you ride a trackless vehicle through rooms recreating scenes from the movie. It's beautifully done and very like Mystic Manor at Hong Kong Disneyland, or Remy's Ratatouille Adventure at Epcot in Florida.

      Next ride was Space Mountain for Jean. To avoid vomiting this early in the campaign I bravely opted out and rode Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters instead.

      Over the next two hours we managed to ride Snow White's Adventures, Haunted Mansion, Big Thunder Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin. To keep us fuelled like champions we paused for a few minutes between rides for caramel-apple churros and a frosty frozen treat of indeterminate flavour.

      By lunchtime we needed more calories, so we exited the park for Ikspiari, the Tokyo equivalent of Downtown Disney. Here we perused the many dining options on offer before deciding on The Rainforest Cafe.

      Recharged, and with a steely glint in my eye I surged back into the park to ride The Jungle Cruise and the Mark Twain riverboat, while also catching the 2pm parade. All that was left to do was exit via the giftshop, or giftshops which line the main street.

      By 4pm our first Tokyo Disney day was done (although I did zip back to the park after 7pm to see it at night. and sneak another ride on Big Thunder Mountain).

      So, what makes Tokyo Disney so good? There are lots of intangibles that are hard to put into words, but there are a few reasons I can come up with. Cast members,. They are always smiling, waving and greeting every guest with enthusiasm. They all look great in their tailored uniforms, and I'm yet to spot a morbidly obese one, or even a chubby one. America, I'm looking at you!

      Dress standards. Now this could go either way. Most guests here are very smartly dressed, many women in heels and skirts. However, there are also lots that are dressed in some pretty whacky outfits, including lots of young women dressed as French Maids, or other risqué outfits. Doesn't bother me, but it's an observation.
      Strollers. There aren't many, and the ones there are parked unobtrusively.

      ECVs. Or the lack of. If you're too lazy, or too fat, then you probably don't come to Tokyo Disney, again unlike America. I saw one ECV, and it was driven by an elderly person.

      Bubble wands. I saw one. That's it, one! Again, in the US those things are everywhere.

      That's about it. First park day down, and tomorrow it's the first day at Tokyo DisneySea. Because part of our Disney hotel is actually inside this park we can use a private hotel entrance to get into it. I. Can't. Wait!
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    • Jour 5

      Domo arigato Mr Maloney

      11 avril 2023, Japon ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Today was going to be a relaxing travel day,. I mean, we only had a three hour flight from Taipei to Tokyo. What could be more restful?

      That's not quite how things played out, which is part of the adventure of travel.

      The day started well, waking early in our beautifully modern Taipei hotel room. I bounded jauntily down to breakfast and restrained myself from consuming mass quantities, apart from a heaped plate of Bread Pudding of course, knowing there were multiple eating options to come, particularly at the opulent China Airlines Business Class lounge at Taipei airport.

      Checking out of the Hotel Indigo North I ordered an Uber to take us the 60km to Taoyuan Airport and was delighted when a Tesla Model 3 arrived. Being China, or Chinese Taipei, naturally the driver had decided Elon hadn't tricked this ride out quite enough, so he had pimped the door handles and added plenty of light up USB connections.

      In 45 minutes we arrived at the airport, checked in, after the attendant had managed to extract the Visit Japan Web QR codes from my phone. (more on that later) we had breezed through customs (take note Auckland!!!) and strolled our way expectantly towards the business lounge. This is when the day took a detour.

      This trip we were flying out of Taoyuan Terminal 2. On our previous Taipei visit we had gone out of Terminal 1. The business class lounges in the two terminals are not the same, in the same way that a Suzkuki Swift and a Lamborghini Aventador are not the same. They are both cars, but..... you get the point. The China Airlines lounge in Terminal 2 is like a bunker. I kept expecting Kim Jong Un to pop up and say 'Hi guy, relax!' It's a long low featureless hall with a sparse food selection and no ambience, and Terry wants his ambience! ;)

      After enduring this lounge disappointment for as long as I could (I know, 1st World problems) I petulantly strutted out and boarded the flight bound for Tokyo. The flight was comfortable and uneventful and I managed to just fit in watching 'The Whale' (okay, but not Oscar-worthy) before we were landing at Narita International in Tokyo.

      Remember that Visit Japan Web QR code I mentioned earlier? I had spent over an hour back in NZ dutifully filling out the forms and checking everything, so I was fully prepared when we arrived at immigration. I had the QR code on my phone screen and was ready to whip it out and gleefully say 'dozo'.

      They didn't even ask for it! What the actual F?!! Come on Japan, stop messing with me. I just know somewhere, behind a screen, there is a little Japanese man laughing his arse off cackling, 'We fooled another one. Stupid gaijin!'

      After clearing immigration, we collected our suitcases and headed into Arrivals to be picked up by the ride I had booked. The driver messaged me with a picture of where to meet. Hilariously, the picture had him at a different terminal. The next 45 minutes had me playing peek-a-boo via messaging to try and have us both at the same location, so he could actually drive us to our Disney hotel.

      Finally he arrived at the correct door and we followed him out to what I expected to be a shuttle van. Boy was I surprised when he ushered us to his Volkswagen Golf.

      Our driver turned out to be a young Chinese guy who is working the driver gig as a second job. We had a great conversation as he drove us the 60+ kms to the Tokyo Disneyland area and our hotel.

      Just after 7pm (after starting our 'relaxed' travel day at 6am) we arrived at the Tokyo DisneySea Hotel Miracosta. This was worth the hassle of today. It is incredibly impressive, in a way only Disney can manage.

      We checked in, which somehow took 20 minutes, and spent the next 15 minutes drooling over all the Disney detailing in our room and the eye-popping view from our window. This hotel is actually inside Tokyo DisneySea, so we look out onto the park. A-maz-ing!

      Tomorrow we are up early to get to the gates of Tokyo Disneyland and make the most of our first Happy Entry. I know how that sounds! :0
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    • Jour 17

      Crossing improves

      20 septembre 2023, Japon ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      The weather has improved the seas are calm however Royce is still not well. It’s a sunny day and he spends sometime on the deck outside and in the Dolce Vita but we return to the doctor for the injection. Dinner at Kaiseki with Kay Chee and Mike and he enjoys the food which is great. Early night and hope for a better day tomorrow. I attend lots of activities- printmaking, photo editing and art class. There is plenty to keep you busy and content ( if you are not seasick). The staff have been fantastic very helpful and concerned. They delivered green apples and ginger to the room and keep asking and checking in.En savoir plus

    • Jour 183–185


      13 mai, Japon ⋅ 🌧 20 °C






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    • Jour 13

      I say bonus, you say day.

      19 avril 2023, Japon ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Unexpected Disneyland Park days are always a little bit of extra magic, and every ride is a bonus.

      Today started in a leisurely fashion, strolling down to the Hilton buffet breakfast around 9am. That promptly ended the relaxing feel for the next twenty minutes, as lots of other people appeared to be working to my timetable. The restaurant was packed, with more guests lining up for their crack at the trough every minute.

      There was a vast selection, although most of it was Japanese, and some of it a complete mystery to me. I tried some dumplings and a couple of other new breakfast surprises. I'm still alive and kicking, so I class that tasting as a success.

      By the time we had finished breakfast and rode the monorail to the park it was about 10am.

      On a normal park day arriving at this late time would cause me to perspire and shake, but this was a bonus day, so every ride and experience was a gift.

      The one mission today was to ride any rides we hadn't gotten to. This included the terrifying teacups, which I have avoided like covid, ever since I began visiting Disney parks. (I don't handle rides that spin. Loops and drops and speed are no problem. Spinning makes me nauseous). There was virtually no queue, so we rode the teacups, and there was no technicolour yawn from me, so I'm counting that as a win. We followed the teacups up with another death-defying thrill ride, It's a Small World.

      Next was Pooh's Hunny Hunt, which is in other Disney parks, but the Tokyo version is unique in that it was Disney's first trackless ride and is great fun, especially if you're a Winnie the Pooh fan, which it turns out I now am, result!

      I then ambled over to Westernland for one more ride on Big Thunder Mountain, which I managed to smuggle my action cam on to and filmed this great rollercoaster.

      In between rides I was able to get some more Little Green Men dumplings and another serving of Fanta Melon. This is my new favourite soft drink. It's green and delicious and probably illegal in 7 star systems. We also tried the crepes from the New Orleans Cafe. There are three varieties you can buy, Cajun shrimp, Strawberry and Dark Cherry. They are all really tasty, but I enjoyed the strawberry version most.

      By this time it was around 2pm, so we stuck around to watch the parade before returning to the hotel for a breather.

      Around 7pm it was time for just one last visit to Tokyo Disneyland, via Ikspiari for dinner, because you have to be fueled!

      One last wander around the park, time to watch the nightly fireworks and then conclude with another go at saving the universe from the evil Emperor Zurg on Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.

      That's it. The adventures have concluded. All that has to be done is to check out of the hotel tomorrow. Catch the bus to Narita and try and get some sleep while we fly back to Auckland via quick stops in Taipei and Brisbane. Thank God for the lie-flat beds on the incredible China Airlines!

      Sayonara Japan. It's been weird, beautiful, chaotic, tasty, amazing and unexpected.
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    • Jour 5

      Tokyo - Shinjuku

      4 mai 2023, Japon ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Mein Vormittag: Kaffee, bestes Wetter und eine Mischung aus schönen und nicht so schönen Plätzen.

      Ich befinde mich nun im größten Stadtpark von Tokyo, der aufgrund eines Feiertags heute ohne Eintritt zu besuchen ist!✌🏻☺️En savoir plus

    • Jour 49

      Lagerfeuer am Strand in Nikaho

      11 mai, Japon ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Samstag, 11.05.2024
      von Tsuruoka bis zum Sandstrand von Nikaho
      73 km,347 hm, 8h55 Gesamtzeit, 5h14 in Bewegung

      Die Nacht war ruhig, viel wärmer wie gestern, ca. 13-15° und Bärenangriff gabs auch keinen.
      Um 7:40 gelangten wir mit unseren Rädern wieder auf die reguläre Straße. Das Meer links von uns gings nach Norden. Es war warm und angenehm.
      Die Streckenführung wurde sehr selektiv, als wir in eine Sandstraße in den Pinienwald einbogen. Die Fahrspuren waren mit den Nadeln gut fest, und es ging rauf und runter wie auf einer Hochschaubahn. Gott sei Dank war der Wald nach einer halben Stunde aus, denn das Fahren auf dem weichen Terrain war doppelt so anstrengend wie auf der Straße.
      In einem kleinen Fischerdorf machten wir Rast auf einem Fußballplätzchen mitten im Dorf. Das war sehr beschaulich, denn außer einer alten Frau, die ihr Fischgeschäft aufsperrte, oder auch nur zusammenräumte und mit einer Nachbarin tratschte, war dort gar nichts los.
      Es ging dann weiter die Bundesstraße, die war etwas anstrengend, aber die japanischen Autofahrer geben auf uns wirklich sehr gut acht.
      In einem kleinen japanischen Supermarkt in einem kleinen Dorf kauften wir Mittagessen und verspeisten dies gleich vor Ort. Gleich gegenüber in einem Garten ging dann plötzlich der Krawall eines Hand-Motorsensen Gerätes los.
      Alex sprang auf, ging zu dem Mann hin und bat ihn, erst in 20 Minuten hier wieder zu mähen. Er hats wirklich gemacht, und als wir alles zusammengepackt hatten, fragte der Gärtner, ob er nun wieder weiterarbeiten kann. Na klar doch!
      Wirklich ur freundlich!
      Weiter gings, und eine Stunde später waren wir dann schon auf der Suche nach einem Schlafplätzchen. Alex heute vorne weg, entdeckte ein altes,verlassenes, sehr desolates Hotel am Strand. Zuerst stand ein Zeltplatz ganz nah am Hotel zur Debatte, dann entdeckte Alex eine Straße, die direkt am Strand in den Pinienwald hineinführte. Ich gleich hinterdrein.
      Viel Müll, sicherlich vom Meer her bis hierher auf die Straße verfrachtet. Wir fanden einen Weg durch die Betonwellenbrecher an einen wunderschönen Sandstrand.
      Und sprangen gleich mal ins eiskalte Nass. Dann saßen wir in der Sonne um uns wieder aufzuwärmen und ich suchte schon mal nach angeschwemmtem Brennholz für unser Lagerfeuer.
      Heut gabs Spagetti mit Oliven und Salat. Alex kocht immer sehr, sehr köstlich!
      Jetzt sitzen wir am Lagerfeuer und ich schreibe. Alex schaut grad nach einem Hotel für unseren Ruhetag in Akita, denn am Montag sollen sintflutartige Regenfälle kommen.
      Wir schlafen heute direkt am Sandstrand. Haben uns auch schlau gemacht ob uns die Flut eh nicht wegschwemmen kann, und schlafen nur mit dem Mesh/Netz.
      So können wir heut Nacht sogar die Sterne betrachten und das Meeresrauschen wird uns in den Schlaf singen.
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    • Jour 2


      10 mai 2023, Japon ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Viaggio perfetto, dormita inclusa. Tra cambio moneta, validazione JR pass e transfer dall'aeroporto, sbuchiamo all'aria aperta alle 5 di pomeriggio, quartiere di Shinjuku, in uno dei posti a più elevata concentrazione di traffico umano. L'impressione è di solcare un fiume di gente disparata, tantissimi ragazzi e giovani donne..
      Colpisce la loro originalità nel modo di vestire: dai veri e propri cosplayer alle ragazzine delle scuole con le gonne cortissime, donne dalle gambe storte su zatteroni di altezze improbabili, giovani con pantaloni e casacche in samurai style...e poi capelli rosa, creste, biacca sul viso, borsette coi peluche...Sembra che l'eccesso sia la regola, che niente sia precluso se piace, che la moda si faccia da sé e questo è fortemente d'ispirazione.
      Lo stesso eccesso ci circonda negli edifici scintillanti di luci, pubblicità, jingle, interi palazzi dedicati ai karaoke bar o ai centri massaggi o a chissà che altro, tipo un certo capsule hotel che non voleva farsi trovare.
      Vogliamo negarci anche un terremoto alle 4:17 della notte, magnitudo oltre 5? Fatto!
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    • Jour 51


      2 janvier, Japon ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      この事件の主人公は我々の現実の人間ではなく、シリコンで作られた女性人形たちで、男性に性的サービスを提供するためにバルセロナの売春宿に集められ、明確にマークが付けられ、時間単位で値段が付けられていると言われています。 1時間あたり120ユーロ、つまり8,900元に相当します。高いですか? 私に言わせれば、これは高すぎます。120ユーロも出して売春婦に行くのはただのダッチワイフです。しかし、この店の業績は思いのほか好調で、所有者は富を築きました。

      shedoll https://www.dldolls.com/brand-b353956.html

      店主は、「当店の大きな胸のシリコンラブドールは、高品質の素材で作られています。女性の価格は少なくとも1万ドルです。したがって、その効果は非常に現実的です。動かないこと、話すことを除いて、本物の人間と比較してください」と述べました。 、何も 少し違います、そうですね...ここでは、セックスの気持ちよさを感じることができるだけでなく、最も重要なことは、他人とセックスすることで妻に罪悪感を感じる必要がないことです。 「だって、これは命のないものよ。お嬢さん、たとえ奥さんが知っていたとしても、私たちを責めることはないだろう……これは一石二鳥ではないですか?」
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Nakano-ku, Nakano, 中野区, _Tokyo


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