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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Niigata-ken
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    • Jour 80

      Une journée pleine d'imprévus !

      29 mars 2020, Japon ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      Cette journée était censée être une simple journée de transports, remplie de trains, de gares et paysages qui défilent. Mais ce ne fût que partiellement le cas ! Si vous êtes joueur et avez du temps (je sais que oui) prenez une carte avec vous et suivez notre parcours !
      Levés à 8h, on quitte notre auberge kanazawaienne avant 9h et avec nos panneaux de stop, nous mettons en chasse d'un conducteur. Mais par temps de virus, être un étranger faisant du stop au Japon n'est pas forcément recommandé pour rejoindre rapidement sa destination... Après une bonne heure "d'attente", nous allions abandonner quand notre bienfaiteur arriva ! Un jeune rockeur japonais accepta de nous emmener jusqu'à la gare de Toyama. Arrivés à bon port, on remercie vivement notre chauffeur et prenons le premier train pour Tomari. En attendant notre train, on pique-nique sur le quai un énième succulent repas fait maison. Direction Itoigawa ! Pris en tenailles en la mer et les hautes montagnes, le trajet est impressionnant et sublime. À la gare d'Itoigawa, on troque notre grand train pour un minuscule wagon qui navigue entre montagnes enneigées et rivières mouvementées (non sans nous rappeler le Transsibérien). On arrive enfin à Minori-Otari où nous devons changer de train. Mais un arbre est tombé sur la voie sous le poids de la neige. On monte donc dans un bus direction Omashi où 1h30 plus tard nous prenons train express direction Matsumoto. Mais nous n'avons pas le bon ticket. Contraint de descendre à Azumino, on en profite pour faire le tour de la petite ville enneigées, son 100 yens shop (achat d'un carnet pour Emma) et son Hotaka Shrine, lui aussi enneigé.
      On remonte dans le train et arrivons, enfin, 30 minutes plus tard, à Matsumoto, notre terminus ! Avez-vous bien suivi le trajet ? Parce que nous pas du tout !
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    • Jour 59

      Day 59

      28 avril, Japon ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today we hiked Mount Yahiko in 22°c so safe to say by the end we were very sweaty and gross!

      It took us a while to reach the nearest station which actually looked more like a temple from the outside than a train station! However, it only has one track and one train route so it’s a very small station so it definitely gave it a bit more character!

      Heading up to the base with as many water bottles as we could fit in the bag we walked for about 1km before reaching the dreaded stairs. We then proceeded to climb up the steps through the forest for 3km. 3km of steps- absolute hell for me. It was a beautiful setting through the forest but if I see another step today I might loose my mind!

      Huffing and puffing we made it to the top where I collapsed onto a bench and sent Jacob to go get an icecream which was much needed and deserved.

      The view from the top was absolutely beautiful with a view of Niigata and the surrounding rice paddies one way and the Sea of Japan the other way.

      We tucked into a bowl of ramen at the restaurant at the top with floor to ceiling windows - definitely had worse views! Before heading back towards the station to head home for the day.

      On the train back we actually got some lovely views of the setting Sun reflecting on the rice paddies. I am constantly reminded of the absolute beauty in this country, so lucky to be here!
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    • Jour 58

      Day 57-58

      27 avril, Japon ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Day 57

      Today we packed up our backpacks once more and headed out of Fukushima to travel to Niigata prefecture. The journey was slightly frustrating as Fukushima is east and Niigata is situated on the west coast but there is no viable route going across the country so we had to head back towards Tokyo and then out to Niigata so it was a bit fiddly! It took us about 4 hours from leaving to arrive at our hotel so we dropped our bags and then headed to the beach for an evening stroll. We were hoping to enjoy sunset however it was very cloudy so we didn’t see much but it was still a nice stroll to end a travel day.

      Day 58

      This morning we wanted to explore Sado island which is just off the coast of Niigata prefecture and is one of Japan’s largest non mainland islands. So we headed down to Niigata port and took the ferry to Sado island which only took about an hour and got up to speeds of 50mph which we thought was pretty impressive!

      We arrived at Sado island and headed to the Toki ibis sanctuary. These birds are endangered and Sado island has taken on breeding and reintroducing them into the wild so quite a feat! The extensive work and dedication to these birds has reduced their status from critically endangered to “just” endangered with 11,000 left in the world. We learnt about their strategies and also got to see some of the birds too. It was definitely interesting and does fill us with some hope for wildlife in this climate crisis we find ourselves in!

      We then headed to the lakeside to enjoy the views of the mountains and the small very run down fishing villages that run along the bank of the lake. The lake was artificially connected to the Sea of Japan to help prevent flooding and as a result has a high salt content so the oyster fishing industry keeps these small villages going.
      With huge piles of old oyster shells literally everywhere it’s slightly bizarre as they litter the landscape!

      As we enjoyed wondering and exploring the island we had some lovely views of rice paddies once more! The rice paddies have actually been flooded now as part of the growing process casting pretty reflections that dance across the water. What was extraordinary was the sounds of the frogs and birds all around the area! Not just in the rice paddies but in small creeks it was actually really beautiful! No sounds of humans just of frogs and birds! We had a lovely stroll enjoying this and also keeping a sharp eye out to see a wild Toki ibis as they apparently are big fans of the rice paddies but sadly they didn’t want to come out of hiding for us today!

      Following this path winding back towards the port it abruptly turned a corner and stopped dead at the main road. Feeling uneasy I consulted Google maps which wanted me to walk right on the main road. Feeling slightly concered I looked at the buses and realised there was a stop just a two minute walk away on the main road. Gathering ourselves we made a quick dash to the bus stop and waited for the bus. Now the bus was coming from the wrong direction so we thought it might turn up the small alley and we would meet it there, but it just stopped dead on the wrong side of the road! The driver signalling us to come around we crossed the road and then edged around the bus fighting with a bush to get past and onto the bus! Quite a strange place to put a bus stop really but it all worked out well in the end!

      Arriving back at port we had a bite to eat and then wondered through the shops before waiting for our ferry back to Niigata city. Whilst we sat waiting I seemed to have gained an adoring fan? As a Japanese lady waved frantically at me with the biggest beam on her face. Extremely confused Jacob and I did the classic “smile and wave” whilst I started in complete confusion. I think it’s seldom that westerns make it out to this very remote island!

      I write this sat on the ferry watching the Sun sink behind Sado island as we zoom back towards Niigata, another fun day exploring.
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    • Jour 89

      Verlängerter Skiurlaub

      5 janvier, Japon ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

      Da das Wetter am nächsten Tag sonnig werden soll, verlängere ich spontan um einen Tag, gebe die Skier beim Verleih ab und nehme den Bus ins nächste Dorf Ishiuchi. Shin fährt wieder zurück und arbeitet am nächsten Tag. Nach einem Bad im Onsen, um die Muskeln zu entspannen, suche ich ein Restaurant, was sich nach 20 Uhr leider sehr schwierig gestaltet. Am Ende bekomme ich ein einfaches Essen, das nicht sättigt, zu einem teuren Preis.

      Morgens verpasse ich den Bus, der nur alle zwei Stunden fährt, da die Bushaltestelle verlegt wurde. Am Ende nutze ich den kostenlosen Shuttle-Service vom Hotel, von dem ich nicht wusste, dass er existiert und den man einen Tag früher hätte buchen müssen. Auch vom Skiverleih fährt kein Shuttleservice zum Skigebiet Kagura Mitsumata mehr (eigentlich ist der kostenlos im Leihpreis mit drin), daher fährt man mich zur öffentlichen Bushaltestelle. Das Skigebiet ist richtig schön und bietet einen grandiosen Ausblick auf einen Stausee, allerdings sind hier die Lifte noch älter und es wirkt, als wären sie in Deutschland ausgesondert worden. Schlepplifte gibt es in den japanischen Skigebieten keine. Die Skigebiete Kagura und Mitsumata sind durch eine Piste und einen Sessellift verbunden, die Verbindung schließt jedoch bereits um 14:30 Uhr und einige Lifte bereits um 15 Uhr. Die Talabfahrten sind leider gesperrt, daher muss man am letzten Schlepplift nach oben und der Gondel nach unten in einer langen Schlange anstehen, in der es sehr geordnet zugeht. Abends fahre ich - nicht ohne ein heißes Fußbad am Bahnhofsvorplatz zu nehmen - mit dem Shinkansen wieder zurück nach Tokyo.
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    • Jour 30

      Ski day Arai

      28 décembre 2022, Japon ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      I caught a bus up to Lotte Arai today to hang out with the Pilkingtons and learn to ski. At first I was really worried as it took a fair bit to load up on the ski gear and equipment, walking backwards and forwards really tired me out and I hadn't even started skiing yet. I had originally dressed in full thermals but quickly stripped down to just a shirt with the jacket as it was quite hot out in the ice. Yos gave me a couple of basics and stayed with me to make sure I could at least get in and stand up on my skis, which I am very grateful for as otherwise I felt very lost.
      I kept doing the basic learner run for most of the day as it took a fair while for me to become accustomed to using the skis. After a while I figured I would give the higher (still green) slope a go and I honestly don't think I was quite ready for it but had already committed. By the time I had completed the run though I got a nice sense of accomplishment from it and felt spurred on to do more.
      I did another Gondola green run and was able to catch-up with Nathan and Sienna on that run but was still slightly slower than them on the dip.
      Did a couple more runs on the basic course before having to hand my gear back and then headed to Yos and Nathans room to check it out.
      Ended up relaxing in a jazz bar before heading back on the bus to my hotel. They were playing a lot I was able to singing along to but vibed on Tin Pan Alley by Stevie Ray Vaughan.
      I jumped in a van hopefully to take me back to the train station, I talked to the driver for a bit as I was tipsy and asked him how his night was going and that my day has been a lot of fun, all in Japanese and he seemed to enjoy the conversation. My new phrase, I'm here until February "ni tsuki made koko ni imasu".
      I tried one of the container restaurants and asked for an omakase (chefs choice) dinner. As far as I could figure out it had a Cesar salad, snow crab, beef stew and a soup with bread. But I got some sake to go with it and to help with the tipsyness. It was really delicious and I made sure to thank the chef properly as I left.
      They had a smokeless fire in the corner of the room which I think was pretty amazing and added to the jazz vibe.
      I even played the piano a little in the train station on the way back to the hotel as I figured why not...
      I then headed back to the hotel for a late night onsen for the muscles, hopefully they can take the walking planned for tomorrow.
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    • Jour 54


      1 novembre 2023, Japon ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      I received by email an invite to volunteer at the Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024. An invite to volunteer at the Olympic Games in Marseille came a few weeks later.
      Leaving Sendai and travelling west, the coach took us to a dairy farm in the hills near Zao where we made ice-cream. We put a small jar containing cream into a larger jar which was half-filled with ice. Salt was added to make it colder. We shook the large jar for 10 minutes using a hand-towel since it got colder. Both jars were opened and we ate the ice-cream which was stuck to the sides of the small jar.
      The next stop was at a viewpoint of a waterfall surrounded by the autumn foliage.
      We stopped by a small shrine and a hot-spring foot-bath in Zao.
      There were lots of ropeways since Zao is a ski resort. The coach climbed around many hairpin-bends to reach the summit and the Okama volcanic crater lake near Mt Kattadake.at 1720m. There was a little snow in some gullies, and the temperature had dropped. Steve ordered our lunches from a vending machine in the cafe at the summit.
      In the afternoon, continuing our coast-to-coast journey, there was a long drive to Niigata, the final 90 minutes in the dark through many tunnels and then rice paddies.
      We arrived at the Hotel Sunroute at 18.30.
      I had dinner with two others in a booth in a restaurant. I had a steak followed by ice-cream sprinkled with parmesan cheese plus a red-bean mochi.
      There was a thunderstorm during the night.
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    • Jour 55


      2 novembre 2023, Japon ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Using our IC Cards, we took a local bus to a rare Catholic church, and then to the Saito summer villa and garden, an example of Meiji-era architecture with sliding doors and some wall paintings.
      We walked to the Art Museum to see an exhibition by the local photography club plus a gallery of paintings.
      At lunchtime, I walked to the Hakusan Park and Shrine where small children in national costume were being photographed.
      I walked along the embankment of the Shinano River, the longest in Japan, for a few kilometres and almost reached the Sea of Japan, passing a few signs in Russian. Retracing my steps back into town, I went to the 20th floor of the Media Ship building for an overview of the city, river and sea.
      I had an early dinner at a western-style restaurant, and then looked at the Paris 2024 information on my iPad.
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    • Jour 56

      Sado Island

      3 novembre 2023, Japon ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We took taxis to the Niigata Ferry Port for the 2.5 hour journey to Ryotsu, the port on Sado Island. We sat in a reserved 1st class lounge on the 5th floor of the ferry.
      A guide took us in a minibus to a large Japanese-style convenience store to buy a snack lunch which we consumed by the beach on the west coast.
      We drove to Shukunego to walk round an old fishing village. Some of the group went on coracles inside the harbour whilst some of us had ice-cream sandwiches.
      Then we drove to the OgiTaiko Centre to play and have a demonstration on the Kodo drums which was good fun. The drumming tradition came from China. I played a drum called Mister Potato made from a tree 600 years old, and Miss Piggy made from an inverted tree branch. The drummers have two years of daily practice and abstinence before being qualified to play publicly.
      We checked in at the Yoshida Ryokan with bedrooms with tatami floors and futons. Dinner was a Japanese set meal, and there was a performance of classical Japanese dancing afterwards.
      Sado had a lot of closed premises and is suffering from depopulation as the young move away, e.g. there is no university on the island.
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    • Jour 57

      Sado Island

      4 novembre 2023, Japon ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      On a rare wet morning, we went to the Sado Gold and Silver Mine Museum which explained the history of mining on the island via four videos. Then we went to the Gold Mine, walking down passageways on duckboards and seeing working models of the activities in the Mine. It was well-presented.
      We also saw ruins of the Mitshubishi mining facility.
      We went to the reconstructed Office of the Magistrate with its many rooms of tatami flooring and sliding doors. Next door was the reconstructed Seriba where separation of the gold and the silver was done by crushing, milling and sluicing.
      We went to Konpan-ji which had a 5-step pagoda, shrine and peaceful garden with few visitors.
      After a visit to a sake distillery and shop, we went to Tokinomori Park to see the Toki-crested ibises. There is a breeding programme and release into the wild. The ibises turn pink in the breeding season. We saw a few in the fields.
      Back at the ryokan, I went to the rooftop onsen before going out for a sushi dinner.
      Lunch was in a building in a conservation area with a sea-view.
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    • Jour 3

      Snowboarding Ikenotaira Ski Resort

      22 février, Japon ⋅ 🌫 0 °C

      I arrived into my first Michi No Eki late last night, but still managed to get up early enough to ride some first day Freshies with Aleisha and James. Big long tree runs, and nice welcoming terrain to get the ole sea legs Great times in the trees and everywhere!!!En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Niigata-ken, Präfektur Niigata, Niigata, Prefektur Niigata, نييغاتا, Прэфектура Ніігата, Ниигата, Prefectura de Niigata, نیگاتا, Prefektura Niigata, Niigata-præfekturet, Gubernio Niigata, Niigata prefektuur, استان نیگاتا, Niigatan prefektuuri, Préfecture de Niigata, Niigata prefektúra, Prepektura ti Niigata, Prefettura di Niigata, 新潟県, Préfèktur Niigata, 니가타 현, Nigata, Nijigatos prefektūra, Ņiigatas prefektūra, निगाता, Wilayah Niigata, Niigata-koān, Niigata Prefekture, ضلع نیایگاٹا, Prefectura Niigata, Niigata Prefectur, Префектура Нигата, Niigata Prefecture, Niigata prefektur, Mkoa wa Niigata, Префектураи Ниигата, จังหวัดนีงะตะ, Prepektura ng Niigata, Префектура Ніїґата, 新潟縣, 新潟县


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