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    • День 1

      Day 2

      29 апреля, Япония ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Another long day as out for 12 hours with a lot of walking (23k steps!). Left the hotel at around 10am as slept through an alarm because of jet lag. Had some nice Japanese pattiseries for breakfast although mine had crème cheese and custard mixed which was a bit weird. We then headed into Tokyo centre which is around a 30 min metro ride from our local station! We had booked the open top city bus tour and spent an hour and a half touring Tokyo. Luckily was a nice day so nice to sit out in shorts on the bus and learn some history. After we walked 30 mins or so to the famous Tsujiki fish market to see some of the stalls! As we were on our way we spotted a big queue of locals going into a ramen restaurant (usually a sign for good food) so we stopped for lunch there and had a nice bowl of hearty ramen pictured below! They make it all in front of you as you sit around the kitchen on stools at a bar with all Japanese sitting in silence slurping away! Luckily they give you big apron as as it’s good manners to slurp in Japan the broth from the ramen goes everywhere! We both had a nice Japanese beer and are working through them. After we went to the market and looked over all the crazy things they were serving we walked just over 2 hours to Tokyo tower pictured below. On route Sinéad stopped by Uniqlo (one just opened in Edinburgh too) and bought some clothes. We had pre booked a tour up the tower but it was very busy still! Lift takes you up at 600 metres a minute. Amazing views from the top though which makes you realise just how big the city is (32 million people making it the biggest city on earth) those were the same views all 360 degrees round! After the tower we went back to a restaurant we had passed and had some fried pork cutlets with rice miso soup and pickles, was tasty and cheap! With 2 glasses of wine each it and food it came to £20. After we had to get 2 trains home which took about an hour and Sinead was nodding off every few mins because of our walk and jet lag combo! Now back in the hotel for an early ish night as long day again tomorrow!Читать далее

    • День 3

      Day 3

      1 мая, Япония ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Long day again as just back after being out for 13 hours! Left at 9.30ish and had a nice breakfast at a bakery next door with egg, bacon bread and some miso soup! We then set off to see an amazing digital art show called ‘borderless’ which we had booked. It was a massive centre filled with rooms that were covered in mirrors and lights! Each room had art that moved and changed and had different scents, very cool experience.

      After we had toured each room and spent a good hour or so in there we had a browse around the local mall which was very posh and clean. The food there was amazing and had been arranged orderly and perfect. The fruit was some of the biggest juiciest non blemished fruit I’ve seen. I had the strawberries and they were amazing! Sinead got an Apple the size of a small football! Imagine Harvey Nichols on steroids with all the Japanese responsible for a section each and working like a well oiled machine. We can’t get over how well dressed everyone is here. It’s like being in a fashion shoot with all the designer clothes.

      We then walked around an hour or so to the imperial palace and the weather got nice and sunny. We walked the grounds with their weird shaped trees and I took lots of pics of the amazing nature mixed with the temple buildings and office skyscrapers. From my very brief stint in my failed sustainable urban management course I could really tell just how well the Japanese landscape architect. Everything has some sort of immaculately groomed greenery on it!

      After the palace we walked another hour to the stadium of Tokyo giants baseball game where we saw a great but very long derby game with the Tokyo giants against the Swallows! We were right up in the rafters with a great view so happy to see that! Both got hotdogs with mustard and ketchup and got a beer from the poor girls that run up and down the stairs with a keg of beer strapped to their backs! Sinead cheered on the other team and hers sadly won but it was a close game with a few home runs and lasted over 3.5 hours….

      After the game we left with 30,000 people although the Japanese were great and every single person left at the same time orderly all taking with them all of their rubbish to the bins inside before they left in a line down the stairs! We got the metro back to our zone Shinjuku and had what I think was our best meal yet. We shared some dumplings and gyoza with some kimchi, chicken and beef stir fry! I had something called a ginger highball to drink which was really refreshing. Another 20k+ steps done and now 1am with an early start Tommorow!
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    • День 63

      …zum Onsen nach Noboribetsu

      25 мая, Япония ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Samstag, 25.05.2024
      37. Radltag
      vom Toyasee nach Noboribetsu Onsen
      76 km , 11h30 Gesamtzeit, 1.193 hm, 5h38 Zeit in Bewegung

      6h Tagwache, 6:45 Frühstück mit herrlichem Ausblick auf den See und Abfahrt aus dem Hotel um 8:30. Es ging mal gleich kurz ein wenig um den See, und dann aus der Calderasenke des Sees wieder bergauf dem Meer zu.
      Wir fuhren auf der Bundesstraße, das Meer zur Rechten und links bewaldete Hügel, es war frisch, wir hatten ca. 14° aber die Sonne schien und zwischen weißen Wolken blitzte der blaue Himmel durch.
      Mittags gegen 12.30 enterten wir den Supermarkt und kauften für Mittagessen, Abendessen und Frühstück ein. Dann gings noch ein wenig am Meer entlang, doch die Straße nach Noboribetsu wand sich wieder mal den Hügel hinauf. Inzwischen muß ich sagen, daß mir das mental überhaupt nichts mehr ausmacht. Ich weiß ich werd den Berg in meinem Tempo ohne Absteigen schaffen.Und es macht überhaupt nichts aus wie lange ich brauch.
      Aber ich werde schon schneller, und heute war Alex hinter mir. Er hat sich heute auf einem Firmengelände verfranzt und so kamen wir fast gleichzeitig beim Dai ichi Thaki motokan Hotel an. Schon 100 m vor dem Hotel traten heiße Dampfwolken aus der Erde.
      Es war 16h und wir genoßen bis 18 h das öffentliche Onsen direkt an den heißen Geysiren. Leider wieder mal getrennt. Aber vielleicht kam ich gerade deshalb mit einer Australierin mit japanischem Aussehen ins Gespräch. Eva hieß sie. Sie war allein hier, und wir redeten über Gott und die Welt. Auf Englisch, und sie hat mich doch direkt gut verstanden. So hatte ich jedenfalls den Eindruck und ich hatte sie auch gut verstanden.
      So traf ich um 18h Alex wieder vor der Eingangstüre. Nun gings an die Schlafplatzsuche. Wir radelten noch ca. 1 km bergauf, dort lag lt. Google maps der Geysirsee, der den Onsen speiste. Und da war er schon! Es dampfte und sprudelte und es stank doch etwas nach Schwefel. Dazu muss ich sagen, daß mein Ausschlag inzwischen auf Grund des schwefelhaltigen Onsenwassers schon viel besser geworden ist.
      Neben dem Aussichtsparkplatz am See, wurde eine schöne Wiese für das Zelt auserkoren. Es gab einen Tisch mit 2 Bänken (sehr feudal, sonst sitzen wir ja immer auf dem Boden). Alex kochte Udon Nudeln mit Brokkoli-Spargel-Schwammerlsauce und es gab Salat dazu.
      Die paar Japaner die auch noch heraufgekommen waren mit ihren Autos verschwanden, und nun hatten wir den ganzen Spot für uns allein.
      Herrlich, vielleicht wird es heute in der Nacht auch nicht so Kalt, denn wir liegen ja in der Senke des heißen Sees mit dem warmen Wasserdampf.
      Bin gespannt.
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    • День 56

      …bis zum Yoneshiro River

      18 мая, Япония ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Samstag, 18.05.2024
      vom Campground Fukumezawa zum Schlafplatzerl am Yoneshiro River
      78 km, 387 hm, 9h12 Gesamtzeit, 5 h in Bewegung

      Heute um 7:30 verließen wir unseren schönen Zeltplatz. Der junge Japaner mit dem Motorbike war schon lange vor uns aufgebrochen.
      Wir fuhren die 7er Bundesstraße mindestens 30 km, es ging an 1000den von Reisfeldern vorbei. Heute hatte ich das Gefühl, ganz Japan beginnt mit dem Einpflanzen der Reishalme in die Felder.
      Die kleinen Lkws mit den Millionen von kleinen Reishälmchen waren überall zu sehen.
      Bei einem schönen großen Supermarkt frühstückten wir, luden unsere Handys und Powerbanks, und danach kauften wir Mittag-, Abendessen und Frühstück ein.
      Heute wars einfach nur herrlich! Angenehme Temperaturen, moderate Steigungen und wunderschöne Landschaft. Japan ist wirklich ein Traum.
      Mittagessen gabs auf einem Rastplatz mit tollem WC und Schatten. Wir saßen am Gehsteig, und vor uns ein riesiger abgestellter LKW mit Autos drauf. Niemand war zu sehen. Wir waren schon fertig, da wurde plötzlich der Motor eingeschaltet. Kurz darauf spang eine Japanerin aus der Fahrerkabine. Alex plauderte gleich mit ihr drauf los,sichtlich beeindruckt, daß so ein Riesen-LKW mit 2 Autos drauf von einer kleinen zierlichen Frau gelenkt wurde. Leider verneinte sie ein gemeinsames Foto.
      Es ging zügig dahin, und so spulten wir unsere km sehr easy herunter. Gegen 16:30 begannen wir mit der Schlafplatzsuche am Fluss.
      Wir fanden ein sehr nettes Platzerl, direkt bei der Schleuse eines Wasserkanals in den Fluss.
      Wir kochten, speisten, und Alex montierte unsere Airtags an unseren Bikes. So wissen wir immer, wo unsere Radln sind. Die Montagestelle wird natürlich nicht verraten.
      Dann hängten wir noch unseren Lebensmittel-Rucksack in einen hohen Baum.
      Beim 1. Mal werfen, Seil mit Stein durch eine Astgabel, hätte der Stein Alex fast getroffen. Beim 2. Mal klappte es dann.
      Jetzt hängt er hoch oben und der Bär kann nicht ran. Na, er hat ja eh uns 2 im Zelt,
      falls er Fleisch doch lieber mag als unsere Nüsse und Früchte und den Reis.
      Heute plätschert der Bach bei uns vorbei, und wir werden sicher deswegen gut schlafen,wenn nicht ab und zu der Zug vorbeifährt und uns aus dem Schlaf reißt.
      Aber das Geräusch des Zuges ist zumindestens sehr rythmisch.
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    • День 55

      Kampf der Wind Warriors

      17 мая, Япония ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      2 Nächte Pause im Spa Resort in Akita mit Onsen
      3 Nächte Pause im Ana Crown in Akita

      Freitag, 17.05.2024
      von Akita zum Campground in Fukumezawa
      50 km, 215 hm, 6 h25 Gesamtzeit, 3h 51 Zeit in Bewegung

      Heute hervorragendes Frühstücksbuffet im Ana Crown, um 11h ausgecheckt. Ich bin wieder heil! Zinkoxydsalbe hilft ja doch gut! Es geht im leichten Nieselregen durch Akita, wir durchfahren Stadtteile mit vielen Einfamilienhäusern, dann geht es wieder Teile auf der Bundesstraße und durch die Reisfelder.
      Es ist heute sehr windig und teilweise gibt es Böen mit 40 km/h, sonst ist der Wind bei 2o-25 km/h. Beim Fahren kommt der Wind von links, und wenn eine Böe kommt versetzt es das Radl um ca. 30 cm. Stellenweise gelingt es mir, mich direkt links an den Wind anzulehnen, wenn eine Böe daherkommt. Es ist also heute spannendes Fahrtechniktraining angesagt. Mittagspause machen wir bei einem Max Valu, bei dem wir gleich drinnen essen können. Auch Abendessen und Frühstück haben wir gleich eingekauft.
      Alex entdeckt auch noch seinen Lieblingshop, Daiso, einen mit bei uns vergleichbarem 1€ Shop. Dort ersteht er zu dem vorher schon gekauften sauteurem Bärenspray (€ 110,—) ein Gürtelhalterung und ein Küchenmesser, das zum Bärenfänger umfunktioniert wird und auch in der Gürtelhalterung seinen Platz findet.
      Auch 2 Stück 10m lange dünne Seile hat er noch erstanden. Damit können wir unser Essen in den Bäumen aufhängen.
      Ich denke wir sind jetzt wirklich save!
      Wir steigen wieder auf unsere Drahtesel und siehe da, das Wetter hat sich gebessert, der Himmel hat ein paar blaue Flecken bekommen und die Sonne kämpft sich durch die Wolken.
      Ich habe für die Nacht einen kostenlosen Campground herausgesucht. Dieser liegt an einem kleinen See, unter vielen Kirschbäumen, und es gibt überdachte Plätze mit Tischen und Bänken, und es gibt sogar einen Waschplatz mit Strom, wo wir unsere Handys laden können. Auch ein Sanitärhäuschen gibt es.
      Um 17h hat die Sonne es geschafft alle Wolken zu vertreiben, der See glitzert und Alex hat uns Udon Nudeln gekocht. Ich hab den Salat gemacht und Zwiebel, Knoblauch und Ingwer geschnitten.
      Inzwischen hat auch ein junger Japaner hier sein Zelt aufgestellt. Er ist mit dem Motorrad unterwegs und kommt aus Tokio. Er meint sein Englisch ist dürftig und ich glaube deswegen ist unser Gespräch auch sehr sehr kurz.
      Nach 5 Nächten Hotelluft und Fenster die nur einen Spalt breit zu öffnen sind, ist Alex richtig glücklich,heute wieder ganz viel Frischluft tanken zu können.
      Wir liegen schon im Zelt, eingepackt in unsere warmen Schlafsäcke. Ich schreibe und Alex telefoniert noch geschäftlich.
      Es wird auch nicht mehr regnen, und morgen wirds sonnig!
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    • День 5

      Day 5

      3 мая, Япония ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Day 5 started with an early rise! Up at 6.15am as we had to get into Disneyland early as we had heard the queues were crazy! We had a mad rush across Tokyo metro to get to our train on time! Tokyo metro is like a whole city underground, in the morning it’s jam packed and you have to weave in and out of people coming from every direction!

      When we got to our stop (45 mins away) we had to get the Disney Monorail! We had tickets to the sea world rather than the main park as didn’t want to deal with the queues! Despite this there was already thousands of people queuing before it opened at 9am so we queued for an hour or so (luckily in the sun) to get in! Thank god we went today and not yesterday!

      Each ride took about 45-hour of queuing which I was told was not bad to my amazement! The feet are in absolute bits today after 4 days straight of 20k steps and standing on my feet all day! Each section of the park had a different rollercoaster theme and country theme! We went to Italy, USA, morroco which I’ve included above! Also the Japanese are great for not inflating prices at tourist spots! Lunch was about £3/4 which would be £50 in the UK!

      We left after getting tired at 4pm! Train back to Tokyo central and then headed across to Shibiyu to see the famous crossing and go to the sky bar we had booked! We nipped into pick up our JR rail pass before so (we’d be travelling on bullet trains next week) Crossing was amazing with people coming from 8 different ways! We tried it ourselves. After this we went up to the skybar to see the view, it involved another queue so the feet were done at this point. More great views from the top and then search for dinner.

      We settled on a Japanese place and had some Korean noodles and a funny frittata like thing! There’s no English on the menus and no body speaks a word so it’s just pot luck half the time! Was delicious though, and got some Japanese beer with it. Metro stop back and it was an early night. Off to Kyoto in the morning via bullet train.
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    • День 3

      Day 4

      1 мая, Япония ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Slight change of plan today as we had originally booked to go to Tokyo Disney Sea but unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worse and the rain started early and lasted all day with heavy downpours! Instead we changed our time for Disney and are going tommrow instead. Luckily the rain is only for one day and we are back to mine weather!

      As it was rainy we decided to go to a Japanese shopping outlet to get some designer clothes cheap! We took the metro early and were right in amongst the Japanese work craze! The metro was rammed and we were crammed on like sardines. I tried to capture what it was like but everyone in Japanese metro looks at the floor on silence as no one dares make eye contact and you could hear a pin drop! Not one person chats.

      We took the metro then train for 30
      Mins and both did some shopping. Normally it’s something I hate but I braved going to Levi’s store and got chatting with a young Japanese worker there who had studied a year in Ireland. He told me about their promotion and I ended buying 3 pairs of Levi’s jeans (light blue, navy and black jeans) all for a combined 13,000 yen which is just £70! got a nice shirt from banana republic cheap too and without tax due to the passport! Sinéad got a great Michael Kors bag 75% off! After a long day of shoping we had coffee and food in the mall and headed back as we were a bit wet from getting caught in the rain! Luckily I’m Japan get package your paper bags with plastic covers!

      More rain and we dropped our bags off at the hotel then set out to go to the famous pokemon cafe in Tokyo centre! (Japan created pokemon) unfortunately when we arrived we found out you needed to book in advance and the next 30 days were sold out! However there was a queue for cancellations so we waited in that and we’re lucky to be told we had sometime drop out so come back in an hour! We came back and both had a Gengar (a ghost Pokémon) themed smoothie and enjoyed the pokemon cafe! Was a big nuts but cool too relive some of my childhood playing Pokémon!

      After the cafe we tried to get into a few places (still need to have some sushi and Sinéad wants udon noodles) everything in Tokyo was packed so we were forced to go to a burger place ! Was decent burger and I love the drink I keep ordering (ginger highball ) it’s basically ginger ale and whiskey with lime! Sinead says it’s a copy Jameson ginger ale lime! But delicious! Sinead found a small metal thing on her burger so they have us the drinks on the house!

      After the burger and getting caught in more rain we went to an underground sherry bar in Shinjuku! I went for Japanese whiskey mixed with Pedro Ximenez and bitters! It had a huge Diamond piece ice cube which they carved up with knifes and was delicious! Up very early tomorrow so an early night (12.30am has become early night for us!)
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    • День 6

      Oh, it's a sandwich!

      12 апреля 2023 г., Япония ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      How can I adequately describe Tokyo DisneySea? I agonised over this for minutes, until I realised there is only one way to do it justice. In the immortal words of cultural heavyweight Borat Sagdiyev, DisneySea is 'Wee waa, woo waa!'

      Once again we had an early start, although not as retina searingly early as yesterday. Today's park odyssey kicked off at the gentlemanly hour of 6am.

      At 7:30am we walked the two hundred metres from our hotel to the special hotel queue for my new favourite phrase, 'Happy Entry'. I'm already a master at this, but I think I probably have been for a long time, only we haven't put a title on it before.

      On the stroke of 8:15am the cast members activated the turnstiles to unleash the horde. My research had informed me that Soaring: Fantastic Flight can quickly reach queue levels of 120 minutes plus, so we beelined for that, and once again were in the first boarding group. The ride is the same as in California, Florida and Shanghai, except for the local scenes at the end of the flight naturally. By the time we exited the ride the queue had grown to impressive length, over 80 minutes, so it was a good choice to knock it off early.

      My next must do was Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love the Indiana Jones ride at Anaheim and had high hopes for the Tokyo iteration. To my relief it lived up to it's namesake, and is possibly even better, so I've ridden it twice today, and will ride it quite a bit more on Friday, now that I've discovered its Single Rider line.

      The following few hours saw me ride all the tentpole attractions at DisneySea, including Raging Spirits, Tower of Terror (twice), Journey to the Centre of the Earth, DisneySea Electric Railway, S.S. Columbia and Toy Story Mania.

      Breaking up this high speed park orbiting ride whirlwind were stops for Churros and the chance to try a Reuben at the New York Deli. This isn't some Puerto Rican dude in hotpants like it sounds, but a really tasty sandwich, which came as a great relief to me!

      To finish off the evening I watched Disney's Light the Night fireworks show, which is small by U.S. standards, but a good way to conclude another great park day.

      Tomorrow it's our second and last day at Tokyo Disneyland. For some reason it opens later tomorrow, but I'm not arguing about the chance for a little extra sleep.
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    • День 3–4

      Jozankei Ryokan and Onsen

      5 октября 2023 г., Япония ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We rented a car in Sapporo and drove about 45 minutes to a ryokan in an onsen town called Jozankei. It was a funny looking car but similar to what everyone is driving here. Jorma always impresses with me his navigation skills while also managing to remember which side of the road to drive on and which way to look before pulling out (most of the time). We stopped in Otaru which had a fish cake factory and a very quaint street with old historical buildings along the canal. It was beautiful in the rain. Jorma loved the fish cakes so much.

      We drove on to Jozankei, it is a beautiful mountain town with natural hot springs. The weather was drizzly, cool and cloudy- perfect! First stop was a little cafe that had a foot bath you could use while drinking your warm beverage. It was wonderful! But just a tiny glimpse into the wonderment of the evening we were about to experience.

      Jorma warned me that he had booked one of the less expensive ryokans in the area. The inn was wonderful in every way. The front desk woman who checked us in gave us perfect instructions on our stay and we booked our dinner time with her. We had a traditional room with a tatami mat for sleeping. The bedding would be set up while we were dining. We had two pairs of clothes each for onsen, men's were blue and women's were red. There were also two each of a heavier jacket to wear over the clothes (probably not called pajamas?). We both wanted to experience the onsen because they were natural hot spring baths. The men and women are on separate floors and they switch the floors by gender from morning to afternoon. The women were on the second floor in the evening, this was the bigger floor with more baths and the flower bath. I loved the flower bath which was a bath that was surrounded by tiled seats in a circle that made it look like a flower. It was beautiful and comfortable. I was still getting used to being completed naked in the bathing area but was worth it for these gorgeous hot springs baths. There was an open air bath that felt so nice because it was raining outside and the hot bath was so soothing....mmmmmm.

      The sun sets here at about 17:05, so early! There was a laser light show installation through a forest and on the bridge over the river. It was amazing and so much fun! I am very glad that it wasn't raining too hard, otherwise they may have canceled the show. So glad we were able to experience that.

      Next up, our kaiseki dinner. We were told it was fine to wear the clothes that were provided for us to dinner. I love that concept. It is nice to not worry about your outfit and be dressed like everyone else.

      Kaiseki is a traditional multi course Japanese dinner. Our server was wonderful. I don't know what she was saying of course but I loved her energy and her smile. The food presentation was more beautiful with each course she served. There were so many different textures and flavors. Some I loved and some maybe not as much. But always fun to try new things. I felt like the food was fairly healthy which I enjoyed. Mostly vegetables, seaweed and seafood. The main course was beef wrapped around tofu. It would have been better without the beef in my opinion. Jorma was using Google translate to read about each course. At one point he teased me and said 'rabbit yogurt' and I said 'rabbit yogurt?!?' We both cracked up. Guess you had to be there.

      Next up we had booked a private hot stone bed bath for both of us. She told us to change into yet another pair of jammies and gave us the instructions for the hot stone bed. Undress, drink some water and lie down on your tummy on the hot stone for 10 minutes. It is always hard for me to lay on my stomach but especially immediately after dinner, ugh. Then onto your back for 10 minutes. After that, rest for 5 minutes, drink some water and repeat- 10 minutes face down, 10 minutes on your back. It was surprisingly relaxing.

      There was one more thing we had to check out before heading up to sleep on the floor. Our host had told us about the night lounge that was a free space open until 23:00. They serve snacks, coffee and hot wine. We took a long walk from the area where the baths are, outside in the rain to a separate building. Oh but it was so great. It felt like being in someone's living room. There was cozy furniture, relaxing music, art and books. And also, mulled wine, crackers and roasted sweet potatoes. I was still full from dinner but was excited for the warm wine, it was yummy! There were also foot baths on the deck with blankets to keep you warm. The older gentleman who was hosting the lounge came out and stirred the baths and showed me how to open the tap for more hot water. The water is HOT, you must be careful when adding hot water. So don't scald yourself because it will take away from the absolute magic of this place.

      We slept well on the beds they made for us on the floor. We went down to the front desk area for some fresh juices, coffee and tea. I went to the onsen to bathe before breakfast because there NO towels in our room. I must deduct two points for that.

      Breakfast was an amazing Japanese breakfast buffet. There were so many items available. So much fish, seaweed, nori, along with continental breakfast items. It was impressive and very good.

      Jorma waited to go to the onsen after breakfast and I decided to rest and relax before it was time to pack up and leave.

      It was pretty rainy and stormy on our way back to Sapporo. Jorma picked a long route (4-5 hours) back. It was a bit scary at some points with the heavy rain and wind but we found some beautiful spots. We stopped at a rest stop that had a beautiful park with waterfalls and so much foliage. Amazing surprise.

      Right outside of Sapporo Jorma stopped at a cemetery that featured a huge buddha on a hill. It is hard to explain the architecture but I will try. The buddha was set into a hill and just the top of his head was sticking up. The hill surrounding him was planted with lavender which of course was not blooming. The statue itself was so impressive though. And it was beautiful in the rain. I saw pictures in the gift shop of the statue in the spring when the lavender was blooming but also in winter in the snow. Wow! I would love to see those seasons too.

      We made it back to Sapporo and stayed just one more night there. Next up was the bullet train back to Tokyo.
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    • День 7

      My food is looking at me!

      13 апреля 2023 г., Япония ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      For some reason which I couldn't figure out Tokyo Disneyland didn't open until 9:30 this morning. On the plus side that meant I didn't have to get up at 'Oh my god!' o'clock.

      Even though it was a more relaxed morning we still got to the park in time to take advantage of Happy Entry, but something dodgy happened this morning, because when we got through the gates and fast-walked to the Beauty and Beast ride there was already a queue time of 80 minutes. I first noticed something wasn't quite right when I saw people strolling in the wrong direction. Nobody strolls during Happy Entry. You walk with unwavering purpose towards your ride, stopping for nothing, or you say 'Rules are for suckers!' and you just run. What you don't do is stroll!

      I suspect there is a secret Happier-Happy Entry, which is only available to the 1%, members of the secret underground network that runs the planet. Anti-vaxxers know what I mean, the lizard people and their pets.

      Anyway, I digress, the short version is that Beauty and the Beast at 80 minutes was a hard no from me. My max queue time is about 45 minutes, unless it's a Star Wars ride, so instead, we did a walk-on at Buzz Lightyear.

      Coming off the ride it was about 10am and time to sample some more unique culinary experiences. This time it was Alien Mochi at Plasma Rayz diner. You get three small green mochi. Each one has a different sweet filling, either strawberry, chocolate or custard. How could I choose a favourite when they all look so cute, and were all delicious?

      Refueled and ready to ride the next stop was Big Thunder Mountain. This was quickly backed up by The Haunted Mansion, which is superior to both US versions, then another death-defying encounter with the Pirates of the Caribbean.

      To round off the morning we decided to ride the Tokyo equivalent of the Disneyland Railway, the Western River Railroad. This is a great, relaxing way to see Adventureland and Frontierland, while also taking a break out of the sun and giving your legs some time off.

      Theme parking sure makes you hungry, so I just had to buy a Monsters Inc Melon Bun as a lunch starter before crossing the park to Fantasyland to order my main at La Taverne de Gaston. I wavered throughout the queue line between choosing the filled croissant and the french toast sandwich. Finally when I got to the counter I panicked and ordered the french toast sandwich. Fortunately it was delicious and was probably the better choice. Once again my indecision pays off!

      By now it was 2pm and time for a break, so we headed out of the park to catch the monorail back to the hotel. The plan for later is to have dinner at Ikspiari before surging back into the park to finish off with some marque rides, and maybe a sneaky churro or two. Don't worry, theme park calories are only calculated at twenty cents on the dollar, so you can go nuts.
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