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    • Day 27

      Shinto Shrine

      September 3, 2019 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      The Shinto Shrine in Sapporo is set in a beautiful forest setting. It is very tranquil. We pass under the arch and walk through the trees to the place where you purify your body prior to entering the Shrine itself.Read more

    • Day 494


      September 12, 2018 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      This small town on the coast is famous for its’ seafood, historic stone buildings and a very scenic canal. We really enjoyed our brief time here walking along the canal and a pretty path along the old railway line, drinking local beer and sake, and admiring the beautiful, old buildings that lined the quaint streets and alleys. Glass making is a local specialty and a very good museum highlighted some of the world’s best glass making traditions, including an amazing display of Tiffany glass (which we weren’t allowed to photograph, unfortunately) displayed in an impressive old, stone bank.Read more

    • Day 43

      Otaru and its canal

      June 25, 2022 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      J'ai beaucoup aimé Otaru !

      C'est une ville proche de Sapporo contrairement aux autres que j'ai pu faire dans la semaine.

      Otaru est connue pour son canal et son artisanat du verre, mais il y a quelques autres surprises aussi, il m'a suffit de marcher un peu dans les environs pour les découvrir ☺️

      Beaucoup de maisons et bâtiments d'époque ont été conservés, j'ai par exemple vu un ancien quartier des finances. Il y a aussi une petite ruelle avec de vieux livres et affiches de cinéma. Ça donne vraiment plusieurs aspects à Otaru, c'est très sympa.

      À la fin de la première journée, je me suis arrêté chez un caviste qui avait son propre restaurant franco-italien, et j'ai goûté le vin d'Otaru 🍷

      Grosse surprise au réveil, le staff de la guesthouse où je séjournais pour la nuit m'avait laissé un petit cadeau d'anniversaire, juste devant la porte de ma chambre 🎁
      J'ai été très touché : je restais à peine une journée, et je n'avait rien dit concernant mon anniversaire, ils ont trouvé ça d'eux même !

      Avant de reprendre le train, je suis allé dans la rue Sakaimachi, une rue assez vivante en journée car il y a pleins de petits restaurants, boutiques ainsi que des pâtisseries réputées.

      J'y ai trouvé une boutique de boîtes à musique, et je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher d'en prendre une. De nombreuses mélodies sont proposées (Ghibli, JPop, classique) et on peut même passer commande pour un morceau spécifique sélectionné dans un catalogue. Un peu à la manière d'un Karaoké 🎤

      Pour faciliter le transport, j'ai pris un modèle avec une peluche, mais il y en a de toutes les tailles et on voit très bien le mécanisme sur les autres modèles.

      I really liked Otaru!

      It's a city close to Sapporo unlike the others I went to during the week.

      Otaru is known for its canal and glass crafts, but there are some other surprises too, all I needed to discover them was to walk a bit ☺️

      Many houses and buildings have been preserved as they were before, for example I saw an old financial district. There is also a small alley with old books and movie posters. It really gives many different faces to Otaru, it's really nice.

      At the end of the first day, I stopped at a wine shop that had its own French-Italian restaurant, and tasted Otaru wine 🍷

      When I woke up in the morning, big surprise. The staff of the guesthouse where I was staying for the night had left me a little birthday present, right in front of my room door 🎁
      I was very moved: I was a very short stay, and I didn't even tell about my birthday, they figure it out on their own !

      Before getting back on the train, I went to Sakaimachi street, it's quite lively during the day because there are lots of small restaurants, stores and also famous pastry shops.

      I found a music box store there, and I couldn't help but take one. Many melodies are available (Ghibli, JPop, classical) and you can even order a specific one selected from a catalog. Like in a Karaoke 🎤

      For ease of transport, I took a model inside a plush, but there are all kinds and sizes you can choose from, and you often see the mechanism on the other models.

      次は小樽(おたる)、小樽です~ 🚉




      電車に乗る前に、面白い店を見つけた。オルゴールの店だったからついに一つをかった。小さい豚のぬいぐるみ😁 可愛いでしょう?

      ビデオを見てくださいね 🎶
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    • Day 16


      March 30, 2019 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Otaru est une ville touristique à 40min environ de Sapporo. Ce port était autrefois appelé le "Wall Street du nord" et comprend en plus de son jolie canal de nombreux établissements bancaire construit dans un style occidental. On y retrouve principalement des magasins de verres, de boîte à musique et des pâtisseries! Nous avons donc déambulé dans les rues par un beau soleil, goûtant des spécialités et récupérant des souvenirs. Nous avons aussi visité une ancienne banque avec une intéressante exposition sur la modernisation du système bancaire au Japon entre 1880 et 1950.Read more

    • Day 12

      The Famous Otaru Canal

      May 20, 2016 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Today we took in more of Japan's west coast, we headed up as far as Shakotan and then worked our way back to Otaru which is famous for its canal & glass art. Lots of tunnels along the way and still quite a bit of snow on the peaks. Also still very warm, it was 26 degrees mid afternoon. Janet's elusive search for 'special' Japanese socks has also finally been realised. Tomorrow we move location and our accommodation as we are staying in a Ryokan for Janet's birthday. Will update you WiFi permitting tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 11


      September 14, 2016 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      We travelled from Lake Toyako to Otaru today. We found this place called Otaru Asari Classe Hotel, which is located in the hills about 30 mins bus ride from Otaru Station on a bus. This place must be pretty busy in winter for skiing.
      Otaru is a port city and feels very different to Lake Toyako.

      Some pics from Otaru. I liked what someone did with the climber plants.

      Received an email about a job interview today.

      This place where we are staying at has an outside bath. I had a bath outside in the soft rain. So very nice. For dinner Jeff and I ate delicious sushi. I ate sea urchin for the first time ever. It was nice but I still don't understand why it's such a big deal. Jeff had nice sake.

      Day 2 in Otaru. Today we had a 'home day'. We did some laundry, went to a stretch class at the hotel (which was pretty weird), spent some time at the gym, bath and at a restaurant in the hotel. Spent a lazy but a nice day. We both read quite a bit today.
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    • Day 26

      Otaru, Japan

      September 24, 2014 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We are so happy to get to Japan! After being on the cruise for so long, we were looking forward to some good Japanese food. We had our first of many real Japanes Ramen to come, and a really really goof fish cake!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Otaru-shi, 小樽市

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