The trail between Fujii-dera (T11) and Shosan-ji (T12) is 9 miles with an elevation gain of 3,500 feet and requires three peaks to be topped. It took over 6 hours of often strenuous hiking to completeRead more
The trail between Fujii-dera (T11) and Shosan-ji (T12) is 9 miles with an elevation gain of 3,500 feet and requires three peaks to be topped. It took over 6 hours of often strenuous hiking to completeRead more
Today is a little tricky because of the lodging situation. I check out and get on the road early walking over to the youth hostel for tonight. I dropped my bag there and I managed to also check in. SoRead more
After just 3 days of walking it seems a little early to take a rest day but I actually need it.
I have a chance to download Shogun the book and start in on it and I have some homework that I broughtRead more
Another temple I short changed because I still needed to walk a mile to reach the taxi pick-up location, so I finished up the temple ASAP.
I remember the relief I felt when I reached the temple gateRead more
I got lost kind of but the view was worth it <3
Tokushima is beautiful and peaceful
Girls day. Henna colour, tea and pictures.
So nice, I love my friends
So many people are leaving at once
かなし :(
Its so empty
My favourite Person is leaving:( Gonna miss them a lot. But my friends help my keepung my mood;)
You might also know this place by the following names:
Yoshinogawa Shi, 吉野川市