We do hospitality for the missionary community here. We enjoy Letterboxing. Also, I stamp and make homemade greeting cards, and cross stitch.
We love to travel. We've enjoyed Caribbean, Alaska, Australia/New Zealand, Mediterranean cruises. Next?
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Tyler, United States
  • Dag 30

    Day 30 Warsaw, IN - Nashville, IN

    24. juli, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

    193 miles
    Total miles 5,639

    We left at 7:30 to get some do-nuts at a famous shop “Rise n Roll” to take to Rollie and Joanne Smith’s house.

    The Smiths served in Guatemala fur 10 years before moving to Mexico and working there for over 40 years. Rollie had a contagious laugh as we revisited mutual friends and memories.

    We continued on towards the Edwards’ house. We stopped by Naomi Boss’ office in Kokomo. Naomi was on 4th floor Houghton hall at Moody with me.

    We wanted to see the church the Murphys attend and pulled off to use the potty also. It started to rain as we continued to the Edwards.

    We arrived at Jonathan and Cindy’s place just after 4. They live out in the county. Wrap around porch. Jonathan built this house before Jan died. Then several years later, Jon sold his house to Cindy, then he married her..

    We had a delicious spaghetti dinner with fresh corn on the cob. We visited out on the porch as the sun was setting.

    Another good day!
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  • Dag 29

    Day 29 Holland, MI - Warsaw, IN

    23. juli, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

    222 miles
    Total miles 5,446

    We slept well in the “ ACandleInTheWindow” basement room. We left at 8 am to drive 45min to Grand Rapids to pick up Delora Johnson. She was out by the curb with her walker waiting for us. We had a delightful breakfast at a nearby breakfast spot. Delora and her late husband, Ward, worked in Nicaragua and Costa Rica for 30+ years with CAM. I encouraged her to think about Homecoming.

    We then drove to the local post office to drop off my postcards and then headed south towards Goshen Indiana. On the way, we stopped at Culver’s to use their picnic tables for our lunch.

    We arrived at Fergusons 30 minutes late but enjoyed an hour full of reminiscing of old times in Bolivia. They served in Lomorio for 30+ years. Both Mel and Deanna looked the same. Deanna remembers me making Mexican casserole for Christmas dinner.

    Then we drive 30 minutes to see Bob and Elaine Porch in Elkhart, Indiana. We had a quick 20 minute visit with them. Bob served in Peru.

    Back to Goshen to visit Sylvia Lsmbright. She and Gene served 30+ years in El Salvador. She remembers Glenn when he rode his bike to South America in 1976. I encouraged Sylvia to go to Homecoming.

    Last stop Fred in Warsaw, Indiana. 86 years old. Moody graduate. Served in Morocco, Spain, and Belgium. We took him out for supper and he loved telling his story. We are staying in his place.

    He drove us around the Grace Theological Seminary, the Winona Lake and finally we did a letterbox.

    Full day. 5 different retired missionaries. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Goshen, Indiana, Elkhart, Indiana, back to Goshen, Indiana finally Warsaw, Indiana
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  • Dag 28

    Day 28 Rockwood, ON - Holland, MI

    22. juli, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 70 °F

    414 Miles
    Total Miles 5,224

    We overslept our 6am alarm and waking up at 6:30am and we were still able to leave on time or there abouts. We said good bye to our wonderful friends, Doug and Lori and drove directly to Waterloo to meet with Arnold and Greta Wry. Arnold was waiting for us out in the parking lot of his apartment complex and ushered up to his 2nd floor apartment.

    We had a lovely chat with both of the Wrys. They served and ministered in Bolivia with GMU back in the day, and returned to Canada back 30 years ago. He reminded us that yesterday he turned 92 years young. He and his wife have celebrated 72 years of marriage. Greta informed us that their children have their names in for area nursing homes, but nothing has become available yet. Lori sent me some homemade cinnamon rolls for us to share with the Wrys.

    Our visit was quite short than I had wanted, but this stop was a last minute meeting, but so glad that Arnold could allow us to visit with them. As we were getting ready to leave, in the short 40 minutes, Arnold said “You can’t leave until you pray!” Wow, what a humble and godly man. I noticed on their refrigerator door was covered with missionary prayer cards. Even Phil O’Day’s card was on the refrigerator door.

    We hurriedly approach the hi-way so we could drive on to Port Huron and onto Rochester Hills, MI to have lunch with Cheryl Eberline and the Ciluffos. Once we arrived at the BlueWater Bridge, it took over 25minutes to get through the Canadian customs and then another 25minutes to be admitted back into the states.

    We arrived at Ram’s Horn Restaurant at 1pm. We had an enjoyable lunch conversation with Cheryl and with Joe Ciluffo. Jeannie wasn’t feeling up to lunch. We talked about old times, especially when Glenn worked at the CAM Center in Dallas back in 2001-2006.

    After lunch, we headed on to Holland Michigan where we are staying with A Candle in the Window family. We stopped off at Aldi’s to get some picnic supplies for dinner.

    A fun day. A long day. A good day.
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  • Dag 27

    Day 27 Stay at Schinkel’s home

    21. juli, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    0 Miles
    Total miles 4,810

    Today, we were able to rest up for the last 10 days of our journey. Glenn did drive to a neighboring town to get the RAV 4 with a routine oil change. I moved outside to the patio and was able to enjoy the weather, do some reading, research on my computer and also write many postcards.

    Lori served me a delicious salad and burrito out on the patio for my lunch. We had a great conversation discussing our faith, our family, our travels and our friendships.

    Then I took a much needed afternoon nap. Glenn went with Doug to his grandson’s baseball game. Good game. They rode in Doug’s electric car.

    Glenn helped me finished the last of my post cards. We had a delicious dinner out on the patio. Great conversation and music. I made last minute arrangements to see Arnold Wry on our way to Michigan tomorrow.

    Good day. Oh, Canada, you have been good.
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  • Dag 26

    Day 26 Rockwood, ON - East Caledon, ON

    20. juli, Canada ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

    75 miles
    Total Miles 4,810

    Today, was our time to visit the Chappels about 45 minutes from the Schinkel home. As we drove through the countryside, we came upon several bicyclists on this beautiful Saturday morning.

    We enjoyed our 2 hour visit with Don and Phylis at their home. Come to find out that Phylis goes to the dentist office where Lori (our current host) works at. And also Lois whom we saw later in the afternoon, knows the Chappels very well. Don and Phylis served one year in Africa and then over 25 years in Ecuador doing various jobs. It was a total enjoyment to hear their stories and challenges through the year.

    We left their place in time to swing by Walmart and purchase a knee brace for my right knee. 2 days ago, as I was walking my right knee gave out. I hope this helps.

    Lois arrived at the Schinkel house at 2pm, and we immediately drove to the Rockwood Reserve to do a letterbox. This reserve was crowded but beautiful. Lots of camping spots and there a small beach that was totally packed out with families. There were some folks kayaking and paddle boarding also.

    Unbelievably we found the letterbox. It took some time. We were at the wrong beach, but we found it. Lois and i had to crawl through a covert (tunnel), and found it under the 4th pine tree. We had to solve the riddle first. It was fun. We tried another letterbox but was unsuccessful.

    We enjoyed a Diet Coke around the breakfast table, before Lois left. So gave me some dishrags that she knitted or crocheted.

    Doug gave me a ride out in his electric car. Boy does it have speed! G forces! For evening, we sat out under the patio table and ate a delicious chicken meal and fresh corn on the cob. We laughed. Told stories and enjoyed out time with Lori and Doug. They are lots of fun.

    Fun day connecting with retirees Don and Phylis and then letterboxing with Lois and nice evening with Doug and Lori.
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  • Dag 25

    Day 25 Kingston, ON - Rockwood, ON

    19. juli, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    212 miles
    Total miles 4,735

    We had a nice send off from the Fung’s home by breakfast with the whole family. There was actually a time that Andrew prayed for us and our safety on the road.

    I did my Friday morning zoom with everybody as we drive down 401. Beverly, Dorothy and Virginia.

    We then drove 1 hour down the road to Francine and Jim’s place in Brighton. We met Francine and Jim in 2020 in Italy on the cruise from Rome to Dubai. We had hoped to go walking along Lake Ontario but couldn’t because of my right knee “gave out” on Thursday. We enjoyed sitting around their sun room. Jim then drove us through the natural park nearby. Great camping spot. We had sandwiches out in their patio.

    We then braved the busy Toronto traffic. One point Glenn had to pull over and take a Power Nap.

    We arrived here at Doug and Lori’s place and visited a while before we ate a Thai meal out in the patio. We met Doug and Lori on our very first cruise in .2005. They came through Guatemala in 2010 and we showed them Antigua.
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  • Dag 24

    Day 24 Cornwall, On - Kingston, On

    18. juli, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

    122 miles
    Miles total 4,523

    We were able to have late checkout for the night. While Glenn loaded the RAV4, I took the lettuce and salad stuff down to the dining room and we had another indoor picnic.

    We checked the options of driving back to US to drop off my postcards, but since there is a 3.50 each way toll, we decided against that option and made other plans.

    I had my haircut. Yep, it needed a good summertime cut, then we headed towards Kingston. We decided to drive the coastal route, route 2. Beautiful. Relaxing.

    We are staying with A Candle in the window friends, Andrew and sharon Fung. Get this, she grew up with Lisa and Arnold Smyth, that do member care in Ireland. Small world, no big family.

    We ate dinner out on the back patio, enjoyed playing Uno with the kids while chatting. Fun and encouraging!
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  • Dag 23

    Day 23 Knox, ME - Cornwall, ON

    17. juli, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

    343 miles
    Total miles 4,401

    We left the Strouts home bright and early at 5:50! The sun was already risen and the streets were still pretty curvy. We ate breakfast as we drove through the hilly roads. At one point we were driving along a beautiful river. Flowing.

    We were driving through the US/Canada border by 10:30am and reaching the large city of Sherbrooke. I had chosen out a Choice hotel, however it was sold out.

    We decided to drive on. Next big town was Cornwall, Ontario Canada. We pulled off the interstate and found a coffee shop that had picnic tables out in the yard. We ate tuna fish sandwiches, carrots and yogurt.

    Glenn wanted Tim Nortons donuts. They speak French. The barista could not understand our order. So instead of getting donuts, the barista gave us a cold coffee. Oh well.

    We’ve stayed at Hampton Inn. As the quality Inn here in Cornwall was kinda sketchy.

    We drove to Walmart to get iceberg lettuce, carrots, dressing and croutons to make salad for dinner. And we’ll have salad again for Thursday lunch.
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  • Dag 22

    Day 22 Belfast, ME Roundtrip

    16. juli, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

    106 miles
    Total miles 4,058

    I spent the morning doing some much needed correspondence as I arrange for the next few days while in Canada and also while in Michigan and Indiana. It’s been hard to nail some things down, but it is coming together.

    We left at 10:30am for a morning drive to the church, the local Mennonite farm store, post office and then down over to Belfast and then Camden and back home.

    We did find a letterbox in Camden. We had tried a letterbox in Belfast but the directions were so unclear and we just gave up. However, it was fun to finally get the letterbox in a vacant parking lot next to the Camden Inn.

    We came home for supper and then we played a game of Sequence. We lost. Big day ahead with traveling up to Canada.
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  • Dag 21

    Day 21 Round trip Hermon, ME

    15. juli, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    98 Miles
    Total Miles 3952

    We had a very relaxing day. We had planned to meet and take the Hicks out for lunch, but we quickly pivoted when they had a noon conflict, so we offered to take them out for an early dinner.

    Glenn and I enjoyed our breakfast with Melissa and Larry. We talked about their ministry in Argentina, their kids and their transition back to the US and all that it involved. We talked about his church responsibilities, his recent set back with illness and hospitalization and his retirement journey.

    I came upstairs to our room and did some late morning work on the computer. I worked on some future appointments that we will be having in Canada later this week and I did some emails. I then took a quick Power Nap before we headed to the Hick’s home about 45 minutes away.

    Glenn and I drove Melissa and Larry as they commentated along the way. Maine is a beautiful state. Rolling hills, green pastures and farmlands. Once at Hick’s home, we decided to drive to Longhorn Restaurant for dinner. Glenn and I shared a salmon dinner while others enjoyed steak. It was here I gave the ladies the gift bag that I had organized before we left Texas. They loved it.

    A young couple in a HUGE pickup truck offered to take a group picture of the 3 couples. They were too funny. They even took a selfie of themselves. Glenn requested that the backdrop be their gragantic huge elevated pick up truck.

    We drove back home in time to watch the RNC opening session. Yes, I had tears in my eyes when I saw Trump walk out, knowing that he escaped death by a fraction of an inch.

    Also I have been in communication with Amelia, whom we just saw 2 nights ago. I had encouraged her to think about joining us for our upcoming trans-Atlantic cruise in October. And now she has booked the cruise and made hotel reservations in New York City and bus ticket from their home in NH to NYC. God is so good. So thankful. And we hadn’t seen barely spoke to each other in 25 years, however our conversation, laughs and encouragement was right there as if we had never been a part. Amelia and Jim are looking forward to this last minute cruise experience.

    For these 3 nights, we have been staying with Melissa and Larry who live in the parsonage just within walking distance of their church where he has been the pastor. The upstairs room had been adequate for me to continue my correspondence and email.
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