Colorado and M2M

juli - august 2023
A month long trip to visit the retired Avant missionary folks plus Thrive Summit and keeping Libby, Annie and Amanda for 10 days Les mer
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  • Dag 12

    Attending Thrive Women’s Summit

    12. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 50 °F

    Since Monday, I’ve been attending the Thrive Women’s Conference for Global workers. I’ve been rooming with Jennifer H. From Guatemala. Elisa Sywulka also is here.

    On Monday, I rode my bicycle from Vail Pass down to Vail. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, especially since the ground was wet and I didn’t want to “spin out”.

    Jennifer and I rode down from Vail Pass to Frisco, CO, where we had lunch then hurriedly made our way back to Copper Mountain so we could sign up for Pt and Stuff.

    I’ve been making some new friends and making connections also (of course you would!)

    I signed up for a pedicure, and counseling and PT. They even have a “boutique”, where there is an WHOLE room that has new clothes, jewelry, shoes, accessories. I found some brown pants, tennis shoes, flip-flop and even a cute Kate Spade purse.

    On Wednesday, Glenn met me and Kim and drove us up to the top of the Vail Pass and we rode down, then Glenn drove Kim and Jennifer up to Vail Pass and met them down in Frisco. They really enjoyed their ride.

    Tonight I ate out on the patio with Ann the photographer, and Jenn my group letter and Sally the counselor. Great conversation.

    Then all the ladies went inside the meeting room and we had a “Fashion Show” of these cute cute outfits that people got in the “Boutique”.
    Les mer

  • Dag 14

    Visiting 2 Retirees

    14. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

    Today, we stopped to see 2 retiree Avant missionaries.

    Sarah served 15+ years in Mexico and has retired in Central City Nebraska. Her husband of 50 years just passed away in April 2023. It was great reconnecting with her and recounting memories of when Rich came to Guatemala back in 2007 with the Mexico leadership team or when we were in DC several years earlier and Rich had an aneurism and was in the hospital and we visited her, ran some errands and helped her out.

    Our second stop was in a small Mennonite community in Jansen Nebraska and we picked up Tena Dick. She is a retired Avant missionary that served many many years in Mali, Africa. It was fun getting to know her and hear her story.

    We drove to a larger town and had dinner at Roudy’s. Glenn and I “split” an order of “elephant ears” which were chicken fried steak. Tena ordered fried Gizzards. Pretty good.

    Wow, what a story to meet these 2 godly women who served in different parts of the world. I gave them gift bags that included coffee mug, candy and miscellaneous stuff including several gift cards to Dairy Queen and Olive Garden.

    It was a good day. I hope Sara and Tena feel encouraged. I feel blessed to know that they both love and serve the Lord.
    Les mer

  • Dag 15

    A candle in the Window hostess

    15. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

    We drove to Roca, Nebraska and stayed with our new friends, Janna and Paul. They live out on the rolling farm lands.

    We talked about our missionary adventures in Bolivia and Guatemala. We mentioned our 2019 bicycle trip with Neil Tomba. The Listening Road on YouTube. And about letterboxing.

    After breakfast on Saturday morning, Paul suggested we go and try on. Actually I was very doubtful that this letterbox in Holland, Nebraska was still there. It was planted in 2006 and last recorded found in 2013 (I think). But we found it!

    Now on our way to bless other Avant retirees here in Lincoln and later in Omaha.
    Les mer

  • Dag 15

    Lunch with Lois

    15. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌩️ 84 °F

    After the letterbox, we drove to Lincoln to have lunch with Lois.

    Lois is a widow with 4 adult kids. She met her husband while going to Candidate Orientation.she’s from Canada and served in Morocco,

    What a story. She tells of a time when she and her family was only given 8 days to get out of the country. They were soon ended up in Malaga Spain.

    We had more laughs with Lois. I count it a honor to know her.
    Les mer

  • Dag 15

    2 other Retiree couples

    15. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

    For dinner, we picked up the Holmes and we drove them to the Olive Garden where we met the Leeders.

    The Holmes served many many years in Ecuador doing Bible translation. They’re still working. I guess he’s famous for his addiction of snakes and such. As we talked we made connections of mutual friends. They have adult children in the area. He’s a Vietnam veteran and was wounded in action. I’m sure he could tell us a bunch of stories.

    We were joined by the Leeders who served many years in KC headquarters. He’s a chief. They’re heading to Echo Ranch in Alaska here in September. Great couple.
    Les mer

  • Dag 16

    Retiree lived and worked in France

    16. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    We drove 2 hours to De Moines Iowa to meet up with Bill A. Who lived and served in France for 40+ years. His main ministry was a evangelism and worked on barges. Very interesting ministry. Bill is 91 years young.Les mer

  • Dag 17

    Captive for 68 days in Colombia

    17. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 64 °F

    With permission from Roy: We listened with interest to Roy L tell of when he and Dick G were kidnapped by the M19 gorilla in Colombia. They were released 68 days later. Roy and Dick were attending a church association conference in early January 1989 when some gunmen approached him and said “Take the guy with the beard and the other guy with no hair on his head”.

    Roy spoke with ease as he answered our questions and gave chilling facts of moving 20 times, getting 3 meals a day (except 1 day), never being handcuffed, never being blind folded and never being separated from his missionary co-worker, Dick.

    I asked, “How did you know what day it was?” His reply, “We read a proverbs a day”. He also added, we read through the New Testament (6 or 8 times) and through Psalms and Proverbs several times. They were given the small blue NT Gideon Spanish NT + Psa/Prov by their captors. Roy said, he read the scripture out loud. Out loud in Spanish. When he wrote down on the small notebook, he would always write in Spanish, so the M19 would know what he was writing. Another reason for reading out loud in Spanish, the guards would be able to hear, listen and maybe understand the Gospel.

    Roy and Dick were in the mountainous area in Colombia where neither the police nor military would dare to venture in because of the control of the M19. The elevation was 6-10,000 feet. Their sleeping conditions were beds, double bed, twin beds and cement floors which can become pretty cold at night. They heard over the local radio station about the 2 American missionaries that were held captive. So, they could get some outside news. They never wrote a letter to their wives nor received any notes either. There was no demands for ransom.

    68 days later the 2 men were released by a letter - saying they could be set free. And yes, they had to walk out on their own.

    It was interesting after the Sound of Freedom movie, Glenn asked Roy if he had any “flash backs” especially seeing in the movie where the girls were stomping on the coca leaves or when they were trudging through the jungle area. Roy mentioned with great interest some of the towns that were being mentioned in the movie - he was quite familiar with.

    Roy said they read the scripture out loud. Yes, in Spanish. And yes, everyone could hear him. At one point, Roy was able to explain the devotional that he wrote - of course all in Spanish.

    When I asked if I could write about his journey of being held hostage, he said “why of course! Everyone has a story. This is my story and the Lord delivered me and Dick from the hands of the M19 people, just like he can deliver you!” How powerful!

    Tonight we are staying with Roy and Karla Libby, retired Avant missionaries who lived and served in Colombia, South America.

    As soon as we arrived, we headed to the local theatre for the 4pm showing of “Sounds of Freedom”. Yes, you must go see it. About sex trafficking and how it is a very real thing in the US and all over the world.

    Afterwards, we drove to a near-by town to take Roy and Karla out to dinner. Our treat. We also gave them a gift bag of “appreciation gifts” for their years of service. We are so thankful for the ministry the Libbys have had here in the US and also in Colombia! Thank you!
    Les mer

  • Dag 18

    Dorothy Smith retiree

    18. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

    Tuesday was a full day of traveling. We stopped to meet Sandy. Sandy and Larry will be getting married in 2 weeks. They met in “Grief Share” and connected right away. Larry’s wife, Jenny passed away from Covid 2 years ago. And Sandy’s husband died of cancer just one year ago.

    As we drove towards Moline, I saw a sign that said “Swing Bridge”. Nice stop to stretch our legs.

    And another stop was in Dixon, Illinois - the hometown where Ronald. Regan grew up. Of course the homestead was closed.

    And our final stop was to have dinner with Dorothy Smith, another Avant retiree who got married later in life and has a rich history with CEF. She worked in Costa Rica. She so loved the gift bag of “goodies” we gave her and told her that we appreciated her many years of service with Camino Global now Avant. She fed us well, and we continued on our way to Fisher, Illinois, arriving just as it was getting dark.

    Now our next adventure, to keep the 3 youngest, Elizabeth, 5, Annie, 3 and Amanda 1 for the next 10 days while Ellen, Luke and the 3 oldest, David, 12, Emily, 10 and Lucy 8 fly to Nicaragua and serve on a mission trip.
    Les mer

  • Dag 19

    A day with David, Emily and Lucy

    19. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    We had the 3 oldest kids most of the day. We went to a Free movie theater. Then Free pizza. And Free ice cream. I see a theme - Free.

    We did 2 letterboxes and then went to a thrift store for David in Gibson City.Les mer