Canton d'Echternach

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Canton d'Echternach
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    • Day 2

      Wanderung nach Echternach

      March 29 in Luxembourg ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Es regnet, gegen Mittag machen wir uns in einer Regenpause auf den Weg nach Echternach. Die Regenpause hält leider nicht lange an, etwas auf halben Weg fängt es wieder an ...

      In Echternach gibt's ein leckeres Spaghettieis, bevor es mit dem Bus wieder zurück zum Campingplatz geht...Read more

    • Day 3

      Radtour nach Reisdorf

      July 14, 2022 in Luxembourg ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Schon schön hier… aber wir hätten nicht geglaubt, dass es doch soo bergig hier ist! Zum Glück haben wir ja die Elektrounterstützung, sonst hätte ich auch keinen Spaß dran. Aber so war es toll, immerhin über 50 km durch zwei Länder geradelt.
      Kommt aus Reisdorf denn das berühmte Reisdorf-Kölsch🤣🤣? Wohl eher nicht…
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    • Day 2

      Mullerthal Trail

      July 29, 2023 in Luxembourg ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      The second day of our trip, we went o the Mullerthal Trail for a hike. We didn't do a really long hike cause we went for a nice brunch in the city and also did a morning swim and sauna. 😊 But still, it was a 8km hike in the trail. I would honestly recommend anyone to go on to one of these hikes. It gives you some time with the nature and time for your partner to have some fun, talk and sight seeing. It was really beautiful and healing. The surrounding are quiet and not very crowded on our trail. Besides, I also like to recommend you to go on brunch and dinner in Luxembourg. It is indeed a little expensive but the food is really tasty and the portion is big , so it would be enough just to share a main with 2 persons. If you are not a big eater.Read more

    • Day 3

      Château Beaufort

      August 30, 2023 in Luxembourg ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Der kleine Ort mit circa 2800 Einwohnern liegt malerisch eingebettet in der romantischen Wald- und Felsenlandschaft der kleine Luxemburger Schweiz. Die Burgruine mit ihren Mauerresten ist ein Highlight für Fans von Burgen und Schlössern! In der Talsenke unterhalb des Schlosses zeugen die trutzigen Reste der Burg von ihrer einzigen Größe. Man hat sie um 1200 vermutlich an der Stelle des römischen Castellum Belforti errichtet und über Jahrhunderte stetig ausgebaut.

      Leider regnet es in Strömen, so dass wir die Burg nur von außen in Augenschein nehmen.
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    • Day 4

      Mit den E-Bikes zum Chateau de Beaufort

      March 31 in Luxembourg ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Frohe Ostern ! 🐰

      Für uns steht heute wieder eine Tour mit den E-Bikes auf dem Plan.

      Auf dem Rückweg nehmen wir eine Abkürzung. Laut Karte kein Problem, in Natura eine Herausforderung für uns: steil und glitschig.
      Da wir nicht wieder zurück wollten/konnten, haben wir uns hoch gekämpft...
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    • Day 3

      Roadtrip Amsterdam till Müllerthal

      July 25, 2022 in Luxembourg ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Hämtade av Sonja i Amsterdam, vi mötes upp lite mindre centralt och för att ta oss dit tog vi och cyklade med cabinväskorna. Klas hade sin på styret. Jag rullade min bredvid cykeln. Efter en lunch på d&a hummus bistro, (2,5/5) så började klas köra oss söderut riktning Müllerthal för en hike/promenix. Jag försökta jobba hårt med gruppfotona. Men mina medresenär var tvekande till foto stunder.

      Müllerthal var vackert, på sina ställer. Stora bokträd och vissa fina vattendrag men naturupplevelsen stördes av bilvägarna som alltid låg precis på hör och synavstånd. Jag gick kortare än de andra då skoskavandet gjorde sig påmint.

      Natten tillbringade vid nära moselfloden i östra kanten av Luxemburg nära Tyska gränsen. BnB Burer Miller, ägt av en en dansk som bott i Luxemburg i över 20år och jobbat bank. Han berätta att vi var hans först svenska gäster. 4/5
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    • Day 9

      Hiking da Luxemburg

      September 13, 2022 in Luxembourg ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Ollaan nyt reitin puolivälissä. Kysytään fiiliksiä reissumiehiltä vaelluksesta:

      Juho: "Parasta haikkauksessa on kahvila puolivälissä. Paikalliset Luxemburgilaiset aitauksissa muistuttavat huomattavasti Samulia."

      Samuli: "4km/h tuntivauhti ei tunnu päässä tai jaloissa. Lehmiä on ollu paljon ja Juho on vähän ärsyttävä."
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    • Day 5

      Müllerthal die dritte.

      May 21, 2023 in Luxembourg ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Den dritten Wandertag starten wir mit einer Busfahrt nach Echternach. Selbst mir, als überzeugten Kraftfahrer, macht Busfahren seid heute Spaß in Luxemburg. Die Fahrten in ganz Luxemburg sind mit dem ÖPV kostenfrei. Es gibt eine geniale und einfach zu bedienende App. Damit findet auch der Laie jede mögliche Verbindung.
      Von Echternach beginnt dann der Rundweg ca. 13,5km durch z. B. die Wolfsschlucht und wieder viele unaussprechliche Namen.
      Hat wieder richtig Spaß gemacht.
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    • Day 10

      Hohllay Cave & Washing

      October 12, 2023 in Luxembourg ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      We had a great nights sleep compared to the night before and I felt refreshed and ready for the day when I woke up but Ellie had a tummy ache and a headache and felt like crap. Fortunately for us there are public toilets near the aire and we walked to them at 8:30am but even after using the toilets Ellie didn’t feel much better and then it started to rain.
      We had a mega hike planned for today starting at Hohllay cave and walking to the Gorge de Loup and we left our parking spot just after 9am to locate the car park which was 6 miles away.
      By the time we got there at 9:30am it was teeming down with rain so we just thought we’d sit it out, have a cup of tea and some breakfast in Wanda and let Ellie have a snooze and sleep her headache off.
      At 11am it was still raining so we wrote our mega hike off for today and started looking for laundrettes near by so we could do our first washing of the trip.
      We found a decent self service laundrette 15 miles away just off the motorway at a truck stop and services and just as we finished plotting the sat nav it stopped raining.
      Not wanting to be stuck in doors all day we decided just to walk to Hohllay cave which was about 800 meters away through the woods and we set off, it was another beautiful walk and we saw a Fire Salamander walking across the path in front of us as well as hundreds of nuthatches in the trees and red squirrels.
      It felt like we were in a dreamscape again as all of the forest had thick green moss on the floor and deadfall and even the mushrooms and fungi looked magical with the funny shapes and colours. As the trail went down thick walls of granite, covered in green moss towered either side of us reaching hundreds of feet up and then we came to a stone stairway and climbed up. There in front of us was Hohllay cave, a man made cave where you can still see the marks from the picks used to create it. On the floor were thousands of standing stones people had left from there visit. As we wandered its cavernous depths and intricate passage ways it started to rain again and this time it was real heavy rain.
      We gave up on going any further and started our way back to Wanda and then the heavens really opened and we got drenched. Thinking it was just a short walk we didn’t even think about taking coats and before long we were soaked to the skin power walking through the mud of the forest back to Wanda. The 20 minute walk seemed like hours.
      Back at Wanda we put dry clothes on and then headed straight for the services where the laundrette was to do our washing.
      The Bonjour services was heaving with people and cars and people were coming out of the services with supermarket trolleys over flowing with cigarettes. Ellie originally thought it was some black market dealership but we worked out that cigarettes are a few euros cheaper here than Germany and people are buying them here to take back. Almost every car or Motorhome was German and everyone was leaving the supermarket with cigarettes and alcohol. It was like a duty free shop.
      The washing machines and dryer were right in front of the services entrance so we loaded our stuff up, paid the €12 to wash our stuff and then went inside for some hot food. Ellie had a Giant Cheese covered pretzel and some bread thing with a crumble topping and I had a spicy sausage, with cheese and tomato heated baguette.
      Once the washing was done we then paid €6 to use the dryer for 30 minutes. That’s double the price washing anything cost us last year.
      With the washing done it was now 2:30pm and it might not have felt like we had done much but in reality we had a productive day getting all our washing done while it was raining.
      We set off back to the car park where the waterfall was yesterday and we arrived at 3:30pm. It was still raining and pretty grey and miserable and our plan was to just sit here and chill for 2 hours before heading back to the same sleep spot as last night.
      The thing is with last nights sleeping spot is the maximum of 12 hours stay even though it’s a camper place, and at 5pm someone drives around and takes photos to make sure you don’t out stay your welcome. It’s out of season so I don’t think going back is going to be a problem but I don’t want the confrontation so we’re leaving it as long as possible so they know we’ve been away all day and we’re just sleeping there. I think we’ll have to do the same tomorrow.
      At 5:20pm we’d had enough of just sitting around, Ellie had,had another snooze so we set off back to our camp spot and we arrived just before 6pm just as the van taking pictures turned up. Luckily for us he wasn’t taking pictures tonight and didn’t even give us a second look.
      Once settled it was time for dinner of Luxembourg schnitzel and they were pretty good and then we settled in for the night. This is our 10th free camping night so we have been lucky with our park ups so far, the rain has stopped so we’re hoping to get our hike in tomorrow so it will be an early night ready for a day of exploring tomorrow.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Canton d'Echternach, Kanton Echternach, Iechternach

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