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    • Day 19

      Rocky Mountians

      October 6, 2023 in Madagascar ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Hüt Morge früä simer mitm Bus zum Isalo Nationalpark gfahrä. Uf üserä Wanderigdert, simer dür heissi u trocheni Gägendä, aber o dürä Djungu gangä. Üs hets höllä gfröit, dassmr sogar Lemurä und ihri Babys hei gseh! Ungerwägs hets äs Zmittag vom Grill gä u äm Nami nach dr Wanderig heimer nis imne Seeli chönnä abchüehlä.Read more

    • Day 18

      Sauna uf vier Redli

      October 5, 2023 in Madagascar ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Hüt morge am 7ni isch Abfahrt richtig Rinohora gsi. Mit paarne Bislistopps und Snackpousä simer nach 9h Fahrt mitm Bus äntläch ahcho. Bimne Ungernämä wo ämne usgwanderetä Holländer ghört, heimer ghulfä Böim pflanzä. Är wott dert ä Waud erschaffä, so dass di Gägend äntlech wieder meh Rägä het. Mit üserä Reiseorganisation G-Adventures, düemer di Böim finanziere womr pflanzt hei. I üserä Ungerkunft für di nächste 2 Nächt hoffä mr sehr, dasmr nid vo chrabbelndä Tier gstört wärdä.Read more

    • Day 7

      Il parco nazionale Isalo 🏞️

      May 11, 2024 in Madagascar ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Oggi giornata escursionista piena di avventura. Dopo un abbondante colazione, si parte alle 07:30 in direzione del parco nazionale Isalo.
      Lungo il percorso non perdiamo l’occasione di donare del cibo ai bambini del posto, i quali non perdono l’occasione di avvicinarsi a noi incuriositi di vedere l’uomo bianco. (Vazaha) Con poco si può regalare un grande sorriso che ci riempie i cuori di gioia. Il trekking inizia all’interno di un canyon, tra le rocce 🪨 e i soliti ragni 🕷️ che non vedono l’ora di salutare Sandy 🤩. Ci viene spiegato che nei buchi delle pareti rocciose, vengono seppelliti i defunti, i quali vengono collocati il più alto possibile per essere elevati al cielo e vegliare sulle persone. La prima tappa ci porta ad una piscina naturale con tanto di cascata, una bellezza incredibile tra le rocce. Si prosegue per qualche chilometro sotto il sole della death valley, fermandoci a pranzo nella foresta tra i lemuri che vogliono rubare il cibo dal tavolo😂. Nel pomeriggio si prosegue verso la piscina nera e quella degli innamorati dove finalmente Giuseppe decide di farsi un bel bagnetto “brrrrrr” e Sandy scatta qualche foto. Dopo ben 12 km di camminata, si va a vedere il fantastico tramonto con un panorama mozzafiato grazie ai colori nitidi della golden hour 🏜️. Che giornata ragazzi, grazie Madagascar per le tue bellezze naturali 🤩

      (Redazione Giuseppe P.)
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    • Day 24

      1er jour de visite pour les vazaha

      November 15, 2023 in Madagascar ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Nous avons visité le parc Isalo aujourd'hui de 8h à 14h avec un guide prénommée Fleuri.
      On commence notre randonnée par la découverte de plusieurs espèces amusantes comme ces papillons en cours de transformation, un serpent, des lézards et même un scorpion (mortel mais seulement après 4j alors ça va le guide à dit qu'on aurait le temps d'aller à l'hôpital si jamais).
      Le petit arbuste rempli d'eau est tout mou au toucher et il grandi seulement de 5mm par an donc lorsqu'ils sont centenaires ils sont quand même minuscule ahah
      Petite pause baignade (très) rafraîchissante dans les piscines naturelles bleu et noire (ils se sont pas foulés pour les noms). C'était magnifique !
      Clou du spectacle, des lemuriens par dizaines ! Symbole de madagascar ils n'ont absolument pas peur de nous en ce moment de l'après midi et nous avons même la chance d'en observer des blancs (plus rares que les marrons) entrain de jouer juste avant notre repas!
      Ce soir on recharge les batteries car demain c'est reparti !

      Des bisous,

      Pierre, Camille, Guillaume 🦂
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    • Day 9–11


      October 18, 2024 in Madagascar ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Short stay in Ranohira. We arrived late after a mammoth drive, made worse by waiting in LONG lines for an ATM. The rooms are lovely, huge and cool which is nice. Outdoor showers are a feature of the room so I just had to test that out.Read more

    • Day 10

      Isalo National Park

      October 19, 2024 in Madagascar ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Early start this morning to try and beat the heat. Our walk started with lots of action. Just a few minutes from the carpark we entered a picnic area and saw a troop of Ringtail Lemurs chasing away a Red Fronted Brown Lemurs. And if that wasn't good enough, just 10 metres away was a small group of Verrauxs Sifaka ( Propithecus verrauxi ), playing like naughty toddlers. We spent almost half an hour enjoying this spectacle before the Ring Tailed Lemurs once again chased away the Sifaka.
      After this we continued our journey up the hillside, stopping to admire the first waterfall, and the clear pool below. After this we continued up the steep sides of the canyon and reached the summit where we were treated to a 360°, panoramic vista that left us in awe
      The descent on the far side of this flat topped summit was treacherous, with the ground loose underfoot. It was truly worth it though when we reached the far side, beautiful waterfalls and two icy cold pools. I couldnt resist those cool waters and took a swim, allowing the waterfall to massage my tired shoulders - absolute bliss. After sun drying we started the hike back to the car. On the way we were shown a couple of Long Eared Owl Chicks, fluffy, tired and miserable seems to describe them best
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    • Day 6

      Salut Vazaha

      August 22, 2024 in Madagascar ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Uf eusem Wäg nach Ranohira het sich Landschaft verändert. Grassavannelandschaft und Felsformatione präge d Gegend. Au wenn me meint me haltet Mitte im Niergendwo, isch me nid lang ellei. Vo allne Site chöme Kinder a grennt. "Salut Vazaha" ghöre mr do oft. S Kind finde spannend aber bättle au sehr oft.
      Für die nächste zwei Nächt sin Mr in me Bungalow in dr Isalo Ranch.
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    • Day 18

      Dying from the Heat in the Isalo NP

      November 11, 2023 in Madagascar ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      This morning we woke up early again, to start our tour around the Isalo National Park. It's 25km wide and 180km long, which makes it the second biggest National Park in Madagascar. It has a variety of endemic plants and Insects that can only be found in the park. We left the lodge at 7am and it was already quite warm with around 25°C. Solofo told us, it would get around 35-40°C today. Not very good news for me...
      Our first challenge was the river that we had to cross with our bus. After Ninny, our driver, took a quick glance at it, he said that he can do it, and he just drove into the river. Solofo said that our weight actually helps steer the bus, as he can touch the ground with us. That's the first time, my weight actually helped someone, so I'll take it.
      We arrived at the bottom of the mountain range and were introduced to our guides. We then had to decide who wants to be in the fast group (those wouldn't get so many explanations and rather walk quickly to the stops) and who wants to join the slower group. As I know my walking abilities, Seb and I decided to join the second one. We started walking and it was clear immediately, that it would be a very tough walk, because of the heat. I enjoyed the explanations of the plants and little animals around, but I was always looking for the next shade to hide under. We learned that the Malagasy people around Isalo bury their dead with some black and white clothes and put a cloth around the. They then put them in a little cave at the lower part of the Isalo mountains and leave them there for around 2 years. After these 2 years, they get the dead people's bones out of the cave again, celebrate with them for a week and put them back up in a very high cave in the mountains so that they can become ancestors. Babys under 6 months won't be exhumed, nor would boys who haven't been circumsized yet (which usually happens between 2-5 years old, in a very brutal, old fashioned way). Women who didn't give birth during their life would be buried somewhere else as they weren't "worthy". As you can see... These believes and traditions are very much set into their culture, they still live it and they still believe in this bullsh*t. No wonder the country gets nowhere... I'm sorry to be so judgy about it, but everything regarding religion and God makes me want to scream.
      We moved on, saw some cool animals and local plants and finally arrived at the first natural pool. It was a beautiful oasis that had nearly crystal clear water and was just the right way to cool us down after all the sunny heat. We enjoyed about half and hour, until we went on for the second part of the first 7km to arrive at the campsite where we'd have lunch. This part was even harder, as it must have been way over 30 degrees by now and there was literally no shade anymore. But at least we had 400 steps to go down. Yippie!
      But we finally made it and arrived at the campsite. I was so done for the day. But there were another 5km to go to get to the black and blue pools behind the canyon. I honestly couldn't care less about it, and as Seb couldn't either, we decided to just get back to the lodge after lunch.
      The fast group came back from the black and blue pools about 10min after we arrived from the first part of the 12km hike. So they were quick!
      They told us it was quite an enjoyable walk, mostly in the shade but you'd have to go up and down lots of steps in the narrow canyon. As my knees hurt already, I just called it a day, enjoyed my lunch and the walk back to the bus.
      Back at the lodge, we chilled a bit in our bungalow, cuddled with Grey and booked ourselves a massage.
      It was only 12€ p.p. for 45min, so we said "What the heck". However, at least for me, it was horrible. My masseur was so rough and was putting so much pressure especially on my joints that I nearly cried. And I couldn't really tell her to do it differently, as she couldn't speak English. So, I endured the pain and was just very happy when it was over. Looking to my right, I saw a totally relaxed Seb sitting next to me. Well, at least someone was enjoying it.
      Afterwards, I was just in pain and tried to move as little as possible. That I can do.
      But we had the possibility to look at a very well-preserved fossil that Jacob had found in the many clay stones around. Seb and Mike were extremely happy about it, so I was happy as well. At least a good end to a stressful day.
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    • Day 15

      Heute mal touristischer Mainstream

      August 7, 2024 in Madagascar ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Wir waren noch eine weitere Nacht am Isalo Nationalpark und so haben wir für heute eine andere Wanderung ausgesucht. Mit unseren bekannten Guides gings diesmal an den Haupteingang vom Park. Früh war noch nix los und wir konnten gemütlich starten. Die Wanderung führte in einem Rundweg durch den Namaza-Canyon zu den Blue- und Black-Pools, ähnlichen Bademöglichkeiten wie gestern, dann rauf aufs Plateau und wieder runter in einen anderen Teil mit Wasserfall, anschließend zurück.
      Die Tour war viel grüner als gestern, da im Canyon immer Wasser ist. Zunehmend wurde es auch voller und man hat erst mal mitbekommen, wie viele Touristen hier doch unterwegs sind. Außer in Ranomafana hat man sonst kaum welche gesehen. Von großen Gruppen bis Einzelpersonen ist alles dabei, aber auch diese brauchen i.d.R. einen Fahrer und auf jeden Fall einen Guide für solche Parks.
      Picknick war heute noch dekadenter als gestern, es gab 3 Gänge. 😁 Aber wir haben auch gemerkt, so exklusiv ist das gar nicht, denn am Camp wurde für so gut wie alle Gruppen ähnlich aufgetischt. Die Lemuren wissen das auch und haben sich zu unserer Freude gezeigt.
      Ganz besonders froh waren wir, dass wir auf dem Weg nach draußen sogar noch Sifakas gesehen haben, was wohl gar nicht immer so einfach ist.
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    • Day 16

      Auf der Edelsteinstraße

      August 8, 2024 in Madagascar ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Unser Weg führte uns heut ganz an die Küste. Der erste Stopp war gleich in Ilakaka, das als Zentrum für den Saphirabbau bekannt ist. Heute sind die Grabungsstätten schon weiter draußen, aber der Edelsteinhandel ist hier geblieben.Read more

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