Kota Kinabalu

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Kota Kinabalu
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    • Day 218

      Kawa Kawa River Trip

      December 1, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      After the night before’s lack of sleep we had a lie in and then the buffet breakfast. We then had a walk along the front and came to a shopping mall which we walked around for a while. It’s odd knowing we’re in Borneo and seeing familiar shops.

      Back in the room we got ready for our afternoon/evening trip. We went to meet the driver at1pm and he didn’t arrive until nearly 2.30pm. This meant a super fast drive to get us to the Kawa Kawa dock for 4pm. Once there we had some pastries and fresh young coconut milk for afternoon tea.

      We then got on a boat to see proboscis monkeys 🙈. They, along with just about everything else, were hiding.

      Once off the boat we were taken to the sunset beach to watch the nonexistent sunset before returning to the dock for dinner. Fortunately they managed to do us a vegetarian meal and more coconut water.

      We then got back on the boat for the firefly tour and this bit was worthwhile. The fireflies were plentiful and sparkling in the dark.

      After 30 minutes we got off the boat and back in the car for the speedy drive home.
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    • Day 220

      Tip of Borneo

      December 3, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      I went on today’s trip by myself, with a driver and a guide. We went along the coast road and stopped at a market where I wandered around for half an hour. We then continued driving to the northern most point of Borneo, where the South China Sea meets the Sulu Sea. We walked around and went on the beach for a while.

      Back in the minibus we drove to a village for lunch and visited a replica traditional long house.

      We then drove to the Gong making village and walked around there before visiting a bee farm and tasting some honey.

      We then had a long drive back to KK. In the evening we had dinner in the hotel.
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    • Day 221

      Kinabalu National Park

      December 4, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Today we both went on the tour to Kinabalu National Park. Our first stop was a lookout to Mount Kinabalu where there were also some market stalls.

      We continued on our way, up into the foothills, and entered the park. The walk we were supposed to do was closed due to a bees nest. We went to the botanical gardens where we saw different orchids and some pitcher plants. We then drove down to Poring Hot springs and had lunch before walking up to the canopy walkway. Unfortunately as soon as I set foot on the bridge I knew it was too wobbly and couldn’t do it. I gave it a second go but no way. Simon went and later said I made the right choice.

      I walked back down the hillside and met back up with Simon and the guide. Back in the minibus we did a short drive to go to see a Rafflesia on its first day of flowering.

      We then drove back to KK and dinner in the hotel.
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    • Day 222

      Kota Kinabalu to Kuala Lumpur

      December 5, 2023 in Malaysia

      Up early and hotel breakfast. We got a grab to the airport and checked in. Malaysian immigration interrogated me about snow in NZ and then decided I could go on my way 😰😳😂😂.

      We arrived in KL and got a taxi to the apartment. After a short delay checking in (it was 2pm, not 3pm) we got to the room. No view of the patronas towers this time. After setting in and doing some chores we walked to the supermarket and then had dinner on food street before bed.Read more

    • Day 138–142

      Kota Kinabalu, Borneo, Malaysia

      February 21 in Malaysia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      We took a few days to relax and enjoy a quieter city after a couple of full on days in the jungle. There was some fantastic sunsets along the waterfront to enjoy!

      We got to witness a couple more surprise (to us) dragon dances, and mostly ate at a vegetarian restaurant that served delicious laksa and char sui fried rice- yummy!Read more

    • Day 62

      Kota Kinabalu

      March 21 in Malaysia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Heute hieß es wieder, Koffer packen. Nach einem knapp eineinhalb stündigen Flug sind wir in Kota Kinabalu gelandet.
      Erster Eindruck: na ja. Alles ein wenig schäbig.
      Dafür gibt es einen Waschsalon gleich ums Eck, den wir auch gleich mal genutzt haben.
      An der Waterfront gibt es einen Nachtmarkt mit einem Riesenangebot an frischen Fischen und sonstigem Meeresgetier. Raussuchen, wiegen und dann frisch zubereitet serviert. Lecker.
      Allerdings wurden wir dort auch zum ersten Mal auf unserer Reise mit bettelnden Kindern konfrontiert....
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    • Day 20

      Zwischenstopp Kota Kinabalu

      July 24, 2022 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Capsule Hostel
      Unglaublich unschöne Stadt und leider kaum was zu unternehmen, da das Wetter zu schlecht war.
      Spontaner Entschluss schneller weiterzureisen und nach einer Nacht ging's direkt weiter in den Osten nach Sabah.Read more

    • Day 73

      Kota Kinabalu

      January 26, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      11 a.m. - It is always a challenge to find vegetarian food for our veggies so we walked quite long until we found a breakfast place. I recognized that the english level in Kota Kinabalu isn’t that high. Furthermore I had the feeling that they haven’t seen many european people because we got all the attention and they took some photos with us. On the way back we discovered slums. We decided to walked trough and it was hard to see how the life. Especially the huge amount of plastic trash there and the contrast to the skyscrapers. They were all very friendly and I had some nice little chat’s. Moreover I got besieged for all the kids and could barley move. Was definitely crazy to see.

      1:30 p.m. - In the afternoon we wanted to go to the Kota Kinabalu park where also the highest mountain of Malaysia Mt. Kinabalu (4095m) is. My actual plan was to climb the mountain but it is way to expensive so we wanted to do some smaller hikes by ourselves. Unfortunately we could not figure out how to get there and the time was very short as well. Instead we went to our huge infinity pool on the roof top and chilled there.

      4 p.m. - In the afternoon we went for some coffee and snacks.

      7 p.m. - For dinner we went to a huge market local market where they sell fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and meat. I really don’t know what to say that they sell sharks, puffer fish and mantas. Furthermore the had some food stalls and we got dinner in one if them. Eli and I decided to get some squid’s and a fish from the BBQ with some vegetables and rice. Back home I would easily pay 30-40€ for this meal and I just paid 10€ and it was amazing.

      P.S.: Some of the locals of the market called me Justin Bieber. Furthermore our toilet got a defect and it wasn’t possible to flush so it was a bit nasty.
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    • Day 212

      Kota Kinabalu

      November 25, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      The morning was spent repacking the suitcases ready for our trip to Danum Valley tomorrow. We then checked out of the not great hotel, much to the receptionist surprise and got a Grab to the Hyatt Regency.

      We left our bags and went for a walk around town, having fried rice for lunch. We checked into the hotel at 2pm and had another repack.

      At sunset we went to the pool bar for a beer and then had a buffet dinner before bed.
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    • Day 18

      Kota Kinabalu City

      November 18, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

      I didn’t realize that Borneo is the 3rd largest island in the world. Not only that, but it’s host to 3 different countries: Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

      Today we visited Kota Kinabalu, which is a city in the Sabah state of Malaysia. Our guide, Gwenda, spoke in broken English, but it didn’t take long to get used to her cadence.

      The tour started with a drive through the city, stopping at two mosques and a market along the way.

      We’ve visited open air markets all over the world. This one wins for having the narrowest aisles. They were just wide enough for person to walk through. I had to pu my purse in front of me to keep from knocking things over.

      We spoke to two sweet ladies in the market. They were happy to pose for pictures with me. Wonder if they posted them to their social media, and if so, how their captions read? (“Met this silly American lady today…”)

      We got stuck in traffic on the way back, so Gwenda regaled us with tales of daily life on Borneo. She told us that, “Even you have office job, still go to jungle when mushrooms grow, still find food. Even you live apartment, still pick fruit by road.”

      She told us that her mother was Christian, her father Muslim, and her grandparents, “still worship old gods.” Her grandmother taught her about medicinal plants, for instance.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kota Kinabalu, کوتا کینابالو, BKI, コタキナバル, Кота-Кинабалу, 亞庇

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