San Ġiljan

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    • Gün 4

      To Mdina and beyond

      7 Ekim 2017, Malta ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      We catch the next bus which takes us on to Mdina, which is where the time trials for the Classic Cars are taking place today. We can look down into the trench outside the city walls which is acting as the pits today. We recognise some of the cars from yesterday but there are a lot more than were on display in the concourse.

      We find a spot where we can see and watch as car after car sets off : Minis, Fiats, Jags, a wildly keen Honda which won last year, cautious drivers, keen drivers of lower powered cars...they're all here. We chat to a couple of big enthusiasts on either side of us. We laugh as the safety truck has to go to the assistance of a marshall who fell over a wall down a bank and couldn't get out! He was unhurt but probably deeply embarrassed! And we learn that almost all these Classic Cars are from Malta itself.

      Then we find Is-Serkin for lunch. We sample pastizzi and qassatat, which are different types of pasties. We had four (ricotta, pea, chicken and anchovy) pastizzi and a pea qassatat plus two beers for less than six euros!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 54

      Feb 14th

      14 Şubat 2019, Malta ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Saint valentin's day, Marta, Daniela, Fernando, Juan, Mami, Yücel and Sady...we went to Cuba restaurant, I tried a hamburguer...Mami had planned something with Lady but Lady had to come back early, so I invited her and I think she enjoyed the Night...Night of friendship...Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 18

      second-to-last day

      10 Ocak 2019, Malta ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Heute war mein vorletzter Schultag auf Malta und ich merke jetzt schon, wie sehr mir die Leute hier fehlen werden. Die drei Wochen sind so schnell verflogen und am liebsten würde ich noch länger hier bleiben. 😐
      Am heutigen Tag habe ich nicht viel gemacht. Ich hatte von 8:10 Uhr bis 11:00 Uhr meinen normalen Unterricht in der Klasse. Die Klasse besteht aus 18 Leuten und wir haben heute mal notiert wie viele Nationalitätet wir in der Klasse haben: 16!
      - 🇹🇷🇩🇪🇨🇳🇲🇽🇧🇷🇳🇱🇨🇱🇨🇴🇵🇦🇮🇹🇫🇷🇦🇷🇨🇭🇸🇪🇧🇪🇲🇹 -

      Später hatte ich noch 'speaking & listening'. In den Pausen habe ich viel Zeit mit meinen Freunden verbracht und nach der Schule war ich mit einigen noch etwas essen. (Die meisten waren Türken sodass wir letzendlich entschieden haben, türkisch zu essen 😂🤷🏻‍♀️). 🌯🥙

      📷: Auf dem Bild ist links Niclas, ein deutscher Schüler und Ambassador von EF Deutschland. Rechts ist Steve, er arbeitet an der 'Rezeption' von EF Malta. ☺️
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Spinola Bay

      1 Ocak 2019, Malta ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Heute war ein sehr entspannter Tag. Heute Mittag bin ich nach St. Julian's gefahren um dort eine Kleinigkeit zum Mittag zu essen. Danach bin ich noch ein bisschen an der Küste rumgelaufen und habe einen längeren Spaziergang gemacht um die Sonne zu geniessen. ☀️🏞
      Nachdem ich durchgefroren war, weil der Wind hier doch sehr kalt ist, habe ich mich in ein Costa Cafe gesetzt und mich ein wenig aufgewärmt und etwas getrunken. Leider sind heute aufgrund des Feiertags keine Busse gefahren sodass ich mit einem Taxi Nachhause fahren musste. 🚖
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4


      27 Aralık 2018, Malta ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Heute hatte ich genauso wie gestern um 8:10 Uhr Schule. Der Unterricht hat mir sehr viel spaß gemacht, da wir darüber gesprochen haben, was andere Länder von dem eigenen Heimatland denken. Kaum zu glauben aber mir wurde tatsächlich gesagt, dass einige denken wir tragen immer Dirndl und Latzhosen und trinken ständig Bier oder essen Wurst. 🍻
      Nach Schulschluss um 12:30 Uhr habe ich mich auf den Weg zur Bushaltestelle gemacht und mich kurzerhand entschieden noch nicht Nachhause zu fahren. Also war ich in einem kleinen Pizzaladen bei dem man sein Stück Pizza nach Gramm bezahlt. Die Pizza war sehr lecker, ich denke ich werde dort definitiv noch ein Stück essen bevor es für mich wieder Nachhause geht. 🍕
      Danach bin ich mit dem Bus ein paar Stationen gefahren und an einer beliebigen ausgestiegen so dass ich ein Paar Bilder vom Meer machen konnte. Ich habe außerdem noch einen dieser Cinnabon Läden gefunden und direkt noch eine von den Zimtschnecken gegessen. Die sind einfach so lecker! 😋
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1


      30 Aralık 2017, Malta ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

      Yo das mit dem Transfer hat dann doch noch geklappt. Am Hotel Check-In war nicht so viel los, aber die, die eingecheckt sind, waren glaube ich zum ersten Mal in einem Hotel. Aber auch die Warterei konnte mich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen. Das Hotel ist ganz ok. Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten des Blickes: Meerblick oder Baustellenblick. Guess what ich bekommen habe.
      Die Gegend, wo das Hotel liegt, ist etwas dunkel und nicht ganz vertrauenswürdig. Aber ich bin ja hier auf Malta, da isses ja nicht so schlimm.
      Da es schon dunkel war, bin ich heute nicht mehr so viel rumgekommen. Ich habe noch in einem coolen Pub „The Scotsman“ ein Guinness getrunken und ein bisschen Fußball geguckt. Morgen erkunde ich dann mal ein bisschen die Stadt.
      In dem Pub hab ich mich dann noch lange mit Liam aus Irland unterhalten. Er kommt aus dem County Meath. Und er sagte, du weißt eh nicht wo das ist. Und ich sag doch, das ist wo Slane ist. Und schon waren wir Kumpels. Lustig.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      To Marsaxlokk

      9 Ekim 2017, Malta ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      We take the open top bus to the traditional fishing village of Marsarlokk (pronounced Mar-sash-lokk) on the south east of Malta, marsa meaning port and xlokk meaning south east.

      Simply put, it is gorgeous. The simple village houses arc around the harbour, which is full of the brightly colored wooden fishing boats known as luzzu (pronounced lut-zu).

      We stop for lunch - lampuki and sea bass - and a beer on the quayside before taking a potter round the harbour in one of the luzzus.

      Just picture postcard perfection.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      The Festival

      7 Ekim 2017, Malta ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      The streets are packed. We see singers and fire jugglers. We pop into the University and see their student designed car. A young man holds a group spellbound playing his harp in a tiny church. The National Archeological Centre is open. A group is passionately declaiming Maltese poetry. A band amuses us with Irish folk songs. Buildings and roads are lit up and all the churches are open. Even Parliament is open if you are prepared to jump through their security hoops. People spill out of every restaurant and bar. Big bands are playing and kids are loving dancing on a stage where their magnified image is displayed on a screen as dancing lightbulb people. And there was so much more.

      Eventually we stop for a drink and a bit of people watching, before heading back to the ferry.

      The queue is enormous but a chartered ferry is just docking. Or trying to. After a while they manage to get the 20 or so passengers off but deem it too dangerous to try to board the several hundred people waiting. The boat is going up and down, and backwards and forwards and plainly it is unsafe. We don't think there's a chance of us making it onto the next regular ferry, assuming it can even dock, so decide to go for the buses.

      It's a long walk round Valetta to the bus station but we make it, and the fun begins. We don't make it onto the first bus to St Giljan but another arrives quickly. Now the crush really starts. The conductor only opens one door but everyone is determined that they are getting on. The problem was people paying cash which held up the queue so boarding was painfully slow, whilst the back of the crowd pushed forwards pushing those by the doors into the side of the bus with nowhere else to go. I'm shoved into someone and beginning to lose my footing before I get to the door and can board, a quick tap of my card and I'm in. And I get us the last two seats! Moments later John is next to me and it all becomes civilised again. The roads were clear so we were back home by 1am.

      So, I enjoyed the festival but I think I'll give those a buses a miss another time!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Notte Bianca

      7 Ekim 2017, Malta ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      This is the festival of White Night, which celebrates all thing cultural in Malta. The streets and buildings of Valetta are lit up and the city hosts a huge range of cultural events.

      We bussed to Slimea and joined the massive queue for the ferry. We were amongst the first to board the second boat so got a good seat on the top, outside deck from where we saw the firework display. It was spectacularly underwhelming as it was still broad daylight... It took forever to load the ferry as the queue was massive and we suspected it was quite overloaded. No matter, we arrived safely and Valetta looked lovely in the evening sun.

      Our first ports of call were to visit the church with the dome and the next door cathedral with the spire which dominate Malta's skyline. The former being a Catholic church and the later being St Paul's Pro Cathedral, which is a totally different simpler style than all the other churches we've visited here. The Pro part of the name means it is a cathedral which it's not supported by its own bishop.

      We wander through the streets which are gradually being lit up as it darkens and are gradually filling up as 7pm, kickoff, approaches. We find the acclaimed Nenu for dinner but they won't take a reservation so we chance waiting for the huge bell ringing citywide at 7pm which announces the start of the festival. A few minutes past we give up and return to the restaurant where, luckily, a final table for two still remains. The maitre d' shrugs her shoulders when we tell her about the bells and simply says "Maltese time". We have the Maltese speciality, beef olives which is herby minced pork wrapped in a slice of beef which is braised in tomato sauce and chicken ftira, which is the Maltese version of pizza. And John finally discovers the Maltese wine, Laurenti, that he has been on the lookout for.

      Then we hit the streets. It is packed. Valetta is expecting to host something like 60 000 revellers tonight.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      And beyond...

      7 Ekim 2017, Malta ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      We catch the next bus to complete our circuit of the northern loop of the island. We sit on the top again, it's hot and windy but all very pleasant. We pass a big church. We arrive back at Spinola Point around 3pm after very nice day out with lot less transport hassles than yesterday.Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    San Ġiljan, San Giljan, St. Julian's, San Julián, San Julian's, Сент-Джулианс

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