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    • Day 108

      Agua Azul & Palenque (Bàak' in Mayan)

      December 11, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      As mentioned we wanted to started our day at 05:00 am but the festivities had made the night quite uneasy but we managed to be on the road by 05:30. Surprisingly it was already quite busy on the streets, especially the pilgrims were already running again probably to avoid the sun. The accompanying cars, vans and trucks threw candies to the waiting kids along the road so the whole way was lined with them ☺️ With all these people on and next to the streets the drive felt very safe but we still drove all the way to the waterfalls of Agua Azul at once, which was about 4 hours. When arriving there at 09:30 in the morning there were already some tourists who probably came from Palenque.
      We changed quickly in our swimming suits and then walked along the shores checking out every viewpoint on the way up. The colors of the waterfalls were an incredible mix of contrast that blended perfectly and beautifully. Each view was different and had its own charm. At the top were several designated natural pools for swimming and it was perfect to refresh after the strenuous drive (tope country!!). The water was chilly but just right together with the air temperature.

      The last leg of the route led us for another 2 hours to the archaeological site of Palenque, a major Mayan complex. The area that you can visit and is explored is already huge but only makes up around 2%, the rest of the city is still covered under lush rainforest vegetation. The ruins are well restored and offer an impressive sight against the green background. At a vendor we saw the Palenque Mayan (there were different Mayan tribes like in Chichén Itzá and Tikal) Zodiac signs. We were intrigued and he told us interesting facts about them, among the signs of ourselves. The signs also decided what kind of occupation the person will have later: I'm Xul, the young jaguar 🐆, which means that I'm a leader of warriors. Julia is Tzec, the symbol of balance and the occupation of advisory. We got these two as painted pottery charms ☺️ The vendor was super nice and we chatted for some time and he told us some interesting facts about the ruins and specific items. He also told us that we could go to a jungle path by ourselves because the guides had advertised it. As it was still early we decided to go there and the walk was pretty easy except for some muddy parts.

      Then we went into town to check for a place to stay the night. A hotel had pretty good reviews and when we arrived it looked amazing inmidst a green jungle. Unfortunately they didn't have any rooms available but they said we could sleep in the van and use the facilities. We didn't want to look further and the hotel manager was super nice, so we decided to stay... And it was the best decision!! Right after parking a weird cat ran across the dirt street which he explained later is an agouti, a large rodent. Unfortunately it ran away before I could get a good look and picture of it. I've attached the one where you can see it from behind 🤷‍♂️ A little bit later we were surprised by a family of monkeys (mono aullador) 🐒 in the trees above us. They were super active, jumping around and teasing each other. Two of them jumped on a nearby balcony and took down the drying clothes. We watched them for about an hour before heading into the town center for dinner and a bit of sightseeing. I've tried a traditional Mayan chicken stew with vegetables and Julia had tlacoyos. A proper last meal in Mexico 🥰

      We went back to Ruedi, planned a bit more the journey and watched a series. Around 11pm we went back into town to see the fireworks in celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
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    • Day 104

      60. Mexiko, Rückreise Etappe III.1

      June 9 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 35 °C

      Bis zu unserer Unterkunft in Palenque vergehen über fünf Stunden ⏳, zwischendurch an einer Tanke ⛽ ein fruchtiges Eis am Stiel verspeist..., gefahren sind wir 382 Kilometer 🚘.
      Unsere gewählte Unterkunft ist das "Casa 5 Bed & Breakfast".
      Hier werden wir wieder mit unseren beschränkten Spanischkenntnissen konfrontiert 🤔🗣️🤔 als es um die Bezahlung der Unterkunft geht.
      Aber es klärt sich alles, nachdem wir uns die Zahlungshinweise bei "Booking", unserer Buchungsplattform für diese Unterkunft ansehen 🤓.
      In Palenque haben wir zwei Übernachtungen 🛌 gebucht.
      Wir schauen uns heute den Park 🌳🌴🪑🪑🌳🌴 im Zentrum mit der nahegelegenen Kirche ⛪ und dem Rathaus 🏫 an.
      Zum Abendessen ist 🍕Pizza 🍕 in einer etwas abgelegenen Pizzeria angesagt.
      Schönes Ambiente 🤗 und leckere Pizza 😋.
      Für morgen planen wir die Besichtigung der Maya-Ruinen und einen
      Wasserfall 💦.
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    • Day 34

      Palenque cquecemoche

      December 13, 2021 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Je ne sais pas si c'est la fatigue, ou si c'est la transition avec San Cristobal, mais Palenque, on trouve ca ... Moche !

      Du coup, on a aucun scrupule à glander à l'hôtel ... Pour le plus grand bonheur des enfants ... qui jouent tranquillement toute l'après midi: atelier fabrication de serpents en plus plus !

      On se balade quand même un peu et on tombe par hasard sur une fabrique de fajitas !!!

      On sent quand même que tout le monde n'a pas beaucoup dormi, le moindre mot de travers et c'est l'incident diplomatique 😬.

      Allez, demain sera un autre jour, on se fait les cascades !
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    • Day 143


      August 25, 2018 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Spät abends fahren wir mit dem Nachtbus von Bacalar nach Palenque. Wir haben ein bisschen Pech mit unseren Sitzplätzen in der letzten Reihe über dem Motor und neben der Toilette, aber irgendwie überstehen wir die Fahrt und können glücklicherweise gleich frühs schon in unsere Unterkunft einchecken und erstmal schlafen.😴
      Die Stadt selbst ist ganz süß und ein bisschen lebendiger als Bacalar. Die vielen Geschäfte mit Kräutern und Gewürzen finde ich toll.👍
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    • Day 14


      July 12, 1995 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Heute sind wir sehr früh um 5:30 Uhr aufgestanden, um mit dem Bus nach Palenquee zu fahren. Der Bus fuhr aber nicht und so mussten wir den Bus um 7:00 Uhr nehmen. Dabei hatten wir doch gestern noch extra die Fahrkarten gekauft und uns auch die Abfahrtzeit bestätigen lassen - na ja. So kamen wir erst um 13:00 Uhr in Palenque an.
      Hier besichtigten wir die Pyramiden an und schlossen uns kurzerhand einer deutschen Führung an. Hier bei den Ruinen kann man die Stimme des Urwalds hören, um 16:00 Uhr hatten wir alles gesehen.
      Der Plan war noch zum Aqua Azul zu fahren, aber dafür war es jetzt zu spät. Somit zählten wir unser vorhandenes Geld und beschlossen heute hier ein Hotel zu nehmen und Aqua Azul morgen zu besuchen. Da hatten wir für diese Nacht zwei Hotelzimmer, ein ungenutztes in San Christobal und eins hier in Palenque. Jetzt kauften wir noch die Fahrkarten zum Aqua Azul und nach San Christobal. Vom restlichen Geld gingen wir Essen und anschließen schlafen, da wir müde waren und auch kein Geld mehr hatten.
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    • Day 8


      August 13, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Arriviamo a Palenque la mattina presto e ci rifocilliamo con un'abbondante colazione.
      Arriviamo al sito Archeologico: acquistiamo il pacchetto guida con giro nella giungla. Dopo la visita, io e Giorgia compriamo un funghetto allucinogeno da un contatto della guida.
      Prima di tornare al paese visitiamo anche il museo.
      Pranziamo in un ristorante chic e molto buono: Clari e Gio prendono un pollo ripieno memorabile.
      Alle 16 prendiamo il bus per Laguna Bacalar, con arrivo notturno.
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