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    • Dag 3

      Watch out

      4. februar 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      We receive the briefing to always check your shoes before putting them on. The advice: if you feel something crawling on your face at night, hold still and go back to sleep as the people who are bitten are those who try to hit the thing.Les mer

    • Dag 140–144


      16. april, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Wir treffen überraschenderweise Dani&Nico wieder. Gemeinsam machen wir eine Fisching-Tour und fangen 3 riesige 'Jurels'! (Salome hatte leider kein Glück, aber zum Glück, denn mehr hätte im Gefrierfach auch nicht Platz gehabt...😳) der Kapitän fährt mit uns durch einen Delfinen-Schwarm und diese fangen ein Wettrennen mit uns an! Wie eindrücklich, diese Tiere so nah zu sehen!! Die Fische werden für uns filetiert und wir können nicht wiederstehen, gleich etwas zu probieren...☺️

      Wir essen lecker, lachen bis der Bauch schmerzt und staunen über diese absolut überwältigenden Erlebnisse. Es ist schön, auf unserer Reise zu zweit immer wieder mit wunderbarer Gemeinschaft beschenkt zu werden.
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    • Dag 3

      A brief stroll in the Town of Loreto

      4. februar 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      After lunch, margaritas, and a presentation by a serpentarium in La Paz, we take a brief 30 minute stroll in Loreto before boarding the bus to our ship in Escondido. Loreto was settled by the Spanish Jesuits. The padres did not want to force the indigenous people to work for the mission. Mission productivity was expected to repay the investment by the Spanish crown. After a few years, the Jesuits were replaced by Franciscans who were more open to forced labor. Along this street the indigenous people lined up to say good-bye to their padres. Things were pretty sleepy as we strolled along the avenida. There was some sort of youth activity with several booths.Les mer

    • Dag 221

      Heiligabend in Loreto

      24. desember 2023, Mexico ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Heiligabend haben wir uns ein Ribeye Steak 🥩 gebraten mit Pü und gemischtem Salat. Als Dessert gab es frische Erdbeeren mit Sahne!! 😋😋😋
      Das Fleisch (gefroren) haben wir in Bahia de Los Angeles beim „Sausage Man“ gekauft.
      Eine Weihnachtsdecke und drei Kerzen habe ich noch gefunden.
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    • Dag 439

      Loreto & La Paz

      24. februar, Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The whale watching wasn't over yet! On the way to Guerrero Negro I had stopped off in Loreto for a couple of nights to break up the long bus journey. Loreto is a nice little town with not much going on except for the fact that it's the first place on the peninsula that was successfully colonised by the Spanish after several failed attempts. As a result it has the oldest Jesuit mission on the peninsula, built in 1697. While in Loreto I found out that Loreto is one of the few places that you can go to see Blue Whales, and they were currently in town! So I couldn't pass on the opportunity to go and see them on my way back down the peninsula. Blue whales are the biggest animals ever known to have existed, including any dinosaurs. They are in the Sea of Cortez around some offshore islands near Loreto for only two months of the year during winter, coming to the area to breed and feed on krill in the nutrient rich waters.

      Going to see the blue whales was a much calmer affair than seeing the humpbacks or grey whales, there was no breaching or curiosity about the boats. Instead you look for the huge plume of water sprayed into the air when they breathe and head in its direction. When you get there it may have already dived back to the deep water to feed, so you just wait for up to 10 minutes until it surfaces again. When it does, it'll stay at the surface for a few minutes taking several breaths, before flipping its tail and diving deep for another 10 minutes or so. You see so little of the whale yet you still get an impression of its vast size by the size of the plume of water being sprayed up, the glacial place at which it moves and of course the huge tail when it's flipped in the air. It's a very graceful animal that once again makes you feel very humbled.

      The sea around Loreto is also home to Loreto Bay National Park, a UNESCO site that is home to plentiful marine life, not to mention a generally stunning area with islands, volcanic rock formations, and white sand beaches. So I went on another boat trip to explore these islands that included snorkeling with sea lions. I enjoyed being in the water with the sea lions as they're very cute and inquisitive, but the water was very murky and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were swimming through sea lion poo! Further around the island we did more snorkeling on a reef with actual clear water which felt much more pleasant. We also saw a small pod of dolphins that swam along the boat with us for a while before going their own way.

      Finally I headed to La Paz, the capital of Baja California Sur. La Paz is a cool city with a laid back holiday vibe. There is a 5km long water front lined with piers, benches, marine themed sculptures, and plenty of cafes, restaurants, and shops around to keep you entertained. The town itself had loads of beautiful street art that I liked to discover. But after a few days here it was time to move on from Baja California to head to the mighty Mexican mainland. So off I headed to get a ferry to Topolobampo, just across the Sea of Cortez. The ferry was much nicer than I was expecting and even had a free meal included! I headed up to the deck to watch the sunset as I reluctantly said goodbye to Baja, but I was very excited for the rest of Mexico!
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    • Dag 8

      Pizza n Chips...on the pizza

      13. februar 2020, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      13th February. Pizza with chips (on the pizza). Loreto.

      Our meal out was meant to be in a traditional place that has no menu and just serves you up whatever the lady of the house is putting together that day. It turned out to be closed. I was a bit disappointed as I was looking forward to an opportunity to experiment and get inquisitive. Our alternative turned out to be an ok pizza (with chips on it?!)- our first non Mexican food we've eaten (out-with our truck, Spud)- but it took an hour to arrive by which time any notion of a nice romantic meal was starting to slide into tiredness, as it was past our standard bedtime or 8pm.

      In Latin America, when it comes to pizza, and maybe even cooking in general, the concept of 'less is more' isn't particularly well understood or practised. So, in the case of pizza, excess cheese is an issue. Yet, we never seemed to bloody learn before. Better now, as we're rarely eating food that isn't traditional for the place we're in.

      A theme that's underpinning my current thinking of how principles such as 'less is more' might translate into whatever I do down the line, is refinement. I like the idea of taking authentic dishes and, whilst keeping them authentic regards flavour profile and, to an extent, texture, improving elements to turn out a more precise product with more distinction in the elements. The test that it should still pass is that someone from the place would still be able to recognise and connect with the dish and see it as a respectful nod. It has to be close enough to the original as well, because I want to be able to say, with integrity, that what I am serving is a real slice of the place. Authenticity is the differentiator that has the power to create an opportunity at home in the UK with Latin American cookery, but precision is what can take it to the next level, should that be the kind of product I decide I want to create. Ask most people what they think of when you say Mexican cuisine, and it'll probably be Fajitas, or other more Tex Mex varietals. I can't wait to serve people Mole, the rich and massively varied sauce from Oaxaca with all it's complex spices and chocolate (in some cases).
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    • Dag 200


      2. desember 2016, Mexico ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      So we finally tore ourselves away from the utterly gorgeous beaches and drove an hour down to the town of Loretto, and set up in LA Riveriera RV park. It was really nice to have hot showers and wifi again! We had an incredible pizza (again now one of life's luxuries) and that evening we went down to Augie's, which has a daily happy hour(s) and polished off a few Negra Modelos.

      The next day we made the most of the internet and caught up on the world and with the family. The big adventure of the day was a visit to the supermarket, and we're so happy to find decent food shops at last, with good choice at great prices ($7 scotch anyone?). We couldn't resist going back to Augie's for $1 beers with free snacks and then we ate in a nice non-touristy restaurant in town.

      We were supposed to be leaving the next day but we found it hard to so ended up exploring the lovely old town in with a mission church from 1697, before trawling the tourist shops. Guess what - we ended up at Augie's again! We met a guy from the camp site there and had the most wierd night at a late night tacqueria, with an incredible Mexican chef who grew up in the states, and had fish & prawn tacos to die for!

      We eventually ripped ourselves away from this lovely little town, but not before a MASSIVE breakfast burrito at the same place as last night.
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    • Dag 18


      3. april 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We were thrilled by the little hostel we stumbled onto in Loreto.

    • Dag 21

      ✒️/🚲 - 15: Playa El Resqueto/ Loreto

      7. november 2021, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      DISTANCE: 95,3 km
      GAIN D'ALTITUDE: 607 m
      DURÉE: 8h 41min

      Départ de la plage tardif à cause d'un Sam qui regonfle et regonfle ses pneux et traîne. Assez frustrée, j'ai envie de décoller puisqu'on s'est levés tôt exprès pour échapper à la chaleur. Je pars devant toute seule.

      Rouler le long de Bahia de Conception, vue sublime, mer montage et cactus.
      La chaleur à etouffer cette aprem, compliqué de monter puis descendre.
      Et vent défavorable en bonus.
      Compliqué, heureusement qu'il y avait un Sam qui me suivait avec une gourde remplie de glaçons :)
      Arrivés à Loretto, on prend un hôtel pas loin du centre-ville. Ville plutôt animé et un centre ville, une place et une église. Premier ceviche très bon et petit concert.

      -- La Mer de Cortez --

      157 km - 1700m de dénivelé en 4 étapes (sur 1108km) et pratiquement autant de jour off.

      De Mulege à Loreto, la Bahia de Concepcion, une baie magnifique, combo gagnant de montagnes, plages et cactus. Avec aucun bâtiment, aucune infrastructure, juste des 'palapas' et la nature. Tellement sauvage, tellement magnifique.

      Se retrouver à manger du thon et des palourdes pêché et ramassées dans la baie (et boire de la tequila) autour d'un feu sur une plage avec des américains, y bivouaquer pour voir le lever du soleil et bien sûr chausser les palmes, ça ressemblait bien à quelques jours complètement fous. Avec le recul, j'aurais dû éviter les palourdes (ou la tequila) …

      Niveau snorkeling, le plancton a faussé la visibilité et m'a fait un beau tatouage à l'avant bras. Bien plus dangereux que le serpent à sonnette aperçu dans la palapa. Mes palmes sont quand même contentes de prendre l'air. Mon masque s'est fait la malle du coup.

      Continuer la route avec Sam, un des Américains, aussi à vélo. On est quelques cyclistes à faire la même route, parfois je les croise dans l'autre direction et puis parfois dans la même direction. C'était l'expert des crevaisons, alors maintenant je sais dire rustines, pneus et dégonfler en anglais. Nos chemins se sont séparés à Loreto, et avec lui sa gourde isotherme remplie de glaçons et ses chokis.

      La doudoune va pouvoir rester un moment au fond des sacoches, les températures sont bien montées. Pas forcément idéales pour rouler.

      Grâce à ces derniers jours, mon téléphone est rempli de fond d'écran, sans avoir eu besoin de filtre. Des paysages et lumière incroyables. Peu de montagnes, je n'ai jamais eu le courage de m'arrêter en pleine montée ou en pleine descente.
      C'était juste beau!
      Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Loreto Mexico

      11. januar 2017, Mexico ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      Loreto was a great surprise to us. Unlike any location that we had ever seen in Mexico. Clean with lovely people who did not push themselves on you. We walked the safe streets and enjoyed wonderful weather and the Spanish environment.Les mer

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    Loreto, LTO, ロレト, 로레토, Лорето, 洛雷托

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