Punta Fatima

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    • Day 248

      Puerto Aventuras

      March 26, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Mehr durch Zufall haben wir die Sicherheitskontrolle eines abgesperrten Bereiches passiert.

      Wir hatten uns eine Eisdiele ausgesucht und standen auf einmal an einer Schranke. Hier haben wir zu verstehen gegeben, dass wir ins Café wollten und noch hinzugefügt, dass wir jemanden treffen möchten. Das hat genügt. Der Ausweis wurde fotografiert und wir durften passieren.

      In der nachgehenden Recherche hat sich herausgestellt, dass man eigentlich nur als Bewohner oder zahlender Gast in diesen abgesperrten Bereich darf. Das Dorf ist aufgeteilt in Gäste und Dauerbewohner.

      Hierzu gehört auch ein Becken, in dem dauerhaft Delfine leben und trainiert werden. Eine Schule gibt es ebenfalls. Ein witziger Ort.

      Wer auch rein durfte, waren die spring Break Besucher zum Start ihrer Bootsparty.
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    • Day 11

      Peso, Dollar, Peso?

      August 16, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Eva didn't want to Scuba dive today. She stayed in bed as long as she could. We checked out at 11:00 and headed off 20 minutes down the road to our new hotel The Hard Rock.

      I had booked the Platinum all inclusive package which was a two bedroom suite with our own personal assistant, an upper terrace with hot tub and sun loungers. There are two parts to the hotel. Heaven which is for over 18's only and Hacienda which is for anybody...we stayed in Hacienda...sorry Eva but you don't yet qualify again.

      The service at the hotel was absolutely superb and you couldn't fault it, added to that there was a massive choice of restaurants. We also had a bonus of 1000 Resort points which meant that we could spend $1000 on various exclusions or services at the hotel. Normally this isn't my cup of tea but for three days it was ideal.

      So we went and booked up our beauty treatments for the next 3 days. Eva booked for her nails and a facial. I booked for a detoxification facial and a salt scrub massage...a new man.

      After Eva's sunbath we went for a walk around the resort. I don't think I could do a week here but for 3 days it would be a bit of a giggle. We sat down by the pool in the shade and watched feeding time at the watering hole. It was just like being on safari. All the hippos would congregate in the water at the side of the pool and start to feed. Pizzas, burgers and as much alcohol as possible was brought to them and they happily munched away whilst sun blazed down on their already peeling skin.

      All of this feeding was making us hungry so decided to go for a Brazilian BBQ. It could make your eyes water but fortunately it involved big skewers of meat being carved at your table that you had with different salads. Very nice indeed. In fact I decided to push the boat out and order a bottle of red to go with it.

      Everything is inclusive at The Hard Rock but for the better wines you could pay a premium. What the hell we are on holiday so I chose a Mexican red wine. The waiter looked surprised and went and got the bottle. Then his manager turned up and said what an excellent choice it was. Then the wine turned up almost with it's own armed guard.

      'I don't think they sell much of this Eva'

      'Oh, I don't know anything about wine a just drink anything' said Eva.

      Anyway it really did taste very nice and accompanied the meat very well. When the meal had finished the manager brought us the ticket to sign for the wine. It was then that we realised that the price wasn't Pesos, which is strangely enough shown as $580. This would have equated to around £25. It was in fact US dollars! No wonder it came with its own security. So £450 was hastily utilised on the resort credits leaving just €100 to pay...phew.

      Wednesday nights at Hacienda there is a rock show by the in house band. AC/DC, Kiss, Queen you name it they played it. Well not quite. The drummer was definitely playing and the singer was definitely singing, but the rest of the band just danced around a bit and strummed out of synchs with the backing music. After a while we snook out and went downstairs to the foyer where there was a excellent 3 piece band playing and some old blokes strutting their stuff. Eva went for a boogie.
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    • Day 1

      Cenoten, Puerto Aventuras/Mexiko

      July 18, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Ankunft Cancun, Bus nach Puerto Aventuras
      Wohnen bei Eugenia und Sebastian (Airbnb) in Puerto Adventures
      Tauchen mit Planet Scuba Mexiko, bester Guide Isaak
      Cenoten: Casa, El Eden, Chalak Mul, Dos Ojos, Angelita, Tajma HaRead more

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