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    • Tag 18

      A little lighthouse keeping*

      10. März 2023 in Marokko

      Longer drive today, about 3 hours to Tangier, located at the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar, just 14km from Spain.

      Through it's history it has been under Spanish control, Portugese control and even English control - in 1662 it was transferred to the English crown as part of the dowry of Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles II.

      In the 1940s and 50s, as an international zone managed by colonial powers, it became a haven for artists, eccentric millionaires, secret agents and writers. It is now a modern, attractive city, with a fascinating mix of old and new - an ancient medina fringed by a modem harbour and corniche.

      We ventured a few kilometres out of town to Cape Spartel, the most north western point of mainland Africa, and home to a lighthouse dating from 1864.

      Nearby is the Cave of Hercules - mythology cites that Tangier was founded by Hercules and it was in these caves that he rested after completing the 12 labours set to him as penance for his sins.

      The cave has two openings, one to sea and one to land. The sea opening, known as "The Map of Africa" is believed created by the Phoenicians in the shape of Africa when looked at from the sea.
      The caves were was used as a brothel in the 1920's, and in 1995, British rock group Def Leppard played a concert in the cave.

      *Naming credit to The Goodies 😁

    • Tag 6

      mit der fähre nach tanger🇲🇦

      6. Februar in Marokko ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      ENDLICH goht’s noch marokkoooooo!!!!🤪😍🤭🇲🇦 vor üs das tor nach afrika und mir zwoa mittendrinn, i gloubs kaum.⛴️🫶
      nochdem mir beide busse noch/von gibraltar gestern nur haarscharf no erwüscht hond in deam mir eam beids mol nochgrennt sind, siammr hüt zur abwechslung amol z früah an hafen ganga. 2h vor da abfahrt üsrer fähre, um genau zum sin (heatas ghoassa). mir und a dütsches päärle waren gefühlt die einziga fuß-passagiere uf deam risen schiff. da andrang im februar mit da fähre noch marokko zum fahra hebt sich wohl in grenzen🤣.

      die überfahrt an sich war voll schöa. natürlich warama die letzta die checkt hond, dass ma sich da immigration stempel für marokko scho an bord hola sött und kurz voram ausstieg hond sie gad nomol ihr büro für üs uftoa müssa. höppala😝.

      kaum akau in tanger med🇲🇦, drehen üs scho alle möglicha lüt a taxi🚕 a. mir loufen jedoch hartnäckig 100m witta zur busstation🚌, wo ma 10min spöter ou scho instiga können. was sich do in deam bus abgspielt heat war ou höchstinteressant. zersch amol sind alle lüt wo instigen tendentiell rechts aneghockt, imma brav neabs an fremda und ersch wo die ganze rechte reihe voll war, hond se links ufgfüllt😂. durch a hügellandschaft simma gfahra, vorbei an grasenden schafen, pferde, esel, kühen, geißen und lüt, dia ufm acker garbeitet hond. links voll schöana strände, rechts in da ferne windräder. uf da oana sitta heruntergekommene dörfle mit viel müll, uf da andra sitta riesige bauruinen und denn wida hochmoderne villen und an wasserpark. marokko isch absolut gegensätzlich. die ganze fahrt homma nur ussegluagat und gstaunt😍.

      in tanger ville hommr denn usam straßencafe mit nam minztee🍵 erschmol 2h des rege treiben um üs herum beobachtet, bevors denn 2h mitm bus witta noch chefchauen ganga isch.

    • Tag 267

      Random Acts of Kindness

      8. Mai 2023 in Marokko ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      On my way to Tangier, I am accompanied by Youssef, a boy of about 15, of whom I know nothing more than his name. We have tried to speak to each other, but we don't get anywhere with our languages, only non-verbally. For a while now, he rides his bicycle sometimes beside me, sometimes behind me. Every now and then I sing a song that's stuck in my head or am happy about little things I show him.

      I plan to return some of the Moroccan hospitality today and invite him to a picnic. I don't tell him though, it will be a surprise. 😊
      I get one or two more things and then look for a reasonably nice meadow. He's probably already wondering what I'm doing, he looks so questioning. 😃

      Finally it's revealed: bread, spread, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers make a good base for Moroccan burgers, and there's apples and oranges for dessert.
      When I tell him to sit down on the picnic blanket and eat, he is very shy at first, takes only a little and looks at me asking if he can. He has certainly never experienced anything like this before: tourists who invite you to eat - the world turns upside down.
      Little by little I encourage him to take more and we have a really good picnic. 😃

      It's great fun to share and give back a small part of what I was able to experience in terms of (guest) friendship in this country.

      The next day I meet Ilyass again, with whom I review our backpacking trip through Morocco and talk about upcoming adventures.
      Two months ago, we met in Akchour and a unique friendship developed.

    • Tag 113

      04.28.2024 Tangier, Morocco

      28. April in Marokko ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

      Today was our final African port. We were scheduled to go on the included tour with Viking but decided to just go tour on our own.
      Following breakfast we gathered our things and took the free shuttle Viking offered into town.
      Since it is Sunday it seems fitting that we will visit a few Churches. We climbed up to St. Andrew Church.
      The Church of Saint Andrew is an Anglican church in Tangier, Morocco. Consecrated in 1905, the church is within the Archdeaconry of Gibraltar. The building is constructed in a Moorish architectural style.
      It is only 10:00 am and services don’t start until 11:00. We walk through part of the cemetery that is located in the church yard. Always interesting to see the history of those buried.
      We move on to the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. The Roman Catholic Cathedral of Tangier, whose full name is the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and the Holy Spirit, also known as the Spanish Cathedral, is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tangier, Morocco.
      Mass begins at 11:00 so we thought we would stay but possibly duck out if it was in French and not English. We listened to the children sing and the priest asked us all to move into the first few pews so we decided to leave. It is a beautiful Church.
      We wandered through a few Souks and then returned to the ship in time for lunch around 12:30. It was a nice morning.
      We found a comfy lounger by the pool and just relaxed.
      We attended Church in Torshaven at 6.
      We watched sail away from the Explorers Lounge and joined Vicki and Randy.
      Myron went to the show and Diana returned to our cabin.
      A beautiful sunset.

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