Oud Zuid

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    • Tag 55

      Amsterdam 🇳🇱

      3. September 2023 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      According to my coffee swilling, Istanbullian fortune teller, it’s all waiting for me in Amsterdam… only I’m assuming he means on a different trip. This time around the only thing waiting for me is a date with Vincent Van Gogh.

      I make it into the city early enough to join the queue for Van Stapele cookies which were a firm favourite my last time here. I kicked off my 30th trip around the Sun with these cookies not far off this time last year and it strikes me just how far I’ve come in a year.

      Cookie in hand, I amble through the streets before most of the city is out of bed. It might be a quiet Sunday morning but aggressive bell ringing from bike riders still fills the air while tourists are shouted at for wandering into the bike lanes. Ahh… Amsterdam.

      I reach museum square and make a beeline for the Van Gogh museum. I missed this one last time and I’m
      so excited to finally see it for real. The exhibition is a walk through Van Gogh’s life as much as his work. From his earliest paintings, his friendships with other artists of time, to his most famous paintings and his mental health. It’s a beautiful ode to the artist, albeit a melancholy one which is hauntingly fitting giving that the artist was partly diagnosed with ‘melancholia’, what would nowadays be classed as severe depression.
      The art is shown along side letters and correspondence to and from Van Gogh. It shows his thoughts and perspective on the world, a glimpse into the man and the inspiration behind some of his most beautiful works.

      Van Gogh museum done, I start to venture towards the train station until I spot a Pathé sign. Pathé are a film company, you might recognise their logo from the start of a huge number of British/American films, especially kids films like chicken run, but here in the Amsterdam, they’re a cinema chain that just happens to own one of the oldest cinemas which happens to be just around the corner. The Theatre Tuschinski opened in October 1921 and has retained much of its original art deco style. It’s a beautiful building inside and out and will come as absolutely no surprise that it’s the home of most red carpet events in Amsterdam.

    • Tag 36


      13. Mai 2023 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The worlds best kept secret (?) : Ewen and Kerry had promised to take Hels away to a mystery destination for her birthday and guess what- its Amsterdam and the surprise guest is me! Lovely to see the family and to enjoy a couple of rest days in a beautiful and sunny Amsterdam- although we managed to squeeze in a cycle tour ...Weiterlesen

    • Tag 20

      Copenhagen Bound!

      24. August 2022 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      So I didn't really have a picture to add with this so here is my partially eaten chocolate croissants and me eating a whole bell pepper like an apple (unpopular opinion they are the best snacks)

      Okayyyy so Amsterdam is done! Amazing time, will 100% be coming back, I met some really awesome people that are more my travelling type because Amsterdam is not like all flashing lights with bells and whistles. Super great time and lovely city. I kinda missed my scheduled train this I'm taking a later route which just gets in a little later. Totally fine but a very busy travel day on the trains. For a little bit I was sitting on the floor #coolbeans

    • Tag 11


      25. Juli 2023 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Unser letzter Tag in Amsterdam begann mit einem Besuch im Van Gogh Museum. Es beherbergt die größte Sammlung des niederländischen Künstlers. Auf dem Weg zum Kunstmuseum liefen wir an der ehemaligen Heineken-Brauerei vorbei, weiter durch den Museumplein im Amsterdamer Stadtbezirk Amsterdam-Zuid. Der Audioguide im Museum brachte uns die Sichtweise und das Denken von Van Gogh näher. Getreu den Worten von ihm: „instead of trying to render exactly what I have before my eyes, I use colour more arbitrarily in order to express myself forcefully“ sahen wir uns die wunderschönen Werke näher an. Den Rest des Tages verbrachten wir im Amsterdamer Zentrum. Wir schlenderten ein letztes Mal durch die Gassen, vorbei an den Grachten und über die hübsch bepflanzten Brücken. Funfact am Rande: es gibt ca. 900.000 Fahrräder in Amsterdam. Unfassbar aber wahr. In einem Geschäft unterhielten wir uns mit einem freundlichen Verkäufer, welcher uns den Tipp für unser Abendessen mit auf den Weg gab. Wir aßen richtig gut Burger und Pommes im Ter Marsch & Co. Zum Nachtisch gab es noch fancy Erdbeeren von Polaberry. Die waren wirklich gut, aber für vier Erdbeeren 10€ zu bezahlen, würden wir nicht wieder tun. Auf dem Weg zur Metrostation machten wir einen kurzen Stopp auf dem Dam (bekannteste Stadtplatz im Zentrum) als ein Klavierspieler ein kleines Konzert gab. Das Feeling war herrlich und rundete unseren letzten, perfekten Tag in Amsterdam noch einmal richtig ab.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 4

      Van Gogh Museum

      19. März 2023 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Kot pravi artsy girlies sva se misteriozno sprehodili čez Van Gogh muzej. Nama je bil sicer zelo lušten, vendar se nisva naučili veliko novega, razen dejstva, da si je bil Vincent zelo blizu s svojim mlajšim bratom Theom🤞.
      Mislim, da so naju najbolj navdušile slike narave (seveda Sončnice in pa Irisi, kot tudi tihožitje raznih pšeničnih polj).

    • Tag 37

      Museum day

      28. Mai in den Niederlanden ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Will we actually go in any?
      Walked past the Rijksmuseum to have a look.
      Then went into the Moco Museum where there was a Robbie Williams display about when he was suffering mental health issues.
      Lots of other interesting things too, including Kieth Haring.

    • Tag 4

      Van Gogh museum

      31. Mai in den Niederlanden ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      The G is actually pronounced like Frau Bluch💦💦er from young Frankenstein.

      Van G💦💦💦ogh💦💦💦

      It's possible he didn't shoot himself - there was a boy shooting squirrels nearby who had been messing with him (snakes in his bed, etc)

      We'll never know...

    • Tag 1

      Und Auf geht die Käsefahrt

      16. März 2023 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Nach nun fast 12 Jahren seit unserem letzten gemeinsam Trip ging’s endlich mal wieder „zamme fort“. Das Ziel: Amsterdam 🧀
      Die Anreise mit der Bahn gestaltete sich wie gewohnt schwierig. 30 min im Zug die Diagnose: 2h Verspätung…mit ein paar kühlen Bier im Gepäck ließ sich die Zeit aber gut überbrücken.

      Um ca 20:30 kamen wir dann in Amsterdam an. In unserem kleinen netten AirBnB direkt an der Gracht legten wir unsere Sachen ab und gingen direkt wieder los zum Abendessen.
      Beim Vorbeischlendern entdeckten wir einen kleinen chinesischen Laden, das Essen auf den Tellern der Gäste sah von draußen echt gut aus. Und wir wurden nicht enttäuscht. Absolut lecker.

      Anschließend ging’s noch in den Red Light District auf ein kühles Heineken.

    • Tag 20

      Rembrandts Galore!

      19. Mai in den Niederlanden ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Hi folks

      We started early again today in order to catch our high speed train to Amsterdam. No problems in a 3+ hour very smooth trip - 268km. The only odd things were the periodic warnings (in 3 languages!) from the train staff about pickpocket train riders!

      We caught a tram to the Rijksmuseum, our reason for the trip. After a stop for lunch we presented ourselves at the appointed time - when you book a visit to this museum, you are given a a 15 minute entry window, and told if you miss the window you won’t be admitted!

      So to the Rijksmuseum. This wonderful place hosts 22 Rembrandts and four Vermeers. We saw most if not all of these, plus a good number of the other 6,000 paintings the museum has!

      We had planned to focus on Rembrandt - and we spent considerable time with him - but the range of subjects and sheer talent displayed in all the paintings we saw was overwhelming.
      At the shop we bought postcards - and a 1000-piece jigsaw of Rembrandt’s Night Watch painting!

      After a break at the cafe and the WC (free here, not the usual 2 Euros!) we turned to a couple of other topics of interest, Waterloo and a collection of ship models.

      The Waterloo exhibition was a disappointment, with most of the exhibits bearing little or no relationship to the battle, but a strong interest in the Dutch connection.

      By contrast, the dozens of ship models were superb. Galleys, galliasses, merchant ships and warships were all created in such detail that made you wonder how anyone could have had such skill - and that much patience!

      Now came one of the highlights. Take a 2-metre long model of a Dutch warship. Both the warship and the model were built in the 1860s, but the model is split fore and aft so you can see all the decks.

      Now get some modern wizard to create little holographic people doing their thing in each deck - absolutely brilliant. Watch Desiree’s video.

      Back to the train station, and thence to Cologne. Another brilliant day!

      But we’re ready for a rest day tomorrow - just as well, as all the shops are shut for Pentecost Monday!

      Last word today from Des:

      Song 19 May
      A day trip to Amsterdam?

      In our youth we were very demure
      And our lives were obedient and pure
      We worked at our studies and never got drunk
      I lived with my folks, as did Neil, an ex-monk
      While others flew off to enjoy their OE
      We had beautiful babies and mortgages three
      (Plus two others) which kept us both very busy
      With the RNZN and my long PhD.
      For our 40th at last we got Europe to see-
      Covid nuked plans for anything more.

      But now over seventy-five
      We will celebrate being alive
      We can do crazy things like a trip on a whim
      To the great Rijksmuseum to see Rembrandt van Rijn
      Despite aches and twinges and wrinkly skin
      You’re never too old for a quest to begin
      (Think of Bilbo! But hopefully not with a Ring)
      We can all of us prosper and thrive!

    • Tag 3


      30. September 2023 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Thad took the city tour and canal boat ride this morning. I stayed behind in the hotel room since I wasn't feeling well (upset stomach). I felt much better after sleeping for a couple of hours. After noon, we headed out towards the Van Gogh museum where we had timed tickets for 2:30. Glad I made advance reservations since they were sold out. Beautiful museum. It was awesome to see so many of his paintings in person. After the museum we had reservations for the VIP tour at Heineken Brewery. Great tour. Lots of beer and snacks in a private bar with just 4 other guests. Had dinner al fresco in a bustling part of the city. Weather was beautiful today. Walked a lot...over 15000 steps.Weiterlesen

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