Provincie Utrecht

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Top 10 Matkakohdetta Provincie Utrecht
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    • Päivä 8

      Utrecht - Tag 1

      15. huhtikuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Nach teilweise heftiger Sturm und Regenfahrt sind wir am Nachmittag am "Budget" Campingplatz in Utrecht angekommen. Zunächst waren wir uns nicht wirklich sicher, ob wir bleiben wollen, denn eigentlich sind wir auf einer großen Baustelle angekommen. An der Rezeption entschuldigte sich der Mitarbeiter auch mehr oder weniger für die aktuelle Situation, aber da wir ja die Stadt anschauen wollten, sind wir dann doch geblieben.

      Wie immer waren wir aber schnell "installiert" und tatsächlich ließ sich sogar bald die Sonne sehen. Da wir noch Brot brauchten, machten wir uns auf den Weg Richtung Stadt, dort sollten einige Läden zu finden sein. Und wir fanden auch bald einen Supermarkt, aber da es noch nicht so spät war und wir noch Zeit hatten, liefen wir weiter bis ins Zentrum.

      Dort erwischte uns dann ein Hagel- Graupelschauer und die einzige Rettung war ein kleines Pils in einer Kneipe mit Überdachung und Wärmestrahlern.. Der Spuk war bald vorbei und wir konnten wieder trocken zurück an unseren Campingplatz laufen.
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    • Päivä 9

      Utrecht - Tag 2

      16. huhtikuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      In der Nacht hatte es heftig geregnet und gestürmt und auch in der Früh war es noch grau in grau und es regnete immer wieder. Gegen halb 11 hörte der Regen endlich auf und die Sonne zeigte sich.

      Also gings wieder los in die schöne Stadt. Diesmal auf einer etwas anderen Route und es gab immer wieder tolle Blicke und Eindrücke. Die Wanderung wurde etwas länger und wir haben viele schöne Häuser und interessante Orte gesehen. Utrecht, auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert!
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    • Päivä 14

      Day 14: Rotterdam to Utrecht

      27. huhtikuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      After a big “Kings” day we moved on to Utrecht. We travelled through some lovely countryside but found it hard to find somewhere to stop. Grah is the king of this though so we ended up at a park near a lake. Huge walk.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 14

      Day 15: Utrecht.

      27. huhtikuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Had a lazy day today. Needed it to plan the next 2 in Amsterdam. Talked to out “3” kids via FaceTime. Spent some time in Utrecht central. Couldn’t take the van in the low emission zone. But remnants of last nights kings party everywhere.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 6–7


      17. toukokuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      The highlight of this day was riding through the Veluwe Nation Park. Great cycle tracks in magnificent forest, intermittently breaking out into clear areas reminiscent in parts of the African savannah. Sandy ground, tussocks and small hills.

      It was a bit of a shock to approach and enter Amersfoort, especially with all the schools emptying onto the cycle tracks. Onwards to Soest….

      We said goodbye to Jan tonight. Sadly not retired, he goes back to Rotterdam to catch the overnight ferry home to Hull. It’s been a brilliant week and, though we’ve visited NL many times, his insight was great. We are signed off on most Dutch food now, finishing with some Dutch-Indonesian food tonight. Thanks Jan and see you back in York!
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    • Päivä 25


      22. toukokuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      “Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.”– Jack Kerouac

      Another early start. We have a long trip ahead of us. The A30 has roadworks so Hilary gave us directions to avoid them. Google Maps had other ideas so we did some country waggling before joining the A30 just past the roadworks. We are supposed to get the car back by 1030. The Hertz guy when we collected the car: “Between you and me there’s nobody working there on Saturday so it doesn’t really matter what time you get there.” The Devon Show caused a massive traffic jam around Exeter so we lost more time there. Finally returned the car only about 40 minutes late then caught the shuttle bus to the airport. Then the Airport Flyer (bus) to Bristol Temple Meads. Then the train to London Paddington. This was a comfortable and peaceful trip rushing smoothly through the English countryside. Tony always thinks “this green and pleasant land…”. Next part of the journey was our second trip on the Elizabeth Line to Stratford. Then the East Anglia train to Colchester. Are you getting the idea? Lots of travel modes, all arranged flawlessly by Ursula’s master plan.
      Jean and Vic meet us at Colchester and we drive for a quick gourmet early supper at Chez Hackers. ”Absolutely delicious”, (edited by Jean). Then the 2-train trip to Harwich International where we board the Stena Lines ferry to the Hook of Holland. We board well before the scheduled 11pm departure giving us time to enjoy the Deck 9 bar before retiring to our largish and very clean and comfortable cabin for a well-earned night’s sleep.
      Smooth crossing of the North Sea. Loud wake-up music gave us a smile. ‘Don’t worry. Be happy’. [ ] Not much sleep again last night as it had been a lateish night and the strange surroundings were compounded by losing an hour. Clocks go forward an hour for continental Europe. Thick morning fog so we can barely see the water from our cabin on Deck 11. The foot passengers eventually get to disembark. Level walk to the Hook of Holland railway station. Contactless ticketing which means you simply tap a credit card at the start and end of the journey. Train with one change to Delft. Jean is in charge of the train journeys. At the large and modern Delft railway station, “Anyone know where the hotel is?” Jean went out one exit and Vic the opposite one. There it is. In your face. The Social Hub. Modern building with a funky vibe. Young staff and the clientele seemed to be mostly student types. It is only 10am so we leave our bags then walk into town (not far) for coffee and apple pie. Seems we are early for most cafes, but finally find one which is open. Grand Cafe de Sjees. Delicious.
      We really enjoyed Delft. Turns out our first full day is Whit Monday. The holiday for 50 days after Easter. Hotel breakfasts looked a bit lacking, so we found a bakery Bakker Van Maarnen. We went there each morning, smashing the ‘one visit per venue’ rule. Lots of walking around this historic city. Population very close to that of our home, Launceston (100,000 people). One dinner was at a Greek restaurant in a barge on a canal, the second at Grand Cafe de Sjees again, putting the last nail in the coffin of the ‘one visit’ rule.
      We did lots of walking around this historic city which has many canals and tree lined squares. Enjoyed a boat cruise on the canals. Visited the Royal Delft factory. Also visited de Oude en Nieuwe Kerk (the Old and New Church). The Nieuwe Kerk tower (108m) promises the best view of Delft so Tony climbed the 376 steps to test this. The tower is an interesting mix of 3 differently coloured sections. The church isn’t all that new. Over 600 years old. De Oude Kirk has existed in some form on the same site since around the year 1000. Its tower leans about 2m from the vertical. Just over halfway up it was straightened; also the clock face has been altered to try to reduce the leaning effect.
      Most of us enjoyed the blond beers served almost everywhere. Milder taste than our beer at home, but more alcohol. New to us was the incredible number of bicycles moving quietly (dangerous!) around. Needed eyes everywhere.
      Tomorrow, train journey to Amersfoort.
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    • Päivä 2


      29. toukokuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      There has been a church located on this spot since Roman times. The current church dates back to 1652, when a tornado collapsed an entire section of the apse. There was no money to repair or rebuild. So to this day the church tower ( Dom Tower) stands several meters apart from the remaining churchLue lisää

    • Päivä 38

      Our day with the family.

      29. toukokuuta, Alankomaat ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      An early start today to get to the airport to pick up Anthony. Caitlin and Joost met us at the airport, we picked up the hire car and off we went. A full day including waiting for Airbnb to be ready and then a canal boat tour for Winifred’s birthday.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 2

      25 Hours

      26. huhtikuuta 2018, Alankomaat ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      We made it! We are in the Netherlands and settled into our Airbnb and guys, let me tell you, we are darn proud of ourselves. I feel a bit silly writing this in black and white but it’s the truth and it must be shouted from the canals and tulip fields. Planning this trip meant contingency planning and lots of plan b’s. We worried about travel hiccups, meltdowns, kiddos struggling, no sleep woes and our own inability to keep it all together should we have to recalibrate our expectations and move to plan b. We worried about customs issues, managing security checks and all airport logistics and so much more.

      Our thoughtfulness helped but it doesn’t necessarily ready you for the weird unexpected things that happen. Things like waltzing through customs without a stamp, question or second look. All that paperwork we had ready but nope, they just let us come into the country for fun! OK then, we’ll take it. Or, clearly booking a minivan for all 6 of us and our luggage only to find out that actually meant a small suv. We are very thankful for Caroline, who graciously offered to transport a few of our crew and some bags as well.

      We’re 25 hours into our trip and I can truthfully say I’m too tired to finish this post properly. That’s what a 1/2 hr of sleep plus a cold will do to ya. More updates soon on how the rest of our first day went and where we’re headed next!

      Time for bed. Off to eat one last stroop waffle and maybe some paprika chips then straight to bed. ;)
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    • Päivä 3

      8 Hours...

      27. huhtikuuta 2018, Alankomaat ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Of sleep! In a row! The sun is up, the neighbourhood is quiet and peaceful and all of the kiddos are still snoozing. Trevor’s gone for a run and I’m sitting on the couch nursing this cold with a hot tea, listening to the birds chattering all the while drinking in the smell of netherlands spring. Lilacs and magnolias are in bloom, neighbourhood cats are everywhere and locals are sleepily walking their dogs. It’s a national holiday today so that is likely why there aren’t bikes zooming by; everyone is resting and taking it easy this morning. I’m feeling much more myself today after the sleepless whirlwind that yesterday brought and am slowly waking up to what’s in store for day two!

      Today we have plans to enjoy King’s day here in Utrecht by hitting up a canal tour at 11. A planned quiet morning with a slow start to give us all some time to decompress and rest. After which we’ll come back to this beautiful Airbnb home for some lunch. We’ll then head to Caroline and Henk’s to meet up with their three rascals and head to Rotterdam to see the windmills. Famke, Caroline’s daughter, is on school holiday already and joined us yesterday for the airport pick up. She’s a lovely gal and all the little kids hit it off very well chatting and cracking us up at lunch yesterday. I’m looking forward to seeing how much Kai and Nieske have grown today too and watching all the kids interact and play. We’ll have dinner at Caroline’s home tonight as well.

      But as promised, let’s finish out yesterday’s account first. Now, where did I leave off. Oh right, breezing through customs and rental van woes. Seriously, why did the Netherlands not care who was coming for a visit? Sullivan was so excited to have his new passport stamped in Iceland as we transferred planes yesterday and cleared customs and was then disappointed to not have a flashy stamp from Netherlands. So weird! No complaints of course - it’s far better to waltz through rather than have to answer questions and nervously dig for paperwork - but still, so puzzled by the ease of this hurdle.

      It’s fun to sit here this morning and reflect on yesterday’s travel day. A good night's sleep adds a fresh perspective and a bit of distance. I’m smiling to myself at the funny quips all the kids said throughout the day. The kids handled themselves marvelously through all the “new” but a few times had us all covering our mouths trying to suppress our laughter. We hoped this trip would stretch us all, teach us to try new things and jump in openly to fun and new situations. Trevor and I have both worked hard to prep the kids to be open and that situations my be different than their expectations and to be mature and roll with the punches. As we were walking on our first flight yesterday, after all the nerves and logistics of getting all 6 of us through security behind us, Sully was navigating his way back to our seats in rows 32 and 33. People were filing politely down the aisles as Sullivan loudly yell/exclaims, as only a newly 8 year old can “THEY HAVE TV’S!!”. Each seat on the flight had its own tv, as most flights are wont to have these days but this revelation was pure magic to Sully. His relief and joy was felt by all around him. All fellow passengers, including all of us, cracked up and enjoyed the moment as he very happily found his seat and settled in for the long overnight flight - in front of his very own tv screen.

      The flight went smoothly overall. As predicted, I didn’t sleep, but that’s par for the course for me. But thankfully, Nolan and Sully slept for a good few hours. Liam and Trevor caught a bit of sleep as well but poor Ava struggled to get comfy and didn’t sleep either. All the kids took it in stride and before we knew it, we were losing altitude and preparing for landing in Iceland. We were all tired for our 1 hour layover in Iceland and zombie walked with the hundreds of other passengers - some transferring to France and others like us to Netherlands. Shuttle buses, teeming rain and snow, small waiting areas, long queues but after an hr we were seated on our second flight ready for our second leg of the journey. We were in the exit row this time and low and behold each seat had its own tv again! The joy! But this time, you had to press a button while simultaneously pulling on a lever to bring the tv up from its hidden compartment. Sullivan was over the moon! That tv, in seat 19e, has never seen more of a workout in its life.

      After breezing through customs we were greeted by Caroline, Aunt Anneke and Famke. It was such a relief having them there to help us navigate the airport and our rental car fiasco. We’re making do with a smaller suv but its not ideal. On the bright side, driving a smaller car through small streets and busy traffic has been a blessing in disguise. We followed Caroline past the Koekenhof and took in the brilliance of colourful tulips and ended up at a lovely cafe for lunch. As we settled in and got sorted with menus, Nolan in true Nolan style had trouble finding something to suit his tastes. Before he and Sullivan, our two pickiest eaters decided on pancakes for lunch, Trevor reminded him he needed to keep an open mind. Tired stretched weary Nolan leaned into his dad and with a shaky voice and near tears about to spring form his eyes, he said “I do have an open mind I just can’t find anything on the menu I like”. It was a very serious matter of course but the humour was not lost on us. Pancakes saved the day and both boys happily defended their lunch choice and gobbled up their traditional Netherlands pancake with joy.

      The rest of the night was a bit of a blur. Settling into our beautiful temporary home, a grocery run, backyard and nearby park romp, showers to wash off the grime of travel and bedtime tuck ins. I mindfully went from room to room to sing to each little kid and settle them for the night. When I asked Sullivan what his very favourite part of our trip so far was, without missing a beat he of course said the tv on the second flight. Nolan surprised me and said the tulips. He doesn’t miss much that kid and is very reflective. Ava was already asleep by the time I could get to her room so will have to ask her today. And Liam, who is too big for songs and cuddles but deserves to be asked too, said the sandwich he just ate was his favourite part. A perfect cheeky happy almost 16 year old response.

      Well, it’s time to rally the kids and get some warm oatmeal into us. Day two, here we come.
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