New Zealand
Rotary Park

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    • Hari 79

      Penguin safari

      24 Januari 2020, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Our first alarm went off as early as 1:00. The sky was clear, there was no moon, no city anywhere close to us, so the perfect spot to watch the stars. That was pretty awesome. A few hours later an early alarm again as we wanted to avoid the heat and the crowds on the Hooker Valley trail. The sun had risen but wasn't anywhere close to warming us up yet due to the surrounding mountains. We managed to set off at 7:30 with our fleeces on, and they stayed on the whole way to the glacier lake as we were in the shadows the whole way. When we arrived at the lake it was really still quite empty here and we spend some time here while waiting for the sun to hit it. There were some icebergs in the water as well. We spotted a tent just off the beach, turned out to be of a French couple who spoke decent English against all odds. Would've been a cool (and free!) place to stay as well with a stunning view, but alas, we hadn't really considered it. We walked back to the campsite and packed our tent.

      Time to leave the Mount Cook area and head back towards the east coast. We realised our fuel tank was almost empty, and the only station in the touristy alpine town was out of order. The next one was in Twizel, some 65km further. This added some extra excitement to the trip but we eventually made it without having to push the car. From Twizel we drove further east through a landscape of yellow grassed hills and dammed lakes. We had a quick stop to look at some elephant rocks (movie set of Narnia) and not very spectacular whale fossils, before arriving to Oamaru, the self-proclaimed penguin capital of New Zealand. Most obviously we had to stop here and do every effort to spot these little cute creatures.

      We arrived at the campsite at 17:00 but the first penguin species, the yellow eyed penguins, were gonna arrive on land just one hour later. This meant we had to be very time efficient. By now we are very good in setting up our tent, so that was no challenge. We got some quick noodle takeaway and drove off to Bushy Beach. Here we hurried to the viewpoint on the cliff above the beach. Some people were just leaving and we were a bit worried that we had just missed the landing. We asked a guy holding binoculars, and indeed one had landed on the beach and gone into the bushes. We looked a bit around the beach but nothing was happening, so we got our noodles and had an enjoyable dinner with a beach view. The weather was perfect. Then Susanne spotted something in the water, and it was a yellow eyed penguin! For how far away it was, it was remarkably exciting. The guy with the binoculars was kind enough to let us have a look through them for a bit. He also knew a whole lot about them since his job is counting penguin landings every evening. Was interesting to talk to him a bit.

      However, there was also another penguin species in town. Handily their landing time is right after the sun sets. So we changed location to the harbour and walked a bit around. The official way to see these little blue penguins - the smallest penguin species in the world - is by paying 40 dollars to sit on a tribune. We were not sure if we wanted to pay for that, and by the time we informed about it the show was already fully booked, and it had already started as well. We knew where the tribunes were however and just beside it you could also have a bit of a look. We saw some small penguins jump up on the rocks, making their way to their nests. The whole thing gave us the feeling that those tickets were overpriced though. We walked a bit around the harbour area and it didn't take long before we also saw penguins trying to get on land outside of the tribune area. They climbed up the rocks but then had to cross first the pedestrian path and later on the parking lot and street. Some people were watching them respectfully from the distance trying to be quiet and still. But as always not everyone does. At some point the penguins were what seemed paralized and afraid to move any further. They were hiding in some small bushy area between the rocks and the pedestrian path. Eventually they went for it and crossed the path. It looked super cute.

      We are happy we could finally see some penguins and it was certainly special but the whole thing about how we humans ruin and scare nature left a bit of a bad aftertaste.
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    • Hari 72

      Seelöwen und Delfine gesichtet

      22 Januari, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Bei wunderbarem Wetter haben wir heute Oamaru erkundet. Die Stadt hat noch viele viktorianische Gebäude und ein paar schöne kleine Läden. Allerdings haben hier ab vier Uhr kaum noch Geschäfte offen und die Stadt ist wie leer gefegt.
      Wir waren auf einem schönen Spielplatz und sind zum Hafen gegangen. Wunderschönes türkises Meer und auf einmal kamen ein paar Hectordelfine angeschwommen. Lange haben wir den Delfinen zugesehen, wie sie immer wieder an die Oberfläche kamen. Direkt unter uns auf ein paar Steinen lagen dann plötzlich 2 Seelöwen. Sehr beeindruckend diese Tiere aus der Nähe zu beobachten.
      Nachmittags haben wir dann nicht mehr viel gemacht und gespielt.
      Morgen gehts dann wieder weiter in die Berge 🏔️
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    • Hari 15

      Von Ophir nach Oamaru

      9 Februari 2023, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute radeln wir auf einer stillgelegten Bahntrasse durch Berg und Tal. Immer wieder begegneten uns die alten Stationshäuschen . Hier wurde die Geschichte dieser Eisenbahn erzählt
      Wir fuhren über die Eisenbahnbrücken und durch zwei Tunnel. Mit etwas Vorstellungskraft, hörten wir den Zug dampfen.
      Ein weiteres Spektakel war das Schafe zusammen treiben. Eine riesen Herde.
      In Ranfurly erwartete uns ein gutes Essen. Die Räder verladen und mit einem Zwischenstopp 👍👍👍am Meer, erreichten wir Oamaru.
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    • Hari 16

      Freier Tag in Oamaru

      10 Februari 2023, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück machen Heike, Eveline und ich uns auf den Weg durch den schönen Park, in die Stadt. Wir bummelten durch das historische, viktorianische Viertel.
      Ein Besuch im Steampunk Hauptquartier durfte natürlich nicht fehlen. Was uns da erwartete muss man gesehen haben. So zwischen gruselig und schön. Einfach....... speziell.
      Noch ein bisschen schoppen und dann müde zurück in die Unterkunft.
      Nach dem Abendessen noch ein Leckerbissen: eine kurze Fahrt zum Meer und Pinguine sehen, wie sie in ihr Nachtlager zurück kehren. Leider durften wir die putzigen Tiere nicht fotografieren.
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    • Hari 31

      Oamaru - possibly the best town in NZ...

      9 Mac 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Set out from our second night at the Warrington community campsite, heading north along the coast road. Stopped in at Shag Point to see more sealions before driving on to the hamlet of Moeraki then to the nearby Moeraki boulder beach. These boulders are very unusual in the fact that they aren't carved by the elements, instead they have formed as calcite layers around a central core (generally a bone or fossil) much like a pearl in an oyster. Exceptionaly rare, they are up to 3m wide and some are almost perfectly spherical.
      We hadn't planned to stop in Oamaru, but an hour in the town meant we wanted to explore more. Unlike many other NZ towns/cities Oamaru escaped the development of the 60/70/80's that replaced Victorian buildings with concrete structures. This has given the town a unique time warp feel of the Victorian age (aside from Mcd's and Dominoe pizza), we even saw a man riding a penny farthing to the pub!! He was later joined by another and no-one seemed to see it as anything unusual. Some buildings are immaculate whilst others have a lived in feel, but the ambience of the town is fantastic.
      The harbour also has a colony of Little Blue Penguins. You can pay £20 to £30 to go to a viewing platform to watch them, alternatively find a quiet spot on the harbour, grab a seat and be patient. Whilst we sat quietly a group of Penguins wandered out of the sea, groomed themselves and waddled past us - just a few metres away. As we weren't noisy or threatening a mother brought her fluffy chicks out of their burrow under a shed and fed them right next to us. There were two other people there, just a magical moment.
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    • Hari 6

      Travels in the van

      25 Januari 2019, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Picked up DORIS the van today. Bit like old days driving a carrier just missing twos and blues !!Nathan took about an hour to explain many gadgets....but we ve driven from Christchurch to Oamaru safely .very rural but good straight road all the way. Settled into sight to get organised don't know how. Long were here for.Baca lagi

    • Hari 116


      18 Februari 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Um Pinguine zu sehen, sind wir von Christchurch aus noch mal insgesamt 500km gefahren. Dabei hat Oamaru selbst schon mit seiner viktorianischen Architektur und dem Steampunk-Setting, in etwa ein Zwischending aus viktorianischem und Punk-Stil . Mal etwas anderes, was für mich persönlich damit auch meine Lieblingsstadt in Neuseeland war. Abends haben wir auf die Pinguine gewartet, haben aber keine gesehen sondern nur gehört, weil wir an der falschen Stelle gewartet haben. Dennoch hatten wir einen schönen Abend bei Dämmerung am Hafen.Baca lagi

    • Hari 7

      Oamaru on a wet day

      26 Januari 2019, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Raining all day in Oamaru but out round the town all day.It was once the same size as Los Angeles .Full of massive Victorian buildings which gradually went into decay .An area around the old docks is being revived as an arts area. Lots of galleries and strange things. It's the steampunk centre of NZ!! Off to see Blue little penguins tonight they are rare and apparently come ashore around 8pm so going to do a David Attenburgh
      Has the oldest public gardens in NZ which the camp site backs on to.when I work out I pad I ll upload photos .meanwhile camera will have to do .can recommend Top10 campsite on Chelmer Street.Very clean and quiet, good facilities,free wi fi,
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    • Hari 13

      Neuseeland Tag 13

      9 Februari 2023, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Heute 57km auf dem Otago Central Rail Trail unterwegs. ...stillgelegte Bahnstrecke..aber manchmal konnte man es noch fühlen......
      und dann haben wir noch das moderne Schafetreiben beobachtet..
      Und bei einem Zwischenstopp haben wir noch die Moeraki Boulders betrachtet... ( wie verlorene Eier von denen niemand weiß woher sie kamen.....)Baca lagi

    • Hari 14

      Neuseeland Tag 14

      10 Februari 2023, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute freier Tag in Oamaru
      Wir haben mit einem schönen Spaziergang durch einen angrenzenden öffentlichen Park begonnen..dann das etwas verrückte Stream Punk Museum besucht...was nun ja...etwas exotisch bzw .bis auf die Lichtschow ziemlich gruselig war....
      Abschluß mit Blue Pinguin Beobachtung...posierliche, aber seltene Gestalten
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