
Entdecke Destinationen von Reisenden, die auf FindPenguins ein Reisetagebuch schreiben.
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    • Tag 1

      Flug nach Svalbard

      15. Juli 2019 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Durch die Wolkendecke ist selten etwas zu sehen. Außerdem habe ich keinen Fensterplatz und kann deshalb nicht so aus dem Fenster schauen wie ich gerne würde.
      Ab dem Tempo von 820 km/h ließ die Beschleunigung deutlich nach. 880 Km/h war das schnellste.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 6

      Of freezers,fjords and Denis Savard

      30. Mai 2017 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Our lunch/dinner partners, Jennie and Daryl from Australia, told us a funny story the other night. They took his mother, pushing late 80's or so, on a cruise in Australia on the Queen Mary 2. During the cruise, apparently 5 people passed away. What to do? Call the staff and store the deceased in the ship's freezers !!! Why am I telling you this story today? Because I took an antihistamine late Monday night that conked me out. Catherine, as per usual, was up and at 'em early. She kept popping back to our room only to discover that I was still sawing logs. I finally managed to wake up at 10:06 a.m only to realize I had missed breakfast by a mere 6 minutes. During lunch, I whispered to Jennie that I think Catherine had contacted the Captain inquiring about how much freezer space he had on board. Catherine overheard our conversation and didn't deny that she had thought about it. So, my day got off to a late start but according to the schedule, I didn't miss too much....a port or 2 but nothing to worry about.

      Our day was mostly sailing until we reached Stokmarknes and were to have a 1 hour stop. I joined Steve (from Vermont...nice fellow but wayyy too bright for me!!) and we waltzed over to visit the Hurtigruten Museum. We could have spent a few hours there but sadly, didn't. The info was very interesting and they had mothballed an old ship that was our's to explore.

      Late in the afternoon we reach the Lofoten Islands. We notice that the topography has been changing most of the day and now is really changing versus the first two days. We then remember that today we are going through Raftsundet....a narrow passage leading into a dead end fjord. We enter at 5:00 p.m and it is (stop me if I have used this before) jaw droppingly stunning. And the crew navigate the entrance like veterans. Apparently our ship will be the last Hurtigruten ship this season to sail in/out of this spot. We realize that what we just saw the past 20 or so minutes will be seen again as we retrace our course....YIPPEE cuz it is beautiful. Before we leave, we need to back out but that doesn't happen nowadays. Today we are treated to a full 180 degree Denis Savard. Yup....the old Spin-o-Rama. WOW.......soooo cool.

      We are enroute to Svolvaer and because there are 4 off-boat tours originating there, dinner is served earlier than normal. Of course, I am too busy enjoying the fjord/spin-o-rama and before you know it, Catherine comes looking for me as dinner starts in 5 minutes. Oh, did I mention that Cath decided to freshen up before dinner? She missed the entire fjord/spin thing altogether.

      Following dinner, Steve's wife Priscilla joins Catherine in visiting Svolvaer's Magic Ice House, an ice sculpture spot complete with an ice bar and beverages served in ice glasses. Steve and I briefly considered visiting the War Museum but I told him that we know how that story ends! We opt to walk around the town. Boy, did we make the right decision. We stumbled onto an large plaza where a band was playing, video screens are set up and people, despite the wet snow, are rockin'. We make our way into a presentation tent and I ask two young kids if they can tell us what is going on? "They are launching updated currency" was the reply. All this to launch new designs on your paper money? Wow. We are able to swap out our NOK's for the new ones BUT they wouldn't give me anything for the $5 Canadian bill nor the $20 I offered up.....but I had the Norge Bank staff in stitches nonetheless. We set off to explore some more and let me repeat myself here from a previous post.....THIS town is what Port Stanley wants to be. It had hotels, condos, tours of various shapes and sizes, lots of restaurants and all of it built along an inlet that was as smooth as glass. Back at the ship, we asked about tourism. The Norwegians come but so too do lots and lots of Germans. It was a beautiful little port town that pleasantly surprised us.

      An eventful day ends early. We have found that sitting in deck 7's comfy chairs is too relaxing and causes one to not be able to keep one's eyes open!!!

      The alarm is set for tomorrow because the highlights start is a very special day on the cruise. Stay tuned.

      Pics....entrance to Raftsundet,Cath @ Magic Ice, 3 of Svolvaer, scenery

    • Tag 8

      Practising for Newfoundland

      1. Juni 2017 in Norwegen ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      It is Wednesday and this day has been circled on the cruise calendar since Day 1. We set our alarm for this morning so as not to miss a minute of the action.

      A quick breakfast is followed by a stroll to deck 7 where many of us congregate for THE event. Before the fun begins, someone spots what appear to be whales not far off the back. The siting turns out to be positive....3 Orcas. (see our photo....look for 3 black fins in middle of pic)

      Then the real reason we are all here .....we are mere minutes from crossing the Arctic Circle. Photos are snapped and bubbly is poured (sold actually) and then the staff, including the Captain and first mate, start tossing shots down passengers' throats as well as their own. The bottle reminds me of a lemon gin bottle. The first customers walk away wincing at the flavour. I figure, "what the hell....not like I'm driving today." I step up...take my medicine directly from the Captain and am no worse for wear. Cath soon follows and then heads off to buy bubbly. Meanwhile, the first mate AND Captain have grabbed me and told me "time for more." Thankfully another passenger offers to take my camera and record the proceedings. I don't just get one more shot, I get 2 !!! The stuff is bland and turns out to be cod liver oil....YUCK. I had been telling our dinner mates about kissing the cod and slurping a shot of Screech. This is the polar opposite !!

      The festivities lasted about 15 minutes.....likely the most fun 15 consecutive minutes we have had at this early hour while on board. If you didn't have fun this morning, you had better check that you have a pulse. In addition, we briefly spotted whales AND crossed the Arctic Circle. Pretty successful day and it was only 9:45 a.m at that point.

      Given it would be difficult to top the goings on of the morning, we settle in for some cruising, lunch and a rainy stop in Bronnoysund. We pass the "7 Sisters" mountain range but it is cloudy. While that is happening, we get passed by not 1, but 2 Navy patrol boats that are painted in camouflage and look menacing. Thankfully the Navy doesn't realize that I am on doubt they would have yanked me off had their intel been better.

      Captain's Dinner tonight. Bubbly for all as we enter the dining room....clink glasses with the head staffers.....short speech....a song from the staff and another wonderful meal. Afterwards, we pull into Rorvik where a second Hurtigruten ship docks directly behind us. Cath and I scoot over for a very quick look-see of the ship which has 9 decks to our 7 and carries about 900+ passengers to our 600. Both ships depart Rorvik within minutes of one opposite directions. Quite a sight.

      Sun FINALLY shines around 9:00 p.m !! Think about that for a minute....realize it never gets too dark here this time of year.

      Tomorrow features a 3+ hour stop in Trondheim commencing at 6:30 a.m. We plan to hop off and walk around as Trondheim is suppose to be quite beautiful. So it is late to bed...early to rise.

      Please note that we seem to have maxed our data for downloading pics to the iPad so excuse us if there are blogs with no pics these next few days. We can rectify that issue when we get home. We have only taken over 2000 photos (and a bunch of videos) so we can't understand that we're having issues !!!!!!!

      Pics....Arctic Circle marker, orcas(look closely), slurping cod oil, Navy vessel

    • Tag 8

      With apologies to Bill Withers

      1. Juni 2017 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      It is Thursday.....2 more days of cruising. We are scheduled to arrive in Trondheim at 6:30 a.m and stay until 10:00. We set our alarm, have a quick bite to eat and then BUNDLE UP. Our plan is to walk the streets of this beautiful city and Mother Nature is unleashing plenty of tears as we disembark. We suck it up and carry on. We get slightly disoriented, correct our miscue and then proceed to find the "old town". We stroll past the Royal Palace (the Royals don't appear to be up as yet), a marvellous church ( not open yet) and various side streets that lead to the fabled coloured houses AND the only bicycle lift in the world. We snap a few pics on the iPad which I can show you....snap some on the camera which I can't as we have no more room to download them to the iPad. We trundle on and then Catherine hits the panic button. "C'mon Paul....I don't want to miss the boat (literally)." Despite walking around for over an hour we are NOT an hour away from the ship. It is not yet 9:00 so we have plenty of time but Cath got her bearings mixed up and panicked. This is absolutely not the worst place to get left behind were the ship to sail without us !!! If we were touring on our own, we agree that we could easily spend 2 days here. It is beautiful despite the rain. It is vibrant. It just has the buzz you look for in a new town. Oh well.....another time perhaps.

      We are cold and damp.As soon as we return I head to the laundry room, strip off my outdoor wear and toss everything into the dryer. Thankfully it is FREE.....a rare price on board the ship !!! Others slept in while some visited "the bridge". When asked how our morning was, the obvious reply was to paraphrase Bill Withers...."ain't no sunshine when it rains..." Well, you get the idea !!!

      A disembarkation meeting was followed by lunch and plenty of coffee to try and warm up. The afternoon was quiet. Plenty of folks disembarked at Trondheim....the ship is getting quieter each day. We stop at Kristiansund to let travellers off who have signed up for the Atlantic Ocean Highway excursion. They will meet us in Molde. We have an "average" dinner....looking like the kitchen is trying to empty the frig before we arrive in Bergen where we all disembark.

      Before you know it, time to start packing. Luggage needs to be in the hall by 9:00 a.m....rooms are to be vacated by 10:00.....we are scheduled to arrive in Bergen by 2:30.

      We are close to the finish line. We will make 3 brief stops during the being Alesund which was featured in this season's "Amazing Race" (US version). Sorry Alesund....another time. We will have to add it to Trondheim, Tromso and Bergen as some spots we would like to return to on our own and spend some quality time visiting.

      Pics....2 x sunny arrival at Kristiansund, 2 x bike lift, 2 x scenes of Trondheim

    • Tag 11

      Flåm - Trekkingday

      31. August 2017 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Tag 11 - die frischen Socken werden knapp.
      Dennoch machten wir uns um 9 auf den Weg ins Info Zentrum um uns dort nach Wanderrouten zu erkundigen. Wir fanden sofort eine Route die uns sympathisch war und der Mann am Info-Stand versicherte uns es sei ein einfacher Wanderweg der nur am Ende sehr steil wird.
      Schnell stellte sich heraus, dass dieser Wanderweg alles andere als einfach war. Trotzdem hat sich der wirklich harte Aufstieg gelohnt. Der Ausblick oben war einfach phänomenal - die Bilder sprechen für sich. 27 Kilometer später sind wir endlich im Hostel angekommen.
      Ein erfolgreicher und anstrengender Tag liegt hinter uns und wir sind todmüde! Ab ins Bett.😴
      Eure Flickis

    • Tag 15

      On the Polarlys

      4. Juli 2018 in Norwegen ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Yesterday afternoon we boarded the Polarlys in Bergen. The boat left at 8pm to music by the composer Grieg. Quite a moment. The boat has about 400 passengers and seven levels. There are numerous indoor and outdoor lounges. The meals are delicious with many choices.
      There was a lot of light at 2.30am and you could easily take photos. At one stage there appeared to be pink rock on the top of the mountains. However the photo was spoiled by the electric light on the ship's deck.
      We pulled into Maloy about 4.30am with the first rays of sun striking some of the town. Torvik was considerably smaller. After breakfast we came to Alesund which is about 26,000 people and apparently has a lot of commercial activity.

    • Tag 16

      A Morning in Trondheim

      5. Juli 2018 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      This morning the Polarlys docked at Trondheim and we did an independent walking tour of the city. Trondheim which was formerly called Nidaros was founded in 997 A.D.. It was Norway's capital from 1030 to 1217 and is home to the Nidaros Cathedral which we saw during our walk.
      Trondheim is a mix of very old buildings such as the Cathedral and some old wooden buildings built on wooden stilts. These wooden buildings looked as though they had been there for many years and planning regulations have presumably changed since they were built. There were also some extremely modern buildings in Trondheim.
      We also wandered around the fishing area and admired the variety of boats we saw. Once again we had blue skies and a temperature approaching 20 deg c.

    • Tag 17

      Crossing the Arctic circle

      6. Juli 2018 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      This morning we got up early as we were crossing the Arctic circle about 7am. Last evening the passengers were invited to submit a time when they thought this would happen, including the hour, the minute and the second. The Arctic circle is marked by a hollow globe on a small island.
      During the morning we proceeded on toward Boda past some impressive scenery. Some of the mountains appear quite close to the water.
      At Boda which has a population of 50,000 people we went on an Arctic Coastal Walk. The guide to this walk gave us a mixture of geology, agricultural and historical information. Apparently the beach could change in appearance quite considerably, and one day have lots of kelp whilst another day would just have sand. We were told that there had been a submerged coral reef in the vicinity, which contributed to the sand on the beach.
      We also came across a paddock of freshly baled hay. Due to the 24 hour light which happens above the Arctic circle, farmers can cut three lots of hay each summer. We also found cloud berries, which appeared very similar to strawberries.

    • Tag 18


      7. Juli 2018 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      This morning we had a visit from King Neptune to baptise passengers who had crossed the Arctic Circle. This apparently is quite a tradition and many passengers participated. Anna was very quick with the camera and it was lots of fun.
      When we reached Tromso we did a self guided tour of the town. We went by taxi to the cable car and went up into the clouds. The ride was very smooth but there had been rain so the photos were not good. After the cable car we walked our way leisurely back to the boat via several points of interest. First we saw the Arctic Cathedral the roof of which was constructed with 2 metre sheets of metal. Anna says this is to cope with expansion.
      Then we walked over the bridge and admired several buildings along the waterfront. We looked at the library and also the Tromso Cathedral which was made of wood. Finally we saw the Polaria which was a funky Aquariam and the MS Polstjerna. Altogether another very interesting day.

    • Tag 2

      Und los geht's ♡♡♡

      13. Mai 2017 in Norwegen ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Ganz ruhig gleitet die Richard With übers Wasser. An Deck wurde es jetzt doch ganz schön frisch. Gehe jetzt schlafen, der Tag war so aufregend und morgen früh um 9 Uhr ist Besprechung für die erste Panorama Wanderung in Ålsund [Olsund ] ... Ich freu mich ☺
      Bin gespannt wie die Nacht wird 😇?
      Warum der Footprint in Oslo ist ??? Keine Ahnung 😂

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