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    • Day 72


      June 18, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Just when you thought it couldn't get any better... there was Senja. What an amazing island, especially the north west which has a series of spoke-like ridges between deep fjords and sandy bays. We traversed these like a roller coaster, sometimes with the help of tunnels, sometimes not. The hills were steep and the tunnels often long and cold, but all this was done under a faultless blue sky with the temperature cranked up to 20deg - and no wind. You could not ask for more perfect conditions.
      The mountains, once again, were beyond belief; I have run out of superlatives. They culminated in the wall of rock reaching out to the mountains of Hesten and Segla- vertically falling into the fjord on one side. So spectacular that we readily accepted a boggy side tramp to a better view point of this amazing ridge. Where the mountains were slightly less steep there were snow fields - even one small glacier, and multiple waterfalls. Some of the best beaches I've seen so far on this trip lay at their bases. Truely a mountain wonderland.
      We even saw reindeer today. The only fly in the ointment was concerns regarding the lack of food options along the way, but ewen spotted sengahopen which was a bit of a life saver ( or we would have been on the emergency brown cheese rations..). Crossing to Sammaroy was like arriving in a different world- beautiful sandy beaches almost crowded with the start of the Norwegian summer vacations . But this also signified the proximity of Tromso and the end of Ewen's journey tomorrow.
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    • Day 6


      October 12, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Hüt hemmer üs serst mol uf eigeni Fust ufd Socke gmacht und sind mitem Auto ufen Parkplatz düst, wo direkt am Fuess vum Bergli Ørnfløya lit .⛰️
      Da isch denn au üses erste Ziel gsi vu hüt. De Berg isch zwor nöd hoch und de Weg nur bitz me wie en Kilometer, wemmer aber bedenkt dass dViola bereits am Afang vum 6. Monet isch sit hüt, denn isch da doch e beachtlichi Leistig 💪
      dUssicht wo mier vu de obe töred gnüsse isch schlicht atemberaubend und jedi Müe wert gsi 😍
      Nochdem mier die ganze Idrück ufgsoge hend und üs im Logbuech itreit hend, mached mier üs uf de Weg zrugg zum Auto 🚙
      Nocheme stopp ime kline Kafi, und eme Teller Chicken Nuggets mit Pommes, simmer denn ufbroche zum nögste "Spaziergang".
      Mer mues fairerwis sege, dass mier wohl emol falsch abboge sind, und drum useme easy Küstespaziergängli vu 3km rund um Sommaroya e klini Wanderig über Stock und Stei, und zum Teil au durch sumpfigi Wälder wore isch 😂
      Als Belohnig hemmer au wieder wundervolli Panorame töre gnüsse 🌄
      Und zum Schluss hemmer sogar no Bekanntschaft miteme Pärli Alpeschneehüener gmacht 🥰
      Noch dem wundervolle Tag hemmer üs no en Latte im Hotel gönnt, und gnüssed etz de Rest vum Nomi/Obed im Zimmer bimene guete Buech oder enere Folg Lupin uf Netflix😇
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    • Day 5

      Tromsø - Sommaroy

      October 11, 2023 in Norway ⋅ 🌬 4 °C

      Hüt isches sowit gsi und mer hend üsen Mietwage gschnappt und üs uf de Weg gmacht zum en Teil vu dem riesige Land uf eigeni Fust zerkunde 🕵️
      Vu Tromsø us, wo jo bekanntlich ufere Insle lit, simmer über dBrugg uf dNochberinsle Kvaloya gfahre.
      Nocheme kurze Stop im Spar, zum Snacks für dViola (und au bitz für de Andrea) poste, fahremer witer und werded linker Hand überrascht vu e paar chillende Rentier 😍
      E paar Meter witer hend denn sogar no zwei sBesürfnis ka zum über dStross schlendere 🥰
      Noch dere Begegnig verlönd mier dKüste und überquered Kvaloya vebie anere idrückliche arktische Szenerie🥶
      Bald kömmed mier a de gegenüberliegende Küste a und nöchered üs em hütige Ziel. Sommaroy.
      Döt bezüched mier üses Hotelzimmer mitere wunderbare Ussicht, und freued üs spöter uf en wohlvediente zNacht 😎
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    • Day 3

      She's More Subtle Tonight

      March 1, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ -3 °C

      It was a miracle that after such a cloudy day the clouds began to part as I arrived back at the hotel. I could see the sky was clearing but my first thought was that it'd be temporary, but it wasn't. So, once again after the meal I undertook the ritual of climbing into clothing layers with double socks, mittens, etc and headed off into the night in search of those mysterious lights and some serious deja vous visits. The temperature was the same ad yesterday too at -10c or thereabouts.

      First stop was the beach from this morning and when I arrived the Aurora had beaten me to it. Tonight the display was good for a while but very erratic and then it died down to almost nothing. The German couple were here too but soon they left, probably because like me they felt there may be other locations which might offer a more interesting composition. The problem here was too wide a vista, just a view out to sea, and there were street lights here too which was a nuisance.

      About half way back to the hotel there was a really dark section compared to the beach area and I decided to stop and wait a while to see if the Lights would return, which they did. They were nowhere near as bright as yesterday and were very much more subdued in tone, but in the darkness and with patience I managed the first photo you see here. It's definitely a more subtle photograph but I'm quite pleased with it all the same.

      The final location for the evening was to return to Tunganeset and the Devil's Teeth. I stayed here taking photos until 1am and the second photo in this footprint is just one of them.

      I packed away my gear at around 12.45am and just as I finished and zipped-up my camera bag, I happened to look up to see an explosion of activity and undoubtedly the best show of the evening, a last burst so to speak. It all happened really fast and I had no time to set up my camera so I chose to be an observer and simply enjoy what I was being given. It lasted only a short time with the Aurora appearing to surge from the top of the mountain across the fjord, sending a ribbon of green and red across the sky and over my head to behind me. It was truly wonderful and a brilliant end to the day - I think I got to sleep just after 2am and this meant I'd not get much sleep before the next event.
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    • Day 6

      Not Looking Good

      March 4, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ❄️ -4 °C

      My aim for the last day was to be out with my camera taking photos in the area surrounding the hotel. There are lots of little inlets and tiny beaches here and also the signature wooden red boat houses that would make excellent photographic subjects set against a snowy Arctic landscape. I was therefore somewhat disheartened when I opened the curtains and found it was still blizzard conditions outside. By the time I'd eaten breakfast things had improved a little so I decided to go and pack ready to leave then chill out in the bar area with yet another coffee so that, with good luck and fortune, the weather might improve. And so it did.Read more

    • Day 6

      Photography at Sommarøy

      March 4, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ❄️ -8 °C

      It was still very unsettled with snow blowing in and quite a wind too, and the wind made it feel really cold. I can't complain though, because I've had some amazing conditions during my trip, so I put my bags and things in the car then went to see if there were photographic opportunities to be had.

      I took a few photos from the decking area outside the bar in the hotel - a bit like the main photo in this footprint - and then left the hotel to investigate the local area, talking several photos in the cold and snow, though I'll have to wait until I get home to see if I have anything worthwhile.
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