Nevado Auzangate

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    • Gün 88

      Ausangate, retour cusco

      22 Mayıs 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Après une nuit plutôt calme comparé à la veille on se réveille vers les 7h. L' estomac n' est pas dans sa plus grande forme mais il faut manger et ma femme adorée s'en assure. On part pour une petite ballade en ayant en tête le lit et la douche chaude du soir. Après quelques tentative de vomi qui finalement ne se concretiseront pas la ballade suit son cours. Nous rencontrons sur le chemin plusieurs cholitas et plusieurs bergers tous parés de leurs chapeaux tradi. Enfin arrivé à Tinki, ô soulagement , nous prenons le taxi direction cusco dîte la ville où on se pèle et où on se fait mouiller. Il est temps de raser la barbe et d aller au soleil direction le Pacifique.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Rainbow Mountain, Peru

      7 Eylül 2016, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Another all day excursion that began pretty early with a couple hours drive south to where we eventually end up to hike Rainbow Mountain. It was a small group of us, probably no more than 8, and we had a ton of fun seeing the gorgeous gradients of the 7-colored mountain.

      Raul, our tour guide, was so great and he made sure we all felt comfortable and well taken care as we were ascending up high altitudes. Today was the first day I really felt the altitude hitting me. I had a throbbing headache and I felt like my head was under pressure the entire time we were hiking. Coca and chlorophyll really helped me and I made sure to stay super hydrated. We had lunch towards the end of our hike before hiking up one mountain peak. It was pretty damn high and I was scared as af to climb down. Hint: don't think too much and just walk normally!

      This was such a treat and cost us like what $40 to do? I don't remember, but it was a steal compared to the $100 plus tour packages English companies will charge you. i would say this was more majestic that Machu Picchu. I was pretty worried about this hike since it was a much higher altitude and we had heard another couple talking about Rainbow Mountain and how tired they were and had to hire horses to help them finish the course. We took a few stops, but made it all the way! We also did not even have the option to hire horses, but we had a woman who did not finish the hike and chilled midway until the group finished and picked her up along the way back to the van.

      Super exhausted, but so so so worth it!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 154

      Crazy 5-Day Trek in Ausangate

      15 Haziran 2018, Peru

      Five days of trekking in Peru. We did a cushy tour with lodges heated by fireplaces at night and delicious, hot meals served every day, but there were still ups and downs - literally and figuratively.

      The Ausangate mountains, part of the Andean mountain range, are no joke, especially at these elevations (we were no lower than 14,000 feet for all five days!) and when covered in so much unexpected snow. There was some minor altitude sickness and lots of sketchy paths that shouldn't have been taken or at least we should have had crampons.

      But damn, the views!!! The colors of the sunrises, the lakes reflecting the peaks above, the incredible star gazing at night, seeing the Rainbow Mountain in all its colorful glory. I don't know if I've ever been anywhere more beautiful.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 154

      Taking the lead Pt.1

      19 Eylül 2018, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Geschter Abig simmer scho am 8i mit eusne Bettfläsche is Bett und hend eus vumene Hörbuech in Schlaf la verzelle. Doch chum en Stund später simmer vumene mächtige Gwitter gweckt worde. DBlitz hemmer klar sogar durchs Zelt duregseh, teilwis hets wohl grad i dr Nöchi igschlage und de Donner het eus direkt überrollt, teilwis hets chli wiiter igschlage und denn hemmer sEcho nu paar Mal ghört halle. Nach es paar Minute hets denn nu ghaglet :o euses Zelt isch zum Glück dicht gsi und dank de Wärmi simmer denn au nid allzu spat wieder igschlafe.
      Hüt Morge am 6i simmer denn mimne früsche Coca Tee gweckt worde - bis ans Zelt hends eus der zämä mit chli warmem Wasser und Seifi zum Wäsche bracht! Het eus grad sehr an eusi Luxus Safari im Amakhala erinneret :) nacheme super Zmorge simmer denn wiiter gloffe (resp. au nu churz uf eusem "Emergency Horse" gritte), übere Arapa Pass (au Condor Pass gnennt) und zu de Seeä vu Jatun Puchachoca. Wunderschöni Landschafte!
      Euse Guide het geschter scho chli Müeh gha zum Mithalte und hüt ischer wohl au gar nid zwäg. Zerscht hemmer dänkt er sig verkatered, weler teilwis über die eigete Füess gstolperet isch, nid het möge laufe und wohl au Chopfweh het - doch bis am Mittag isches offebar keis biz besser worde, er isch ohni Zmittag direkt is Zelt... mit dem Guide hemmer wohl mal chli Päch gha, er schint de Trek au nid würkli zkenne... so hemmer churzerhand de Lead überno und eus teilwis enere andere Gruppe mimne sehr ufgstellte und informative Guide agschlosse.
      Churz vor eusem Lager het dMartina nu es Hufise gfunde - doch im Moment bringstere wohl eher nur i dr Liebi Glück, wel dernach het sie sagehafti 7 Mal im Yatzy gege Sämy verlore... Euses Camp isch grad underhalb vum Ausangate Gletschter - ab und zue ghört mer ne chalbere und au scho die eint oder ander Lawine hemmer gseh... zum Glück immer usshalb Riichwiiti vum Lager.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 84

      Ausangate jour 2

      18 Mayıs 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Nous nous réveillons après une nuit de quasiment 12h de sommeil pour Ariane (10 pour Guillaume qui a lu à la frontale), sous un beau ciel bleu. La montagne Ausangate qui était la veille dans les nuages se dévoilait entièrement à nous et nous avons pu l'admirer en prenant notre petit déjeuner. Nous devions normalement partir à 7h30 mais les guides avaient prit du retard et du coup ils nous ont dis de partir devant sur le sentier de la ballade. Nous sommes donc parti et la première heure qui ne faisait que monter doucement fut assez difficile pour Ariane à cause du manque d'oxygène, mais une fois le rythme pris et quelques feuilles de coca mastiquées cela allait beaucoup mieux. La beauté du paysage à également beaucoup aidé: nous avancions avec la vue sur le glacier et de nombreuses autres montagnes aux couleurs allant du rouge au jaune en passant par des verts bleutés apparaissaient à chaque passage de mont. Après 1h30 nos guides nous ont rattrapé et nous avons continué la balade en passant par de jolies lagunes et petites cascades au milieu des glaciers. Nous étions sensé d'après les calculs (très mauvais) de notre guide marché pendant 7h... seulement apparemment nous avions un bon rythme car nous sommes arrivé au campement après seulement 3h de balade... nous étions un peu déçu malgrès la beauté du lieu. Les guides ont planté les tentes et ont préparé le dejeuné que nous avons pris bien emmitouflés face à l'Ausangate. Une petite sieste plus tard nous nous levions et a notre enchantement une superbe lumière éclairait la montagne. A ce moment-là Scott, un americain voyageant solo sorti de sa tente et nous fit l honneur de la plus belle gerbe, le mal des montagnes c'est pas beau à voir... Malgré un remède local ( à savoir humer des herbes dans de la cendre sous une couverture) le pauvre aura passé sa nuit a geindre. IL se souviendra longtemps de sa nuit devant l'AusangateOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 160

      Rainbow Mountain

      6 Mayıs 2016, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      I get cllected from the hostel at 3am and im absolutely exhausted, i really need to start taking things easy and maybe should have had a break before Machu ichu, but you know me. Its a 3 hour drive to the village at the base of the mountain and i sleep most of the way on the bus, but when i wake up its starting to become light and as i look out of the window i nearly have a heart attack. We are driving down a single track road way too fast and there must be a 200 foot drop right below us i m so nervous i spend the rest of the journey just holding onto my seat, we speed round corners weaving in and out and i honestly believe if we meet anything coming the other way we will die. I am relieved that everybody else on the bus is nervous and its not just me. We safely arrive at Nevado Auzangato and when we get off the bus its absolutely freezing. Luckily I always plan for this having learnt from previous experiences but ther are some people on the bus who are freezing. We are taken to a small house(ill use that term loosely) and they lay on a good breakfast. Rainbow Mountain is 5200m above sea level so i fill up on my coca tea and its not long before we set off. I have agreed to share a horse with one of the other ladies on the bus,but they are more like donkeys than horses. We set off walking as there are parts of the trek which are only accesible by foot and the first part is a steep incline up to the valley. The walk is beautiful with waterfalls trickling down and after about an hour we are in the valley. I take first turn of riding the donkey and sit back and enjoy the beautifulview. As we trek along there is a small village community and a short while later we reach the entrance to the National Prk. There is a guy here collecting the entrance fee with his youg son, who has the most chapped cheeks ive seen, i just want to take out my moisturiser and cover his face , but of course i dont. I walk a little further before we have yet another incline. Its quite rocky and we weave our way through. The trek in total is 11km each way and by the time we reach Rainbow mountain i nearly fall over at the hill we have to climb to get to the top of the rainbow mountain. The accent to the first part is so hard i have to take 10 steps and stop and then take another few steps. After much perserverance i reach the first peak , and can see the mountain. Its so beatiful that i dont feel the need to climb the other part, but evebody says how much better the view is and after eating some sugary snacks and having a drink i take on the challenge. Once again its slow and steady and i after 45 mins i reach the top. It was so worth it the varying mountain ranges are so beautiful up here that it takes my breath away(or was that the climb up here) After a short break and a group photo its time to descend. The altitude definitely takes its toll on your body and on the way back there are people collapsing every where. I make it safely back to the house and we are given a wonderful lunch of chicken. We eat up and its time for the journey back, baggsy not sitting next to the window. We arrive safely back in Cusco and when i get to the hostel Mark is nowhere to be found. I guess hes in the Irish bar and when i go in there one of the regulars says he left 5 minutes ago so i head back to the hostel. Hes not here either but i am so tired i just get into bed. Mark turns up at 4 in the morning. Smethings never change.Okumaya devam et

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