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    • Giorno 48

      Pisac: spirituelles Städtchen in den And

      10 gennaio 2020, Perù ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Jeremy war im gleichen Zimmer im Hostel in Cusco und wir waren uns beide auf Anhieb sympathisch. Er hat am Wochenende seine dritte und letzte Ayahuasca Zermemonie in einem Retreat in Pisco bevor er wieder zurück nach London fliegt. Pisco liegt 40 Minuten von Cusco entfernt in den Bergen und es erinnert mich sehr an die Alpen (nur dass es schon auf 3000m Höhe liegt).

      Das Hostel hier ist etwas besonderes hier. Alle Menschen grüßen einen und generell ist es sehr familiär, manchmal fast schon etwas schräg.

      Gestern hat zum Beispiel ein Mädel ein Konzert auf ihrer Harfe hier gegebenen. Kein Scherz! Sie reist mit ihrer Harfe durch Südamerika 😅. Solche Menschen trifft man nicht in den klassischen Touri Orten und Hostels.
      Zusammen mit Jeremey und der Norwegerin Sofie waren wir heute morgen auch gemeinsam beim hartha Yoga von einem Isländer.

      Das ganze lässt mich wirklich mein Leben hinterfragen und gibt einem den Anstoß mal genauer damit auseinander zu setzen.

      Gestern war ich auch wieder zum Wandern unterwegs. Diesmal ging es ohne Gruppe zu den Inka Ruinen von Pisac. Da diese mich eigentlich nicht wirklich interessierten (es sind einfach nur Überreste von einer kleinen Siedlung, nichts wirklich Spannendes) und der Eintritt umgerechnet 20€ gekostet hätte hat Isaac vom Hostel mir nen Schleichweg erklärt wie man quer den Berg hoch läuft um die Kontrolle zu umgehen. War 2h unterwegs quer durch die Pampa und hab es richtig genossen.

      Am Wochenende geht's dann weiter mit dem zweiten Retreat, diesmal mit hoffentlich etwas mehr Erfolg.
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    • Pisac, Peru. In the Sacred Valley

      16 novembre 2019, Perù ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Sacred Valley. House:Casa Killaunu. Pisac Inca Site and town of Pisac

      We had breakfast around 7:30, eggs, fruit and granola. Kevin came and picked us up around 9:00 and we headed through Calca to Pisac another Inca site. We didn’t have much information before we left so we’re unsure of what the hike would be like. We drove to the top of where the buses could go, negotiating switchbacks and very bumpy roads. When we reached the parking area, we experienced the usual number of sellers with all their wares on display. We proceeded along the path to look at a map that seemed very complicated. Our goal was to visit the archeological sites located at the top of the mountain and then work our way down the mountain into the village below. We realized that because of the large number of people there and the vastness of the area, we would have to move at a bit of a pace to meet our driver in the village at 3:00.

      The Pisac ruins are among Peru’s most intact ancient sites, and a perfect example of ingenious Inca architecture. They are built on top of a mountain that towers over the small town of Pisac; the views of the countryside are spectacular, and the ruins were remarkable. The exact date of construction is unknown, but the ruins are believed to be either a gift to Inca nobility, or a defense against the invasion of Cusco. What is certain is that the site served more than one function. With military, religious, and agricultural structures, the site served at least three purposes and was able to support a whole community, even a small city, of Incas. The sweeping terraces are stunning to look at and are trademark of Inca agriculture that you find all over the Andean countryside. The Incas would grow their crops on the terraces to sustain their mountain-perched city. We decided not to use a guide and set off climbing upwards. It was fairly tough going as the steps were quite high and because it was Saturday there were lots of people going both up and down. We reached the summit of one area and then Gary, Karina and Don went up higher to try and figure out where we could pick up the trail that was supposed to take us back down. They decided we must have gone the wrong way, so we headed back down the way we had come up. Gary and Karina suggested that they really didn’t know where to go so we said we would head back to the parking lot and they would carry on trying to find the trail. We slowly walked back to the parking area and negotiated a price with a taxi driver to take us back down to the Pisac Market in the main square. This is where skilled artisans craft ceramics, textiles, and silver jewelry with Andean motifs, and where indigenous people from surrounding communities come to barter for goods in the local language, Quechua. They say that Sunday is the best time to see the market, but it was certainly interesting even on Saturday. We spent a couple of hours browsing the very large market and finally heard from Gary that they were almost back down off the mountain. As it turned out we made the right decision not to do the hike down. Gary and Karina were exhausted and said it was probably the toughest hike they had done. We found a small restaurant and ordered milkshakes, 3 Mango and 3 Chocolate. Lee took Karina and Judy to buy Christmas tree ornaments and then we wandered back through the market to find Kevin, our driver. The ride back was quiet as everyone was tired.

      We spent the afternoon transferring Gary and Karina’s pictures onto backup memory sticks using Lee’s MacBook computer. Then Gary set up on the large TV so we could see their pictures of our hike from the 104 km on the Inca Trail as well as our tour of Machu Picchu and the 2 hikes in the valley..
      Dinner tonight was cooked by 2 girls, the one who had helped Julian, our chef and another girl. We had a delicious tomato a soup, a beef dinner with rice, potatoes and everything was so good. They also gave us a big pitcher of warm pear juice. We have so much leftover we will have a great breakfast.

      Having our dinners cooked for us has been wonderful and they have all been traditional Peruvian meals. The dishes were all washed for us and we have felt totally spoiled.

      Tonight, we packed our cases as we will leave to go back to Cusco tomorrow morning. It seems a shame we can’t stay a few more days in this beautiful valley and very comfortable house.
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    • Giorno 390

      Pisac Impressions

      18 maggio 2022, Perù ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Pisac is a small hippie and spiritual town close to Cusco located in the Sacret Valley. I stayed here over 5 weeks. Working and enjoying the beautiful views of the mountains and the charming vibe of the town and the people living here.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 100

      Sacred Valley (4) - Pisac & 30th

      8 giugno 2022, Perù ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      It’s my 30th birthday!!! I just had a very relaxing day - woke up with sun and mountain views, had pancakes and cake for breakfast, strolled through Pisac, ate lots of my favorite fruits (Granadilla), had a reiki ceremony and talked to my loved ones on the phone.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 87

      Vallée sacrée - partie 2

      9 luglio 2022, Perù ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Nous nous réveillons à Ollantaytambo et allons visiter l'autre site de ruines du village ce matin. Ce sont des bâtiments, construits à flan de montagne, de l'autre côté des ruines visitées la veille. Pas facile de grimper là-haut 🧗! Nous apprenons qu'il s'agit de greniers où étaient stockés les aliments 🌾.

      En fin de matinée, nous décidons d'aller à Pisaq, dernier site Inca que nous souhaitons visiter. Pour y aller, nous prenons d'abord un collectivo (minivan 🚐) jusqu'à Urubamba, puis un taxi jusqu'à Pisaq.
      Nous trouvons un restaurant où manger dans le village 🥗. Nous prenons ensuite un taxi jusqu'aux ruines, situées dans les hauteurs de la ville.

      Pendant 1h30, nous visitons le site, immense. Nous nous perdons au milieu des ruines, grimpons dans les collines ⛰️.
      Nous redescendons ensuite tranquillement vers le village et visitons les rues artisanales 🛍️.

      Nous rentrons ensuite à Cusco en fin de journée 🚐.
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    • Giorno 100

      Sacred Valley (3) - Pisac

      8 giugno 2022, Perù ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Pisac is a small town nestled in the crook of the Inti Huatana Mountain with a strong mystical influence, situated along the Urubamba River. Full of artisan and farmers’ markets, cafes, and restaurants, Pisac offers a fantastic opportunity to shop for handmade crafts and taste treats made with love. For those seeking community and healing, Pisac is home to plenty of healers that host group events or offer private sessions. Some of the community events include kirtan, sauna tents and meditation.

      And so I also wanted to participate in a spiritual ceremony and went to Mantra singing in the afternoon - a really beautiful atmosphere and experience with which I sad goodbye to my 29th year of life.
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    • Giorno 102

      Sacred Valley (5) - Pisac Ruins

      10 giugno 2022, Perù ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      The Inca ruins lie atop a hill above Pisac Town - the central part is located on the very top, but other former buildings or sometimes rather piles of stones are scattered over the grassy land.
      Because of the atop position, the primary purpose of Pisac Ruins was to protect Cusco from possible attacks.
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    • Giorno 20

      Some random things

      13 agosto 2022, Perù ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      1) A photo with a baby alpaca - or, as I realised afterwards, probably a lamb dressed up to make me think it was an alpaca!
      2) A guinea pig house
      3) The musical interlude on our lunch stop on the trip to Pisac and OllytaytamboLeggi altro

    • Giorno 13


      24 settembre 2022, Perù ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Nach 12 Std Fahrt kommen wir in Cusco an. Es ist hier deutlich grüner, kälter und grauer als in Arequipa. Dennoch gefällt uns die Stadt und das Umland auf Anhieb.
      Nach dem Frühstück versuchen wir, leider vergebens, Tickets für Machu Picchu zu ergattern. Während der letzten Wandertage im Canyon haben wir uns gegen eine geführte Wandertour zum Machu Picchu entschieden. Der Plan ist es mit zwei weiteren Deutschen den 5-tägigen Salkantay Trek auf eigene Faust zu planen und hoffentlich Tickets am letzten Tag vor Ort für Machu Picchu zu bekommen.
      Für uns geht es weiter ins Sacred Valley nach Písac, einem kleinen Hippiedorf.
      Wir schlendern über die Märkte und kleinen Gassen und freuen uns heute Nacht wieder ein Zimmer nur für uns in ruhiger Umgebung zu haben! Mit selbst gekochten Essen und gutem Weißwein lassen wir den Abend ausklingen.
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    • Giorno 14

      Heiliges Tal

      25 settembre 2022, Perù ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nach einer ruhigen und erholsamen Nacht starten wir mit dem Taxi zu unseren ersten Inkaruinien und laufen von dort ca. 2 Std zurück nach Pisac. Im Anschluss geht es mit dem local bus weiter nach Urubamba. Für die sogenannten Collectivos gibt es keine Abfahrtzeiten, sondern sie starten, sobald alle Plätze belegt sind.
      Um zu den Salzterrassen von Maras zu gelangen nehmen wir uns ein Taxi und laufen auch hier den Berg herunter. Die Salzfarm ist die höchstgelegenste der Welt und beeindruckt uns mit den vielen kleinen labyrinthartigen Becken sehr.
      Abends, als wir wieder zurück in unserer Unterkunft sind, erfahren wir, dass heute eine Mashroom Ceremony stattfindet. Einige wirklich „interessante“ Menschen trudeln ein und wir werden von Harmoniumklängen und Hare Krishna Mantren in den Schlaf gesungen.
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