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- Jul 14, 2023, 8:30 AM
- 🌧 22 °C
- Altitude: 1,006 m
PhilippinesCordilleraKalingaButbut17°13’47” N 121°5’7” E
Apo Whang Od

🇨🇭: okay wie cool isch da bitte gsi. Es Tattoo gstoche becho vode ältiste Tättowiererin vode Welt, zudem au no die Stylist. Sie isch 106 johre alt und macht immer no die traditionelle Tattoos. Wo mir im Dorf acho sind hemmer direkt üsu nodle derfe ussurche und mit dere het sie üs den s‘tattoo gstoche. Nodle isch ehn Dorn vonere Pflanze wo an nem Bambus stock befestigt worde isch🎋
D‘farb bestoht sowit ich weiss us nem gmisch vo verbrennte asche und Kokosnus oder so…
Nach bitzli warte is denn au scho los gange. I muess sege i bin ja ned schmerz empfindlich, aber es zwickt scho meh wie eh normals hahahah😂 noch dem mir mit ihre no paar cooli Pics gmacht hend bin ich direkt zu ihre Niechte und han mirs nögste Steche loh hahaha. Mis bedütet Reisender und kompass, passend ned?
Isch eh mega erfahrig gsi, het mir super guet gfalle und i han so viel lüt wieder kenne glernt mega krass. I bin fast berühmter ide Philippine wie apo whang selber…
Es wönd alli Bilder mit mir mache, es winket mir gfühlt alli oder wönd mit mir rede😂 sogar lüt vode Security, Polizei und Militär und all die Tourguids vo dere tour… debi machii gar nüt
🇺🇸: okay how cool was this! Get a tattoo from the oldest tattoo artist in the world and also the stylist. She is 106 years old and still making traditional tattoos. When we arrived in the village a woman bring a basket full with needles and you could choose yours. You also get the tattoo with them. The needle is sharp thorn from a plant and is on a bamboo stick. 🎋
The color is a mixture from ash and coconut i guess. After 30min waiting it was my turn. I‘m not picky about pain, but it hurts more than a normal tattoo. But it was absolutly worth it.
When she was finished we take some nice pictures together. After this i going to her niece for my next tattoo hahahah
It means traveller and compass🧭
Was a amazing experience! I really like it and i meet a lot of new people hahaha
Its crazy here, i feel more famous than apo whang in the whole philippines. Everybody wants to take pictures with me, wants to talk with me and everyone is look after me and wave at me. Even the Security, polics and the military and all this guys from this tour too and i do nothing hahahahRead more