Powiat wielicki

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    • Day 9

      Αλατωρυχείο Wieliczka

      October 13, 2021 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Ίσως το καλύτερο αξιοθέατο μέχρι στιγμής στο ταξίδι. φοβερή εμπειρία να κατεβαίνεις 150 μέτρα κάτω από την γη και να βιώνεις πως δούλευαν και ζούσαν οι αλατωρυχοι εκατοντάδες χρόνια πριν καθώς και τι έφτιαξαν με τα χέρια τους.ένα από τα καλύτερα μουσεία-εκθέματα που μπορεί κάποιος να δει.Συνέχεια στο μουσείο του Όσκαρ σιντλερ στην Κρακοβια.Read more

    • Day 25

      Dwudziesty piąty etap (1/2): Nowa Huta

      September 25, 2018 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Heute 325 Kilometer über 7,5 Stunden.
      Die Nähe zur Altstadt mussten wir heute auch nochmal nutzen. So besuchten wir die Burg Wawel und besichtigten die Drachenhöhle unter der Burg. Zum Abschluss speite ein Drache Feuer. Das sah schon ziemlich cool aus!
      Dem straffen Terminplan folgend eilten wir zum Mittagslokal. In einem urigen, familiären Restaurant, welches sich auf Pirogi spezialisiert hatte, suchten wir uns die Leckersten aus. Zur Vorspeise gab es eine würzige Rote Beete Suppe und dazu einen schwarzen Tee.
      Danach gingen wir zum Friseurtermin von Anni, den wir am Vortag vereinbart hatten. Frisch frisiert verließen wir unseren Parkplatz. Eine nahe symmetrisch gebaute Arbeitersiedlung sollte unser nächstes Ziel werden. Kurze Zeit später befanden wir uns in der Vorstadt von Krakau. Anscheinend waren wir am Ziel vorbei gefahren, weil das Navi den Ort woanders vermutete. In der sozialistischen Musterstadt “Nowa Huta” angekommen, bewegten wir uns zum zentralen Platz. Die Stadt wurde für Arbeiter der Stahlproduktion im Jahre 1949 gebaut. Eigentlich ohne Kirche geplant, wurde sie 1977 dann noch errichtet.
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    • Day 74


      March 30, 2016 in Poland ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Bijna klaar om aan het derde en laatste deel van de uitstap te beginnen maar eerst de innerlijke mens even van wat lekkers voorzien... Champignonsoep gepresenteerd in brood... Speciaal en mooi-ogend maar bovenal superlekker... Alleen jammer dat er weinig tijd was om alles rustig op te eten want enkele tientallen minuten moet er al afgedaald worden in de mijn aan de overkant van de straat...Read more

    • Day 14

      Kopalnia Salt mine, Wieliczka

      July 7, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Amazing tour of the saltmine. We went to 135 metres underground and there was still another few levels below that to 300 metres!!!
      Their salt is a natural grey colour due to "healthy other minerals and substances".
      There were truly amazing salt sculptures including the floor tiles, magnificent underground church, statues.
      Horses were kept underground when it was a working mine, complete with carved out stables.
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    • Day 22


      June 23, 2017 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Gdansk to Krakow - A Day at the Cattle Market

      Well this morning started with a 3am wake up call curtesy of the women in the bed next me at my hostel. For the love of god I could not understand why she had insisted on leaving her bags in the common room the night before and then gone out clubbing. It was at 3am that she decided to relocate her luggage to the dorm; bang, thud, wallop, 15 minutes later and 7 bags were strewn across the room, and she was standing practically naked in the middle of a mixed dorm after waking everyone. After the noise subsided, I drifted back off to sleep to be woken again an hour later, this time another women was leaving, and had decided to only pack her stuff ready to go at 4am. What is wrong with people?!?

      By the time my alarm was due to go off at 8.30, I had already been staring at the ceiling for over an hour, hopelessly waiting for one last snooze before an 8hr train from Gdansk to Krakow via Warsaw.... Yes I know.

      Well too add to my morning from hell, I managed to burn yesterday whilst indulging myself on the beach. I would not mind so much but the amount of sun tan lotion I used would have drowned a small army of children!
      The two tender spots, the top of my feet/ankle crease point, and the front of my armpit/arm/collar. So, lathered up with mountains of aloe vera my socks have been turned into squishy heaven for my feet. However, there was no easy solution to my inner arm, the burn is exactly where my bra strap should sit. Brave call made, I decided to travel bra-less. Now for most people this wouldn't be scary at all, but for someone who is on the larger size, carrying round 40DD boobs, its not something you would usually do! But when needs must...

      Arrival at the train station saw me about half an hour early for my departure. Knowing my platform, I decided to get comfy on the platform as my rucksack had slowly been digging into the lovely burn on my shoulder. As the platform filled I realise this is no small train, there are at least 700 people stood waiting to board the train... my train.

      In the flurry of making sure I was on the train before the doors locked (I learnt very quickly trains in Poland do not wait long), I jumped on what I thought to be my designated carriage. I very slowly and painfully pushed my way through to my seat, where I found a lovely German gentleman who kindly informed me this was carriage 16, not 14 :( By this time it was too late to jump back off and then back on at 14, so I started my fight through the throngs of people without a seat allocation. I was already hot, flustered, and starting to feel the burn again, but I can honestly say that 200 metre journey has been the hardest of my trip so far. Without going into too much detail, polish trains have a combination of standard carriages (like virgin in the UK but smaller in width), and 6 people compartments connected to a long corridor no wider than a shoulder width. This is where the problem started, for all those who had been sold tickets, even though the train was full, had lined this corridor along with all of their holiday luggage. Trying to get my stout body through was hard enough, but with a rucksack too!

      It doesn't stop there either, it's definitely one of those days.

      I finally got to my seat after fighting through the 'bike shed' on the train, and low and behold someone was sat in my seat. Now custom says if you politely inform the person you have this seat booked, said person will move. Can you see where this is going?
      Immediately the language barrier became obvious, but I was prepared for that, after showing her my ticket details she still declined to move. By this point I was holding up at least 6 people in either direction and with no sign of getting anywhere fast. I will admit, on-top of my stress, heat exhaustion, pain, and tiredness from on off sleep all night, I finally snapped. With a raised voice and a deathly look on my face I pretty much shouted at this women to move. For someone who didn't understand english, she moved pretty fast! I'm not proud of how I handled it, but I reached breaking point.

      Managed to get as far as Warsaw problem free after that.
      Then it started again... I wont bore you with all of the details, but it involved a guy eating peanuts (I have a deadly allergy), being told I wasn't allowed to change seats, and a group of men arguing in Polish when I wanted to open the window.

      With only 20 minutes of my train from hell left, we pulled into a place called Miechow, and an announcement was made in Polish. Within seconds people were flooding off the train so I tried to find out what was going on. Ten minutes later and after trying to speak with at least 20 people, a Russian kindly told me that the electricity supply had gone down and they were estimating an hour wait for things to be sorted!

      We're on the move again. It was nice to get off the stuffy train and walk around for a bit though. Let my hostel know I will be checking in late, all I want to do is sleep. I have decided that I will get an Uber once I arrive at Krakow Glowny as the hostel is 2 miles away from the station. I think after today the last thing I need is to be walking round lost in the city when it's threatening a storm.

      Today has just been one unbelievable thing after another, you just couldn't make this stuff up. I will be glad to move on to Budapest on Sunday.

      Moral of today, stick to the bus!!!
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    • Day 7

      Veličkas sāls raktuves

      September 30, 2017 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      - Tā kā šodien jābrauc visiem, tad aliņš nespīd nevienam. Bet neņemot vērā šo aspektu esam veiksmīgi nokļuvuši līdz Veļičkai.
      - Biļetes salīdzinoši dārgas, bet noteikti tā vērtas - 20eur no cilvēka. Beigās tās izrādījās vēl iespaidīgākas nekā es biju iztēlojies. Varbūt pat vairāk no raktuvju konstruktīvā viedokļa nekā tās vēstures vai citu faktoru dēļ. Ekskursija atraktīva džeka pavadībā ilga aptuveni 45min. Cilvēku daudz, visi kā skudras pa pūzni skraida pa šaurajiem raktuvju tunelīšiem. It kā kaut ko mēģinām nedaudz pabildēt, bet kā jau var iztēloties - 60m zem zemes nav pārāk laba dienas gaisma. Un jā... salīdzinot ar aizvakar apmeklētajām "ogļraču raktuvēm" - labāk nesalīdzināt. Veļičkas raktuves pieliek skaistu punktu jau tā lielisko iespaidu atstājušajam Krakovas apmeklējumam.
      - Pēc ekskursijas vēl paēdam pusdienas turpat pazemes cafe. Arī pazemē žureks ir garšīgs.
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    • Day 7

      Auschwitz 💔

      September 27, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Auschwitz, também conhecido como Auschwitz-Birkenau, foi o maior e possivelmente o mais notório de todos os campos de concentração nazistas, inaugurado na primavera de 1940. Ao longo de quatro anos e meio, 1,3 milhão de pessoas foram enviadas a Auschwitz, como parte da Solução Final de Hilter para o 'problema judeu'. Desse total, 1,1 milhão de pessoas morreram lá. Muito já foi escrito sobre os horrores que ocorreram naquele local, uma visita ao memorial traz vida e veracidade às histórias sobre Auschwitz!Read more

    • Day 6

      Oskar Schindler's Factory

      September 26, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      A Fábrica de Oskar Schindler, era uma fábrica de artigos metálicos em Cracóvia, foi um local importante onde houve um movimento para salvar os judeus das atrocidades infligidas pelos nazistas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, por Oskar Schindler. Sob a cobertura de sua fábrica de esmaltados, ele contratou mais de 1000 trabalhadores judeus e os salvou de um destino terrível nos campos de concentração. O local é agora um museu histórico que hospeda exposições que dão uma idéia da vida durante a guerra. Se você é fã do filme " A Lista de Schindler", visitar este local histórico é imprescindível!Read more

    • Day 74

      Wieliczka zoutmijn

      March 30, 2016 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Iets voor 17:00 mogen we bij de laatste groepen van de dag met de trap 380 treden afdalen tot een diepte van 64 meter (niveau -1) van dit UNESCO-Werelderfgoed waar de eigenlijke rondleiding begint... over een periode van de volgende 2 uur dalen we geleidelijk trap per trap verder tot 135 meter (niveau -3) onder de buitenwereld waarbij we ongeveer 2,5 km afleggen over trappen, door gangen en zalen... (Het totale mijn-complex uit 9 verdiepen, verbonden door 300 km aan gangen!)
      De 20 zalen welke we doorkruisen zijn veelal gevuld door prachtige, over de eeuwen heen door mijnwerkers gesculpteerde, beelden en voorwerpen... In sommige zalen vertoef je in een wondere sprookjeswereld terwijl andere je alle besef van het onder-de-grond-zijn doen vergeten door hun imposante uitstraling...
      De tocht naar boven verloopt gelukkig per lift en duurt amper een half minuutje...
      Na twee aan-de-ribben-klevende onderdelen van deze morgen is de zoutmijn een mooie afsluiter van de 3-delige trip... Mede dankzij een erg sympathieke, gepassioneerde en zeer bekwame gidsen, voor Auschwitz/Birkenau en Beata voor zoutmijn, kan ik niet anders dan deze bezoeken warm aan te bevelen indien jullie in de buurt zijn...
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