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    • Päivä 6

      4.Etappe Fao-Viana do Castelo

      11. toukokuuta 2024, Portugali ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Es geht wieder los :-) ! Heute ist es noch bedeckt und angenehm kühl . Unser Bett hat die ganze Zeit gequietscht 😂🤭. Die erste längere Etappe für uns … sehr einsam heute am Meer entlang zu gehen. Frühstück nach 6,4 km 😂🙈. Wir hatten auch echt HungerLue lisää

    • Päivä 2

      Tag 2 - Vila do Conde - Fão (22km)

      12. toukokuuta 2024, Portugali ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nochdem i gester so ziemli alles falsch gmacht ha am 1.Tag (zviel gloffe, zwenig trunke&gesse, nöd ihcremt etc.), isch hüt an erfolgriche Tag gsi.

      Bi gester Obed no go froge wegere Decki zum schlofe. Die Dame ah da Rezeption het dänn aber gmeint, wenni da Überzug übercho ha, dänn hani alles 😪 Ih als sehr emotionale Mensch&völlig übermüedet sind mer dänn gad Träne ko (hahah peinlich). Reaktion vo ihre hani dänn nöd erwartet: "isch da din erste Camino? Riss di zäma, hör uf brölle und morn Morge laufsch du miteme riese Grins do use" - ok, die Antwort hani glob genau brucht! 😅 (ha übrigens dänn doch no ah Decki übercho, hend nur ah Sprochbarriere ka 😝)

      Am nögste Morge bini am 7ni losgloffe. zerst no völlig Lost, ha da Camino nochere Stund dänn aber doch no gfunde (immerhin i die richtig Richtig gloffe) 😉 Die erste 2h wieder alles da Küste entlang, recht eitönig mit da Zit 😬 Ziemli windig isches au direkt am Meer. Bi dänn drum froh gsi isch da weg nocher dur da Wald..
      Zum zmittag hets es Pilgermenü geh (günstig & riesigi Portione) und notürlich endlich mis wohlverdiente BIER 😍 Unterkunft hani dasmol vorreserviert (Hostel mit Pool). Mue das schöne Wetter no usnütze, wenns ab morn go Regne kunnt 😬

      Eigentlich hani dä Blog welle kurzhalte, isch nix druss wore
      , egal😅

      No ah paar Erkentnis zude Länder-Stereotype wo wiedermol zuetreffid:
      - Die Dütsche wo gern über Geld redet, wa d'Unterkunft kostet, wa s'esse kostet - WHO cares!
      - Franzose wo sich da Landessproch nöd düend ahpasse, mit Bonjour anstatt Bom dia grüessed
      - Amis wo der am liabsta alles verzelled

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    • Päivä 6

      Where the Fao Are We?: Apulia - Marinhas

      5. toukokuuta 2023, Portugali ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Brigit and I got a wee bit lost on our last day together. I blame Pavlov.

      The two of us exited the bed and breakfast we had coincidentally both booked for May 4, and right around the corner was the boardwalk we had come to love these last 20 or so miles. We hit the wood.

      This was despite both of our guidebooks recommending we turn inland for the shorter path to the town of Fao “through a brief stretch of heavy woodland.” But we were on the coastal and there were boards. We knew boards. We had seen a lot of them, and they had never led us astray. We became increasingly doubtful, however, when we didn’t see any of the metal or ceramic markers that assure a pilgrim they are on their way. We saw a few painted yellow lines with painted red lines below them, which was concerning.

      So we asked folks. No less than 3 assured us we were good. One expounded the benefits a seaside vs inland walking. The others all nodded encouragingly and shooed us on our way. We eventually left the sea and walked through some woods, along a very busy road. So…maybe.

      Then, in a nondescript seaside town, we came across the universal sign for ‘you blew it’ - a yellow arrow crossed out with a red, diagonal stripe. Portuguese translation -‘ Este nao e o Camino.’ So finally, like the confident women we are, we stopped to ask for directions. Two women nearby were walking home with market bags. We begged their help. While one stopped to drag us to a cafe to find someone with ‘some English’ the other hustled off down the sidewalk. Smart girl.

      There wasn’t much English to be had at the Ilha Restaurante, but there was a toilet. So - Winning! They also stamped our Camino passports with the restaurant name and address. We sought directions from the proud owner of the cafe, a passerby, and a young woman smoking a cigarette on the patio to the next town, Fao. They were confused.

      We enunciated heavily, spoke louder, and poked at the maps on our screens. “Fao! We want to get to Fao! How go Fao?”

      More confusion.

      Finally,I said, “ bridge,” and the proprietor got it. He offered the directions we sought in a universal language: We needed to go straight-hand-moving-down-the-sidewalk-wiggle-it-right-wiggle-it-left- humpty-hump-the-bridge.

      Ahhhhhhh. Thanks! (Really. How did these people not know where the town of Fao was?)

      Brigit and I finally crossed the bridge into Marinhas. By this time my Spidey senses, ignored since we hit the boardwalk, we’re really tingling. “Hey Brigit. I’m wondering if maybe…”

      Later I checked my pilgrims passport. The address of Ilha Restaurant, where three locals tried almost in vain to help two very confused peregrinas was stamped in crisp black ink:

      Av. Antonio Veigo N 80….

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    • Päivä 4

      Porto to Povoa

      24. huhtikuuta 2024, Portugali ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      We’re on the Camino for real! After breakfast we taxied to the beach north of Porto — and started walking at the Praia da Memoria obelisk. Most of the 13 miles to our destination in Povoa de Varzim were along a beach boardwalk, sometimes past sand dunes, always surrounded by wildflowers, and lots of bamboo stands. We walked thru a couple of small fishing villages, then thru a large urban area at the end. There were dozens of other pilgrims along the way, a handful of bicyclists, and many locals enjoying the boardwalk as well. At lunchtime we chatted with a young couple from Ireland at an outdoor cafe — she had recently walked a pilgrimage in Japan. Sunshine and a cool breeze were the perfect accompaniments to our first day. The hotel that was booked for us in Povoa was similar to the one in Porto: our twin beds were side by side in a very tiny room!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 5

      Povoa to Beach Resort Hotel, Esposende

      25. huhtikuuta 2024, Portugali ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Today was Dia da Liberdade, and the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese revolution. It was another short(ish) day of walking — 13 miles, only 6 hours with breaks. Beach boardwalk, then inland boardwalk, some towns, a golf course, a quiet wooded stretch on a dirt road. Kathleen took lots of flower photos — spring is a great time to be here! We’ve been seeing the same people at break stops and on the trail, and everyone wishes each other Bon (or Buen) Camino! Our hotel upgraded us to a Jr Suite — and the twin beds were all of 18” apart, not smushed together like at the other hotels. Kathleen, of course, did her traditional headstand on the beach, and we had a great sunset view at dinner.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 4

      Hitting My Stride

      11. huhtikuuta 2024, Portugali ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Starting to learn how to become “one with the pack”. We most spent the day walking along the beach on boardwalks and sand. So grateful my sister Renee is here to share her experience and provide coaching. We turned inland for a bit and got a change of scenery as we passed soccer fields and a golf course next to the ocean. Definitely feel fatigued by the end of the day, but keep walking forward. Luckily, I won the sister room lottery and got to sleep in the private room.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 5

      a good day on the camino

      26. kesäkuuta 2024, Portugali ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Den Abend verbringen wir mit den beiden Gastgebern- the big house hinterlässt bei uns eine wundervolle Erfahrung von Gastfreundschaft und Wohlfühlen!
      Mit uns ist heute auch die Sonne am Start aber meist weht ein frischer Wind. Wir laufen am Meer entlang und haben heute eine phantastische Aussicht auf den Atlantik. Später geht es landeinwärts, wärmer, lauter aber mit der guten Aussicht auf unser heutiges Quartier 😀😉 Wir sind früh genug da um den Pool und die entspannte Atmosphäre zu genießen- das tun wir jetzt, schließlich ist ja auch Urlaub...😁Lue lisää

    • First Peregrinos Menu

      17. syyskuuta 2019, Portugali ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Waiter just asks if you want meat or fish , wine or beer then you get what he brings you .... We'll see... I choose Fish just noticed option on Meat option is Cow Guts ... I assume that's tripe !
      I'vd been joined by Hans from Switzerland and I had skate and he had cod and we shared with two coffee and a complementary glass of Port is cost 20€ for us both. Hans reckons we were lucky the Peregrino menu is typically heavy on carbs and loads of chips soups and bread but I'm not complaining Good Night
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    • Good Morning

      18. syyskuuta 2019, Portugali ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Up and shower and packed good sleep last night .I seem to be first up in hostel breakfast @730 but I think I will stay as I may not be able to get coffee on the road for a while . Today was supposed to be my long day 30k but hope it's not as long as Monday . I will just try and keep steady pace I am booked in tonight to an Alberque which is supposed to be one of the ' must stay' locations but I'll get there when I get there .
      Esponade - Carréco 30k ref Google Maps and some hills today
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    • Päivä 6

      Made it to Esposende!

      2. elokuuta 2024, Portugali ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      About 16 miles today! About half near the ocean, then accidentally got off course and did part of the coastal Camino (which is actually not by the coast). But found my way back to the Litoral way. Met two mother/daughter pairs - one was an 11 year old and her mom from Belgium, and another was from Denmark and pushing her toddler in a stroller. So impressive, they were the sweetest.

      My legs and feet are definitely feeling it today! Was limping along the last couple of miles and got a darn blister. I know plenty of Caminos have ended because of blisters, so moleskinned around it really well and hoping it doesn’t get too much bigger or more painful. My hostel is super cute (again), going to rest my legs and feet as much as possible tonight and hope they can last another 16 miles tomorrow 😳
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