Oliveira de Azeméis Municipality

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    • Day 22

      Santa María de Feira

      July 24 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Llegamos a Santa María de Feira recomendados por mi prima y disfrutamos de su ambiente preparando su gran Época Medieval. Sus calles empedradas ambientan todo lo que viene en los próximos días. Tranquilos, paseamos sin prisa, cenamos en familia en un restaurante y disfrutamos de música folklore internacional mientras Unai baila en la plaza con una niña que acaba de conocer.Read more

    • Day 15

      Etapa 12: Branca

      January 18 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      This Alburgue is also attached to a hotel that apparently no one else is staying in. The dormitory is in an old mill room that been restored. It looks super cool in here! I was able to wash some clothes before bed too, so hopefully everything drys by morning!

      When I came in, I was offered a slice of cheesecake with cherries in it. I hung out in the common room/kitchen with the other person staying in the Alburgue who is not actually a Pilgrim, but who is doing a work away program and is helping out here in exchange for food and lodging. She is from Italy is just beginning a trip across Portugal for an unknown period of time while doing various work away opportunities.
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    • Day 17

      Etappe 15

      May 24, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Unser gestriges Schlafgemach in Aģueda teilten wir mit Stuart, einem Mitpilger aus Australien. Ich finde dieser Mann hatte Stil und Fomat, denn er war, wie man so schön sagt, gentlemanlike! Zu dieser Erkenntnis kam ich ziemlich schnell, denn es gab da den einen Moment, als ich mich gerade bettfein machte, nur halbwegs angezogen dastand und er gerade das Zimmer betreten wollte! Ich bin nicht ganz sicher, ob ihn mein Anblick einfach nur erschreckte, oder ob es ihm gar desswegen die Sprache verschlug?? Er hat sich jedenfalls, ohne eine Mine zu verziehen, schlagartig zurückgezogen und ein paar Minuten später einen neuen Versuch gestartet um in sein Bett zu kommen.
      Am Morgen dann, wurde uns ein super Frühstück serviert. So konnten wir gestärkt in den Tag starten! Gleich zu Anfang begleitete uns wieder der Verkehrslärm!  Glücklicherweise war dieser Spuk schon bald vorbei und die Geräuschkulisse änderte sich zu entspannendem Vogelgezwitscher. Das kam uns mehr als nur entgegen!
      Unterwegs trifft man immer wieder auf bekannte Gesichter. So auch heute....nämlich Denis aus dem sonnigen Kalifornien. Seine Frau, sein Schwager und seine Schwägerin gehen, wie die meisten Pilger, zu Fuss bis Santiago. Nicht so Denis...er ist mit dem Bike unterwegs! Das besondere an Denis ist, er ist bereits 80Jahre alt. Unglaublich! Er hat meinen grössten Respekt und ist für mich der Hero dieser Strecke!
      Mit der heutigen Unterkunft hatten wir wieder ein gutes Händchen! Das letzte 2er Zimmer konnten wir gerade noch ergattern...zum Glück, denn nach 25Km Fussmarsch tun Roland die Füsse weh!😫
      Mir au äs bitzeli!😁
      Boa noite!🛏💤
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    • Day 21

      Day 17 AlbANova -Sao Joao de Madeira

      September 25, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Day 17 - Albergaria-a-Nova to Sao João de Madeira
      Monday, September 25

      Started at 7:16. Ended at 2:00. 24.0k/14.9m. Walking time 4h46m. Steps 30,062. Calories 1,194.

      It was an unexpected hilly day. Quite a few steep portions and then downhills. Never really left city/urban area during the walk.

      Highlights of the day: seeing Jess/Peter on the trail a couple times. And then met up with Aimee (MN). The four of us and Peter/UK got together for dinner and had a great time. People help make moments into memories that last forever.

      Enjoy the journey. Photos have captions. Bom Caminho.
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    • Day 6

      30k or so.. the hikes get longer

      May 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      And so we continue our camino. We are nearing Porto where we started this trip last Friday before we took the bus to Coimbra. And we are getting more and more used to the routine of getting up early and just walk wherever our legs are taking us. Everyday the skies are more blue and the sun gets stronger especially when the hikes are longer and we arrive later. But all goes well. Here is an impression of todayRead more

    • Day 7

      Aqui estamos.. primero Gracias

      May 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Un Día largo.. un día de experiencia diferente.. un día con un tono de otro color! Glándula pineal a flor de piel, en cada casa, caminos al lado del tren, centro comercia, comida en la mitad de una Plaza con carros a nuestro lado ... OMG Agradezco por estar y pertenecer ..Read more

    • Day 11

      Hats off

      October 26, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      My guide book said I’d be mad to miss the hat museum, and indeed it was terrific. A great personally guided tour. Once the largest producer of hats in the Iberian peninsular (in the days when everyone wore a hat) São João de Madeira still has a few craftsmen making fully handmade velvet felt hats. I want one!Read more

    • Day 11

      Luxury hotel

      October 26, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      A good 20km walk today. Almost all on hard asphalt with a very short section through eucalyptus forest - so still not great walking. Lots of short stops on the way in village bars for a refreshing mineral water. With the hard surfaces my feet really start to whinge at the 20km mark so I was glad to stop then. The only reasonable accommodation (unless I walked another 10km) just happens to be a four star hotel. Lovely! Big bath, air conditioning / and no bedbugs.Read more

    • Day 19

      Day 16/5 Albergaria-a-Nova to Sao Joao

      May 19, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      First thing this morning we took a ride share back to Albergaria-a-Nova, where we left the Camino yesterday afternoon.

      From there it was a quick 5km walk to Pinheiro de Bemposta, where we stopped for coffee and the remains of Brenda's birthday cake.

      Today's weather was beautiful, sunny blue skies and temperatures ranging from 17 to 25 degrees. For me, it was the toughest vertical day with a total of around 600 meters uphill and some of the climbs being quite steep. My legs are slowly growing accustomed to all the walking and climbing, but not without voicing the odd complaint.

      Today we spent a fair bit of time along an ancient Roman road and were treated to a spectacular fountain at the base of the hill in Bemposta. In fact, only Brenda and Ernie were willing to descend and climb the stairs to earn the privilege of seeing this landmark, but they were kind enough to take lots of photos for Anita and me to see.

      The little hilltop town of Bemposta turned out to be a fount of historical information. Several signposts dotted the route, pointing out landmarks of interest. There was the town pillory which symbolizes not only the virtues of the church and the power of the Crown, but also served as the place of execution of the non-virtuous. One signpost spoke of the construction of the Roman roads and highlighted the granite blocks that to this day, serve as curbs.

      The day treated us to some eye popping vistas, encounters with feathered friends and some odd structures. We spotted a thin, stand-alone building mounted on a concrete base whose usage provided for speculation from The Core Four. Maybe it's an outhouse, perhaps a doghouse, how about a medieval man cave? When we came across a second example, Google informed us it was a Galacian "horreos": a raised grainary.

      At around 11:30, we arrived in Oliveira de Azemeis where we checked into our hotel, dropped our backpacks and continued along the Camino to our next stop. It was a treat being relieved of the 16 pound bag, at least for a short while, particularly since some of the longest and steepest hills of the day were yet to come.

      As we reached our destination of Sao Joao de Madeira, we spotted Wil a few hundred meters ahead of us and scrambled to catch up with him. We all stopped at a local supermarket and bought some vegan ice cream bars, which promptly disappeared down our throats, before saying goodbye to Wil. We then took a commuter train back to Oliveira and, after a shower and a nap, went out for dinner at a little Mama operated Portuguese restaurant. Pickings were a little slim for Brenda and me, but the food was delicious and definitely prepared with love.

      I wonder what adventures tomorrow will bring.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Oliveira de Azeméis, Oliveira de Azemeis, Oliveira de Azeméis Municipality

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