Santarém (Marvila)

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    • Dag 39

      TAG 39

      14 juni 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Hello :)
      Die Reise geht weiter. Heute morgen haben wir unsere Unterkunft in Pêra verlassen und sind mit dem Bus weiter nach Albufeira gefahren.🚌
      Dort haben wir eine zentral gelegene Unterkunft gefunden, die direkt an der bekannten "Partymeile" liegt.
      Angekommen haben wir noch ein wenig am Strand das Meer und die Sonne genossen und Abends haben wir die Partymeile besucht.🍸
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    • Dag 8

      Day 4 Valada to Santarem

      12 september 2023, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      Day 4 - Valada to Santarem. 12 September. Started at 07:33. Finished at 12:03. 20.2k/12.6m. Walking time 3h42m. 24,108 steps. 914 calories.

      As I was typing in the calories I realized the figure is based on my body weight. Wonder what it would be if I added 12# for the weight of my pack. Let’s face it carry around a 12# dumbbell for over 12 miles you use more energy.

      It was a very good day for walking. Weather was absolutely perfect. The toes were good. I think my body is beginning to adapt to my 12# pack.

      Got a great sunrise photo over the Tejo River. Many would find today’s path very boring. Not much to see. Landscape pretty much the same all day. But I like days like this - filled with farm fields and smells that take me back to North Dakota. Something about smelling fresh tilled dirt!

      Followed the dike for a long time and then cut through a vineyard. Having the high dike provided some great shade! Also, adding to today’s boring side - only one town. And that was 3k from the start, so too soon to stop. Had a 3+km hill at the end leading into Santarem. I love hills - going up. Saw two pilgrims on the trail. So those staying in the hostel did not catch up to me.

      Played tourist in Santarem. Had a good filling lunch/early supper. Staying in a modern , new hostel. Right now only two of us in a 6 bunk room.

      Okay, I know you all want to hear about my toes! Well did not have a restful sleep. They were not hurting, but my brain just had to find a solution to my toe dilemma. I believe I found it. Since I wear sandals my toes were not hitting the front or top of my shoes. But I grip with my toes and the first small toe joint, instead of rounding up it presses down. Sort of like it’s double jointed but it is not. That joint compression pushes down right below the nail bed. Anyway, how do you prevent that from happening. My solution was to take a small wad of cotton ball and tape it to the bottom of my toe where the joint bends in. Well it worked. Still had to drain the blisters but not much fluid and no swelling, redness or pain.

      Photos had captions. Also added a couple videos. Hope you enjoy the journey. Bom Caminho.
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    • Dag 7


      22 maart, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      A relatively straight forward walk along mostly farm track to Santarem. One section of 13.5 kms had no water or eats. Was great up to the big hill into Santarem. It was Ulia's birthday today! She is from Germany, and just retired.Meer informatie

    • Dag 4

      Day Three

      27 augustus 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Well it looks as though my little adventure is going to have to adapt and become a different adventure that involves the bus and the train 😳
      Getting up this morning I had to accept that there wasn’t a chance of being able to get my trainers on, let alone walk the intended 33km’s..
      My two biggest blisters were so sore I couldn’t put weight on my heels .. I realise that to any Parish walker i must sound like a right wuss !
      Well off to the train station I hobbled and a train it was to Santarem .. I did walk, sort of in my flip flops the 40 odd minutes to my accommodation.. actually quite an achievement 🙄.. on the way I passed ( only because he stopped for water ) a guy who was also doing the journey, only he wasn’t walking it all, he was combining it with the bus and train… long story short, I met up with him again outside the hotel as he was staying at the same place. As it was too early to check in, he asked ( he speaks Portuguese ) if we could leave our bags there and suggested going for something to eat/drink .. only it turned out he didn’t drink and we had alcohol free beer 😂 I also needed something to eat as I hadn’t eaten since lunchtime the day before as my desire to eat was way lower than my desire not to walk anywhere last night.
      Anyway.. he seriously didn’t stop talking for 2 hours!!! I was exhausted and desperate to be in my room.. he suggested having a coffee /food later and it seemed rude to say no, so I agreed ( he was a considerably older retired gentleman I might add ) well we duly met and basically had a hobble, in my case, round the town resulting in no coffee or food. He was very useful in the pharmacy though with his Portugués.. even though it turned out the assistant’s English was pretty good. After getting another assistant to look ( I kept apologising for how they looked 😳) she thought one of my blisters was infected.. possibly the goo that was at the time surrounding it!!!
      She gave me something to put on it and some more plaster’s.. I’m going leave them overnight and once again hope for a miracle!!! I’m imagining it’s probably going to end up being a bus day….
      Off to bed now hoping all will be good tomorrow.. 🙄
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    • Dag 17


      3 mei, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Heute Mal etwas ruhiger mit Sightseeing beginnen in Santarem. Die Stadt selbst besitzt interessante Sehenswürdigkeiten wie schöne Kirchen und den Garten 'Jardim das Portas do Sol', der von den mittelalterlichen Mauern der Stadt umschlossen wird und fantastische Aussichten über den Fluss Tejo und die weiten Ebenen bietet. 
      Ausserdem den Fonte Figueiras, einen gotischen Brunnen, aus dem 13-14 Jh.
      Dann mach ich mich auf nach Golega, mit dem Zug und muss trotzdem v. Bahnhof noch 6 km in die Hauptstadt der Pferde laufen. (Leider viel auf der Strasse ) Außerdem ist die Stadt bekannt f. das Züchten von Stieren.
      Alljährlich findet hier im November mit der Feira Nacional do Cavalo ein überregional bekanntes Reitfest mit Ausstellung und Messe statt. Golegã ist ein Hauptort der Pferdezucht der portugiesischen Pferderasse Lusitano.
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    • Dag 8

      Camino Day 3 - to Santarem

      28 april 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      21 miles today and the weather forecasters are as bad here as they are at home. Last night, the forecast was for a cloudy day. We didn't see many clouds and most were in the morning when it was cool. Very little shade, once again. The last 1.5 miles were up hill.

      Today we walked primarily through farmland - some ready to be planted, some recently planted, and we saw tomatoes being planted by a big machine doing several rows at a time. There were so many picturesque moments, but pictures would not do then justice (and if I stopped every time I wanted a picture, it would have taken us another hour!)

      We walked with Jeff from California for a while today and met Connie and Lizbet from Denmark. Jeff is 71 and did the Frances last year as a 70th birthday present to himself. Lots of bikers doing the camino as well.
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    • Dag 5

      Etapa 3: Santarém

      8 januari, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      I arrived around 4 pm when there was still a lot of daylight. This was good because I wanted to do a bit of snack shopping for the next few days and go to a laundry mat to wash/dry my clothes. I also offered to wash the clothes of the pilgrim that I’d arrived into the city with.

      The laundry wasn’t too hard to figure out how to use despite not knowing Portuguese, though it did take a while, but had the desired effect!

      It was a misty kinda for most of the evening and I went to dinner with two other pilgrims who knew it was my birthday. We had Indian food and then played a game of pool afterwards at the next door bar!

      I also got to enjoy a very thoughtful birthday card from my mom in the little cubby bed I had in the hostel.
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    • Dag 7


      21 augustus 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      I made sure I took care of myself today by pre booking a room at a town less than 20km away and walking slowly and mindfully early in the morning to beat the heat. It was a much gentler day (but still really painful)Meer informatie

    • Dag 59


      27 april 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      De haven op palen van Carrasqueira in Comporta, Portugal

      Het Cais Palafítico da Carrasqueira is een van de meest bezochte plaatsen in de regio Comporta. Dit meesterwerk van volksarchitectuur, gebouwd in de jaren 1950 en 1960, is uniek in Europa. De haven is gebouwd op onregelmatige houten palen en planken, zoals we in Azië konden zien. De kade en de aanleglijnen worden gebruikt door plaatselijke vissersboten. Dankzij de kades kunnen de vissers ook bij eb, wanneer de bodem bedekt is met een dikke laag modder en slik, hun boten bereiken.

      De haven op palen van Comporta is een tijdloze plek, hangend tussen hemel en zee. De ideale tijd om het te bezoeken is bij zonsopgang of zonsondergang, wanneer het licht en de kleuren worden weerspiegeld in het kalme water van de riviermonding. Het is een magische plek voor fotografieliefhebbers.

      Beter kon ik het zelf niet verwoorden.

      De foto's verdienen het om apart neergezet te worden, dus vandaag geen collages 😃
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    • Dag 32

      My first "zero day". Hostel in Santarem

      4 mei 2021, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      I have decided to give my body a break, a chance to recover by taking my first "Zero day". No walking today!
      Just sitting in cafe reading and writing!
      This morning I discovered my first open church. There was a service taking place with 15 persons, present. all over 70 years old. One of the congregation, a gentleman of I'm sure 80, was reading the mass out of the midst of the congregation, very unusual!
      In connection with my audiobook from yesterday, I reflected on how crucial "faith" is, in whatever form it may come, to give purpose to life.
      Here old people were coming together to pray and find some kind of hold, a fix point, in a world gone totally crazy.
      Spirituality, on the one side, is found in shared ritual between people, as was the case this morning, but it is also found in the solitude experienced in nature when walking great distances.
      On this topic I bumped into this film on ARTE TV
      One of the quotes of a 'first nation" Indian is wonderful:
      "Let the river run its course, it knows where to go. It will bring you to the source.
      Keep your energy for the turbulence of the rapids.

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    Santarém (Marvila), Santarem (Marvila)

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