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    • Day 6

      Golega to Tomar

      April 6, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Day 6. Total distance 18.14 miles. We left Golega just as the sun was rising with the promise of multiple cafes along the way. Only we didn’t come across any cafes until noon, and by then, it was beer time. So for the first time in a long time, I didn’t have any coffee this morning. Somehow, I managed.

      We left the flatlands behind us today for some hilly terrain along groves of eucalyptus trees. As the day wore on, it seemed that Tomar, our destination for the night, was getting farther and farther away. Eventually, we made it. We are staying at a really nice hostel, so we’ve decided to take our first zero day tomorrow, i.e., no hiking.
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    • Day 38


      April 21, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Erster Blick aus dem Fenster - es ist stark bewölkt. Peter führt einen Freudentanz aus. Sonnenschutz, Handschuhe, Schal und Hut werden heute nicht benötigt 👍😅
      In Mafra besuchen wir den "Palácio Nacional de Mafra", gebaut im 18. Jahrhundert. Dies ist die größte Schloss- und Klosteranlage Portugals. Großartig. Es verschlägt uns die Sprache🤭🤔👍😊
      Mit unserer Smartphonekamera war es uns nicht möglich, den Bau in seiner Gesamtheit aufzunehmen.

      Vom Aussichtspunkt "Miradouro do Almourol" genießen wir eine schöne Aussicht auf die "Burg Almourol". Sie befindet sich auf einer Felseninsel im Tejo. Diese Templerburg aus dem 12. Jahrhundert ist nur mit einem Boot zu erreichen. Wunderschön👍👍 Alle weiteren Ziele für heute fielen buchstäblich ins Wasser. Aber der Regen war eine Wohltat.
      Wir checkten also etwas früher in unser Hotel ein und erholten uns ein wenig 😊🥧🍨🍷🍟🍔🥂🍺😀
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    • Day 62

      Via Peniche naar Tomar

      April 30, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Het is gelukkig iets minder warm geworden. Dat maakte het reizen in een bus zonder airco wel wat aangenamer.
      Eerst op weg naar Peniche een leuke plaats op een schiereiland waar veel gesurfd wordt.
      Een plek met een heerlijke, sportieve vibe.
      Daarna door naar Tomar, maar tussendoor nog even gestopt bij een prachtig kasteel in Porto de Mós.
      Het kasteel dat in 1755 door een zware aardbeving in Lissabon ernstig verwoest werd is prachtig gerestaureerd. Dat wil zeggen alleen de voorkant want de achterkant is alleen veilig gemaakt tegen instorten en dat blijft ook zo. Het heeft wel wat dat je zo oud en nieuw in één gebouw kunt zien, een prachtig geheel.
      In Tomar aangenaam verrast door de leuke camperplaats. Het is een gemeentelijke camping geweest en dat kun je nog goed zien aan al het groen, wat een verschil met de parkeerplaatsen waar je ook dikwijls op staat. Iedereen heeft hier ook gewoon zijn tafeltje en stoeltjes buiten gezet, wat op een parkeerplaats verboden is op straffe van een fikse boete.
      Zaterdagmorgen naar de markt met verse groenten, vis, vlees, bloemen en planten. Wat een kleur allemaal!
      Daarna naar boven gelopen naar het kasteel, een bolwerk van de Tempeliers, en naar het prachtige klooster dat er later tegenaan gebouwd is
      De Orde van de Tempeliers werd in Portugal in de 12e eeuw opgericht om te helpen bij de christelijke herovering en de kruistochten voort te zetten. Het kasteel dat in 1160 door de Orde in Tomar werd opgericht, was indertijd het meest moderne en vooruitstrevende militaire bolwerk van het koninkrijk, geïnspireerd op de versterkingen van het Heilig Land. Bijna twee eeuwen later, in 1312, werd de Orde door Paus Clemens V opgeheven om een eind te maken aan de macht en de faam van de orde. In Portugal werd echter de Ordem de Cristo (Christusorde) opgericht die de spirituele en materiële rijkdom van de orde overnam en de geest van de kruistochten bewaarde tot de tijd van de grote ontdekkingsreizen.
      Volgens velen bestaat de orde van de Tempeliers nog steeds. Toen ik een paar jaar geleden in Lissabon was kwam ik in contact met een hoge priesteres van de orde en mijn gids door de stad vertelde dat hij ook Tempelier was. Hij had vele interessante verhalen over de stad maar ook over de Tempeliers.
      Wat er van waar is kan ik niet zeggen, maar het was wel interessant. Dat mysterie blijft om de orde van de Tempeliers hangen, met name over de schat die verborgen zou zijn. Ik hou er van om het te geloven want dat is wel een mooi verhaal.
      Het kasteel is heel groot en je kunt wandelingen langs de muren maken.
      De kerk en het klooster zijn ook al heel groot en werkelijk prachtig.
      De kerk heeft een ronde plattegrond en is gebouwd naar gelijkenis van de kerk boven het Heilige Graf in Jeruzalem. Rond deze Tempelierskerk ontwikkelde zich met de tijd een enorm kloostercomplex, waarbij de vier grote kloostergangen heel bijzonder zijn, alsook de ziekenzaal van de Orde en het 6 km lange aquaduct, dat gebouwd werd in opdracht van de Spaanse koning Filips II.
      De hele middag doorgebracht in het klooster met als toetje nog optredens van een dansacademie in Lissabon tegen dat prachtige decor van een Kloosterhof als achtergrond.
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    • Day 10

      Day 5 - To Tomar

      April 30, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      A little over 19 miles today and that was a push. It was a low energy day. Sure glad we scheduled tomorrow as a rest day. Tomar looks like a fun place to check out - we are in the old city.

      Spent some time with our Danish friends, mostly at a cafe stop that was long overdue. While at the cafe we also met a young couple from Siberia. I bet they were loving the 80s weather with sunny skies.

      It was a challenging day. We both started out dragging and then had to go 14 miles before we came to an open cafe and could get some coffee, juice, cold water and/or beer. Earlier we stopped on a park bench and then later in the shade of a tree to eat what we were carrying. Today we left the river Teo and started up. A lot of ups and downs, but mostly ups, through a few nice neighborhoods and then through the forest. It was a hot, quiet, peaceful day.
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    • Day 5

      Jetzt wird es kurvig

      May 16, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Ecki war wieder vor 07:00 Uhr aus den Federn… Frühstück gibt es aber erst ab 08:30. . Also hat es nicht allzu lange gedauert, bis er auf die Idee kam, dass wir ohne Frühstück losfahren. Das haben wir dann auch gemacht. Unterwegs in einem kleinen Ort haben wir lecker und sehr preiswert gefrühstückt. Danach war die Strecke sehr anspruchsvoll, sehr viele Kurven so gut wie kein Verkehr und nicht zu warm (wir waren ja in den Bergen).
      Die Spuren unserer harten Arbeit erkennt man auf den Fotos von den Seitenkoffern. An allen drei Motorrädern haben wir leider Koffer ein wenig am Asphalt schnuppern lassen .
      Zur Mittagszeit haben wir an opulentes Menü genossen. Leider waren wir danach etwas müde ( Suppenkoma). Nach 370km sind wir in einer Studenten Stadt namens Colviho angekommen und gehen gleich wieder…Essen 🤪
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    • Day 4

      Day Three

      August 27, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Well it looks as though my little adventure is going to have to adapt and become a different adventure that involves the bus and the train 😳
      Getting up this morning I had to accept that there wasn’t a chance of being able to get my trainers on, let alone walk the intended 33km’s..
      My two biggest blisters were so sore I couldn’t put weight on my heels .. I realise that to any Parish walker i must sound like a right wuss !
      Well off to the train station I hobbled and a train it was to Santarem .. I did walk, sort of in my flip flops the 40 odd minutes to my accommodation.. actually quite an achievement 🙄.. on the way I passed ( only because he stopped for water ) a guy who was also doing the journey, only he wasn’t walking it all, he was combining it with the bus and train… long story short, I met up with him again outside the hotel as he was staying at the same place. As it was too early to check in, he asked ( he speaks Portuguese ) if we could leave our bags there and suggested going for something to eat/drink .. only it turned out he didn’t drink and we had alcohol free beer 😂 I also needed something to eat as I hadn’t eaten since lunchtime the day before as my desire to eat was way lower than my desire not to walk anywhere last night.
      Anyway.. he seriously didn’t stop talking for 2 hours!!! I was exhausted and desperate to be in my room.. he suggested having a coffee /food later and it seemed rude to say no, so I agreed ( he was a considerably older retired gentleman I might add ) well we duly met and basically had a hobble, in my case, round the town resulting in no coffee or food. He was very useful in the pharmacy though with his Portugués.. even though it turned out the assistant’s English was pretty good. After getting another assistant to look ( I kept apologising for how they looked 😳) she thought one of my blisters was infected.. possibly the goo that was at the time surrounding it!!!
      She gave me something to put on it and some more plaster’s.. I’m going leave them overnight and once again hope for a miracle!!! I’m imagining it’s probably going to end up being a bus day….
      Off to bed now hoping all will be good tomorrow.. 🙄
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    • Day 7

      Day 3 Azambuja - Valada

      September 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Day 3 - Azambuja to Valada. 11 September started @ 08:12 & stopped at about 11:45. 13k/8.1m. Walking time 2h32m. 16,642 steps. 581 calories.

      Before I share my day want to remember September 11, 2001. Those that died. Their families & friends. Unfortunately, it is a date many of us will remember - where we were & who we were with. The world changed on that day.

      My day started a bit later, because I had a short walking day. I needed one! And I didn’t go off the wrong direction!

      Before leaving Azambuja had a coffee and pastry. From the photos you will see it was sort of foggy & overcast. Great walking weather. The clouds cleared about an hour in.

      It was a day of walking among the tomato fields. Periodically there were some laying along the road. Yes, I did pick up a good one, rubbed off the dirt and ate it! Just like growing up rub off the dirt & enjoy.

      The hostel did not open until 2 pm, so I had some time to put my feet up & people watch.

      Photo captions give a bit more.

      Enjoy the journey! Bom Caminho.
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    • Day 7

      Additions to Day 3

      September 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Additions to day 3. After yesterday’s posting I went to find a place to eat and discovered a whole new landscape to the small town of Valada.

      There is a huge dike wall between the Tejo River and the town. The place I ate was right on the river.

      Enjoy more from Day 3 with photos & captions. Bom Caminho
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    • Day 8

      Day 4 Valada to Santarem

      September 12, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      Day 4 - Valada to Santarem. 12 September. Started at 07:33. Finished at 12:03. 20.2k/12.6m. Walking time 3h42m. 24,108 steps. 914 calories.

      As I was typing in the calories I realized the figure is based on my body weight. Wonder what it would be if I added 12# for the weight of my pack. Let’s face it carry around a 12# dumbbell for over 12 miles you use more energy.

      It was a very good day for walking. Weather was absolutely perfect. The toes were good. I think my body is beginning to adapt to my 12# pack.

      Got a great sunrise photo over the Tejo River. Many would find today’s path very boring. Not much to see. Landscape pretty much the same all day. But I like days like this - filled with farm fields and smells that take me back to North Dakota. Something about smelling fresh tilled dirt!

      Followed the dike for a long time and then cut through a vineyard. Having the high dike provided some great shade! Also, adding to today’s boring side - only one town. And that was 3k from the start, so too soon to stop. Had a 3+km hill at the end leading into Santarem. I love hills - going up. Saw two pilgrims on the trail. So those staying in the hostel did not catch up to me.

      Played tourist in Santarem. Had a good filling lunch/early supper. Staying in a modern , new hostel. Right now only two of us in a 6 bunk room.

      Okay, I know you all want to hear about my toes! Well did not have a restful sleep. They were not hurting, but my brain just had to find a solution to my toe dilemma. I believe I found it. Since I wear sandals my toes were not hitting the front or top of my shoes. But I grip with my toes and the first small toe joint, instead of rounding up it presses down. Sort of like it’s double jointed but it is not. That joint compression pushes down right below the nail bed. Anyway, how do you prevent that from happening. My solution was to take a small wad of cotton ball and tape it to the bottom of my toe where the joint bends in. Well it worked. Still had to drain the blisters but not much fluid and no swelling, redness or pain.

      Photos had captions. Also added a couple videos. Hope you enjoy the journey. Bom Caminho.
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    • Day 9

      Day 5 Santarem- Azinhaga

      September 13, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Day 5 - Santarem to Azinhaga. 13 September. Started @ 7:21 am. Finished at 2:15 pm. 27.3k/17m. Walking time 5h06m. 32,564 steps. 1214 calories.

      Wow there are other pilgrims walking. At the Santiago gate I came across 6 pilgrims. Started walking with a couple and once we got out of town our pace was different, so off I went. Unfortunately did not see them the rest of the day. The other four I saw and sat with to have breakfast & coffee. Left and walked with Denise from Edmonton, Canada for the rest of the way, until I stopped and she was walking to the next town.

      Walked through vineyards and corn fields almost all day. So easy on the legs. Denise and I were gabbing too intently and missed an arrow so had to backtrack about 2 km.

      I’m staying at Casa dos Portas and what a gem. 800 m off the Caminho path, but worth the effort. It had a swimming pool! Newer building and had a garden just very relaxing place to wind down. Had my first communal pilgrim meal. The four of us staying here ate together.

      Already late so making this a bit short.

      Enjoy the photos and the journey. Bom Caminho.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Distrito de Santarém, Distrito de Santarem, Santarém

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