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    • Dag 31

      A Bus to Bran

      26. april 2023, Romania ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      A lazy start on a grey morning. Summoned a bargain Bolt to the classy bus station to hop on the bus to Castle Bran, inspiration to Bram Stoker for Dracula.

      Some banter with a couple of young German legal eagles passed the journey nicely.

      The castle loomed majestically over the town below. The path below was full of souvenir tents, and there were far too many people - bus trips and lots of school children….but that didn’t detract from the Castle being a good day out.

      The torture rooms were well worth the extra money, and two young children were shrieking with delight at all the gruesome ways a human could be defiled in the name of extracting confessions! Their mum was squealing in horror as they chose their favourite punishment….

      The final part was dropping down a long lift, fitted inside the original well, on to the moderately daft ‘time tunnel’. At least it saved a long walk downhill!

      With temperatures remaining cool, we tried out Queen Marie’s Tea Room for soup, a drink, and a warm up.

      A grand day out!

      Return bus was due at 4pm, but we already knew that timetables in Romania were more of an aspiration than a fact….we passed the time chatting with an Aussie lady from Melbourne, travelling with her son.
      And of course indulged in a naughty but nice ‘chimney cake’ - a Transylvanian speciality 😍

      Back home, we had seen there was a small mural to visit near the station, but first dined well at FRACT - the ‘friendly restaurant and cozy terrace’. Felt like quite a swanky place, although since we were early, we had the sole attention of the proprietor and the maître d' 💪

      A stroll home admiring the fine old architecture (!) to close off our time in Brašov
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    • Dag 5

      Castello di Bran, giretto e pranzo

      15. februar 2023, Romania

      Per fortuna ci siamo portati i Luca per pranzo. Lì a Bran ci siamo presi però anche il dolce:
      - un brownie al cioccolato e granella di cocco (C: 6/10; F: 4/10)
      5 lei = 1.02€
      - una torta girella alle noci (C: 7/10; F:7/10)
      5 lei = 1.02€
      - un panino di biscotti con cioccolato che abbiamo mangiato dopo (C: 3837/10; F: 8.5/10)
      5 lei = 1.02€
      - un giga roll strano tipico zuccherato con cacao (C: -10/10; F: non saprei perché quando lo abbiamo mangiato eravamo full di zuccheri quindi non ho capito veramente il sapore, direi 2/10). L’abbiamo buttato perché faceva davvero schifo.
      25 lei = 5.09€
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    • Dag 4

      Bran Castle from the outside

      17. oktober 2022, Romania ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Bran Castle is a fortress built along a key trading route. It is commonly known as Dracula’s Castle, from the Bram Stoker novel. There is no evidence that Stoker knew anything about this castle. There are slight associations with Vlad the Impaler who is said to be the inspiration for Dracula. The Castle is now a museum which displays the art and furniture collected by Queen Marie.Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Bran Castle - the Courtyard

      17. oktober 2022, Romania ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Louis I of Anjou, King of Hungary, ordered the building of the fortress in the 14th Century. It was to be a customs collection point and quarantine station at a strategic transit point between the East and the West. During the Communist era, the castle changed from a royal residence to a state-owned museum.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Il Castello di Bran (interno)

      15. februar 2023, Romania

      C: Mi è piaciuto molto. Avrei voluto ci fossero meno persone per guardarlo come si deve. È fantastico però il fatto che fosse così spoglio e allo stesso tempo curato nei dettagli, ogni stanza aveva così un’atmosfera delicata
      F: molto bello ma sono stato molto deluso dato che l'aspettativa era "visitare il castello di Dracula". Sapete che il castello di Bran non è mai appartenuto a Vlad? Fantastico eh? Praticamente siamo andati a visitare il castello che una regina aveva regalato alla sua figlia preferita. Bellissimo sicuramente, troppe persone per poter apprezzare i dettagli, ma di sicuro non dovevano venderlo come "il castello di Dracula"
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    • Dag 5

      Arrivo a Bran

      15. februar 2023, Romania

      Finalmente arrivati! Questo è il castello che nel romanzo era abitato da Dracula, anche se nella realtà ha tutt’altra storia. Purtroppo anche su questo lucrano molto ed è una vera e propria “trappola per turisti”, ci sono riferimenti vampireschi ovunque tranne che nel castello vero e proprio, che non c’entra nullaLes mer

    • Dag 18

      Dracula unpacked

      3. juni 2019, Romania ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      After lunch we visited Bran Castle, aka Dracula's Castle. But how did it become so...
      Here's all the pieces to the puzzle....

      The castle is a medieval fortress built in 1382 in Bran Pass, a strategic location only metres from the border of Transylvania and Wallachia Provinces. Its main function was customs duty collecting and defending the border.

      Vlad Tepes III (Vlad the Impaler) was the King of Wallachia and famed for his favourite method of torturing his enemies by impaling them on greased poles, ensuring a prolonged death and a graphic display to any other invaders of their likely fate.

      Vlad's father (Vlad Tepes II) was admitted to the Order of the Dragon and was known as Vlad Dracul (dragon in Romanian), so his son became Vlad Dracula (son of Dracul).

      Vlad the Impaler only visited Bran Castle a handful of times with his father when he was young. The most time he spent there was 2 weeks... in the dungeon as a prisoner after he was captured by enemy forces.

      In Romanian mythology, the evil part of a dead person's soul (the Strigoi) doesn't leave the body until it is exhumed, and a wooden stake driven through the heart to release the spirit.

      Countess Elizabeth Bathory was a Hungarian noble woman, whose family ruled Transylvania for a time, who reputedly killed 650 young girls and bathed in their blood in an attempt to keep her skin young.

      Bram Stoker never visited Romania but took the bits he liked from all of the above, added a vampire and garlic, and Count Dracula was born ☺

      Stoker wrote that Dracula "inhabited a decaying castle in the Carpathian Mountains" - the Romanian tourism authorities in the 1970's thought Bran Castle fitted this description and encouraged the link in the pursuit of tourism dollars... which continue strongly to this day!
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    • Dag 8

      Bran und Sinaia

      4. juli 2018, Romania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Bernhard sein Vorschlag Schloss Bran,(das Schloss des Dracula) so früh wie möglich anzufahren, da im Laufe des Tages immer mehr Besucher kommen,hat sich bewahrheitet.
      Hier hatten wir den ersten Kontakt mit einer Griechischen Reisegruppe, sie waren echt Speziell.
      Von hier ging es weiter nach Sinaia da haben wir erst Fürstlich gespeist und dann das sehr schöne Schloss besichtigt,das beeinflusst von den Hohenzollern ist.
      Beim Kaffe am Schloss begegnen uns die Grichengruppe wieder. 🤔
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    • Dag 12


      26. september 2018, Romania ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      Das Hotel war bisschen Freaky und die Temperaturen im einstelligen Bereich. Dennoch, es geht weiter Richtung Süden, der zweite Teil der Schotterstrecke war im Aufstieg ziemlich schwierig und s`Käthy hatte etliche Bodenkontakt, aber es hat sich gelohnt, das Panorama war spektakulär. Zum Zelten ist es uns zu Kalt (below zerro! gegen 22h hatte es Rauhreif auf den CRF's), darum ziehen wir auch Heute in eine Pension.Les mer

    • Dag 10


      29. juli 2021, Romania ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Angekommen in Bran, das Dracula Städtchen in dem Vlad III. Drāculea allem Anschein nach nie gewesen ist, änderte sich das Wetter schlagartig von heiss und sonnig in kühl und regnerisch. Wir beschlossen erst einmal hindurch zu fahren und erhaschten schon mal einen Blick aufs Schlösschen. Da uns ein Hüngerchen plagte, hielten wir an einem Restaurant an….der Ausstieg erwies sich als schwierig. Mittlerweile brach der Himmel komplett auseinander und es regnete wie aus Sturzbächen, teilweise prasselten Hagelkörner groß wie ein Daumennagel auf die Erde. Der Ernst der Lage sollte sich uns etwas später wieder zeigen, nämlich als wir beim Abendschmauß mit allen anderen Gästen gleichzeitig wieder eine dieser Notfallwarnungen inkl. Sirene aufs Handy bekamen. Man gewöhnt sich langsam daran aber erschreckt trotzdem jedes mal wenn diese schrille Sirene ertönt. Hier in Rumänien scheint zu funktionieren, was eines der wohlhabendsten Länder der Welt nicht auf die Reihe bekommt….seine Menschen im Falle einer Naturkatastrophe wirksam zu warnen. Während in Deutschland hunderte von Menschen das mit dem Leben bezahlen….rotieren Minuten später hier Einsatzkräfte mit schwerem Gerät und räumen Straßen und retten Menschen!!!

      Der schönere Teil des Abends war das wieder einmal tolle Essen….Schnitzel mit Käse überbackener Polenta Spiegelei und diese leckeren Würstchen und als zweites Mahl Eintopf nach rumänischer Art. Nicht verwunderlich dass wir es leider nicht schafften alles komplett zu verputzen….es standen 3 Portionen vor uns auf dem Tisch🙈

      Nachdem das Unwetter dann weitergezogen war, machten wir uns mit vollen Bäuchen auf den Weg….spontan entschieden wir dann dass heute der Tag für eine Übernachtung im Hotel oder Pension gekommen sei.
      Frisch geduscht und alle Geräte aufgeladen machen wir uns jetzt also auf ins Land der Träume ein paar hundert Meter weit entfernt von Schloß Bran.
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    Bran, Törcsvár, Slottet Bran

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