Castelul Bran

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    • Dag 28

      Schloss Bran

      28. september 2022, Rumænien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Es ist nicht weit bis Bran. Hier ist das Schloss auf dem Dracula nie war.

      „Die Burg wird Touristen als Draculaschloss präsentiert, obwohl es dessen Beschreibung aus Bram Stokers Roman Dracula nur ganz entfernt ähnelt. Das historische Vorbild der Romanfigur, der walachische Fürst Vlad III. Drăculea, hat das Schloss wahrscheinlich auch nie betreten.“

      Von Außen sehr hübsch, aber innen und Drumherum sehr auf „Touri“ gemacht.

      Da hat uns Whitby in Schottland mehr beeindruckend, da hat Bram Stocker Dracula geschrieben.

      Zum Abschied gab es noch ein leckeres Stück.
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    • Dag 92

      Bran Castle - Transylvania

      7. oktober 2022, Rumænien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Bran Castle. Home of Dracula. Biggest tourist attraction in Romania. The Castle itself is impressive and interesting, secret passages etc, but sadly it was crammed so full of tourists you couldn't move sometimes, taking pictures was difficult and many of the displays were cheap and gimmicky... Which was a shame.

      On the way in we saw the biggest frog/toad I've ever seen. So that was good 😃
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    • Dag 123

      Schloss Bran...

      17. oktober 2022, Rumænien ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      ... es ist wohl ein Muss, dieses Schloss zu besuchen, wenn man in Rumänien ist. Wir haben uns gut vorbereitet: haben den Dracula-Film angeschaut... naja bis zu Hälfte, dann sind wir eingeschlafen 🤣 und haben den tatsächlich Hintergund zur Geschichte gelesen. Als Besuchstag haben wir extra den Montag gewählt und waren fester Überzeugung, wir sind allein.
      Aber nichts, ich habe in ganz Rumänien noch nicht so viele Menschen auf einem Mal gesehen 🤨 Das Schloss ist architektonisch wirklich sehr sehr schön - überall kleine schmale Gänge und gemütliche Räume. Eine wirklich schnuckelige Burg... aber so unglaublich viele Leute in den kleinen Räumen...
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    • Dag 178

      Bran (Dracula's) Castle, Romania

      2. november 2022, Rumænien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Bran Castle was built starting in 1377 as a defensible position between the Romania regions of Transylvania and Wallachia to the south. There was fear of Ottoman invasion through much of Romania at that time. Thus most of the true history of this castle was of a military castle, although the Monarchy well built Peleş Castle did spend at least one recorded night here.

      In 1987, Bram Stoker, an Irishman, wrote Dracula based on some research he did on Vlad the Implaler. He described a castle between Transylvania and Wallachia so everyone assumed he wrote about Bran Castle, but it does not match the description in his book. There is also no evidence, Stoker even knew the castle existed. Bram Stoker, also never visited any part of Romania. Also, Vlad the Impaler never set foot in Bran Castle.

      We were lucky to have been at the castle on Nov 2nd, two days after Elon Musk, had reportedly rented out the castle for a Halloween party. The castle still had some cheap Halloween decorations inside (guy looks like he went to iParty). Elon also reportedly never showed up to his own party that night.
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    • Dag 44

      Entering Castle Bran

      8. juni 2022, Rumænien ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      This was a highlight of Romania for me! Although it's not actually Vlad Tepes' castle 🏰, Bran Castle is the fortress that inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula...and boy, do they hype up the connection.

      Tour books will tell you to ignore the huge village of souvenir shops selling cheap vampire tchotchkes. However, I specifically wanted cheap vampire tchotchkes, so we had to check them out.

      I got a Dracula Tshirt, Castle Bran pin, and a Vlad Tepes' spoon rest. Yes, I said spoon rest. Yes, it's going in my kitchen.

      The real bat encased in resin was tempting, as was a vampire stein. Good thing we're packing light so I had to opt out.


      Perched on a rugged hilltop in the heart of Transylvania, Castle Bran is the stuff of legends. With its dramatic turrets and mysterious atmosphere, it's no wonder that this fortress is often associated with the iconic Dracula tale. As you step inside, you'll uncover a fascinating history that stretches back to the 14th century. The castle's rooms are filled with an eclectic mix of medieval artifacts, furniture, and artwork, transporting you to a bygone era. From its narrow staircases to its secret passages, Castle Bran offers an intriguing glimpse into the past. But beyond its mythical connections, the castle boasts breathtaking views of the surrounding Carpathian Mountains, providing a picturesque backdrop for your exploration. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a Dracula aficionado, or simply in search of an adventure, a visit to Castle Bran is an essential part of any Transylvanian itinerary. So, grab your courage, cross the threshold, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Castle Bran.
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    • Dag 58

      Not Dracula's Castle

      31. oktober 2023, Rumænien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Bran Castle is NOT Dracula's 🏰

      In 1897, the Irish writer Bram Stoker gave the world an imaginary character that even today fascinates audiences from all over the world.

      Dracula 🧛‍♂️ an immortal Transylvanian count, thirsty for innocent blood. The legend created by Stoker is based on the fictional image of the 15th century Wallachian prince, Vlad Tepes, who was famous at the time by his severe punishment of the law breakers. Bran Castle, described in literature as a great fortress difficult to conquer, located in a mysterious place in the midst of the Carpathians Mountains. Vlads real home is located in Poenari Citadel.

      Hungry after being a typical tourist for the day, I headed out for traditional Romanian food (fully clothed for the first time during my trip)!
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    • Dag 17

      Schloss Bran "Draculaschloss"

      3. september 2023, Rumænien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Das Schloss Bran befindet sich in dem kleinen Stadt Bran in der Region Siebenbürgen. Die Burg wird "gläubigen" Touristen als Draculaschloss präsentiert, obwohl es dessen Beschreibung aus Bram Stokers Roman Dracula nur ganz entfernt ähnelt. 🙈

      "Vlad III Drăculea, der Pfähler". Er ist der wohl berühmteste Vampir der Literatur. Aber den "Pfähler" gab es wirklich, dieser beherrschte sechs Jahre lang auf brutalste Weise die Walachei.

      Touristischer geht es kaum, bei der Besichtigung des Schlosses war es sehr voll. Unterhalb viele Souvenirstände, etliche mit China Kitsch, nur wenige authentische Artikel. Es gab sogar eine Dracula Geisterbahn... 🙈

      Das gut erhaltene Schloss ist durchaus sehenswert. Man tippelt meistens im Gänsemarsch mit den vielen Touristen durch die Räume. Das drumherum mit der Vermarktung Draculas ist ganz offensichtlich dem Kommerz geschuldet. Unsere Reiseleiterin ist darüber auch nicht erfreut, die Dracula Ausrichtung würde von Jahr zu Jahr schlimmer werden. "Rumänien müsse sich touristisch nicht über Dracula definieren, Rumänien bietet viel mehr."
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    • Dag 5

      Il Castello di Bran (interno)

      15. februar 2023, Rumænien

      C: Mi è piaciuto molto. Avrei voluto ci fossero meno persone per guardarlo come si deve. È fantastico però il fatto che fosse così spoglio e allo stesso tempo curato nei dettagli, ogni stanza aveva così un’atmosfera delicata
      F: molto bello ma sono stato molto deluso dato che l'aspettativa era "visitare il castello di Dracula". Sapete che il castello di Bran non è mai appartenuto a Vlad? Fantastico eh? Praticamente siamo andati a visitare il castello che una regina aveva regalato alla sua figlia preferita. Bellissimo sicuramente, troppe persone per poter apprezzare i dettagli, ma di sicuro non dovevano venderlo come "il castello di Dracula"
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    • Dag 4


      9. september 2023, Rumænien ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      In der "Vampirstadt" haben wir übrigens 2 Übernachtungen.
      Leider haben wir es nicht näher an das Schloss geschafft.
      An einem Samstag ist es allerdings nicht anders als in Berlin, nur Touris und die zu Hauf🤪Læs mere

    • Dag 7

      Bran Castle

      9. september 2023, Rumænien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Sometimes you just have to be a tourist and let yourself be lured into a trap. Bran Castle has become one of Romania's top attractions because it "resembles Castle Dracula, as described in Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula (1897), in that both stand on rocky precipices and command spectacular views. But Stoker, an Irish writer, is not known to have ever visited Transylvania." Vlad the Impaler, the historical figure behind the fictional monster, didn't even reside in this castle, but was only held prisoner for some time in the dungeons.

      Nevertheless, a multitude of gift shops, restaurants and hotels plaster the foot of the hill and the castle is venue to a number of events, including a spectacular Halloween party that actually did sound quite enticing.

      The main attraction itself is a rather standard medieval fortress and the museum exhibits provide insight into the lives of Queen Marie and King Ferdinand. On the fourth floor, however, visitors get to encounter creatures and apparitions from Romanian folclore.

      A fun tidbit is the haunted house tucked away behind the many souvenir shops: An entertaining 15 minutes that only costs about €5 with the promise of live actors "trained to scare you". This live actor turned out to be some guy dressed up as a devilish vampire ready to scare the children and envelop women with his cape.

      Right before the exit, one of the mechanical creatures seemed to have malfunctioned - exposing visitors with the most terrifying sight of all: the local mechanic in a blue overall rummaging through the insides of a ghoul...
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    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Castelul Bran, Törzburg, Castello di Bran

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