Kamtchatski Kray

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Kamtchatski Kray
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    • Day 4

      Vulkane Karymski & Maly Semjatschik

      July 4, 2017 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      Wir fliegen nahe an einem sehr aktiven und an zwei erloschenen Vulkanen mit Kraterseen vorbei.

      Der Vulkan Karymski (Карымский) ist der gegenwärtig aktivste Vulkan auf Kamtschatka. Er bildet das Zentrum einer Caldera von 5 Kilometer Durchmesser. Seit 1996 spuckt er beständig Lava und Asche. [Wikipedia]

      Der Vulkan Maly Semjatschik (Малый Семячик) hat drei Krater. Der südliche Krater ist bemerkenswert, weil sich in ihm ein 180 Meter tiefer türkisfarbiger Säuresee mit einem Durchmesser von rund 550 Metern befindet. [Wikipedia]

      Der Karymsky-See ist ein Kratersee. Mit einem Radius von 5 km war er einst einer der grössten Süsswasserseen, doch toxische Gase verwandelten ihn nach den jüngsten Eruptionen in einen der grössten Säureseen. [Wikipedia EN]
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    • Day 4

      ВИТЯЗЬ-АЭРО Heliport

      July 4, 2017 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      'Witjas' heisst Ritter, könnte also Ritter der Luft bedeuten. Jedenfalls ist dies der Name des Helikopter-Flugfeldes, wo ich seit bald zwei Stunden darauf warte, den Helikopter zu den Vulkanen und Geysiren zu besteigen. Das Wetter ist neblig, noch, suboptimale Flugbedingungen, schlechte Ausflugsbedingungen für Touristen. Die Crew zeigt sich zuversichtlich, also warten wir weiter.

      Wir, das sind an die 120 Personen, viele Deutsche und ein paar Schweizer von einem Kreuzfahrtschiff, ein paar Amerikaner, vielleicht aus Alaska, und natürlich auch einige Russen. Es sind verschiedene Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen Heli-Touren. Wir warten alle und hoffen auf besseres Wetter.
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    • Day 3


      July 3, 2017 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Der Anblick, der sich mir beim Landeanflug auf Petropawlowsk-Kamtschatski präsentierte, war atemberaubend: schneebedeckte Berge, wie man sie aus dem Alpenraum kennt, und dazwischen eingestreut einzelne Vulkane, von denen mind. einer zu rauchen schien.

      Auch der Flugkapitän schien ganz begeistert, drehte er doch eine Runde nach der anderen, kreiste über der Stadt, bis er endlich Landeerlaubnis erhielt. Sanfte Landung, kurzer Applaus, und wenig später drängten sich die Passagiere um das Förderband in der Gepäckhalle. Hoffentlich ist mein Rucksack dabei!

      Glück gehabt, da kommt er, alles unversehrt.
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    • Day 19

      we expected tents, we got luxury

      July 18, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today we had loooooong hours in the truck to travel south. 600km were ahead of us. After a excellent good nights sleep in the bed and a hair wash we were ready for four nights in a tent, but there was a rumor that we would sleep in huts or even in a hotel as luxurious as the one we were in last night. Some things get lost in translation so we don’t always know what awaits us exactly but honestly I don’t care. Then there was a confusion about the last day as in how that day was an extra day in case we couldn’t climb the last volcano the day that was planned or if that day was just for relaxing, also, that day could be used for another helicopter trip to the Kurililake in the south where heaps of bears are. Mum and me decided to so it in case. As always, everything depends on the weather and we will see. Those discussions kept us busy for a while which was nice so the journey was a bit quicker. Some uf us slept, Iread 1.5 books. We had lunch again at Mil’kova and then we went to the airport where Daniel could pick up his luggage that got lost on the way to China - Russia. Everything, camera included, was still inside. Very cool. After that we went to a supermarket for food and we could stroll around. Mum and me got elastic bandage for our knees, some fruits and one delicious coffee at a little truck. The guy there was not very keen to work. After ordering the coffee he stretched first and he took his time. Luckily we had it since it took quite some time to buy and store up groceries so we arrived at the camp side quite late at around ten. As said, we didn’t know what to expect but no one expected what we got: Spacious double rooms with walk in showers, we even think we were the first guests. They started this resort in 2013 and they build additional houses. It isn’t finished yet but perfect for us anyway. We went all into the hot pool, all 15 of us. I have to say that our group is very very cool, it mixes so well, there are no groups, everyone sits with everyone and it is such a good ambience even arriving this late and having diner at eleven. We also have wonderful weather and everything is perfect other for some having a cold so there is not really a reason for bad mood but still, it is a really pleasant group. Not granted when you are 15 adults from so different backgrounds. And my mum is just awesome, I am so lucky to live, share and have such a good time with her.
      Tomorrow we will head to another tent camp, we hope, or Vitaly hopes to find a spot without snow for three nights with, fingers crossed, hopefully two successful volcano climbs!
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    • Day 21

      muddy bear wind

      July 20, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      What a day, yes, I repeat myself but today qualifies for that. So since we wished for it we got up at 4, had again delicious breakfast at 4:30 and at 5:15 we started under a beautiful morning sky in direction of the crater of Mutnovsky volcano. We were going at a good pace, unfortunately as predicted into fog. At some point it started to drizzle or even rain. We had strong winds but made our way to the top after only 5hours which was, as Vitaly said, the fasted group climbing up. It was approximately 12km wifh 700 height difference under rather difficult conditions with lots of snowfields. Those were as Vitaly promised way less difficult and exhausting as the one at Talpachik. Up there on the krater we saw not much. Mutnovsky means the foggy, blurry one in Russia. We still went down the crater and there were big holes with Sulfur coming out, stinking and being bright yellow, very impressive but unfortunately also a bit cold up there. We didn’t stay that long since the fumes out of those fumeres (my valcanic vocabulary increases with each day) are toxic (and it stinks of rotten eggs of course) and the cold so we started our way back. My shoes were already soaked. Completely soaked. I was already ok going up Gorely volcano the next day with a little pond around the feet. Oh, I forgot! On n the way up, suddenly someone screamed ‘BEAR’! And indeed! There was a male grizzly wandering around and watching us at a distance of around 150m! AMAZING! I was happy: Now everyone of the group has seen one and more importantly, the bear wasn’t interested in us, we didn’t see him anymore on the way. Our way down was wet and wetter but we made good ways, the ambience was good. Strong winds did almost blow us away. Back at the camp our caring guides were so nice to open the truck and put on the ventilation so soon after it looked like a trekking shop and sauna with very wet stuff. We met at the eating tent for tea and coffee. The winds got stronger and stronger so after diner we had to pack everything up but the sleeping bag and the matress in case we had to leave camp because of the wind. We had a meeting to discuss if we wanted to try to stay or pack up and to go to another camp with maybe less wind - or the hotel. We decided to try. The tents are not storm proof so they can get flat. Rebi and Martins was already flat so they changed the camping spot. While that Matthias and me were still in the eating tent but suddenly its fixation with soil and heavy rocks was not working anymore and so we risked that tent to collapse with us inside. We got out in time and tried to fix it, called Vitaly but obviously with that tent not safe anymore there and some more flat tents to come where you just can’t sleep in Vitaly decided to move. For us not stressful, our guides are so caring and professional and our team was showing some amazing spirit, we all helped eachother in the rain and wind, got all packed up, had a even more crowded truck and 1.5h later, at around 10pm, we were on the way back to the accomodation that is just luxury. The office was ok to pay that night at the hotel for us. I doubt that we could have set up the tents so easily in the same night since many of the sticks are, let’s say, not that straight anymore and the tents wet and dirty. We had a drive of approximately 2h and we arrived all safely at midnight at the hotel. There is even a dry room where we could put our gear, just perfect. We were in bed at around 1am, thinking of our crew that cleaned the truck and took care of everything else. Incredible what they did and still do for us. Vitaly was so sworried about us, I would like so much to tell him that he does an amazing job and that we are very ok with all his decisions and so on, but as said, only bits of English are understood. So mum and I try to show our happiness about this trip with good mood and happy faces and swiss chocolate for him. I mentioned already once, but living all that with mum is amazing. Unfortunately we have one person that is on one hand very appreciative when he has a good time amd thankful and funny, he has a really goid heart but when something is happening that is not at his gusto, he shows it loudly and clearly. Happened as we arrived at that nice hotel the other day he said that he booked adventure and not that, when we arrived at the Geothermic site he was telling to Christina that this place was shit (his words) and the same this evening, he thought that we will just hang around at the hotel and no alternatives and he was not ok with that. We tried to calm him down and wait for Vitaly. In my not much experience with such trips is that the guides always try to get us the best deal so most of us were not worried and well, who can change the weather. But as said, most
      of the time he is very cool and caring. Fortunately Vitaly does not get a lot what he is telling. Anyway, the program for tomorrow is not yet set, probably the waterfalls and Gorely - after all! - the day after. Honestly, who cares, we are all safe, not hurt, dry, fed and hydrated, a comfortable good nights sleep ahead and now we have a good story to tell, lucky us!
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    • Day 35

      Heading Home

      July 15, 2018 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      What an incredible journey.
      To visit Russia with my old mate Brownie and support our national team was a great experience in itself. Amazingly we only had one blue but Russian beer is a great therapy.
      Then to meet Matt 5000 kms away in Central Siberia at Irkutsk and traverse Lake Baikal (holding 20% of the Earth's freshwater supply) as few others have done, meet the indigenous people of Ulan-Ude, stay in their homes and join them for meals and reflect on their history; soviet and other.
      The Trans Siberian Railway to Vladivostok, feel the pride of it's citizens in its significance to Russia, its food and history in the Pacific Ocean.
      Kamchatka should be on everybody's to do list, don't leave it to the bucket list its too wild and beautiful.
      Russian conservation in this part of the world is in good hands.
      We visit the Valley of the Guysers by helicopter visting three conservation areas over 6 hours.
      Fish the waters and enjoy the catch pan fried.
      Ride the dog sled and feel the enthusiasm to their task. Pick me, pick me! they yelp when they realise the harnesses are being prepared. 120 mallamut huskies begging to be included in the team of six.
      Matt has envisaged an amazing journey and made it work.
      Thanks, Matt, for asking me.
      Thanks to Rhon for encouraging me.
      You should join us when we go you won't be disappointed.
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    • Day 11

      so so so so far away

      July 10, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Somehow I feel like yesterday and today are one same day since we flew away from the night and landed at around 10 at the airport of Kamchatka. It is a tiny airport. There is just one baggage claim roll-thing and logistically I can say there is potential for doing better. We were expected by Christina, one of our translater for the trek, together with Matthias and Walter I (there will be 2 Walters, 2 Martins and almost 2 Christine/a). We are 15 in total and only 10 of then have their luggage, two are Austrian, one is Australian, three German and the rest is Swiss. We all came from different directions and somehow luggage got lost in translation. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow for everyone. Otherwise mum and me fighted successfully the jetlag and we are now in bed. Petropavlosk is along a 24km bay at the sea. Not the prettiest city and the amount of Maibach seen here is zero (my dad said yesterday that the density of Maibachs in Moscow is as how as the density of Subarus in the Canton of Uri). We booked spontaneously a helicopter flight to Geysirs and this is actually so exciting but I am a bit too tired so excitement will come tomorrow. But all in all, I almost can’t believe I am here. Yippee!!!Read more

    • Day 12

      fudleblutt wahnsinn

      July 11, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      We were picked up for the helicopter trip at around 8:15 and we were driving to a little airport. There we checked in, got a tag (number 423) and waited for our call. There were approximately 10 helicopters at the base waiting for us tourists. Then it was our turn. I’ve never been in a helicopter before so it was exciting! We were all seated vis-à-vis on a bench with the back to the windows, had a seatbelt and ear protections - and off we were! Luckily we had somehow good weather so we were able to fly. First we overflow the city, then some green, forests and soon came the volcanic fields. What a sight. And then the first highlight, the volcano with the phreatic eruption. So so cool! We were so close up and the view was just stunning. It didn’t end here, we flew to the next valcano with a acid lake, turquoise. Unbelievable. After 1:40min flight we landed in the valley of the geysir where we had a walk on wooden planks, very well made. We saw a lot of mud holes and one big geysir, that one was even more impressive then the one I saw in New Zealand. After more then an hour there we were in the helicopter again and were flown to another plateau which was once a volcano and now a potburrie of chemistry. Beautiful colors, cute mud holes but then! Then the highlight of the highlight of the highlights of all highlights: A mother bear with two cubs. Oh my dear was that cute! I could now explain how cute and everything, but I won’t because I won’t stop. We said good bye to that overly cute sight and took again the helicopter to the hot springs, where we had a bath and lunch. Then we flew back to the airport. That whole excursion was expensive but worth every single penny - or rubel. We flew more then 2.5h and saw many things, we were all ecstatic. Diner was delicious and off we went to bed for the adventure tomorrow!Read more

    • Day 13

      russian sauna after long drive

      July 12, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      8:50 rdv in front of the hotel. The big truck waited already and under steady rain our luggage was fixed on the roof of that monster truck. After some time we were tucked in and we drove off. With us a driver, a cook, Christina and Anja for translation and Vitaly, our chief master. During the drive he explained about the history of Kamtchatka, why esrthquake, how many volcanos (there are more then 200, 29 or 30 of them active, more on the eastern range then the western range (there onyl two)). First stop was in Miloko, a town 300km north of Petropalovsk, famous for pies. We had coffee and mum and I got a pie (oh, a rime 😊) for later. We continued our journey north until we had lunch around 2pm. We walked a bit around in town, we were five of us. I bought four apples and the guy gestures around and I had no clue until I understood that he tried to tell me that I hadn’t bought enough for all of us! Of course I couldn’t explain why not five but it was funny. By the way our group is very fun and we have a nice dynamic aready. The third stop was just very short and the fourth one at Kamtchatka river where they built a bridge over it in 2011 only, before it was a feeey in summer and in winter - no cars. If needed helicopter. We arrived at around 7:30 in a cute little village in a guesthouse with even cuter little houses for two and a russian sauna. Perfect. Afrer a walk we went seating for a round until the delicious diner was ready. We had a debriefing from Vitaly and we stayed for quite some togehter talking. I was tonight with Karin, Laura, Marcel and Walter, the latter is Swiss, has seen the world trough job and travel, for example he did Panamerica in 2.5years in the early 80ies, Galapagos included. Very cool! Now it is 11:30pm, alarmclock goes at seven for another long journey into the national park near the first volcano we wanna climb! I am so lucky!Read more

    • Day 14

      magna, lava and co.

      July 13, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      After a delicious breakfast from Melissa we started at 9:20 in direction to the valcona. I guess at some point I will know the names. We are lucky, Marcel is very interested in them and explains a lot. Fir example what the difference between lava and magna is (lava is the outside-of-the-volcano-magna, more or less). We quickly left the good road to a bumpy one. It was very funny sitting in the wheels since bumpy is in another dimension there. We stopped at a lava-river from the eruption of 2011 that distroyed the road so instead of taking one if a couple of kilometers we had ten to do. But thanks to the good driver we had no problems at all. Lunch was on a ash field, very delicious and not under the rain, very cool. We arrived at our campside at around three-ish, we were shown of how to set up the tents (no rain!!!) and quickly we were about to get ourselves at home here for the next four nights. The tents are quite small, the big bags having a bit worries to fit in. Luckily there are three blockhouses that are a kitchen and a diner room at the same time where we can also leave the luggage. Perfect. We went for a quick walk where Vasily explained us more about the eruption of 1975. It took place in november and since there was a blizzard people here didn’t figure out what was going on. The magna also didn’t came out of the volcano like we would expect but found a way underground and came out twice of the ground, we will have a look there tomorrow. At one place the whole thing needed 72 days and at the other more then 470 days to cool down. Back at the camp we had tea, then diner and a briefing for tomorrow. We gonna visit the dead forest, the four cones that were formed at the eruption of 1975 and into some caves. Exciting!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kamtchatski Kray, Kraï de Kamtchatka, Kamtsjatka, Kamtsjatskaja oblast, Камчатский край, Kamtjatka

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