Bras Basah

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    • Dag 2

      Hop on hop off Singapore

      7. mars 2017, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Much like the first time we visited NYC we got ourselves some hop on hop off tickets for a little orientation of the city and to learn some cool facts.

      Cool fact #1 - there is no traffic congestion even in peak time. This is due to the high cost of owning a car, there is a high import duty on cars plus a limited number of car licenses available, the cost of these licenses can be as much as $50,000 and lastly ERP or toll roads everywhere.

      Cool fact #2 - the city is one of the cleanest places I have every seen where humans operate. This is due to heavy fines imposed on things like chewing gum and littering.

      Cool fact #3 - the city is also referred to as "the fine city" not due to the fact that its fine but because there are so many things you can get fined for.

      Cool fact #4 - Singapore has 4 main ethnic groups: Chinese, Indian, Malayan and Eurasians as they are referred to here (European and other asian minority's).

      The Island is pretty small so after finishing the first of 7 routes; we pretty much had a good idea whats where in the city.

      One of the things that I keep doing is comparing our hop on hop off bus experience here to the one in NYC. The one in NYC was very cool as there is so much history and the place has so much character (this is coming from someone who did not really like NYC), while Singapores history constitutes basically the arrival of Indians, the Chinese and Japanese takeover during the world wars. The city itself does not have much character in my opinion as its so clinical and modern that it all just looks the some. The only two places with some character is little india and chinatown but its not much different from similar areas in other world cities. The cool thing here is that there are trees and greeneries everywhere.

      Don't get me wrong this would be an awesome place to live as everything just works like a well oiled machine, to the point where its almost boring.

      If you think that 30 years ago this place was very similar to the rest of Asia its really incredible what money and focus in the right place can do to turn things around. This place could not be more different from the rest of Asia that we have seen.

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    • Dag 2

      Singapore - Day 2

      22. juli 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      It's Paul's birthday today & he was made a fuss of all day - cake & champagne from hotel staff on arrival, cake & singing at breakfast & personalised menus & more cake (souffle actually) at dinner! Needless to say, I think he had a good one!

      After filling ourselves with the most decadent & expansive buffet breakfast I have ever indulged in at our hotel we walked it off by visiting Suntec City shopping centre, Haji Lane & Arab Street. Of course we had to take Richard & Rachel for a Selfie Coffee! Richard was in awe of the city's architecture (as we all were) & took great delight in the many optical illusions that the designers had created.

      Our journey back to the hotel took us for a quick detour to Raffles Hotel gift shop (unfortunately the Hotel was closed for major renovations) where we picked up a gift for Bettye (Paul & Richard's mum) before Richard, Rachel & Paul retired to the pool. I took a quick taxi ride to Orchard Road - Singapore's major shopping precinct with every designer brand store you can think of in one stretch of road. What a nightmare - every man & his dog apparently visits Orchard Road on a Sunday! The stores were packed & I had to dodge a plethora of 'selfie stick' carrying tourists on the street! It was all worth it though, as I sourced Paul's favourite cologne & managed a side trip to Victoria's Secret as well. Cocktails & a swim at the pool were a wonderful reward when I finally made it back to the hotel.

      Dinner had been organised at Morton's Steakhouse, located within the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. The food, ambiance & staff were amazing; the prices eye watering. However, staff had gone to great detail to ensure Paul was treated like a star. In addition to personalised menus he also received a birthday card & photo of us all that had been signed by all of the staff.

      We finished off the evening with a walk & visit to Marina Bay Sands Sky Tower where we took in the incredible views of Singapore by night from the architectural wonder that is the "ship" atop the Marina Bay Sands resort! Pretty spectacular & well worth the experience!
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    • Dag 43

      Walking Around

      22. februar 2017, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      After Bugis Street we decided to walk over to the Fountain of Wealth and then to Marina Bay, Youngmin wanted to see it during the day before she leaves tonight. I really enjoyed the walk! I really do just enjoy wandering here and looking at all the different, impressive architecture. Along the way we found an overpass that went through a Marriott hotel (I think) and I loved the building itself! Black stone everywhere, beautiful curving wood mixed with glass for the courtyard ceiling. It's great. I notice that there seems to be a number of buildings that feature black and wood mixed together. Personally my favourite combination! I think it's rather elegant and sleek. Anyway, after nerding out about this building a bit we continued trying to find the Fountain of Wealth. It is so confusing navigating here sometimes! Google Maps doesn't tell you when to use an underpass or overpass or a "link" between two malls - it's pretty neat actually you can pretty well walk the entire downtown area without ever leaving a building because they're mostly all connected somehow. But anyway, eventually we found our way to the Fountain after a ton of walking and stopping for a cheap, and not very good lunch at a food court Thai place.

      The Fountain of Wealth itself was pretty neat! But honestly I was so tired of walking at that point that I don't think I really truly appreciated it. There are some pictures attached, but what I really thought was neat is that the Fountain can be enjoyed from two levels. The upper area is outdoors and there were benches that you could sit at and a nice spray from the water to keep you cool. The lower level is indoors and you see the Fountain from where the water comes up through glass. There were a bunch of restaurants surrounding the Fountain base but none were all that busy. I guess because it was something like 2 or 3 pm at that point.

      After the Fountain we walked to the Marina Bay area one last time. While sitting enjoying the view we both Recieved phone calls at the same time, a good coincidence! My call was from the teachers at the school <3 It was so cute and so nice to see them all! Ganesh organized the call from his account but I spoke with Beda, Bobita, and Mahadev! And waved at the other teachers in the background. Nice to see that some of the things I helped them with are working ;) They told me how much they miss me and it made me feel like I really did have an impact, but also I miss them. I hope that I can continue to talk to them in the future :) They were all curious about the weather and I forgot that I was only wearing a tanktop when I answered. Oops haha. Recall that bare shoulders are not a thing over in Nepal ;) One of them commented that I wasn't wearing enough clothing lol. Oh well. Anyway, I guess I haven't describe the weather much? It's hot. About 30 degrees Celsius and Humid! Constantly sweating and gross. It's been fairly overcast too the last few days, I can only imagine if it were sunny.. Even as it is I think I burned today while walking around. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to suck haha.

      After our respective phone calls, Youngmin and I said goodbye :( She had to return to her hotel to pick up her bag and go to the airport. So I walked back to the hostel and had some time to myself before other people showed up. I wrote a few postcards - the first I've ever written - while drinking a very refreshing beer. Mmmmm. While I was writing a man came up to me telling me that he "saw" me in a dream last night and if I could just spare a few minutes of my time and go with him around the corner where he's meeting some of his students because he's a yoga instructor. I definitely did not go with him. What a strange experience..

      At some point my Brazilian friends returned from their own day's journey and we chatted for a while. We also met two new people staying in our room at the hostel, a guy from Argentina living in Vancouver and a girl from Peru. A lot of South American's this time around! We all decided that we wanted some beers and walked to the market together. We drank the beers at the hostel and the guys went out to the Gardens by the Bay while the girls stayed in and got much more rest than the men did ;) It was a good evening just socializing, playing Uno, and jenga. Much needed after a day filled with walking!
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    • Dag 63

      Heimweh in kulinarischer Form

      25. mars, Singapore ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Es hat ein Vermögen gekostet, aber es war jeden Singapur-Dollar wert. Als ich den Kartoffelsalat und die Maultaschen probiert habe, musste ich weinen, denn es schmeckte so original deutsch.

    • Dag 2

      Eating in Singapore

      24. september 2023, Singapore ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      ALLE and I ate dumplings at DinThaiFung and they were delicious. A little boy thought ALLE was a dinosaur so I had to show him a website about frill necked lizards.

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