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    • Day 10

      Day 10 - The Handshake

      March 8 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Despite setting my alarm for 06.00am, I woke up at 04.18am & couldn’t get back to sleep again. When my alarm went off, I got up and got ready for the long drive. After a decent breakfast, both Magic Buses pulled out of the B&B Hotel car park at 08.00am sharp.

      We headed north out of damp rainy Budapest, picked up a dual carriageway & and couple of hours later we were in Slovakia, a new country to my list of countries visited. We managed to have taken a different route to the other Magic Bus, which had crossed at a different border 15 minutes earlier. We stopped for a comfort break and I asked Ramon to swap seats with me because he genuinely is asleep for 70-80% of the journey.

      We continued through Slovakia on main roads and not the hairpin bends of the minor A roads through the Carpathian Mountains. Our route was longer, but much quicker. We passed Kosice and discovered we were less than 50 miles from the border with Ukraine. We raced through the snow covered countryside in the Carpathian Mountains, with me now facing forward, & very soon we were in Poland.

      A second comfort stop was made at a supermarket & we marvelled at how cheap everything was. We bought snacks that caused a mess in the back of the bus & then continued on to the Swing Hotel in Krakow arriving at 3.45pm. We were at least 15 miles ahead of the other Magic Bus.

      I checked in and relaxed in my room. Messages on the WhatsApp group suggested a pre-gig beer bar to meet, but no time was set. Lee and I met at 5.20pm, but then realised the suggested bar was 3 miles away. We decided to walk towards the venue for tonight’s gig & hopefully stop in a bar on the way.

      It turned out that our walk consisted of walking through a shopping outlet, over a bridge, then down the runway of Kraków-Rakowice-Czyżyny Airport, a disused airport in Kraków, Poland, one of the oldest permanent airfields in Europe,

      The airfield has its beginnings as a military airport established in the borough of Rakowice in 1912,[1] one of the most modern and largest in Poland at the time. It was built for the needs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire along with an army garrison. In 1917, the airfield became one of the stopovers in the first European air mail service linking Vienna with Kyiv and Odessa. The airport was in continuous use to 1963, until the relocation of the Kraków passenger airport 16 km westwards, to the village of Balice.

      We didn’t find a bar, so we waited 12 minutes for tonight’s venue, the Kwadrat Klub to open. Once the venue was open at 6.00pm, we secured an alcove with a table and comfy seats, then imbibed in a few cheap beers. Other Magic Bus occupants arrived and we learnt that the other bus had taken a scenic route over the Carpathian Mountains and had had a nice lunch at a historic lodge with views.

      The support Polski Zespot were not great. They started sounding like an 80’s electronic band, but did improve to sound more Goth

      The NMA gig commenced and it became clear that Justin Sullivan was still suffering with his loss of voice. I went down to the edge of the mosh pit. I think the beers helped! During the performance, I acted as a guard for Jack’s 1st foray onto Red’s shoulders, then I held his right leg steady for ‘Green and Grey’ & ‘High’ in the encore. (Note to self- avoid Green and Grey - the song is too long. My arms were aching). The encore consisted of ‘No Rest’, ‘High’ & ‘I Love The World’.

      After the show, we again had the obligatory photo, then discussions took place as to where to go to next. It was decided to have another beer at the venue. Jack introduced me to Rob, one of the ex-traffic cops he had mentioned, who it transpired left the police in the 90s on medical grounds. He now lives in Holland after meeting at a NMA gig and marrying a Dutch girl.

      We were nattering away & l saw the NMA bassist, Ceri Monger, appear and start chatting to people in our group. He was laughing and joking whilst selfies were being taken. I couldn’t break away from my conversation without appearing rude. Michael Dean, the drummer, then appeared followed by Dean White, the other guitarist. They were chatting, posing for photos and signing autographs, particularly on records and cd’s that people seemed to magic out of thin air.

      I was then chatting with Jack, when unexpectedly (and quite unusually) Justin Sullivan came out from backstage with his vape and started interacting with those of us still in the bar. Jack and I watched on whilst people gathered around him, including Lee, who got a selfie with him. Lee then came over to us & loudly said “I should have told him that he damaged my phone”. Probably in earshot of Justin.

      Lee had told us in the Magic Bus about an embarrassing incident he had had at a Justin Sullivan gig about 9 years ago in Gillingham at a small venue. After a few beers, he tried to take a photo of Justin Sullivan mid performance. He was struggling with the zoom on his phone and to take a close up photo he misjudgedly shoved his phone in front of Justin’s nose. With the end of his guitar, Justin thwacked the phone out of his hand and the phone went spinning across the stage. For a split second he thought about getting on stage to retrieve it, but sense kicked in and he went to the back and waited for the show to end before an embarrassed Lee asked for his now damaged phone back.

      Lee was recounting the story again to Jack, who was trying to tell him to stop digging a hole for himself. It transpired that Jack had been at the same gig and remembered the incident well, as did a 4th person who had joined us. Apparently everyone else in the crowd thought that dickhead deserved it!!!!

      Talking of photos, I tried to surreptitiously take some photos of Justin on my phone, but I got caught out when some Poles now with him asked me to take their photos with him on their phones. I suddenly became their official photographer. I could and probably should have asked for a selfie myself, but instead I just shook Justin’s hand. (I’m too old to appear like an excitable groupie!)

      Scottish Louise, who is in the other Magic Bus, I am led to believe is also a good friend of the band members. She was still talking to Dean White in the venue foyer when we left.

      Jack, JP, Lee and myself got a taxi back to the hotel.

      Song of the Day - Magic Bus by The Who.

      NMA Song of the Day - Before I Get Old by New Model Army.
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    • Day 87

      Pečovská Nová Ves

      March 29 in Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      C'est reparti !
      Nous quittons la charmante ville de Kosice sous le soleil et nous ne croisons pas grand monde.

      Ici le vendredi et le lundi du weekend de Pâques sont fériés.
      Là où on aura vu le plus de monde, c'est devant les églises.
      Heureusement, nous avions anticipé et prévu de quoi manger.
      Par contre pour la pause café... Et bien ça aura été un stand de café à une gare. Autre lieu très animé. Les Slovaques doivent se retrouver en famille.

      Sur notre route, nous renouons avec du dénivelé : 730 m pour la journée et on passe par des villages pas super glamours avec des zonards un peu partout... On ne veut pas dormir dehors !

      Heureusement on croise un charmant monsieur qui parle anglais et nous emmène dans un village et bim, on tombe sur le maire qui lui va toquer chez le prêtre pour qu'il nous laisse un bout de jardin. Et hop, nous voilà installés et... On nous offre 4 bouteilles de bière en prime ahah (on ne les a pas encore bues)

      On va bien dormir !
      Bonne nuit 😘
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    • Day 88–89


      March 30 in Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Toujours direction plein nord, nous pénétrons la zone montagneuse des Tatras.
      Quelques côtes à 12%, qui ne nous avaient pas manquées, mais on retrouve aussi de beaux panoramas! Tout au long de la journée, on croise des cyclistes qui nous font tous des petits coucous et encouragements ! Ça nous rappelle l'Andalousie!

      Plus on monte dans le nord, plus on devance le printemps! Il y a quelques jours à peine en Hongrie, les magnolias étaient complètement fleuris, et aujourd'hui c'est à peine si les premières fleurs apparaissent !

      Ici la notion de bar café est casi inexistante, alors si on ajoute le fait qu'on est en plein WE de Pâques, on peut oublier nos traditionnelles pauses cafés!

      Ce soir nous sommes arrivés à Nestville Park, et c'est une dégustation de Whisky qui nous attend cette fois demain matin :)
      Ah oui et j'oubliais, les belles bouteilles de bières que le Monsieur nous a offert hier soir... La 1ere a explosé dans la sacoche de Fab... Il n'y a plus qu'à nous suivre à l'odeur !!
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    • Day 7

      Afternoon with cousins and family

      May 18 in Slovakia ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      My day started with a sad visit to the cemetery to pay respect to Frank's brother, Jozef who passed away 3 months ago. I also went to my grandparents grave. Then I had a great visit with Peter and Marcela sampling her delicious baking creations. Afterwards I went straight to my grandparents old house that was completely renovated by my cousin, Imro and Emily. We visited on their patio and ate and drank. There was a storm that passed by but the patio was enclosed so we were protected.Read more

    • Day 9

      Outing to Lutina

      May 20 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      My cousin Anna took several of us including my aunt, Polona to the wonderful town of Lutina, a pilgrimage site near Presov. We spent the whole day together, visiting more family and stopping for meals and beer . A great day!Read more

    • Day 10

      Coffee, beer and laughter

      May 21 in Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      After our visit in Lutina we went for lunch at la kukaracha! Then on to Gabika's parents for coffee. What a lovely couple, full of joy and laughter!! Afterwards I finally got to visit my godmother, Maria Tobias, who went through all the history of my grandpa's family. I was able to fill in the blanks of what I didn't know. Then later we met up for a beer with cousin Jozko. We packed in a lot for one day.Read more

    • Day 14

      Tatra Nationalpark (SK Seite)

      June 14, 2022 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Um eine der beliebtesten Wanderungen zum Morskie Oko (Meeresauge) machen zu können, startete unser Tag heute extra etwas früher als sonst. Bereits auf der Anfahrt stellten wir fest, dass wir nicht die einzigen waren die heute wandern wollten 🤦🏼‍♀️ auf unseren Weg sahen wir Reisebusse mit Scharen von Menschen.
      Kurz vor unserem Zielort stellten wir fest, dass wir ein E-Ticket für den Parkplatz benötigen. Kein Problem - kann man ja noch kurz kaufen und runterladen. Von wegen! Im gesamten Gebiet hatte es keinen Empfang und ohne Ticket kein Einlass. Kurzum parkten wir in der 200m entfernten Slowakai und zahlen dort auch nur ein Bruchteil des Preises 😁
      Dann ging es Richtung Eingang und nach ca. 2km stellten wir fest, dass im kompletten polnischen Nationalpark keine Hunde erlaubt sind und wir nicht rein dürfen. Warum?Keine Ahnung - wegen der Umwelt?
      - Hauptsache man kann mit einer Pferdekutsche bis ans Ziel fahren und die k***** 💩 den kompletten Weg voll -

      Hmmm … Da der Nationalpark nicht auf der polnischen Seite aufhörte, entschieden wir einfach auf der slowakischen Seite zu laufen, da Hunde hier erlaubt waren 😆.
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    • Day 9

      Ankunft Slowakei

      July 28, 2022 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nach einer regnerischen Nacht wurden wir heute morgen wieder von der Sonne geweckt. Auf dem Programm für heute standen gut 200km mit Grenzüberschreitung in die Slowakei. Das Navi führte uns zum wiederholten Mal über tolle kurvige Straßen, schöne Wälder und Täler mit weitem Blick. Irgendwann ging es auf die Autobahn und es dauerte nicht lange, da waren die Berge schon zu sehen. Auf geht's in die Hohe Tatra....Read more

    • Day 14

      Jour 14 : Voyage en Slovaquie

      August 24, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      C'est l'histoire de 3 Français qui partent en Slovaquie. Ils ne parlent pas slovaque et ne sont pas très doués. Que se passe-t-il ?
      - Un trajet de train dans le mauvais sens.
      - Un taxi qui n'arrive pas au bon endroit.
      - 1h de marche dans la campagne slovaque près d'une nationale sous le cagnard.
      Oui, cette histoire est bien réelle. C'est le résumé de notre journée ! Heureusement, nous voilà enfin arrivés à bon port dans notre logement à Strba. Cela relevait tellement du miracle qu'ils ont diffusé de la musique dans les hauts parleurs de la ville pour saluer notre arrivée (enfin, ne parlant pas slovaque, c'est la seule explication que nous avons trouvée). Avec cette marche, nous voilà parfaitement entraînés pour la randonnée qui nous attend demain !
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    • Day 64

      Slovakia: Spis

      September 13, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Slovakia, the land of castles! It was just a quick 2 night stay in this smallish country, but what's fascinating about Slovakia is this little country has more castles per capita than any other country in the world! So the first day we spent exploring one of the better known castle ruins by the name of Spis Castle, which is a massive castle on a very dramatic hillside in the more eastern part of the country. In fact, it is one of the largest castles in Europe and was built in the 12th century (so almost 900 years ago!). The next day we were due to do some more exploring, but the weather was - for the first time in a while - miserable. So we ended up having a catch up day at the hostel instead. That evening, we went to a local restaurant to try some Slovakian food. Once again the starters were delicious with a homemade duck pâté that Emz and I shared. For mains, I had essentially a pork roast and Emz had some Slovakian potato dumplings. Both meals were delicious! The next day we visited another castle ruin by the name of Sasov castle on our way to Hungary. A far smaller 14th century castle but still quite impressive for how it was built on this steep hill on the edge of a cliff face. They'd also dug a tunnel into the mountain where they used to place large blocks of ice cut out from the river below to use as a sort of rustic fridge which was also interesting to note. Overall, Slovakia was a brief visit. The country is probably a little more run down that some of the other Eastern European countries, but interesting all the same!Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Presov, Prešov, Eperjesi körzet

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