South Africa
Great Kei

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    • Day 24

      Ruhetag in Cintsa

      March 3, 2018 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Morgenspaziergang am Strand von Cintsa welches etwa 25 km von East London liegt. Und seht euch mal das Selfie an - wir haben geübt!

    • Day 35

      Day 35 - Yellow Sands / WildCoast

      April 19, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Tonight (Tue 19/05) is the last night living 100m from the Indian Ocean, for a while.

      We have decided to get to Addo Elephant Park on Wednesday and Thursday. About 4 hours, all in with our rig.

      We shopped rations in EL this afternoon, ready for our next week which will again, be pretty much off the network. After Addo, our plan is to leave the caravan somewhere on the Garden Route on Saturday and face the rigors of the mean Biviaanspoort, heading from Uniondale eastwards to Pretensie and back to the Garden Route, same day service😳

      Checking out from Yellow Sands, 2 x Nights for both of us R320.00😉

      Have a look at the attached photograph of the Yellow Sands Rates!!! R2,395/Site/month😜!!!
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    • Day 29

      Day 29 - Morgan Bay/ WildCoast

      April 13, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      🎼"Here comes the sun,
      Here comes the sun,
      And I say "It's alright, Little Darling...."!!!🎼

      We heard from an 'Old Salted' Eastern Cape ripped apart piece of Sea Weed that, it doesn't rain on this side of the Kei River🤔 BS!!! It rained like hell last night 😖 but awoke to a brand new day, sunshine and to the screech of Fish Eagles🌞🌞🌞

      Now I can admit to not having been ahead if the game for most of my life, but we did get ahead of those KZN Storms and Floods, for which we are most grateful! Imagine us raving about our "Tramp's like us" journey, only to be seen on SABC3, eNews and even Sky, floating down the Winkelspruit into the Indian Ocean😳😳😳

      We cranked up the pace and ran a 6km and then a refreshing swim in the sea. A healthy mixture of salt water and brown river water, whips up a tasty brown foam, swept off the sea by a gentle offshore.

      The run up out of these seashore villages is crazy. Even as you run 'up' it seems the gushing water next to the road is also running upwards! Stay with me on this one, okay! In fact, true to the laws of gravity, it is flowing down, and so are you running downhill, it just doesn't feel like it😖

      So this now leads to a thought after 000's of running kilometers? If running down forward's is so easy, if one runs 'backwards- uphill' shouldn't it be equally easy?🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

      Visited 'Kei Mouth' to do some food replenishment only to find that the SPAR had burned down about six weeks ago😳

      Spent the afternoon 'beaching' and then off to the Morgan Bay Hotel for their 'Local's Special' every Wednesday evening. Delicious Lasagne was it! 👍

      Good night,
      Love, Peace & Light.

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    • Day 28

      Day 28 - Morgan Bay/ WildCoast

      April 12, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      The plan this morning (Tuesday 12 April), is to get to Morgan's Bay about 80km north up the coast from East London.

      It continued to pour all night and just before day break, it stopped for the forty minutes we needed to strike! No time for coffee, breakfast or any ambling!

      In the slushy black mud it took us less than the forty we were blessed with, and quite possibly, to get packed up before the deluge again, we were inspired!

      Packing away all the camping gear etc has. become so routine and slick! All but the sodden ground sheet, all but totally submerged in the blasted black clay. No problem after packing all away we went down and let the tide wash it out. Standing like two fishermen in the waves, we left behind clouds of mud for the sea to swirl away!

      The road all the way back to just before Mthatha was awash. For a long period we were able to hitch a ride on the back of a taxi who knew the path between the filled craters, like the back of his hand.

      Driving from the direction of Mthatha=> Idutywa=> Butterworth=> and eventually Morgan's Bay, a marked change in the landscape and architectural design of huts, houses and backyards and even the road conditions. Having arrived in the Morgan's Bay Caravan park, which is a few steps up from White Clay, but guess what?.... Beautiful lawn and.... black mud😖😖😖!!!

      It must also be said that, now after 1 month of being 'Homeless' and 'On-the-Hoof', Karen needs to be commended for numerous accolades 🥰👍🥇

      Vince calls her the "Mystic Unicorn", because she doesn't take my sh1t and she even butts back, with her evil horn! No but seriously Karen is in her element and is just loving it, at least she can remember which pole goes where and what is next. She regularly cooks up a storm in the Pressure Cooker and with all this rain has saved our bacon with many square meals which otherwise would have meant slim pickings. Together we have sorted out who does what, when, but without her it could just have been disastrous 🥰🏆

      So back here at Morgan's we arrived in the rain and have also learnt by now, there is no reason to try and sit it out and wait.... the end never comes, rain, rain, rain!

      The Morgan's Bay Caravan Park, situated right up against the lagoon, 100m from the beach. The sites have lush lawns (when not churned up) and all electricity connections. The ablutions and showers have been newly renovated and have a 5 Star rating, and then some! Full on laundry and tumble-dry facility, really all top quality and the best so far by a long shot!

      Price wise (and we knew the Easter Weekend would be costly), normal price from tonight until Thurday R240 per campsite but on Thurday to Sunday night up to R690😖😳but wherever, it will be steeper into the weekend. At the moment it is practically empty, as usual but we are told 'sold out show' over the Long Weekend! Right now we are tucked away in the caravan whilst the rain keeps teeming down outside!
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    • Day 30

      Day 30 - Morgan Bay/WildCoast

      April 14, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Last night at dinner, I overheard the rowdy EC locals talking about a ''Beach- Clean-Up", and true to their word, they were up and at it early this morning.

      We took advantage of the clear weather and ran to Kei Mouth, a 9km there and back. All along the two km long beach, then up into the forest along a single track, at first rocky and then wet, muddy and slippery. Up to the lighthouse, that in itself should have raised suspicion, but nonetheless. Ran past "Wacky Point" with 'Love where you Live" graffitied all over the walls of some makeshift lookout, lifesavers hut, security hut, gate control or whatever? Maybe a tuck shop, shabeen or even a broken down home, but there it was! I can just hear you guy's.... "9k's, sure but only at Sea level"!!! Losers!!!

      Trying to navigate through the Easter weekend, we will continue to stick it out here at Morgan's until Monday and then check out where next 🤷🏻‍♂️ Though times😂!!!

      Took an afternoon stroll in the direction of 'Double Mouth', which we decided to take a run up to, in the morning instead. Decent weather for a change so surprise, we braai'ed again.

      The little kids from over the road were a treat as we sat down to dinner. Three of them on bicycles dashing around the caravan park. William from our ‘Williams Team’ who had already been showered by Mom, was in the thick of it and way out in front. The splash pool mud puddle, directly in front of us was his favourite as he ‘Apexed’ on our corner every lap! Little William is a handful at six years old, but a delight. A kid, not dirty is not a kid! The irresistible mud bath was 30cm deep in places and 6m long. With our continuous cheering William, just got himself deeper and deeper into trouble when he gets home. His first lap was tekkie to ankle deep, but by the 10th, knee deep! After his umpteenth lap, his clean pyjamas had a black mud steek from his ‘poephol’ to the crown on the top of his head! As the sun sets, Mom has no idea what is about to arrive home😇

      A family arrived here in Morgans Caravan park, after dark! For twenty minutes we watched this happen, as they unpacked a brand new monster size tent with only car lights to help! We just couldn't stand it any longer, so we offered to help. Shame they had no idea where to even start. Karen and I (also pretty much ignorant) managed to get a roof over their heads, before calling it a day.
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