A Guarda

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    • Day 8

      Psalm 126 Rain and Blessing

      June 8 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      Today we begin the day preparing for rain. Ponchos, dry bags, and a hope of little rain are all packed up and ready to go.

      In the Psalm we are reminded of the blessing of rain, not its inconvenience. The gift that it is to the earth in growing new things ahead.

      So today we pray that the rain (literal or metaphorical) will encourage us and bless us and that we would see the fruits of the harvest ahead.

      (And we would take your prayers, it’s a 15+ mile day with some unpredictable weather ahead!)
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    • Day 39–41

      Die letzten Nächte in Spanien 🇪🇸

      June 17 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      …verbrachten wir in a Guarda am Meer. Nur wenige Kilometer trennen uns noch von Portugal.

      Laura hat ihr Online Programm fertig gestellt und Simon fleißig geangelt (da hätte doch zum Schluss auch fast einer angebissen 🐠).

      Heute geht’s weiter nach Portugal!
      Gracias españa, es war uns eine Ehre 🥰
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    • Day 14


      May 25, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Oh man. Ich bin mal wieder wie immer der letzte ders kapiert.

      Stöckel, Stöckel , den Pfeilen hinterher und lande am Fluss in einem Restaurant und trinke ein alkoholfreies Bier. Als ich wieder los wollte, weit und breit kein Symbol.

      Hab Leute angesprochen und einen deutschen angetroffen, wenn ich über den Fluss möchte, langer langer Weg, oder Kurzstrecke Wassertaxi.

      Hab mich fürs Taxi entschieden...... Stöckel Stöckel, grüße alle entgegen kommenden auf portugiesisch mit guten Tag. Komme in die kleine bunte Hafenstadt und schau auf die Uhr: 😱😱😱 waaaaas schon 19:40. Über Googlemaps ne Herberge gleich gesucht, viele Treppen und endlich gefunden.

      Mit dem Mann an der Rezeption ins Gespräch gekommen und gesagt, bin Klaus aus deutsche Land und er, er ist aus Spanien. Hab gefragt welche Ecke Spanien? Madrid? Sevilla? Barcelona? Keine Antwort verstanden. 🤔

      Bekomme ein Bett zugewiesen und treffe ne Deutsche . Sag ich die Häuserfront kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor für Werbung Portugal.

      Hat auch komisch geschaut und gesagt, seit Ankunft Wassertaxi sind wir schon in Spanien


      Deswegen wars auch schon so spät. Leben jetzt wieder in der gleichen Uhrzeit.

      Oh man und vor allem schade. Hab also das letzte alkoholfreie Bier in Portugal getrunken ohne richtigen Abschied von Portugal genommen zu haben. Snief 😢

      Bin am überlegen, ob ich nun der Küste entlang abbiege und so mir Santiago und die 100 km Läufer erspare.

      Bin nach dem ganzen komischen ersten Berichten wesentlich sortierter. Glücklich? Nein

      Gute Nacht

      P.s.. Hallo Spanien wenn alles klappt, sehen wir uns dieses Jahr noch zweimal. Darauf freue ich mich schon.

      Jetzt aber erst noch zum Ende der Welt- Finisterre. Habe da noch was vom letzten Jahr in Klärung mit mir.

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    • Day 8

      Day 7 A Guarda to O Serrallo

      September 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Slight change of plans. I was supposed to walk to Oia, but I made my reservation for the 13th instead of the 14th 🙄 I had it in my calendar as the 14th…anyway, they were booked for tonight. So I’m pampering myself and staying in a hotel just the other side of Oia. They have a pool and I get breakfast.
      The walk was good, 18km. More hills! Who said Camino Portuguese is flat?? I met up with some ladies I first met in Esposende. Dory from Florida and her mum Jean (87) from North Carolina…wow! I’ll stop complaining now.
      I had my first “Menú del Peregrino” or Pilgrim´s menu at the Hotel Glasgow. Came with a full bottle of wine for 20€. I’m now half way to Santiago!
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    • Day 7

      Oh, What a Day...

      May 14 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      With apologies to The Four Seasons!
      We started the day, ready to leave Tatania and Marcus's amazing house, at 0730. We crept down the stairs as quietly as we could - Tatania was quite an ebullient character, and we'd rather not have encountered her at such an early hour! It was a great stay, but one night was enough😂. A short walk took us to the local café for our first breakfast, which was delicious - sort of a turbo charged cinnamon bun 😋. Absolutely gorgeous and it kept us going for hours!
      We walked towards the coast (not far) and picked up the route, which took us through some beautiful woodland. It was quite amazing - we had the sound of birds all around us, and the crashing waves of the North Atlantic to our left. A wonderful walk 🤗🤗🤗.
      We ambled onwards towards Vila Praia de Ãncora, where we stopped for lunch. This was some 10km on from our starting point, and we'd added a couple of kilometres finding the right path, so we were 12km up by the time we fell into a café. Menu del dia (not sure what it is in Portuguese) was pork shoulder, rice, salad and chips 😋. I'd been craving chips, so I was made up! It was very tasty but I just couldn't finish it 🙄 although I did have a good go at the chocolate mousse for dessert!😄
      A stop at Moledo for a very special, personal Pilgrim's passport stamp from Gary (who brought out his whole Beatles Collection to show us, and asked me if I'd ever met Paul McCartney...) took us into Caminha, where we stopped for a cold drink before finding the water taxi from Portugal to A Guarda in Spain. The salesman had his patter down to a T and, as soon as there were 5 of us, led us down to the beach and the boat. Nothing massive, just a thing with an engine, that sped us to the opposite side in about 5 minutes. Marcel was very happy to be making an appearance and readily took control of the crossing 😂😂😂.
      As we'd gained an hour in just 5 minutes, we decided to get a taxi to our accommodation. No such luck, despite our efforts, so we had to walk about 4km, up up and up (or so it seemed), through lovely eucalyptus woods, and into A Guarda. We were shattered! We'd ended up walking 26km, often through driving rain and wind, but we were there, albeit 40 minutes too late for check in🙄. A pretty difficult telephone call later, neither of us being able to fully understand the other - where's our Jan when you need her? - and we were in our room. There were other pilgrims in the apartment so we went to explore and meet them.
      Time to shower now, then find something to eat, so back to our room we went... the door being as close as we got to our belongings because we couldn't open it!😱🙄😂 What to do??? A call and a few messages to our host (try again, she said, like we hadn't been doing that for 10 minutes!) and she promised she was on her way, but it'd take 30 minutes. 45 minutes later... approximately 60 minutes later she and her husband arrived. By this time, everyone had had a go - the blokes probably wondering what all the fuss was about 😂.
      "Sternest Headteacher faces when they arrive, Julie," says I! But, of course, they were lovely and apologetic, all in Spanish, of course, but still they couldn't open our door! Phew! Long story short, they managed to bodge it so our door opened, but there was no way we were ever shutting it, so we slept with it jammed open! But what a night! What a day, actually! It ended with a small snack and a beer, so all's well that ends well!
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    • Day 8–9

      Apartment in A Guarda

      April 20 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Ankunft im Apartment A Guarda. Netter Blick aufs Meer. Gemütliche kleine Wohnung. Leider kein Internet. Aber dafür endlich mal ne Waschmaschine.
      Ist ja im Hotel eher selten. Heute relaxen und morgen geht’s weiter.Read more

    • Day 6

      A Guarda to Oía

      September 1, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      The route today took us through some interesting archeological areas, lush native ferns, flowers, sagebrush and cacti. The path was a little tricky for step finding with boulders and rapid elevation. Met a few happy horses and fat cows. Oía is a small town with one big hotel. Appears to be a tourist destination as 2 large buses emptied right in front as we approached. Tomorrow we go to Baiona which was founded in 140 BC.Read more

    • Day 9

      Another Perfect Day- Crossing into Spain

      September 23, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Another beautiful day to walk the Camino along the Atlantic Ocean!
      We were served a very full breakfast to get us started and then were off along the streets of Vila Praia de Âncora until we picked up the Coastal Camino and more of the newly created trail being developed. More information on the “Ecovia do Litoral” a 73km ocean side trail from Esposende to the town of Caminho, Portugal, where the Rio Miñio divides Portugal from Spain, is at .
      The ferry does not run on Mondays but a local fisherman will taxi you across the river to Spain for €5. We sat in the bottom of his boat with another Canadian couple. On the other side, we missed the turn for the coastal route and ended up on the main Portuguese Camino which climbed up and over a pass between the mountains that rise out of the sea.
      An hour or so later we arrived in La Guardia, a small fishing village, the streets were very quiet due to a Celtic festival that was being celebrated on that mountain above the village. The Celtic roots of Galicia are very strong. We managed to find an open bar for an afternoon drink as we strolled the hilly streets.
      Later we met up with the other Pilgrims staying at the same hotel at a nearby restaurant. We had really wonderful conversations over dinner with our new Irish, American and South African friends.
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    • Day 27

      A Guarda

      August 29, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Wegen Nebel und herbstlicher Kälte verlassen wir Arousa wieder und verzichten auf 2 Strandtage - einfach zu neblig, kalt, feucht, windig.
      Neues Ziel: A Guarda, die südlichste Stadt Galiziens am Grenzfluß Rio Minio; unser letzter Stopp bevor es nach Portugal weitergeht.
      Von unserem Campingplatz sehen wir schon rüber nach Portugal.
      Knapp 3.100 km bis hierher.
      Tagesprogramm: Ausflug mit dem Bike auf den Castro de Santa Trega mit Keltensiedlung und Rundumblick; ganz schön steile Angelegenheit!
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    • Day 4

      A Guarda, Galicia, Spain

      September 10, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      A short walk. Only 13 km today, but quite relaxing along the shore the entire time. To get to A Guarda, one must either take the ferry (not operated on Sunday) or water taxi. It was only a short ride to cross the border between Portugal and Spain, but the infraestruturas been the two countries are completely different.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    A Guarda, La Guardia

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