Mondoñedo to As Paredes

We had an interesting beginning to our day. When we got to the reception area leaving the building, Moriah dropped our key in the slot at the same moment I was about to open the door. However, IRead more
We had an interesting beginning to our day. When we got to the reception area leaving the building, Moriah dropped our key in the slot at the same moment I was about to open the door. However, IRead more
Der Tag beginnt neblig - so kenne ich Galicien. Ich wandere mit Alyssa, Addie, Amy und Sam durch die verwunschenen, mystischen Wälder und unterhalte mich dabei angeregt mit Alyssa.
Erst als wirRead more
Itinéraire sympa sans difficulté (j'ai pris la version longue qui monte moins raide).
L'albergue est isolée en pleine campagne, en autarcie. Le frigo est plein de boissons, et pour se passer deRead more
I walked past many cemeteries to Mondoñedo. On the way I met a pilgrim for whom the Camino is a real challenge. She is vegan and travels with her dog, which limits her search for a hostel. Then IRead more
Heute morgen beim Aufwachen habe ich mich wie von einem Laster überfahren gefühlt. Doch wie immer brauche ich rund 10-15 Minuten und danach bin ich wach und fahrbereit. Wir frühstücken alleRead more
Leaving Mondoñedo, I couldn't find the new official route-- a forest track that is 6 km shorter than the "complementary" route. So I wound up walking the first 18 km almost entirely on asphalt. TheRead more
Nach einem 9 km Marsch heute Morgen und einem anschliessenden, ausgiebigen Frühstück wurden wir vor die Wahl gestellt: entweder wir gehen 12 km über einen Berg oder wir gehen 17 km lang der StrasseRead more
Had coffee and a snack and tended to my first blister. I think it was my socks.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Arroyo de Castromayor
Traveler Funny about the key. Sure makes me feel good:)…how many times have keys been a problem:). thankful for your helper and chances to share your faith. It's cold there ...and rain...keep marching on. Praying.
Blessing to him!