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    • Dia 42

      Jetzt erst recht!

      1 de junho de 2022, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Die Landschaft erinnert ein wenig ans Muldetal- statt Raps blüht hier der Ginster. Eigentlich sind die verbleibenden Etappen easy going- unser Wille zum Durchhalten wird trotzdem auf die Probe gestellt- diesmal vom Wetter... Gewitter und Starkregen lösen sich ab, nichts bleibt trocken. Wir sind fest entschlossen weiterzugehen! Nach 3h wird es besser und sogar die Sonne zeigt sich wieder. Die Belohnung ist eine Herberge mit knisternden Kamin, italienischem Essen+ Trinken - wir sind wieder versöhnt, so schnell geht das inzwischen...Leia mais

    • Dia 52


      6 de outubro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      The road to Arzua today was fairly quiet. Started at a cemetery and walked through quiet country trails. We are all looking forward to the end and impatient to get there.
      Arzua is famous for its Tetilla cheese. A protest to a past Bishop of Santiago for requiring the bust reduction on a statue. To this day, the cheese is shaped like this part of a womans anatomy.Leia mais

    • Dia 48

      Prélude vers l’accomplissement

      5 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 39/40
      Étape#. 32. Camino francés « Arzúa à O Pedrouzo». Kilomètres parcourus 22,1 km. Cumulatif : 999,5 km, moyen 25,5 km par jour. Étapes restantes avant Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : 1 et moins de 20,0 km à fouler.

      7h25 nous quittions la Casa pour amorcer cette 39e randonnée que j’ai nommée « Prélude vers l’accomplissement ».

      C'est certain que nous ressentons de l'excitation à l'aube de notre arrivée à Santiago (Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle). Nous passons en revue les étapes passées, les montées, les descentes, les difficultés puis nous réalisons que nous sommes quasi à la conclusion de ce voyage de rêve. Tous ces efforts valaient le coup. C’est un sentiment très puissant d’accomplir un but que l’on se fixe. Nous sommes des veinards de la vie de pouvoir vivre une expérience comme celle-là. Pour ma part ça sera ma 2e fois que j’arriverai à Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle et c’est toujours aussi émouvant.
      C’est un sentiment de fierté qui t’envahit et de bien-être. C’est du positif à la tonne.

      Depuis 2 jours en marchant, nous sentons le basilic, c’est merveilleux.

      Hier j’écrivais que nous avions observé un couple d’amoureux marchant sur le chemin en se tenant la main. Ce matin pour une 3e journée, qui vois-je, les tourtereaux main dans la main. Vous remarquerez sur la photo que le couple possède une paire de bâtons, la dame celui de droite et lui celui de gauche. Le tout pour s’assurer de se tenir les mains. J’ai appris qu’ils venaient de Taïwan.
      Ce couple m’a marqué. C’est beau l’amour 🥰.

      Demain c’est la dernière et elle sera spéciale. 20 km à parcourir et l’on aura réussi notre objectif.

      Buen Camino
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    • Dia 38


      16 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Heute wieder 25 km nach Arzua, keine besonderen Schwierigkeiten, halt auf und ab, nur durch "grün". Kaum Zivilisation. Heut gab's wenigstens außerhalb des Klosters schon um 7 eine offene Bar f. Kaffee, der musste f.die nächsten 10km wieder reichen.Hier bekommt man meist ineinen Kuchen zum Kaffee gereicht, od.zu einem Getränk zumindest Oliven. Heute war es verdammt heiß bereits ab 8 Uhr 30. Am späten Nachmittag nettes Ausklingen am Praza in Bar bei Tinto de Verano, was sonst. Ab morgen sind nur noch 39 km, d.h.wir laufen am Sonntag Nachmittag in Santiago ein.Leia mais

    • Dia 9

      Palas de Rei-Arzŭa 29 km

      16 de julho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Dagens etappe overraskende kupert, mer nedover enn oppover.. Igjen kjempefint turterreng og ikke minst turvær, 20 grader og vindstille.

      Ny gåteknikk i nedoverbakker, baklengs eneste som funker for mine knær, hadde visst to av dem 😳. Hege imponerer med stigende form. Holder nesten følge med bjørnen i de verste stigningene 👍

      To slitne kropper nyter nå en cerveza.
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    • Dia 12

      Palas de Rei - Arzúa (28,7km)

      21 de julho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Herbergen sind ja so eine Sache. Es gibt kaum eine Nacht, die nicht von sonoren Schnarchsinfonien durchdrungen wird. Die einen stecken dies gut weg (Nora); die anderen quälen sich, wälzen sich und zählen die Stunden (Michael). Aus diesem Grund startete der Tag mit Müdigkeit, was angesichts der vielen Kilometer, die heute zu bewältigen waren, nicht gerade verheissungsvoll war. Daher bedurfte es in Melide einer Wegstärkung, genauer gesagt Pulpo gallego. Zusammen mit Pimientos de Padrón, - das sind kleine grüne Paprikas, die mit grobem Meersalz bestreut sind -, köstlich!
      Gestärkt zogen wir weiter auf mit Eukalpytusbäumen flankierten Wegen, die uns einen angenehm frischen Geruch bescherten. Es roch nach Menthol. Wieder einmal waren wir beeindruckt von den verschiedenen Wäldern und Vegetationen, die Galizien zu bieten hat. Sogar ein Sumpfgebiet war mit dabei!
      Da der letzte Aufstieg nach Arzúa nochmals unsere Muskeln beanspruchte, füllten wir die leeren Proteinspeicher mit einer Plata de Queso. Hoffentlich bleibt die kommende Nacht schnarchfrei.
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    • Dia 27


      26 de agosto de 2023, Espanha ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Today was a nice day. The weather was sunnier but still cooler - in the 60s and low 70s - which was nice walking weather. There was a more gradual flow of people, so I didn’t feel crowded or alone - the perfect balance.

      I enjoy days when I know I have fewer miles to walk because I can enjoy the walk without feeling a time pressure. I stopped at an albergue for a coffee early in the day and had a nice conversation with a woman in her 60s from California. I’ve still met fewer than a dozen people from the US, so I always perk up when I hear English. We chatted about walking at your own pace, not listening to other people’s opinions about what constitutes a “real pilgrim,” and avoiding unnecessary suffering. It was a nice conversation that energized me for the rest of the walk.

      When I cancelled all my reservations and then re-made reservations with my new plan, I had a hard time finding a room in Arzua. All I could find was a “wellness hotel” about a mile from the trail. I wasn’t thrilled about walking an extra mile, but the hotel turned out to be a lovely place to relax for the afternoon. I even got a 30 minute massage for my legs, feet, and back. And I got to have a salad with actual greens and try some Arzua cheese which is made from the milk of all the cows I’ve been seeing.

      I’m ready for my last big walking day tomorrow (12 miles) before the gradual approach to Santiago (two more 6 mile days). Only 39km to go!
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    • Dia 37


      23 de junho de 2022, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

      Totally awesome place
      Each bunk set up with descend amount of privacy, has it's own electricity, actual linnen and towels and plenty of space for everyone
      There is a cool little inner courtyard that would've been neat to hangout if the weather was nice...

      After dinners Annette (Netherlands), AnneMarie (Ireland), Milosz Paula and I are playing Jengo
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    • Dia 37

      Cena numero uno

      23 de junho de 2022, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      And thankfully the only one
      Milosz Paula and I had a wonderful time

      Chicken noodles soup
      Raja (there is a 1st time for everything)
      For curious minds lookie here:

      And I forgot the pic of raspberry cheesecake

      Interesting faucets and a spooky man in the WC
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    • Dia 30

      Arzūa to O Podrouza, Spain

      30 de setembro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      This morning the 3 of us met for breakfast and excitedly started clipping the kilometers down. The weather was cool enough for a light jacket for about 15 minutes and about 15 minutes after that the long sleeve top came off. There was a huge train of people on the Camino today. The routes have joined and ohh dear it’s a bit of a jolt to the system! About 3000 people were granted a Compostela yesterday!!Many of them smelled of perfume, hair was cutely done, colorful clothing, clean shoes, WHITE SOCKS, makeup…you get the idea. The rest of us sweaty long haulers were making our way through the crowds, doing it politely as possible, saying “Buen Camino” as we passed them out of courtesy and respect. Maybe all they had time for was the last 100km (5 days). Maybe they don’t have the time or money for a month on the road, but wanted to see what it was like? Maybe they have health issues preventing them from enduring the whole thing? All sorts of reasons. But..why do they get the same Compostela as those who walk an entire route? Doesn’t matter. Everyone does their own Camino and there is no room for judging, and if one finds themselves doing that, then maybe they need to keep walking? Back to today. So so many cafe options. It seemed like every kilometer there was a cafe and another stamp opportunity. Where were all these stops the last 800km??!! I think I collected 6 stamps today. I filled up my first book yesterday and started a new one, and it just looked sad had I only got one or 2, so I got several. We arrived in this town at about 2:15 and it was so hot. 82*. Our room has air conditioning, so after a shower, bite to eat downstairs, we were back up to the room to get laundry put away, e-mail the luggage storage guy to make arrangements to get our suitcases tomorrow, and now chilling in a cool room. We are setting out at 4am in the morning to not only beat the heat (supposed to be 88* in Santiago tomorrow, typically it is raining buckets), but also to make it to the noon mass. It’s the big day. The day I have been working so hard to get to for the last month. So many challenges and discoveries physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s bittersweet, always is. Excited to go back to my blessed life, family and friends, but also going to miss the pure simplicity of all this…just walk, eat, sleep, repeat.Leia mais

    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Arzúa, Arzua

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