El Acebo de San Miguel

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    • Tag 29

      Von rabanal nach el acebo.

      31. Mai 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Hola Freunde des caminos. Das wichtigste zuerst. Heute bin ich das erste Mal seit 14 Tagen eine Etappe ohne Schmerzen im linken Schienbein gepilgert und hoffe, dass es so bleibt. Die Etappe führte heute in die las montánas, welche sich im Gegensatz zu den Etappen durch die meseta als abwechslungsreich darstellte. Die Gebirgszüge und Täler, die mit einer üppigen Vegetation überzogen sind, zeigen ein atemberaubendes Panorama. Ein absoluter Höhepunkt und sehr emotional, war der Besuch des cruz de ferro ( einfach mal googlen). Der Abstieg runter ins Tal nach El acebo, war schon eine echte Herausforderung. Steile und schmale Wege gefüllt mit Schotter und grossen Kieselsteinen, forderten absolute Konzentration, damit man keinen Abflug ins Tal machte. Erkenntnis des Tages: Es gibt keine Probleme, nur Herausforderungen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 21

      El Acebo - Freundschaft auf Lebenszeit

      13. Mai 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Liebe Elwira,

      Diesen Fußstapfen widme ich dir und unserer Freundschaft. Selten sagt man es sich, und eigentlich müssen wir es in unserem Falle nicht unbedingt sagen, denn du weißt, du bist mir von all meinen Freunden, die nähste, die beständigste, die längste, die vertrauteste, die ohne viel tam tam und drum herum, die ehrlichste, die wichtigste und einfach die beste. Kurzum ich bin froh und stolz dich meine liebste Freundin nennen zu dürfen. Danke dir für unsere Freundschaft von Herzen.

      Wir kennen uns seit der fünften Klasse aus dem Schauspielunterricht. Wir haben das gleiche Geburtsjahr und haben damals irgendwie schnell eine Wellenlänge gefunden. Wie oft hab ich dich zur Schule abgeholt und war ziemlich schnell ein willkommener Gast in deiner Familie. Ich lernte die ersten polnischen Worte und als ich auf polnisch deiner Mutter eigentlich sagen wollte :Sie sind nett, hast Du mir das Vokabular gegeben und ich sagte deiner Mutter jedoch :Sie sind blöd. Wie haben wir uns alle schlapp gelacht. In der siebten Klasse Realschule drückten wir gemeinsam ein Jahr die Schulbank, und auf dem Weg mit dem Zug zur Schule konnten wir gar nicht abwarten, bis wir im Raucherabteil saßen und quarzten. Die Mode haben wir zusammen entdeckt und unsere Jugend verbrachten wir gemeinsam im Jugendhaus in der gleichen Clique. Durch dich bin ich zum Tanzen gekommen, erst mit dirty dancing und später in der Jazztanzgruppe im Jugendhaus. Wieviel Jugenddiscos haben wir da mit veranstaltet, du an der Kasse und ich für Licht. Wieviel foxtrott haben wir getanzt und auch da hat die Chemie gestimmt. Du hast dich immer vertraut führen lassen im Tanz.

      Du warst auf meiner Konfirmation und ich bei deiner Firmung. Du warst mit die erste, die ich mit meinem coming out ins Vertrauen ziehen konnte.

      Wir hatten immer Zeit für uns gegenseitig für unsere Sorgen und Probleme. Wir waren zusammen im Schullandheim, auf vielen Ausflügen mit unserer Clique. Wir waren bei wichtigen und einschneidenden Momenten immer für uns da.

      Ich weiß noch wie mich Michael in der Disco fragte :sag mal Klaus, du bist doch der beste Freund von der Elwira, meinst du ich habe bei ihr ne Chance, sie hat interesse? Klar, passt wie arsch auf Eimer, nur Mut Michel frag sie doch einfach 🤭

      Und siehe da, ein paar Jahre später durfte ich eure Hochzeit filmen. Hab das Video bis heute 😊

      Wir erlebenten gemeinsam den Anfang der tekknozeit. Loveparade in Berlin. Du hattest ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken eine offene Tür nach meiner Drogenkarriere von 17 - 20.

      Für mein schwulsein gab es niemals in irgendeiner Form ein Problem. Du warst begeistert als ich mit der Idee kam, mit 21 Tänzer werden zu wollen.

      Euer Sohn kam zur Welt und all eure Wohnungen vor dem Eigenheim kannte ich.

      Es gab auch mal Phasen der Funkstille, aber beim nächsten Wiedersehen oder wiederhören war es stets so als hätte es eine Pause nicht gegeben. Und wieviele Stunden haben wir telefoniert oder verquatscht.

      Vor vier Jahren war ich für dich da, in deiner wohl schwierigsten Zeit. Ich habe Respekt mit welcher Fassung dies dann getragen, geregelt und funktioniert hast.

      Und jetzt bist du wieder bei mir dabei, begleitest mich auf meiner Reise, hast Anteil und bist wieder da.

      Tausend Erinnerungen könnt ich hier weiter aufzählen und meine Dankbarkeit unserer Freundschaft ist für mich unendlich.

      Elwira egal was ist, wann was ist, sei dir bewusst ich bin für dich da. Du kannst dich auf mich verlassen und ich gebe dir heute mein liebstes und selbstverständlichstes Versprechen.

      Freundschaft auf Lebenszeit und darüber hinaus.

      Du bist wie Du bist, wertvoll, einzigartig und mir sehr sehr sehr sehr sehr sehr wichtig. Ich habe Dich lieb.

      Ich freue mich in naher Zeit auf unser Wiedersehen. Ich komme mit Zeit und lass uns mit deiner Mutter, Brunhilde und Maximilian treffen, ich bringe euch ein Stück Camino mit. Lass uns dann die Nacht zum Tage machen und quatschen quatschen quatschen. Bei dir fühl ich mich als Klaus ganz zentriert und weiß jedes gesprochene Wort wird in Sinn verstanden und ich bin zu Hause. Lass uns in Erinnerung schwelgen, über die Gegenwart austauschen und uns gegenseitig für die Zukunft motivieren.

      Ich freue mich schon sehr auf dich.

      Elli du bist die Beste von allen. Danke dir von Herzen. Du bist mir Wert!!!!!!

      Dein Klaus

    • Tag 16

      Cruz de Farro

      15. August 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today was a beautiful walk up into the mountains. I was tired and left a bit later than usual, around 8 instead of 7 or 730. Leaving later meant I was behind most of the other pilgrims and had the trail to myself for most of the day. It was nice to have time for solitude and reflection, especially since today was the day I reached the Cruz de Farro. It’s a part of the trail where pilgrims leave behind a rock that they carried from home as a symbol of something they’re leaving behind on the Camino. I was grateful to have time to myself to reflect on what the ritual meant to me.

      It feels good to be walking. My blisters have mostly healed and my knee isn’t as sore. I’m looking forward to more days of walking and appreciating the beauty of the trail.

    • Tag 30

      Day 27

      17. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Left Santa Catalina de Somoza in the dark at 6.15 am arrived at Ascebo at 4.30pm.
      What a day! After having a few easier days, today was very long and difficult. The first 10 ks was a bit of a rocky climb but not too bad. It really was a relief to come off the Tiger Teeth hillsides. This is what the terrain is called.
      The villages we went through today were deserted except if there was an Albergue.

    • Day 32 - Rabanal to El Acebo - 18km

      30. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today was a very difficult day, both emotionally and physically. I was expecting the emotional as today was the day I passed the Cruz de Ferro, but wasn’t anticipating the physical.

      I decided to head off later this morning. It was only supposed to be around 16km and I had a reservation for a private room so I could take all the time I need. I left about 8am, the sun was still rising so I got to see the nice glow on the horizon.

      We climbed the highest peak of the camino today and then came down from it. I decided to book in a town on the mountain so I wouldn’t have to go all the way to the bottom today, the down was only about 3.5kms for this day.

      The first stop was Foncebadon which was about 5.5kms. It was a steady climb up and I was ready for some breakfast by then. After the break, the Cruz de Ferro was only 2.5kms away.

      I had it all planned, I would sit in the same spot that Joerg and I sat, I would hang for about an hour and get someone to take my picture there. When I arrived, the church where we sat was under renovations with scaffolding and a fence blocking the passage. I just leaned up against the fence and looked at the spot. That was the start of the emotions. I was disappointed, but then I started thinking about my rocks. I brought 2 rocks, one from Utah from when Jörg and I first met, and the other was from Jörg’s windsurfing beach at Gordon’s Beach in Shirley.

      I was holding onto the rocks and didn’t want to let go. I am not ready to let go. I felt like leaving the rocks was leaving Jörg behind instead of just sharing him. I know I have so many things of Jörgs, so logically, I am not leaving him behind, but it was how I was feeling. I finally went up to the iron cross and placed the rocks. As I was there, I could see that I could in fact go sit at the church as it wasn’t blocked from the Cruz de Ferro hill. So I went down and sat at the church in the exact same spot we sat. I thought, “Why not, if someone comes and tells me to move, then I will”. When sitting there, I was practically alone as everyone else was at a distance behind the fence, so it was a good time to just let go and have a good cry.

      It was time to continue. I started off again and the next stop was in about another 2.5km at Manjarin. It is a village at the top with officially only one resident. There was a food truck there, so I stopped and had a pop and chocolate cake. It came just in time because the blisters on my toes were starting to hurt.

      I took off the boots and socks while resting. It was noon and I was ready to go on, just 6.5km left, about 3km still up and the rest down. This is where it started to get difficult. Today was a real hiking day (not just walking). Mostly scrambling over rocks. This is usually the stuff I love, and was enjoying it for awhile, but my two toes really started to ache. They ached so much that I was limping. I stopped at the top of the mountain, took off the boots for a rest. The funny thing about my blisters, is that they don’t really hurt to touch when I take my boots off. I keep feeling them and they are ok, but after about 2kms, they were aching so much. There were a couple opportunities to take the road, instead of the path, so I did that to give my feet a break.

      The way down was obviously more painful as the toes would hit the boot a bit. When I was about 1.5km away, I was in so much pain that I just had to sit down on the trail and take off the boot. I have been wearing 2 socks. Injinji liner and a thin hiking sock. On top of that, I had wrapped the toes this morning with “sleeves” and bandages. I really think that the pain comes from the heat, not the touch. Whenever I let them breathe and cool down, they don’t hurt anymore. I decided to keep the injinji sock off this time, and the last 1.5km was back to normal with only minimal pain. I really have to figure out a way to keep the feet cool. I have one more mountain after this (O Cebreiro), then I would feel comfortable trying different shoes, instead of the boots. I really wonder if I should just cut open some holes in the boots and see if that helps. I will think on that.

      I am now relaxing at the bar. I had my shower, but no energy left to wash clothes. I have a wonderful small private room. Dinner is at 7pm, after that, I am off to bed. I need to make some decisions for tomorrow as I still have about 6kms of downhill. I will google some solutions to my blisters/toes/shoes problem.


      Throwback to 2009 from Julie’s Journal

      Well, we did it. It was hard today but we arrived. The uphill was easy. We made it to the top and Cruz de Ferro in under 2 hours (it was 8km).

      We spent about an hour there, both sitting quietly with our rocks. Joerg then went with the camera to place his rock and then I did. Afterwards we sat together quietly just watching the people.

      It was a big moment. I had a few tears in my eyes. I thought about how far we have come (almost 600km). I thought about all my loved ones back home and I couldn’t help but think how blessed I am. I am so blessed to have Joerg in my life. He is such a wonderful man. I couldn’t help but think I don’t deserve him. I try not to think negative, but I can’t help it sometimes. Funny thing is that I know he sometimes feels the same and that could be further from the truth. In reality, I think we are perfect for each other. I sometimes think that all my life was to lead me to him. When we are in the cities, he would sometimes tell me when to cross the road and I would tease him that I managed to cross the road all my life. He would laugh and say “I don’t want to lose you”. That is how I feel. I don’t want to lose him. I want to spend my life with him. When we were in Astorga sitting with the group of people, the lady from Denmark asked me if after the camino I was going to move to Germany. I hesitated and then the subject changed so I didn’t have to answer. Later in the grocery store I was thinking about it and smiling. Joerg asked me about it and I said I was remembering the question and that of course the answer is “yes”. He then said “Canada is better.”

    • Tag 48

      A truly beautiful day - at Acebo

      14. Mai 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      A really good day! Still cold, about 2° at 7am, but bright and great walking conditions. After breakfast Amr set off at about 8.15 and I waited in the hotel, taxi not due till 9.50, and it was a share taxi, with another couple who were to be driven to Ponferrada (where we will be going tomorrow)…these little hotels like to clear you out so that they can get the rooms ready for the next wave of walkers who will soon be arriving! So at about the appointed hour the taxi arrived, with an Irish/English elderly couple - very relaxed and friendly - and we chatted while the driver had a coffee and chatted with the hotel owner! Then we set off, and when he wanted to say something he would talk into his phone which came out with the English translation in a very proper voice…!

      The walk today is one of my favourite days - when you go over the highest point of the camino (even higher altitude than the Pyrenees) and with difficulty walk down the other side with paths of loose stones, but gorgeous views of Ponferrada and the whole valley below. And you pass the Iron Cross, a special marker, where people leave stones and take photos etc…well, Luís, the taxi driver, said we’d stop there for photos, as the road, which I’d never noticed before when walking, goes right alongside…so that was a thrill as we didn’t miss that high point, and the even more amazing thing was that when I stalked Amr he was almost there too, so we waited a few minutes, and there he was!! What a moment! Dot and Sean, the other couple, we’re almost as excited as I was…and Luís thought Amr wanted a lift too!!..we put him straight on that!…so off we went again, seeing all the views that you would see walking, and I have to say I don’t feel too deprived at all from not walking.

      We are now at this little village half way down the mountain side, and staying in a very sweet room and very content. This place has another newer, bigger and very posh property a few hundred metres down the road where we will have dinner, as here does not do evening meals. It will be a communal pilgrim meal, as besides being upmarket, it also has an upmarket albergue with dormitory rooms, and you book and pay for your dinner, select from the menu all in advance! Extremely organised…but it also has a pool, spa, masseuse etc! The people in both places were both so helpful and kind - I had arrived early, before booking in time of course, but they brought me some camomile tea and I had a relaxed wait, so they’re not just super-organised! I happened to chat to 2 different Aussie women in my 2 waiting places - one from Davidson, and one from Port Macquarie, and the taxi had little koala dingle-dangles that an Aussie had given him! He is going to take me from here to Ponferrada tomorrow morning.

      So Amr arrived about 1.20. Quite tired after the difficult downhill bit, even though the total distance is about 18 kms. This is siesta time and he is horizontal and watching Netflix I think! We had a little lunch together, and will have dinner at 7 on the dot…have ordered salad, fish and a lemon dessert for us both!

      Will put photos of the beautiful views, and one of me at the iron cross before I met Amr…we did a selfie there but it’s awful of both of us!!

    • Tag 34

      Todays Trek to Acebo

      21. Oktober 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Lots of climbing up & a long painful downhill trek today (we still have more downhill tomorrow). The Cruz Ferro (Iron Cross) was very memorable. Jim & I left stones that at the top of the cross symbolizing a burden we'd like to leave behind. Hopefully, I am not the "burden" as I was pretty vocal about my knees killing me by the time we got to Acebo!😅

      All along our walk today there were gorgeous vistas everywhere we looked.

      We are staying in a very old casa rural called La Rosa de Agua. This old place is owned by a guy in Texas! We were told we'd meet Mike from Texas tomorrow. The little village of Acebo is one of the prettiest of our trip! It's surrounded by mountains. Peaceful music was playing in the little restaurant & a warm fire was in the woodstove as we ordered lunch. It's kind of chilly here because we're high up & the weather is damp & cloudy.We got the most beautiful salad for lunch, (iceburg lettuce in salads is all they have served so far during our trip). This salad had spinach, frisee, strawberries, nuts, cheese, eggs, tuna, olives, apples... it was a work of art!

    • Tag 34

      Cruz Ferro, then on to El Acebo

      21. Oktober 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We walked 2 kilometers to Cruz Ferro, the Iron Cross. The tradition is to carry a stone up to the mountain top, leave it at the cross as a symbol of a burden to leave behind.

      We left our stones and continued on.

      We walked another 6 km along the ridge top, hit the high elevation point of the Camino ( Sorry no #Samberging photo, it really was not a special spot)

      The we had a difficult 3-4 km descent, steep and rocky. We walked a couple of kilometers along the road, but a driver kind of squeezed us against the guardrail, and yelled at us in Spanish about the Camino being up the hill. We crossed back to the path after that and walked the rest of the way on the rocky trail!

      From the terrace of our hostal, we can see the Bierzo valley below. Tomorrow,'s walk!

    • Tag 25

      Etappe 21 - Ponferrada 2

      6. Oktober 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Von Molinaseca ging es per Beine weiter bis Ponferrada.
      Molinaseca ist ein wunderschöner kleiner Ort, welcher eigentlich zum längeren Verweilen einlädt.
      Ponferrada hat uns mit angenehmen 27 Grad empfangen, nachdem es in den Bergen ziemlich kühl war.
      Heute wieder einmal ein Einzelzimmer, damit ich Schlaf nachholen kann.
      Habe gerade entschieden, noch einen Tag in der Stadt zu bleiben, da ich sehr gut in der Zeit liege.
      Ponferrada ist die letzte größere Stadt vor Santiago de Compostela.
      Der morgige Tag steht mir für eine Sightseeingtour zur Verfügung.
      Jetzt sitze ich gerade bei einem Tinto de ferrano, einem gespritzten Rotwein.

    • Tag 28

      El Acebo

      2. Oktober 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      10.5 miles. It was a beautiful day. The first part to Cruz de Ferro was all uphill. We had a little flat...and then came the dreaded downhill. I just took it easy and slow.

      Edit: Finally saw a sunset. The restaurant at the albergue served early enough and has quite the view.Weiterlesen

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