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    • Hari 21–23

      Day 21 Carrion de los Condes

      26 Mei, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      We are still in the Meseta, which is green and flat. Although look closely at the one green pic and you can see mountains in the distance. We will be at our highest elevation later, even higher than the Pyrenees at the start of this journey. Walked several miles along the Carrion River and saw plenty of farm equipment harvesting grain. The town of Carrion de los Condes is alive and vibrant. We met Marie from Whales, who is staying at the Monastery of San Zolio, and she took us through the museum under the Monestary, which is not open to the public. The Monestary was built in the 1100s, and it is stunning. I told 3 people I would light candles for them. You know who you are, and your candle burns bright in the Monastery of San Zolio. We were on our way to dinner when we heard the bells toll for the Augustinian sisters blessings of all those walking the Camino. I do not usually post food pics, but here is
      dinner. Grilled vegetables.
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    • Hari 16–17

      Day 15 to Fromista

      21 Mei, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Frosty morning... would've been cold if it wasn't for the steep climb to 920m to start the day with!

      Beautiful windy roads... walked with Mateo in the beginning and then moved on after Itero de la Vega.

      Saw the Korean couple, Aimee and Herman & Monique at the hostel.

      And also the lady with the super sore knee... she has long conversations with me in Spanish... thought I was a doctor... but must've mistaken me with Jodie. Saw her in Belorado or San Juan de Ortega... making coffee with hot water from the bathroom! She's in pain but not stopping.
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    • Hari 23

      Day 20 Fromista to Carrion de Condes

      10 Oktober 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 50 °F

      We had a shorter walk today, so we took our time heading out. The mornings are quite crisp now. We started out with hats, puffers and gloves. Within an hour or so we are back to shirt sleeves. We are continuing across the Maseta and took an alternate route that kept us in quiet countryside instead of near the highway. We were fortunate to find the Ermita de la Virgen del Rio church open to visit. We stopped for refreshments in Villacazar de Sirga which is home to the magnificent Knights of Templar church Santa Maria, open since the early 1300's. We ended the day in Carrion de Los Condes, where we were honored to celebrate the birthday of our new friend Ann which we met in Hornillos de Camino.Baca lagi

    • Hari 17

      Boadilla > Carrión

      17 Oktober 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Somehow all managed to take different routes to this place but all got there in one piece!! Albeit a dead one piece for me - paid the price being too lazy to get out snax from bag for the final 5K LOL. In the eve sang w some nuns and I think Captain Stu needs to take over my captioning duties cos he said they should have been on the cross factor not X factorBaca lagi

    • Hari 16

      Finaly arrived

      15 Ogos 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Today I did 35 Km in 7h (breaks incl.)! A few kilometers were next to a canal and at the end the canal fell down 30-40m- and I had to cross this reservoir bank (Staustufe) via a very small bridge! A bit scary if you are afraid of hights like me. Puh- my feed were burning but it worked out! It was actually the longest stage I did so far!
      Tomorrow there is a monster step of 18 through the Meseta with nothing (no village, no water), that‘s why everybody tries to get here- I might start early again and see how far I get afterwards! Tomorrow I will also pass the midpoint of the whole Camino, so I get closer and closer to Santiago and also ultimately to my family! 😘😍🥰
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    • Hari 17

      Day 17..

      9 September 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Well.. I know I seem to have developed an appetite I haven’t had since I was about 15… but .. croissants 🥐.. Eeww!!! Panic at breakfast thinking that was possibly all I was going to get before a longer walk today, I held my breath and struggled through half of one!! … It wasn’t 🙄.. toast followed 😀and a dodgy cold omelette like cake 😬… but the Orange juice was amazing and I’m warming to coffee…
      Time to go… a really lovely morning with a strange low hanging mist in the distance, but much warmer than it’s been for a few days.. found my way out of town ok as I was once again staying on the route.. I hadn’t bothered looking at the route for today as I assumed it was another flat one!! Well, imagine my joy to discover after the first couple of km’s I had “Bob’s hill” only for about 2km!! 😀 Totally made my day!! I love the hills!!!
      The low hanging mist I mentioned.. mmm .. it suddenly went freezing once I was down the other side and had to walk through it.. all good and part of what turned out to be a really enjoyable stage with a bit of everything.. though I apologise if my pictures are all a bit “cloudy “ again 😬.. but seriously, the clouds ARE amazing!!
      Met the gorgeous Chloe on route again today.. I think the two ladies ( sisters ) from Vancouver must be with the same company as me, as we seem to be staying in more or less the same places .. we both love it when dinner is before 8.. imagine our giddiness to discover it was from 6.30 this evening!!!
      On my arrival here today, I was a bit too early to check in, so obviously it was an opportunity to go for a beer ( lemon 2% I might add!!! )
      Anyway, a guy that I didn’t realise I passed every day said to me when he walked in “ you drink beer and still walk straight past me!! I’m not too sure why I apologised, but I did 😬..
      Shower and Nana nap later, i went for a wander round and to check my way back to the route for the morning, it was by then seriously hot and required another ( 2%, for those thinking I may be developing a drink problem ) beer 😳😂🍻
      The meal tonight was really good, they let me have both bits off the first section which was great and what I wish I could do more often..
      Another day in the bag and I’m still ok, do all good 😊…
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    • Castrojeriz to Fromista

      15 September 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      The Meseta provided a good day on the Camino. Not sure why people pass it up. As I was drawn back into the “real world” this evening by events, I’m reminded how life often feels like there’s too much going on. A symptom of our modern complicated lives? The Camino has a way of simplifying and clarifying the necessities: Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Hospitality, Companionship… I’ll leave it at that for today.Baca lagi

    • Hari 22

      Going to Carrión de los Condes

      9 Oktober 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      Today we walked 19 km alongside the highway to get to Carrión de los Condes. It was relatively flat and mostly not too hot.

      We passed a shepherd on the way. His herding dog was a goofy German Shepherd puppy, maybe 4-5 months old. Needless to say the pup wasn’t much help! The sheep spilled out of their enclosure, onto the Camino, and onto the highway where they stopped all traffic!

      We have been wondering for days how the sunflowers here are harvested. Today we saw two fields of flowers being harvested. We still don’t know how the oil is extracted but at least we saw the lawnmower-like machines cutting down the spent plants.

      David started out pretty well and didn’t carry a pack today due to his messed up back and “tilt.” But as the day wore on he started moving slower and tilting more. When we got to our hotel I spent a couple hours trying to figure out how to get him a massage. Out here in the countryside it is not easy! But tomorrow we’re walking slowly to Ledigos. David’s not carrying a pack and will use poles. Then we’ll take a taxi from our albergue (hostel) to the next town where he has an appointment for a massage. Here’s to hoping it does the trick!
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    • Hari 14

      14. DAY | 25 km

      12 Mei 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      The Camino provides...

      Habt ihr euch schon einmal die Frage gestellt, weshalb manche Menschen Wunder erleben und andere eher weniger oder garnicht ? Also eine Thematik habe ich heute jedenfalls für mich gefunden. Hier werde ich minimal einmal am Tag mit dem Dilemma der Schlafmöglichkeiten konfrontiert, dass es dieses Jahr der Horror sei den Camino zu gehen. Die Besitzer von den Unterkünften beschweren sich weil sie keine Betten für die Menschen haben, welche sich ein Bett verdienen weil die "Bus, Taxi Pilger" den anderen alles weg nehmen und die Pilger beschweren sich weil sie Stunden damit verbringen vor zu buchen um ein Bett zu bekommen was ihnen weg genommen wird. Mag es dahin gestellt sein ob ich alles richtig mache oder nicht, denn was ist schon richtig oder falsch, aber wie sollen sich denn Wunder ergeben, wenn man den kompletten Camino durch plant und alles voraus bucht ohne sich leiten zu lassen wie im Leben auch? Bezugnehmend auf den Kontext erzähle ich euch was heute passiert ist: Gestern rief ich in einem Hostel in der Stadt in der ich heute gerne übernachten wollte an und ein älterer Herr sagte "Ich habe für dich ein Zimmer unter dem Namen la chica italiana reserviert" er hatte mein Humor vermutlich aus dem Telefonat entnommen. Nun kam ich heute hier an und die Inhaberin sagte zu mir: Hier ist alles voll, mein Vater muss wohl etwas übersehen haben, dann fragte sie und der Vater sagte zu ihr: Ist dass la chica italiana? Schön dass Sie da ist ich habe mir schon sorgen gemacht, bringe sie in unsere freie Wohnung. Ja und genau da bin ich jetzt, zwischenzeitlich habe ich noch ein Mädchen eingecheckt, weil die Hotelbetreiber kein Englisch können und nun hätte ich einen Job wenn ich wollen würde (was ich natürlich, dankend abgelehnt habe).

      Heute hat es geregnet, war eine tolle Erfahrung mit einer tollen Begegnung.


      Il Camino provede...

      Vi siete mai chiesti perché alcune persone ricevono dei miracoli e altre meno o per niente? Ebbene, oggi ho trovato una risposta per me stessa. Mi ritrovo almeno una volta al giorno di fronte al dilemma delle sistemazioni per dormire, in tanti che dicono che è un orrore percorrere il Camino quest'anno. I proprietari degli alloggi si lamentano perché non hanno letti per le persone che guadagnano un letto perché i "pellegrini in autobus, e in taxi" tolgono tutto agli altri e i pellegrini si lamentano perché passano ore a prenotare in anticipo per ottenere un letto che viene loro tolto. Sarà irrilevante se sto facendo tutto bene o no, perché cosa è gia giusto o sbagliato, ma come possono accadere i miracoli se si pianifica tutto il Cammino e si prenota tutto in anticipo senza lasciarsi guidare come nella vita reale? Riferendomi al contesto, vi racconto cosa è successo oggi: Ieri ho telefonato a un ostello della città dove volevo alloggiare stanotte e un signore anziano mi ha detto "ho prenotato una stanza per te con il nome la chica italiana", probabilmente aveva colto il mio umorismo dalla telefonata. Oggi sono arrivato qui e la proprietaria mi ha detto: Qui è tutto pieno, mio padre deve essersi perso qualcosa, poi ha chiesto e il padre le ha risposto: È la chica italiana? Sono contento che sia qui, ero preoccupato, portala nel nostro appartamento libero. Sì, ed è lì che mi trovo ora, nel frattempo ho fatto il check in ad un'altra ragazza perché i gestori dell'albergo non parlano l'inglese e ora avrei un lavoro se lo volessi (che ovviamente ho rifiutato con un grazie).

      Oggi ha piovuto, ma è stata una bella esperienza con un bell incontro.

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    • Hari 2

      Een eerste dag vol nieuwe ontmoetingen

      6 Mei, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Vandaag begon dan echt weer het camino leven en met die instelling begon ik dan ook de dag. Het lopen naar Carrión de los condes was een eenvoudige wandeling van ongeveer 20km. Onderweg aan de praat geraakt met een Amerikaan, een Schot een Italiaanse en een stuk heerlijk alleen gelopen. Toen ik ik Carrión aan kwam had ik een lekker rustig terrasje uitgezocht voor mijn lunch. Vlak daarna schoof de Amerikaan die eerder had ontmoet aan en voor ik het wist zaten we met zijn vijven aan tafel.
      Het avondeten werd een groep van een man of 10, ik had zelf ook nog een andere Nederlander meegenomen. Het was een gezellige avond en waren er uiteindelijk 8 flessen wijn op gegaan.
      Al met al een heerlijk begin van de Camino.
      Vandaag ga ik een serieuzer stuk lopen... Wordt vervolgd.
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    Frómista, Fromista

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