Hornillos del Camino

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    • Tag 20

      Day 18 - To Hornillos

      26. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Day 18 - To Hornillos
      (pr. Horneos)
      21 kms; Difficulty 2/3

      Today was a VERY interesting day.

      I travelled through a small village and saw a little church that I decided to stop at. There was a nun there who gave everyone a miraculous medal around their neck, put her hands on our shoulders and said a prayer. I don’t know what it was about that little church, but many people became quite emotional when inside. This nun was from the St. Vincent de Paul order who are committed to serving the poor. She told us the story of how she became a nun.
      Many years ago, on this one particular day, she was in Paris with friends. She got separated from them and got lost. She saw a “shrine” and went in, prayed, and asked herself what she should do with her life. She heard a voice tell her that she should join the St. Vincent de Paul order. And so she did. That was 40 years ago! And she has been serving ever since.

      A couple days ago I was phoning around looking for a place to stay at Hornillos. At one hotel I talked to a man named Samuel. He told me if I couldn’t find a place to call him back and he would see what he could do. So I called him back. He set me up at a place about 10 km out of town called El Molino, his parent’s place which is usually closed down but they were willing to open it up for desperate pilgrims. When I got into town I went to see Samuel and he called someone to come and pick me up. By then there was several others that had joined the group to go out there. While I was waiting for the ride I saw a picture on his wall about the movie “The Way” and he proceeded to tell me this story:
      In 2003 Martin Sheen, and Emilio‘s son Taylor did the Camino Trail. I read that they did it by car, I guess because they only had two weeks.
      It turned out that they stayed at El Molino. Taylor and Samuel's sister met, fell in love and eventually got married.
      In 2009 they all went back to Spain for Taylor‘s wedding and stayed to shoot the movie. Samuel told me they shot scenes of the movie at El Molino and a man by the name of Maxi, who was also in the movie, is still at El Molino. So I was anxious to get there and check it out.
      El Molino is a BIG beautiful place that kind of reminds me of the plantation homes in the southern states. I can tell it was an active Albergue at one time, still beautiful, but becoming rundown. Samuel‘s parents live in Burgos and I guess they have Maxi looking after it. I took many pictures and when I have the chance I will watch the movie again to see if I can recognize any parts of El Molino!
      Photo of Samuel and you’ll see a picture of the movie on the wall. If you zoom in you will see it signed by Martin Sheen in 2011.
      You can see Maxi in the bottom left corner of the last picture.

    • Tag 25

      Burgos to Hornillos de Camino

      28. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today we were up early and left Burgos in the dark at 7 am. I had a terrible night's sleep so it all seemed a bit of an effort and my legs and feet seem to take on a life of their own! It didn't take long though for the cool morning air to wake me up and it was a much prettier exit from Burgos then the entrance. We passed the beautiful Cathedral and then on past the University and leafy suburbs
      Unfortunately we had thought we would find a cafe in the outer suburbs of Burgos for breakfast but that was not meant to be. Finally after 11km of walking we came to Tardajos where the coffee was good and the croissants were even better. All was well with the world!
      We carried on and met a young english chap carrying a gnome on the walk. We wished him luck. It's tough enough with a pack on your back. We think we have seen the last of Barrett who biked gaily past us in his kilt so we were slightly sad to wave farewell.
      After passing through another village we came across a dear wee church where we popped out heads into. Inside were 2 nuns who were blessing everyone and gave us tiny St Christopher pendants. It was all quite a surprise.
      On we walked with blue blue skies and freshly harvested cereal crops with windmills topping the hills and then a gradual long climb to the official beginning of the Meseta. The Meseta is the high central plateau in Spain and the soil is poor and the landscape is barren but there is something quite grand about the expansive views you get and the big sky. There is not much shade but luckily there was a breeze.
      At about 1.30pm we walked into the one street town and all we can hear is the odd chime of the church bells and the usual rooster crowing.
      Our room is old fashioned but spacious which is a luxury. There are quite a few pilgrims staying here with a very homely bar and restaurant. Enclosed is a photo of the swimming pool which is looking a tad green.
      We have had a wonderful siesta and now soon it will be time for a quiet drink and a pilgrims dinner.
      I must say it's nice to be back in a quiet villages and enjoy the peace of a little place. Buen camino

    • Tag 19

      Hornillos del Camino

      5. Juni 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      Bwuee between wwwwell fffolks wez made it here. Me, myself and I and my pics y ampulles

      Within reasons I still feel them (one day rest technically is not enough to heal) but I moved along fine in the sandals

      20 klicks..kicks... Did a good chunk of it in the morning with cooler temperatures (it did rain last night, Thanks be to GOD)

      Attended Pilgrims Mass tonight with was awesome

    • Tag 16–17

      Entering the Meseta

      29. April in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Burgos to Hornillos del Camino
      The Meseta is widely considered the “Mind” section of the Camino Frances, due to the long stretches with little distraction. It is about 220km long between Burgos and Leon, and can take 9 days to trek across. The Meseta is a high plateau in central Spain that's mostly treeless and covered in grain and vegetable fields. Most people either love it or hate it. We shall see which camp we fall into… 🌾🌾🌾 We completely lucked out and arrived into Hornillos after a long 22k day to grab the last few beds at an awesome albergue. Aimee is still recovering from a head cold & I’m fighting a bit of a stomach bug, so it felt like an extra hard day for both of us. A wonderful community Paella dinner was the perfect end to the day! ☀️We met new friends today from the UK, Spain, California, New Zeland, Australia, Italy & Germany. ❤️☮️Weiterlesen

    • Tag 16

      Vaya noche!

      5. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Hornillos del Camino es un pueblo con 58 habitantes. Quién me iba a decir que pasaría una noche tan divertida. Paseando por la calle me encontré con Omar, un Senegales que regenta un restaurante en el pueblo (solo hay 2, aparte de los 3 o 4 albergues). Así que me fui a cenar allí. Me sentó en la mesa con David, un chico americano de Austin, Texas. Y además de la comida de Senegal, disfrutamos de un espectáculo de música en directo con música pop y óperas. Divertidísimo y surrealista todo.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 23–24

      Into the great wide open

      28. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Today we woke up by 7:00 and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of a variety of fruits and cereals at our hotel. The last few hours of luxury before we walked out of the city and into the great wide open planes of the Mesetta where we will be roaming for the next week. By now we have completed the body conditioning part And now we move into an expanse that is supposed to condition our minds.
      As we walk past the city after 930, I did not feel that my body is completely conditioned as my feet are screaming. The rest of my body feels good, but I'm definitely dealing with some blisters on my heels that I am trying to put mind over matter.

      Today as we reached the plateau in the heat, with zero shade for hours, I felt like I was walking from Savannah to Charleston on a warm June day. Barely a tree in sight , not much of a breeze, beautiful flowers and butterflies and barley and wheat and the normal rocks and dirt roads, sometimes over bridges, sometimes next to a highway, sometimes up, sometimes down, and for the most part, it was steady as she goes.

      I listened to music to keep me moving and to keep my mind off of thinking about my feet. My new soundtrack for the Camino is Trevor Hall's new album. I'm thinking about the letter I'm going to write to him to let him know about this experience and the music video I have already created for him. A few days ago I bought tickets to his concert in Charleston and I'm looking forward to going there. If you haven't checked him out, check him out!

      I'm definitely in a Blue Sky mind. In and through the body, walking by mountains and fields, under sun and clouds. Asking my feet to please stop screaming so I can hear the music that I would really like to hear. But I guess I don't get to control that. I have to just slow down and move on through.

      We had a 20K day today and arrived in Hornillos del Camino around 4. We're only 460km from Santiago! Which means we have walked roughly 340 mi if you subtract the occasional cab ride, and add back the walks around the towns where we are staying. All that counts. But who's counting?

      We have a simple private room with two little single beds, with a private shower and bathroom of our own. We are grateful to be here. We walked across the street to the one room little market, and got some Verde vino and local cheese to snack on that while our laundry was drying in the sun. We also got some bananas and olives to eat on our long walk tomorrow.

      In a few minutes we will will walk down the street to the end of the village where there is a place serving dinner from 7:00 to 9:00, with some live music. Hopefully it will be out early night tonight because we are planning to get up and leave by 8:00 tomorrow to beat some of the heat as we walk another day through the Mesetta.

      We will run into some of our friends we have met along the way. And then the sun will set late as usual, and we will probably be in bed later than what we think that we would like to be.

    • Tag 22

      Community Dinner

      23. Juni 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Last night Sean and I were blessed to participate in our first community dinner on the Camino. What a great experience!

      There were 21 people at the table, many languages and cultures, many different Camino experiences, and many, many stories!

      The food was good (mixed salad, bread, paella, wine or water, and rice pudding. The fellowship was good-er!

      The paella was cooked in a GIANT pan over a special burner, obviously large enough to accommodate 21 people (with many people having seconds or even thirds!).

      Hopefully you can spot Sean, down the table on the right. What a great time!

    • Tag 22

      Hornillos del Camino

      9. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Usually, we are hiking up to accommodation, but today, it's down.
      The sandwich I ordered for lunch was huge. We learnt today a salad is considered as vegetables in this village.
      An interesting observation on our journey is that there is no old cars.
      We had a lovely community dinner with Paella with salad and a yummy lemon dish for desert.

    • Tag 27

      Day 18-Hornillos del Camino

      23. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      What a lovely day! It was cold this morning so we didn't start walking until after 9am. It was sunny and there was little shade, but a constant cool breeze made it enjoyable.

      We stopped for coffee in Tardajos and I ended up sparking a lively conversation about tortilla de patatas among four local women. It wasn't the usual "with or without onions" debate. It got into "not everyone makes good tortilla", to the right type of potato to use, to how to beat the eggs properly. We found Tardajos to be an extremely friendly town. Several older gentlemen stopped us to talk as we walked through town.

      As we were walking down the hill into Hornillos, we heard explosions and saw smoke in the air. We were hoping it wasn't another Civil War. When we checked in, we found out that there was a wedding in the plaza (we could hear the music) and they were responsible for the fireworks. We tried to crash the wedding but we were woefully underdressed. But not as underdressed as the German guy wandering the street in his boxers!

      We chatted and dined with a Hungarian lady who started her Camino today in Burgos. 13 years ago she walked St. Jean to Burgos. We also dined with a couple we've been with since Quintanilla. We seem to stay at the same places. They recently moved from California to Georgia.

      We ended up walking 14.5 miles today. Tomorrow might be slightly shorter.

    • Tag 22

      Day 18: Hornillos to Castrojeriz, part 1

      4. Juni 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

      Mileage: 12.5 miles
      Altitude gain: 676 feet
      Altitude loss: 722 feet
      Weather: very warm and sunny
      Total mileage: 209.5

      Another beautiful day! We had the room (with 7 beds) to ourselves last night - it was helpful to get so much good, quiet sleep. It took us a while to get breakfast and coffee but it was worth the wait. Most of today was on the meseta, which I had read would be boring, but so far that’s not the case. The green grain fields and poppies continue to be beautiful, and even the very flat parts just remind me of Kansas, which I don’t mind. In fact, I have two posts’ worth of photos to share today!

      1. In Hornillos. They do like their pollos here!
      2. Hornillos door with misty morning meseta just visible in the background
      3.-6. Meseta views
      7. The bell tower in Hontanas, where we finally had coffee. The bells rang while we were there - very cool. I have a video.
      8.-10. More meseta views later in the day. The poppies make me so happy.

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    Hornillos del Camino, 09230

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