Hornillos del Camino

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    • Päivä 23

      Burgos Cathedral

      28. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      As I shuffled into the city of Burgos like Tim Conway on the Carol Burnett show.

      See video of Tim Conway….

      As I approached my hotel I knew I was about to walk past the Cathedral. I knew I had only so much energy and so I opted to take pictures from the outside and vow to return someday to see the inside.

      I looked at my pictures and they don’t do the Building justice. Regardless take my word for it. It is massive and impressive ! I enjoyed gazing at it in the day and night time.

      A picture of me shuffling through Burgos on the way to my hotel being guided by yellow arrows. Also some Torrenzos before dinner.
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    • Päivä 16

      Vaya noche!

      5. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Hornillos del Camino es un pueblo con 58 habitantes. Quién me iba a decir que pasaría una noche tan divertida. Paseando por la calle me encontré con Omar, un Senegales que regenta un restaurante en el pueblo (solo hay 2, aparte de los 3 o 4 albergues). Así que me fui a cenar allí. Me sentó en la mesa con David, un chico americano de Austin, Texas. Y además de la comida de Senegal, disfrutamos de un espectáculo de música en directo con música pop y óperas. Divertidísimo y surrealista todo.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 24


      18. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Day 16 Hornillos
      Distance from Burgos to Hornillos 24kms

      Camino Part 2/3 - ‘Mind’.
      Having completed Part 1 of the Camino - ‘Physical’ we were about to start Part 2 and walk the Meseta (plateau)
      with its relentless kilometers of wheat and oats and not much else for several days. We were ready.
      The sun was shining and as we were leaving Burgos were fortunate to spy a pair of storks high up on a monument feeding their young.
      We came upon a tiny chapel with a nun in attendance and as we entered were given a necklace (our shield and strength along the way) and a blessing. The nun was so small in stature but so great in her faith.
      What a beautiful day it has been walking in such a peaceful setting passing sheep with a shepherd watching over his flock before we stopped for a picnic lunch. The winding path continued but it was flat and we set a good pace.
      Hornillos our village for the night is small with many homes abandoned and mud houses still standing some decaying. After checking into our albergue we took a walk around the village and came upon some hobbiton like dwellings and cute cottages.
      We loved the first day of the Meseta.
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    • Päivä 14–15

      Day 13 to Hornillos del Camino

      19. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Lovely little town. Walked with Cathy, met Rob, Matteo, Monique, Herman, Allyson and saw the young folk from Belorado... Tom decided to pack his bag and walk 10km on... cause hostels were full and people needed beds. I think my boys would've done the same... what a champLue lisää

    • Päivä 14

      Day 13 not walking!

      21. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Super paella last night!
      But my bruised big toe was really painful yesterday and throbbing overnight, so decided this morning to get it checked out. As we were staying in small village of Hornillos, had to get a taxi back to Burgos which took about 30 mins and us over 6 hours to walk yesterday!!
      My suspicion was confirmed when the doctor told me it was infected, so have got antibiotic cream and tablets etc, very efficient system at A&E and was prob in and out in just over an hour! Isn’t Google translate marvellous?!! Getting back to town was less efficient, but that was my fault, wish my Spanish was better!
      My friend Fiona carried on walking today and I’m meeting her at our accommodation later. I was told to not walk for 2-3 days, so will be taking the bus to our pre booked accommodation and see how it goes. The doctor told me to buy bigger shoes, I didn’t argue but I already bought larger than normal…. don’t think it’s the shoes but the number of Km we’re covering!
      The next bus to our next stop at Castrojeriz is not until 5, so after chilling in cafe, I have taken refuge in the public library to kill time, as I don’t want to walk about that much. So I’ve taken few more photos in Burgos of some things that caught my eye plus the enormous chicken paella from last night!
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    • Päivä 19

      Day 18 To Hornillos del Camino

      24. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Beautiful walk out of Bergos into the rolling green hills along the way to Hornillos. The scenery was beautiful, fields of poppies and an expansive view of the city from high above. We saw exquisite cathedrals yesterday, but none compare to the simple chapel we passed by today in the countryside outside Rabe de las Calzatas. A nun invited us into the chapel, asked my name, touched my head and extended a blessing on me "Katarina," also my family, friends, all those doing the Camino de Santiago. She presented me with a medal. The chapel was simple, photo attached. Our albergue is nice. It's new, and the private room is perfect. We have a shared common patio with people from Germany, Australia, New Zealand, France, Japan. Communal dinner tonight with Spanish paella.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 19

      Day 19 Castrojerez

      24. toukokuuta, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Do you see that first picture of the white house with writing on it? I took the pic walking into Hontanos today. It says Santiago is 248 miles away! We will officially be halfway to Santiago when we get to the town of Shagun. We had a mixed day of hills and flat areas, and I can't stop taking pictures of poppy fields. Castrojerez is a large town, and it's built way up on a hill. The owner of our albergue insisted that Kristina and I use her jacuzzi, so we appeased her by sticking our feet in it while enjoying our afternoon snack of fresh apricots, figs, cheese and olives.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 23

      Hornillos del Camino

      27. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Dzisiaj nie było żadnych zabytków i w mieście do którego doszliśmy też nie ma zabytków 😁.
      Dzień rozpoczął się od bardzo dobrego śniadanka no i potem w drogę. Burgos ciągnęło się dość długo, mało żółto - niebieskich znaczków, jeden objazd znaczy obchód, bo były roboty drogowe, ale generalnie wzdłuż rzeki i wydobyliśmy się. Po drodze parę miłych konwersacji z błyskawiczną panią z Idaho i chłopakiem z Portugalii który tez był torpedowiec, ale przystawał na odpoczynek, więc mijaliśmy się z nim wielokrotnie. Co roku idzie na któreś Camino. Doszlismy do wniosku, że nie ważne jak szybko się idzie, ale idąc nie stoi się w miejscu, i po drodze spotyka się tych samych ludzi, bo każdy odpoczywa w różnym czasie. My idziemy powoli, ale jednostajnie do przodu, z krótkimi przerwami. To jest nasz styl. Steady forward.
      Pomału weszliśmy w mesete, bardzo dużą przestrzeń i bardzo duże niebo. Na szczęście nie było za gorąco, myślę że przy dużych temperaturach ta przestrzeń i niebo byłyby bardzo trudne. Troszkę pagórków i długie, strome zejście do miasteczka. Może jedyna ciekawostka jest to że kręcono to jeden z fragmentów filmu "The Way" w Albergue De Sol A Sol.
      So, to continue with the legends, Hornillos has its own, too. There is a picture of the town Fuente with the rooster on top. Why rooster? One will ask... There is the legend, that once, the Napoleon army was passing through the the town of Hornillos, while all the people were at the church( the one in the background of the picture of the fuente). They killed and stole all the town's chickens and took them away... Apparently not all the poultry got killed, there was one rooster who survived and with a loud voice alerted the people at the church and they quickly figured it out who was guilty ... Now the famous Rooster the Savior stands in the center place of the Hornillos 🐓
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    • Päivä 19


      6. lokakuuta 2023, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

      Today we left Hornillos in the dark and walked to Castrojeriz. The walk was mostly flat and through agricultural lands where wheat is typically grown although we didn’t see any wheat until the end of the walk. Tomorrow’s a rest day for us so I will write more about this place, but it is really beautiful. There’s a big hill above the town with a crumbling castle on it.

      People here have been very nice. We’re looking forward to checking out the church tomorrow.

      And they have a farmacia! Although David is pretty healthy now, I’m a week past my COVID positive test and still struggling with congestion and cough and very scant voice. We’re doing well with our walking (although any hills have me wondering “is it always this hard to clim a hill???”) but in the afternoons I’ve been napping. I guess my body just needs the extra down time.

      It’s funny (in a great way) how now that we’ve settled into a routine, David’s cognitive challenges are basically just what they are at home. He gets a little confused about where we are and has trouble making decisions. But he now pretty much seems like his old self. I can’t say enough good things about predictable routines. As long as David kind of knows what to expect, he seems engaged and having fun.’ Our first few days on this trip he was so confused that I feared I had broken some abilities that work well for him by bringing him here. But it’s been a very pleasant surprise to see him rally, adjust, and thrive in this new place! I’m so glad we are able to do this together!

      Also we have been discussing the role of religion and our spiritual beliefs a lot on this trip, something we rarely talk about. I believe in a creator and in the mystery of “everything,” where David is more accepting of the teachings of his Lutheran upbringing. Anyway, one of the things I’m pretty skeptical about is the power of prayer. However, I know a lot of people are praying for us now, and I don’t know if that too is helping, but I’m very grateful fair our friends and family members who are praying for us.
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    • Päivä 13

      Sore feet

      4. elokuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      My feet were very sore as I was approaching Burgos yesterday. It's internal, either muscles, tendons or ligaments, as I still don't have any blisters.
      Last night I was contemplating spending a whole extra day in Burgos, to give the feet a break. But they felt much better in the morning. Still some pain with certain movements, but I could walk, and I was only going to do a relatively short day of 20k.
      I taped the right foot, and it made me feel better, even if just a placebo effect.
      The terrain today would be mostly flat, and I knew I could make it if I went slow, being careful how I placed my feet on the ground.
      Yesterday was also fairly flat, and I sped up a bit (I beat Manolo 😂). No speeding today.
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