La rosaleda del retiro

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    • Päivä 2

      Madrid Tag 2

      2. marraskuuta 2019, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Nach einer ruhigen Nacht und einem ausgiebigem Frühstück machten wir uns auf zum Stadtrundgang, jedenfalls soweit/soviel es unsere Beine zuließen. Per Pedes ging es vom Hotel Richtung Parque de El Retiro. Das ist wohl der Central Park bzw. der Tiergarten Madrids. Hier schien ganz Madrid auf den Füßen zu sein, Menschen über Menschen. Genau wie dann auch in der Altstadt. Jeder Madrilene und Tourist war wohl draußen. Aber als Berliner ist man das ja gewöhnt, wenn man sich bei uns die City mit Alex und Unter den Linden anschaut. Madrid hat rund 3,22 Mio Einwohner (Berlin rund 3,61). Wichtig - Nahrungsaufnahme. Ab in eine kleine Nebenstraße und in ein einheimisches Lokal. Leckere Scampi mit Knoblauch in heißem Öl, dazu Rotwein. Mit genügend Bettschwere ging es dann zur Pause wieder ins Hotel.
      Ohne konkretes Ziel schnappten wir uns dann vorm Hotel ein Taxi und baten den Chauffeur um eine Empfehlung zu einer Tapasbar. Gefragt, gefahren... Pulpo & Co mit viel Vino Tinto waren das Ergebnis einer Sammlung von diversen Vorspeisen. Ausklingen ließen wir den Tag bei ein bisschen Käse und Schinken..
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    • Päivä 1 525

      Passing Through

      31. tammikuuta 2020, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Whilst looking for flights to Mexico I found it much cheaper to book our journey with a stop off in Madrid. After a quick flight we collect our luggage and jump on the tube to our Airbnb it was a couple of changes but nothing too complicated but on arrival we couldn't gain access. After numerous phone calls i suggested we go and grab a beer and a bite to eat. Across the road is an Irish bar so we head in and after fish and chips and a G & T and a few emails i finally get the access code. We finish up and after dropping the bags off and a quick shower we head out to explore the city of Madrid by night.
      Madrid is so romantic with its beautiful architecture, wonderful aromas and windy streets we strolled for a couple of hours enjoying a coffee along the route. We arrive in the Plaza de Jacento and i stumble across Paw Patrol, Mario and his friends I willingly have my photo taken with them and as i go to walk off they start shouting at me in Spanish they start to give chase and Im literally being chased by the whole crew of them I dart down alittle side street and down a small cobbled alley to find a lovely traditional Spanish restaurant offering the best Patatas Bravas in the world, How could we resist. I started chatting to the girls on the table next to us and had overheard the conversation that she had just been living near mexico city for six months and told them we were going to the town of Queretaro and she couldnt believe it as thats exactly where she had been. She told us how beautiful it was and the many beautiful places there were to visit. We buy an ice cream as we walk through the Theatre distict before heading back to the hostel to get a decent nights sleep.
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    • Päivä 3

      Tag 3/4 Madrid

      3. huhtikuuta 2023, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Am dritten Tag in Madrid besuchten wir ein wunderschönes Museum namens Museo del Prado. Davor gingen wir noch in einem Café um zu frühstucken. Danach gingen wir zu Fuss zum Museum. Im Museum konnten wir ein einfaches Mittagessen einnehmen. Nach dem wir ca. 6 Stunden das Museum besuchten, gingen wir nach hause, auf dem Weg fanden wir eine exzellente Pizzeria, wo wir Abendbrot assen.

      Am vierten Tag in Madrid packten wir unsere Sachen und checkten aus dem Hotel aus. Nach dem gingen wir mit der ÖV zum Palacio Real. Dieses Gebäude hat uns besonders beeindruck. Am Abend assen wir einen Kebab und reisten mit dem ÖV zum Flughafen wir kamen um 23:30 Uhr am Flughafen an.


      Museo del Prado 34 Fr.
      Palacio Real 30 Fr.
      ÖV Madrid 6 Fr
      Hotel 95.50 Fr
      Essen 96 Fr

      Total: 261.50 Fr
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    • Päivä 229

      A Visual Feast

      25. helmikuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      We avail of the free entry after 6pm to the Museo Reina Sofia to see Picasso’s ‘Guernica”. It is a huge painting but we have to wait for a gap in the crowd to get an uninterrupted view. It is amazing to see it in real life and we get a better understanding of it because so many of Picasso’s preparatory painting are also on display. We see how his ideas for the painting developed over time.
      There are several floors in the museum all full of incredible paintings and the building itself is a work of art. There is a covered atrium 4 or 5 storey high. We walk in the open space at just under the roof and the lights from night time Madrid make it magical.
      The next morning after a feed of french toast in a lovely cafe, we are ready for more Art appreciation. The Prado museum is next on our hit-list. It is raining heavily when we arrive and there is a queue the length of the building. We are not made of the same tough stuff as these tourists and can’t countenance joining. We approach a steward at the top of the queue and ask about the possibility of free entry in the evening. She kindly opens the barrier and lets us through to the ticket booth to pick up free passes for 6pm. We duck out of the rain and into a second hand shop. While Ruby and Colm entertained themselves dressing up I try to book tickets online for the highly rated illusion museum. The only tickets left for the entire weekend is for 9pm this evening so I book- unsure whether we will have the energy or appetite for it by that late hour!
      We have an afternoon siesta and have a quick walk in the Parc del Retiro to energise before of 6pm booking.
      The Prado museum is home to so many works of art, its impossible to see them all. We skip whole rooms full of masterpieces. The fact that we didn’t queue or pay to get in, gives us a lovely carefree disposition and we enjoy all we see. We take in works by Goya, El Greco, Caravaggio, Bosch, Rubens, Durer, Raphael and Velazquez and others. It is especially nice to see ‘Las Meninas’ because we had seen so many of Picasso’s studies of this painting in the his museum in Barcelona. Some of paintings we see by Velazquez and Goya are of particular interest to us as they feature in ‘Blood and Gold’ a BBC documentary about Spanish history we have recently watched. Ruby was especially good at spotting them in the museum.
      Our feet and eyes are tired when we emerge from Museo Prado and bed is on our minds. We make our way slowly towards our next tourist attraction, filling up on food and fizzy drinks on the way. When we come to the first photo opportunity in the illusion museum a wave of energy hits us and we pose, photograph and laugh our way around for the hour. We are full up with so many visual feasts that when we finally get to bed it feels so nice to close our eyes and go to sleep.
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    • Päivä 31

      Madrid - Retiro park

      31. elokuuta 2015, Espanja ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Madrid has a huge park east of the city center, kind of like the Auckland Domain but bigger, nicer, and more popular. It has tons of paved/dirt walkways, fountains, statues, buildings, and a lake. Very nice.

      There's a modern art museum in the park too. Someone had put wooden blocks in various simple patterns. I don't understand modern art.

      The Crystal palace there was neat too. Hard to see in the photo but it's all glass and you can see right through it.
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    • Madrid Parques

      20. huhtikuuta 2019, Espanja ⋅ 🌬 14 °C

      Final days of Madrid were a little rainy but relaxing so we are ready to arrive to Hungary to arrange some wedding things.
      We walked in some parks, saw a temple moved brick by brick from Egypt, visited the Reina Sophia exhibition, expereinced La Santa Semana processions (Catholic Easter tradition when scarily dressed people walk on the streets), had some more drinks and tapas.
      We had a great time for the first part of our holidays in the Iberian penensula.
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    La rosaleda del retiro


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