Las Herrerías

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    • Hari 28

      Day 24 to Las Herrerias

      17 Julai 2024, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Today was an ideal Camino day. We walked 12 miles of flat road walking along a beautiful river the entire way. We arrived at our albergue at 1:30 pm. Our earliest time before was 2 pm, and it was at the beginning. We had time to sit with our trail family, have lunch, have great conversations, and relax. William iced his leg and no rushing to do our daily chores like laundry, showers, plan our route the next day, reserve our albergue, and post our trip updates. We knew the sun was going to be out and had no worries our clothes would dry in time. We were so relaxed sitting outside that we missed the dinner cut off so no dinner for us but it didn't bother us at all. We only have 7 days left of this journey and our hard work has paid off because it appears that there should not be any more 20+ mile daysBaca lagi

    • Hari 34


      19 September 2024, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Recovery day. The Doctor insisted that I do not have a fracture although he took an X-ray and not MRI. He was adamant that was not necessary and got a little irritated that I suggested it more than once. He said there was obvious bruising but not a fracture.

      My plan is to ice this and take the day off and resume tomorrow. Tomorrow is 9 km but it is almost straight up so that would actually be better for my leg than repetitive stress. We will see what happens after a couple of days and then decide what to do.

      Paul McCartney son works at the pub!!

      Ice cream for dessert. This is not an uncommon form...
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    • Hari 29

      Alto de Poio

      19 September 2019, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Aufbruch 6:45 h, um die knapp 10 km zum Stall zu bewältigen. Viktor ist vor 7 Jahren aus seinem Leben als Broker ausgestiegen, hat ein Haus am Camino und 7 Pferde gekauft und führt 1-2x täglich von Mai bis November Pilgergruppen auf den Berg. Er kann sich kein anderes Leben mehr vorstellen. Sieht übrigens aus wie Antonio Banderas.
      Nach dem sehr glücklichen Erreichen des gefürchteten steilen Anstiegs nach O Cebreiro auf dem Rücken eines Pferdes servierte man uns tolle Tapas und kannenweise (!) Tinto de Verano. Es war erstaunlich angenehm, in der Sonne zu sitzen, und zu relaxen und international über Gott und die Welt zu quatschen.
      Der Weg war natürlich bezaubernd schön und da ich das Tetenpferd bekommen habe, hatte ich vermutlich die beste und barrierefreie Sicht :). Dafür musste ich aber ordentlich treiben, Bonny ist trittsicher, aufmerksam, umsichtig und intelligent, aber auch furchtbar faul :-)).
      Nachdem es dann auch unsere Rucksäcke es via Transportfirma es auf den Berg geschafft haben, sind wir weitergegangen und mussten noch einige steile Auf- und Abstiege bewältigen, insgesamt nochmal 10 km. Wir wären gerne schon ein Dorf vorher geblieben, aber die Herberge war schon voll. Da es anfing, brütend heiß zu werden und auf den Bergen hinter uns zu gewittern, sind wir regelrecht gerannt und völlig erledigt hier in Alto de Poio (ca 1200m) angekommen. 3 Betten? Kein Problem. Zum Essen habe ich eine Bohnensuppe bekommen (weiße und frische grüne Bohnen) und als Hauptgang schmackhaft gegartes Gulasch, Kartoffeln waren irgendwie fast ausgegangen, aber nun, es gab ja Brot....
      Konnte auch nochmal alles waschen lassen und im Trockner "grillen", um etwaige Bettwanzen loszuwerden.
      Morgen geht's für Patti und mich weiter nach Samos in ein Kloster. Lauren hat Knieprobleme und wird wohl zurückbleiben.
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    • Hari 10

      Las Herrerias-Fonfria 12 miles

      22 Oktober 2024, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 54 °F

      By horse: 5 miles
      By foot: 7 miles

      Our new best friend Victor was waiting for us this morning with our rides, Bonnie and Paola, to take us up the mountain to O Cebreiro. He walked/guided the horses the whole way, never stopping to gasp for air and continuing to carry on conversations with us. Victor is apparently Superman.

      The route was gorgeous. We walked through a lush green forest and emerged above the clouds to a bright blue sky. Victor told us it was our destiny to ride today because it has been rainy and cloudy for weeks on end.

      After we said adios to the three of them, we headed into charming O Cebreiro for lunch. The tortilla con patata we had today was the best one yet. The woman who prepared it for us told us how to make it and we are both prepared to give it a try when we get home, though it does sound like it will take some trial and error. Will be worth it if we can come remotely close to what we ate today.

      The walk into Fonfria was stunning. Green mountains for days and a lovely cool breeze. On our way, we met a truly international couple. He was German, she was Korean, and they live in Japan. Poor guy was telling us he got food poisoning a few days ago but still managed to walk 25 km after throwing up all night. Show off.

      There was one killer of a hill about three miles from Fonfria that was a bit of a monster but there was a lovely bar at the top where Laura and I rested and refortified.

      Our hotel is dreamy. We were able to do laundry, which was highly necessary. Dinner was a community meal with everyone else staying here.
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    • Hari 34

      Villa Franca to Las Herrerios

      25 Oktober 2024, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Magic, magic, magic all around today. Walking in the rain didn’t seem to deter the Camino Magic today at all. It is said walking the Camino can be broken down into 3 stages; 1 - Body, 2 - Mind, 3 - Soul/Spirit. The body is obvious, this is physically challenging. The mind is challenged because there are many occasions where you will question what you are doing walking across Spain. The Soul/Spirit is said to be uplifted in the final stages, and that was true for us today. We all feel, lighter and happier for the day we’ve had 🙏🏼💫🧡Baca lagi

    • Hari 34

      River walk to Las Herrerias

      25 Oktober 2024, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Day 33. After a nice stay at Villafranca where we had excellent food which is unusual on the Camino. It’s usually light on green vegetables and protein unless you like pork which I do not we set off walking 20k on the low route unlike last year where we took the high route. It was a very pleasant walk with the sound of the river rushing by all day. The colour of the water was icy lake blue/green. Mesmerising. Today was magic stumbling upon another place for lunch, all yogic vibes and music and welcoming host with home cooked delicious simple food all in a danish style renovated old building. The river ran through at the back of his property. Very tempted to do an ice plunge all wim hof style but resisted. We felt so nurtured by the vibe and the owner that we lingered for an hour and a half leaving fully refreshed and energy uplifted. Just what we needed! 👼🧘🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️After today we have 7 days left to walk. 💕💙💕💙💕💙💕💪Baca lagi

    • Hari 29–30

      Day 26 Villafranca to Paraiso del Biarzo

      3 Oktober 2024, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      At breakfast this morning I felt like a queen on my own long table, chandalier and all !
      Beautiful walk through the mountains, picked up Rocky along the way for a few hours company. He is heading to O'Cebreiro today, I am heading up the hill tomorrow.
      My accommodation is like a house in the Swiss alps. Had a delicious pilgrims dinner including local trout and cheesecake. There are cowbells ringing and everything is very green and lush.
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    • Hari 5

      Day 5 - Villafranca to Las Herrerias

      9 Oktober 2024, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌫 15 °C

      Distance - 13 miles
      Our luck ran out. Today we walked in steady, sometimes heavy, rain all day. This was part of Hurricane Kirk that battered Portugal and made its way through northern Spain. We had raincoats, rain pants, and ponchos on and still ended up pretty wet. The good thing about today’s walk is that it was on pavement, next to a road all day. No muddy trail. I remember being a little annoyed with this stage last time because of this. But for non stop rain, this was perfect. There were a couple of stops along the way and fun people to walk with, which helped. We got to our cute hotel - Paraíso del Bierzo - a little before 2. We worked on getting everything hung up to dry, showered and then went to the lounge and bar. There were no plans to walk around town, which was a little way up the road. We had dinner at 6 and then made an early night of it, hoping for better weather in the morning.Baca lagi

    • Hari 6

      Day 6 - Las Herrerias to O’Cebriero

      10 Oktober 2024, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Distance- 6 miles
      What a beautiful day to walk to beautiful O’Cebriero! We woke up to no rain. After breakfast, we began walking through mist and fog through beautiful farmland before we started the climb through forest. Today we climbed a little over 2,000 feet, part on pavement and part on trail that was muddy from yesterday’s rain. After the town of La Faba, we were more on open trail and began seeing the spectacular views. We stopped for a break at Laguna. As we entered O’Cebriero, there was a gentleman playing bagpipes. It was beautiful. We immediately went to the church to get a few pictures. After finding our hotel and being told check in was 1 , we found a bar and had a very early beer and talked with other peregrinos. After showers, we had a late lunch. We attended the Mass at 7 with the special Pilgrims Blessing. Afterwards, we were treated to an unusual rainbow and beautiful sunset.
      ** Nancy achieved a milestone today - her 1,000th long distance mile.
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    • Hari 5

      Las Herrerías | 20 km

      5 Mei 2024, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      9 Stunden Schlaf. Halleluja! Vermutlich so viel wie in den letzten 3 Nächten zusammen. So macht Schlafen Spaß. Ich hatte eine sehr angenehme Nacht, es war zwar sehr hellhörig in dem Bed & Breakfast, aber von 22:15 bis 7:30 Uhr war Ruhe im Karton! Entsprechend sind die Strapazen der Nächte davor vergessen. Dafür gab es heute eine andere Challenge: den ganzen Tag Regen. Mal starker Regen, mal leichter Regen, aber ganze Zeit nur Regen. Meine Regenjacke hat in den Jackenfalten kleine Seen gebildet. Ich war also heute die Mecklenburgische Seenplatte. Teilweise war das ganz schön unangenehm, da die Schuhe und die Hose zeitweise mal durch waren, aber es hat mich nicht so sehr genervt, wie ich dachte.

      Der Weg ging heute viel an einer Schnellstraße vorbei und es war durchgehend Asphalt. Das fand ich erst richtig doof und dann dachte ich irgendwann: Ok, bei dem Regen heute wären alle anderen Wege echt Mist. Beispielsweise diese Sand-Lehm-Kombi von gestern, das wäre gar nicht gegangen. Daher war Asphalt doch der beste Untergrund für das heutige Wetter. Als ich mittags in einer Raststätte Unterschlupf fand, merkte ich erst, wie nass ich war. Meine Jacke war einfach maximal nass und mein T-Shirt dadrunter auch schon vorne und hinten etwas nass. Meine Regenjacke ist an ihre Grenzen gekommen. Liebes The North Face, da ist noch Luft nach oben.

      Zum Mittag gab es galizischen Seehecht und Pommes. Der Fisch war ganz gut. Ich machte eine Stunde Pause und habe mich etwas geziert wieder in dieses Schietwetter rauszugehen. Aber was muss das muss. Also auf in die letzten Kilometer.

      Heute habe ich viele Flüsse gesehen, die durch den Regen sehr voll waren und ordentlich Strömung hatten. An einer Stelle ist es sogar auf ein Feld übergetreten. Kleine manuell drehbare Schleusen waren entweder komplett auf oder wurden überspült. Morgen gibt es nur noch eine sehr geringe Regenwahrscheinlichkeit und ab Dienstag ist hier das typische spanische Wetter, willkommen Sommer! Ich freue mich drauf.

      In der Unterkunft angekommen, habe ich meine Sachen auseinander genommen und es ist tatsächlich nichts nass geworden. Es gab nur eine klamme Stelle, also der Regenschutz von Vaude hat heute top abgeliefert. Danke dafür!
      Frisch geduscht mit einer lecker Sangria in der Hand sitze ich nun in einem Sessel im Aufenthaltsraum und schaue durch das Fenster dem Regen zu. Ha! Da muss ich heute nicht mehr raus. Super Gefühl! Prost!
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    Anda mungkin mengenali tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Las Herrerías, Las Herrerias, 24526

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