Mansilla de las Mulas

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    • Dag 21–22

      Day 20 to Mansilla de las Mulas

      26. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      So I think you just get used to the walking... like when you run a lot and get used to long runs.

      Tried to out walk the Americans today... did not feel like their company... Just needed space and quiet.

      In the end just took a long break at small town... and saw group of kids... they look 12... but are probably 18...

      Arrived at Albergue and had to wait till 14:00 for a bed...
      Vincent & I were first in line.

      Sexy young guy (like in Jo's age!!! So @Anet... don't get any ideas!) also waiting... so I said to the boy he mustn't worry - he's young and sexy and will find a bed!! Embarrassing Vincent terribly 🤣

      Luckily the young boy found a bed!

      Ps. Also a little bit weird to think I've not slept in the same bed in 20 days!
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    • Dag 26

      Tag 26 Mansillas de las Mulas nach Leon

      27. mai 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Der Weg Verlauf war heute wieder besser. Heute ging mir durch den Kopf wie gut doch bis jetzt alles klappt. Einen großen Anteil daran hat mein Freund Angel der mir immer wenn ich ein Problem hatte geholfen hat. Sei es als mein lade Kabel defekt war und er mir über Amazon ein neues an die Herberge schicken ließ oder bei Buchungen die er mir schnell erledigt hat. Es ist gut wenn man Freunde hat auf die man sich verlassen kann. Leon ist eine Wunderschöne Stadt und die erste bei derrem Anblick ich sentimental geworden bin. Leider gibt es hir auch sehr viele Touristen. So langsam nähere ich mich der Hälfte meines Weges. Bin gespannt was morgen passiert.Les mer

    • Dag 24

      Von el burgo de ranero nach manzilla de

      26. mai 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Da bin ich wieder. Also erstmal allen Vätern einen nachträglichen schönen Vatertag. Nun zur heutigen Etappe. Sie erstreckte sich über ca 18,5 km und war relativ eben und die Landschaft bzw Flora und Fauna, sehr schön. Bei wolkenlosen Himmel, und brennender Sonne ging es nicht ohne hohen LSF und Hut. Der erste Zwischenstopp war nach ca 12 km möglich, da dies die einzige Ortschaft zwischen dieses Orten war. Nach einem leckeren cafe con leche und einem Madalena, ging es auf die letzten 6 km zum Zielort. So langsam geht der Weg durch die meseta dem Ende zu. Morgen geht es weiter nach León. Erkenntnis des Tages: Auch mit kleinen Schritten kommt man ans Ziel. Fortsetzung folgt.Les mer

    • Dag 29

      At Mansilla de las Mulas

      8. mai, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Another beautiful day! About 19 kms, cold to start and now (4.30) positively hot! But it very quickly cools off when the sun goes down….or before really, as it is light till after 9pm. The walk itself wasn’t spectacular, just continuing on by the country road, but very comfortable….a few undulations, one stop for coffee/colacao where we also ate our picnic supplies in their outside tables, as getting food there was so slow!

      Then we sauntered into town about 2.30. We are in separate accommodation from R and R tonight, and we saw notices for theirs as we entered and explored, as it is where we stayed last time and had such difficulty finding…so we sorted that out, and had a beer together, before we left and found our place - a really gorgeous Albergueria del Camino, right in the centre and have a beautiful room. Each time we have stayed here - this is the third - we have had different hostals and I think this is the pick of the 3…easy to find, happy friendly hosts and great room. Dinner and breakfast here.

      We have a funny history with this town as it was where I had the dread first encounter with bedbugs and it was blacklisted in my mind, but last time was great and I revised my view, and this time confirms it even more. Amr has gone off with a huge bag of clothes to the laundromat - so glad my cold weather clothes will be washed as have been wearing them constantly, and we will be all set for León where we arrive tomorrow, our last walking day.

      When he returns we will walk round and revisit the town….which we did…Met R and R and had a drink with them, as we had dinner at our place at 7pm, like last night, just for residents as they are otherwise closed today. And we have just come back from a spectacular dinner…we joined 3 others we know - Phil from last night, and Erin and Gwen a Canadian aunt and niece (Gwen was one of the bedbug women that Amr helped!)…and the dinner was different from the perennial peregrino menu. We started with a salad which had peach and goat’s cheese delicious, and I had leeks with bacon grilled. Amr had hake perfectly cooked. Excellent. Now off to bed, but no heating needed, but I think cold in the morning.
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    • Dag 24

      Day 25. Mansilla de Las Mulas

      23. mai 2023, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      There was a bit of a spiritual revelation on this morning’s walk. I had pretty well given up on trying to phone home in Yellowknife. I had tried using the 00 access code, then I used eSim called Airolo, then I was assigned another number using a Spanish SIM card that I could not get to work, so resigned myself to life without phoning. But all that changed on this morning’s walk. After putting my phone back in my pocket, I suddenly hear Cathy whisper “Gerard.” At first, I thought it was an angel, then realizing it came from my pocket, I pulled out my phone recognizing we had inadvertently connected through FaceTime. I don’t know how that happened; some may attribute it to divine intervention, especially when it happens on the Camino. We did have a good chat, despite the 1:30 am Yellowknife time. If it was a spiritual force, there was likely something Catholic about it because Cathy was able to see me while I was walking, but I was unable to see her in bed.
      I’m not a big fan of these transfers. I had finished breakfast by 7:30, ready to get going, but had to wait for the shuttle to take me back to the place I reached yesterday. The vehicle did not show up until 9:00, and driving 130 kms/hour got me there 10 minutes later. A 19 km walk today in cloudy, windy conditions, but I did connect with a few friends. Much of the path was lined with trees, but a British lady clarified that the poplar trees I saw yesterday were actually London plane trees, further describing how they are trimmed, creating knobs, “pollarding” them. She was a wealth of knowledge, especially relating to plants and vegetation.
      I’ve included some photos of my hotel room, restaurant, and entrance along with shots of the villages we went through today. A lot of open farm land, no houses, and few places to get water. As we approach Leon, I see mountains in the distance; we’ll be climbing again soon.
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    • Day 27-El Burgo Ranero to Mansilla 18km

      25. september 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      I am sitting in the Mansilla Bus terminal right now waiting for the bus to Leon after walking 18km. I just missed the bus so I have to wait 2 hours before the next one, so I thought I might as well be productive and write my blog. Let me start at the beginning.

      I woke up in the middle of the night last night to go to the washroom and I had a brilliant idea. Why don’t I take the bus to Leon? The reason I want to get to Leon today is that my friend Christina is there right now and is leaving tomorrow. She is a couple days ahead of me on the walk. I thought about it and it is only 18km walk that I am missing and it is all along the highway, nothing of importance to see. I thought, life is about our connections, so if I go today, I can have dinner with her, then she will be off tomorrow and I will explore Leon.

      So, today I walked the 18km I was scheduled to walk and instead of finding a place to sleep, I am hopping on the bus. It is just as well. I can tell my body is ready for a rest day.

      Today was practically uneventful as yesterday, except when I burst into tears. I was walking along the road and thought I would put on some music. I looked at my playlists and I had the album “The Movie Album: As Time Goes By” by Neil Diamond. I smiled and thought, “ok, I will probably cry a bit but it will be nice to listen to this”. The reason it may be emotional is that I played this album over and over again when I was in the US just after meeting Jörg. Almost every song on the album is about love and I was falling in love with Jörg so they all had meaning.

      Some of the songs are
      Secret Love
      Can you Feel the Love Tonight
      Love with a Proper Stranger
      When you Wish Upon a Star
      Ebb Tide
      True Love
      Can’t Help Falling in Love

      Most of these brought smiles and a few tears, but mostly happy memories. I burst into sobbing snotty tears when Neil Diamond started singing “My Heart Will Go On”.

      Jörg is forever in my heart.

      Time to get ready for the bus ride. I will tell you all about my evening tomorrow.

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    • Dag 5

      Day 2: Orisson - Roncevalles

      7. mai 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Day 2: Orisson - Roncevalles
      ~16.8 km (10.4 miles)

      After another night of being awake for about 2-hours, and a less than satisfying breakfast, I headed out this morning at about 7:45. I walked alone taking in the beauty and early morning stillness. Today’s goal was to complete my trek over the Pyrenees and reach the Monastery in Roncevalles.

      I loved listening to the sounds of the cowbells that were not only on cows, but also on the horses. The sounds of birds and sheep baaing echoed through the hills. Watching the horses run was a treat for me and I was reminded of my adolescent years growing up riding my own horses. They are such beautiful and powerful animals. The green hills covered in sheep brought back memories of my time in New Zealand and I could see the similarities.

      I noticed and passed other pilgrims, but I walked alone until I came upon Valeria from Argentina, my bunk mate from last night. We chatted a bit with her Argentinian Spanish and my English and seemed to make sense of what each other were saying. I eventually moved on to try to catch Sue, who had stayed 1 km further past Orisson at Borda. I never did see Sue, but when I finally reached the food truck, that sits at the top of the hill, I enjoyed a conversation with Rachel from Switzerland. She too had stayed at Orisson the night before. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of the food truck, but I did enjoy a snack while I was there.

      At one point, as the terrain was steep and rocky, I chatted with a Frenchman who was with a group of bike riders. He would smile and playfully say, “hello” each time he road past. When he attempted to speak French to me, I let him know that I only spoke English. He asked me my name and repeated it as Juliette and told me his name was Patrice. Unfortunately, once the road forked where I had to go right, he rode off to the left never to be seen by me again.

      At this point, I was tracking down the mountain with two young males whom I later learned are from S Korea. Down, down we went through forests, over paths covered in leaves so soft that I almost felt like I was bouncing, then down a narrow, rocky path and over more paved road.

      When I finally reached the bottom, I skirted through a grassy meadow, through the gate that marked the crossing from France into Spain, and over a creek until I came upon the backside of the monastery.

      I arrived at 11:45 am, so it had taken me 4-hours to complete the second half of the trek over the Pyrenees. I didn’t recognize any of the other pilgrims who were waiting to check in for the night, except for one of the S Korean guys who was just ahead of me. I had lost track of him and I discovered that he had opted for a shortcut.

      The monastery didn’t open to the pilgrims for check-in until 1:00 pm, and I was glad that I had food in my pack for lunch that I’d purchased at Orisson. All of that walking definitely made me hungry!

      Once we checked in I was thrilled that I was placed on the top floor with the single-level beds, and vaulted wood ceiling. Eventually, Sue, Valeria and Rachel all arrived and they were also on the top floor.

      We attended the Pilgrim’s mass at 6:00 pm where I think we were all wished well on our Camino. It was all in Spanish so none of us knew for sure. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

      We were assigned different locations for dinner and I enjoyed the company of Rachel from Switzerland, Duncan from England and Paula from Ohio, who had also been at Orisson. The trout was small, but tasty and I devoured the plate of pasta that was my starter. Red wine and dessert were included.

      After dinner, I found my Aussie friends, Stephen, Angela, Genevieve, and Yvonne, in the bar having a drink before their dinner time slot. I joined them for a glass of wine knowing that we would likely not see each other again. They had plans to walk shorter stages, so would not be at my destination the next day. I was happy that we got a group photo, however, and I will treasure that friendship, even as short as it was. And, if I get back to Melbourne Australia again I will definitely let them know!

      Lights were out at 10:00 pm and I was happy to tucked into my sleeping bag hoping for a better nights sleep. 😴
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    • Dag 31

      Bercianos to Mansilla

      4. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We awoke in surprisingly good health after a night of birthday celebrations for our Dutch friend Toon.
      Jane and I actually had to return a bottle of vino back to the bar as there was no way we were going to drink it. We did laugh as our friendly bar man who just put a cork in it and put it back on the shelf!
      We were all in good spirits as we set off an a 27km walk in yet another dark cool morning. The moon is dwindling in size so the mornings seem darker and of course the days are getting shorter.
      Today's walk was long and a tad tedious but the endless views of ploughed red dirt and dying sun flowers have some charm. We now can see the hills and mountains of Galicia and in the distance we could see Leon where we will be tomorrow.
      There were the usual chats and laughs along the way but sadly Lee realised he had left his beloved hat behind. He was very fond of his hat but Brian had a cap he could lend so on we marched.
      Coffee and a very filling breakfast came at about 10 km . A great big potato pancake/ omelet filled with ham and cheese. That certainly revived us for a long walk until the next stop 12 km away. Luckily there were beautiful plane trees and oaks to shade us partially and nice rest areas. The trees are starting to turn.
      Podcasts music and books though were definitely the order for the latter half of the day.
      Another stop in a tiny village for coffee's and then the last killer five to crack on with.
      It's always such relief when the town of your destination comes into view and then collapsing into the cool oasis of the hotel lobby.
      After booking in we went next door to a wonderful garden bar enjoying bread chorizo and cheese washed down with cold beers.
      Another day ticked off. Our 19th day of walking and 21st day on the trail.
      In the garden bar were a group of Spanish men having wine bread and cheese like us. We were not sure if they were Pilgrim or locals but they started singing Spanish folk songs to which Brian and Lee responded with Pokarekareana which they loved.
      Then it was siesta time.
      Apparently we walked today on the longest Roman road in Spain and we followed in the footsteps of Emporor Augustus!
      Mansilla is yet to be explored but has a medieval look and is like the Feilding of NZ , known for its livestock market.
      Wifi is dodgy here but hope I can put on the musical videos.
      Tomorrow we head to Leon and will be meet up with some of the Irish family and then brother Bill arrives. Happy days
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    • Dag 33

      « Le Blond » à mes côtés dans la Meseta

      21. mai 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 25/40
      Étape #18. Camino francés « Sahagún à Reliegos». Kilomètres parcourus 31,5 km. Cumulatif : 669,4 km, moyenne 23,17 km par jour. Étapes restantes avant Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : 15 et moins de 315 km à fouler.

      « Le Blond » à mes côtés dans la Meseta. Cette rando était dédiée à mon petit frère Serge (Le Blond). C’était sa fête aujourd’hui (59 ans) alors il m’a accompagné pendant ces vallées à perte de vue.

      Ça fait déjà presque 16 ans qu’il nous a quitté et il était là avec moi. Je pense souvent à lui et c’était l’occasion parfaite pour lui dédier cette journée.
      Celle-là, elle était pour toi Serge 🤗

      En marchant, Marcello et moi nous nous sommes souvenus du Lac Caribou et l’anecdote du pneu crevé!

      Première pause petit déjeuner 10 km, dans une petite commune,
      Bercianos del Real Camino, 187 habitans (2022). Bien aménagé cette halte et albergue en même temps.

      Seconde pause à 18 km, petite ville de 697 habitants. On a jasé un peu avec des pèlerins français puis on a repris notre route vers Reliegos. À 15h15 nous avons terminé cette journée avec un plus de chaleur et sans difficulté physique. Tout va bien.

      Demain dernière étape de la Meseta, Mansilla de las Mulas et 23 km.

      Buen Camino 😀
      Les mer

    • Dag 31

      Mansilla to Leon

      4. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We are now in beautiful Leon and it seems such a change from the sleepy towns we have been in on the Meseta and we are enjoying the atmosphere.
      We had breakfast this morning in a cafe in Mansilla with quite an eclectic group of locals. It was amusing to see a group of men having some liqueur with their coffee , and then a tiny elderly woman come in and have a glass of beer. This was all before 8am!
      Last night we has a great walk around the old roman walls of Mansilla glowing the evening sun. We had a good pilgrim meal and slept well in the quiet town.
      I fear not a quiet night here as there is a festival on and we are right in the middle of town by the stunning gothic Cathedral which is a total standout with beautiful stained glass windows .After arriving in Leon and enjoying strolling through the twisting streets we had
      coffee in the main square and then a self guided tour through the Cathedral.
      The shops are very chic as is the architecture. Late lunch in the sun and a tour on a tourist tram around the main spots of Leon.
      It was so nice not to walk and could have sat on the tram all afternoon!
      Now it's siesta time and we are very much looking forward to meeting Vanessa Fiona Connor and Tim who have traveled all the way from Dublin to see us. Fun times ahead. We realise the All Blacks play tonight but I don't think many people in Leon will be watching!
      As I write this there is womans wrestling in the square! Brian of course has been down to have a look.
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