Parque de Bonaval

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    • Day 12–13


      April 24 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Ja jongens, het einde was deze ochtend echt in zicht! Ik ben lekker vroeg begonnen zodat ik de zonsopgang hier nog kon meemaken.

      En wat een mooie start was dat! Aan de rand van Padrón staat er een straat met allemaal oude bomen geplant die leiden tot de kerk. Het gaf me een beetje heimwee naar Ierland en de eerste paar kilometers huppelde ik bijna verder!

      Aan alles was te voelen dat dit de homestretch was; mensen liepen wat sneller, riepen ‘see in Santiago’ in plaats van ‘buen camino’ en geen enkel bedrukt gezicht te zien!

      Het was een heerlijke wandeling en ik had mezelf beloofd om vaker te stoppen voor pauzes zodat ik echt kon genieten van de laatste kilometers.

      3/4 van de wandeling was door velden en dorpjes waar er suuuperveel beestjes te zien waren! Schaapjes, paarden, ezels en katten met kittens, love it!

      Het laatste deel van de tocht was nog het pittigste van al: in totaal was het een stijging van 800 meter!!!

      Op nog 6 km te gaan rezen de torens van de kathedraal in zicht en wist ik dat ik er écht bijna was geraakt!

      De allerlaatste kilometer was er eentje op puur karakter want auw, alles deed pijn. Maar oh. mijn. god! Het moment dat ik het plein opliep van de kathedraal stonden de watervallen open!

      Pure emotie, trots, ongeloof en ontroering. Ik kreeg knuffels en ‘congratulations’ van mensen die ik nog nooit had gezien, wat een feestje!

      Na even gestaard te hebben naar de prachtige kathedraal, wou ik zo snel mogelijk naar the pilgrim’s office om mijn certificaat op te halen.

      Ondanks de waarschuwingen over lange wachttijden, ging dat verrassend vlot en op een kwartiertje stond ik weer buiten met mijn certificaten; 280 km te voet van Porto langs de kust van Portugal en Spanje, wauw!

      Ik heb nog ruim 2 uur voor de kathedraal gezeten, rugzak als kussen en schoentjes uit. Elke seconde was een nieuw feestje wanneer nieuwe mensen aankwamen.

      Na mijn gebruikelijke douche, handwas sessie en rustmomentje heb ik mezelf getrakteerd op een lekker diner bij een Mexicaan (ik had heel even genoeg van de tapas en tortillas 🙃).

      Zo trots, zo fier, en zo impressed met mijn eigen lichaam!

      Ik had zelf durven hopen dat ik een kwart ging halen, nooit durven dromen dat ik Santiago te voet ging bereiken, maar kijk.

      Aantal km: 26

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    • Day 9

      Santiago de Compostela

      September 20, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      It took a few wrong turns before I found my albergue. Eventually I did. There are cute little pods for privacy, but not for noise reduction. I checked in, did laundry and went for a walk and to do some shopping. Not much shopping - I still have another Camino to walk.

      I had dinner across from Alameda Park (Doner y Kebap), then finished the evening with a vino tinto 🍷 - the bar was right beside my albergue, how convenient!
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    • Day 25

      Milladoiro to Santiago de Compostela

      October 6, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      I felt great today, very strong. And Sharon’s feet felt a bit better today. She had thought to take a cab part way, but was able to walk the entire distance.

      There is an alternate route entering Santiago, which is a bit longer but supposedly along a river. We miscalculated - we got the extra distance but no river. 😐

      But we finally arrived, saw the Cathedral, then went to the Pilgrim Office to get our Compostela - that prized certificate indicating that we are successful pilgrims. It only took about 30 minutes of waiting.
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    • Day 4

      Camino Fisterre Day 1

      September 15, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Leaving Santiago de Compostela this morning. I am heading toward the ocean. This should take about 5 days. I left the Loop Inn and found my desayuno (breakfast). Tarte de Queso sounds like cheese but tastes like cheesecake.Read more

    • Day 3

      More Santiago

      September 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Just a few more pictures of Santiago. I will start walking tomorrow so you should see movement on my map. Here you see some shots from Alameda Park, barely missing a downpour in the Praza do Obradoiro, and I think I found the Faculty of Nursing at Santiago’s University, USC. Plus I found some free walking sticks.Read more

    • Day 2


      September 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Paris airport connection actually went surprisingly well. I had a prime seat to get off the plane quickly. Customs went smoothly. Then I just had to make the long journey to Terminal 3. But I made it in time for my preferred flight. So I didn’t have to take my backup flight to Madrid😎. I even had time for a latte!Read more

    • Day 9

      Buen Camino! Mileage total: 80.5 miles

      October 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      We arrived at the Cathedral in the late afternoon to a sea of people and a buzz of excitement! People were cheering and screaming when they saw people they knew from the trail, taking lots of pictures, and just sitting and taking in the moment. Some of the people had been walking for 40 days or more, starting from the south of France or another Camino. Our 6 days of walking
      seemed minor compared to that, but it meant so much to us. We were filled with joy, relief, and sadness as we embraced each other and our newfound friends. The immense and intricate Cathedral served as an appropriate backdrop. We later went to the Pilgrim’s Mass inside and the altar was startlingly beautiful with gold angels holding up a golden chalice. We had a special treat when 8 priests swung the largest catholic incense burner in the world back and forth in front of the altar, something they only do on Friday nights and holidays (see video). We topped the amazing day with a delicious dinner at a Michelin bib restaurant. Throughout the trip we would always say “this is my Camino” or “this is your Camino”. Camino means way or path. This journey really hit home that everyone truly has their own Camino that they are walking!

      Thanks to all our family and friends for supporting us through this amazing journey and we really appreciated your enthusiastic comments and questions! We highly recommend walking the Camino Francés. With a fire burning in your heart, anything is possible! Buen Camino! ♥️
      Andrea and Elizabeth
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    • Day 36

      Santiago de Compostella

      May 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Ik vond het vanochtend spannend...... licht geslapen, luchtig ontbijt en om 07.30 uur op de pedalen en ik mag wel zeggen dat ik tekeer ging met beleid..... en het wierp zijn vruchten af. 55 km in 4 uur in zeer geaccidenteerd terrein maar het leek alsof het niet stuk kon. Ik had weer vleugels. Was al om 11.30 uur binnen. Ik wilde zeker voor 14.08 uur binnen zijn, het tijdstip van heengaan van Glenda dus dat was veilig gesteld..
      Toen was mijn zorg om de papieren van de tocht in orde te krijgen en mijn fiets met spullen in te leveren, ook dat is gelukt. Toen naar mijn hotel en daarna de stad in voor souvenirs en om de beloofde kaarsjes te branden. Ik heb ook kaarsjes gebrand voor de 5 vrienden die met hun struggle bezig zijn maar om te beginnen voor Glenda.. ik heb in de kathedraal gezeten en heb me afgezonderd, een moment voor mezelf en haar... zielerust - eren - bedanken en spijt betuigen, de 4 zaken die zich gedurende de trip in mijn hoofd hadden genesteld..
      Ik heb die 4 nu 'afgevinkt'. Dat wil niet zeggen dat het voorbij is hè maar aan deze onderwerpen heb ik invulling kunnen geven. Zit nu een biertje te drinken en zelfs de taxi voor morgen 05.00 uur is geregeld. Er mag dus wat losgelaten worden...
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    • The Final Walk!

      October 14, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      The Final Walk.

      The rain was pouring down on us early this morning, as we made the final walk into Santiago. It was imperative that we obtain a number early, to ensure that we could get our compestelas today. Once one gets a number, you can track it’s progress on your phone. This way, you don’t have to stand in line.

      I have received a hat trick of compestelas on this trip. The first for the Camino de Madrid, the second for the Camino San Salvador, and the third for the Camino Frances for walking Sahagun to Leon, and Sarria to Santiago. I also have an official distance certificate siting a total distance walked of 798 kilometers.

      So ends my camino blog for this trip. If you have had a bit of fun following along, please consider a donation to my charity, the “YMCA STRONG KIDS
      CAMPAIGN”. Simply follow this link;…

      Tell your friends and share the link!

      Happy trails!

      Terentium (my new latin name)

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    • Day 20

      Walking Day 15 to Santiago de Compostela

      June 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 64 °F

      14.3 miles today. We left dawn, we had breakfast together before we started walking. I rained fairly heavy when we started out and the rain was intermittent the rest of the morning. I walked mostly alone the first 9 miles, but I'm glad it worked out that way. I needed to process what to make of the past 19 days. I was separated from the others because i didn't see that they has stopped at a cáfe. Then i was well ahead of everyone. I inadvertently took another Complementario route so i didn't know where I was in relation to the rest. I stopped at another cáfe about 5 km from Santiago and waited for the rest. We wanted to walk into Santiago together. after walking another 1 km, we got our first view of Santiago and the cathedral but I could not see much We started walking into the city at a slower pace just to absorb the moment. Rachel from Australia and John and Elaine from New Zealand passed us. A man on a unicycle was behind us. We heard the cathedral bells chime at noon, and then again at 12:15 when we arrived. There was a line to several hundred waiting to get into the cathedral so we didn't try to get inside. We went around to the courtyard in from of the cathedral. What a joyful time and place. i could see it in the faces all around me. The moment a dream becomes reality for so many, including myself and my companions. Jackie and her friend, the two Australian women we dined with in Trabadelo and met frequently on the trail were there when we arrived. I really don't know how to relay the essence of this moment, but the only thing missing in the celebration was Mary Kay and the ones I love most. I sent a few people my celebration picture, including Luis. Luis sent me his celebration picture. Then we went to get our passport and credentials.Read more

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    Parque de Bonaval

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