Pola de Siero

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    • Day 32

      Lastres to Amandi - goodbye to the sea

      June 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      After saying goodbye to the sea I walked about 45 minutes to rejoin the Camino in Colunga. It was already pretty warm and humid, and after stopping for breakfast I put my umbrella up to give me some shade and sun protection. But after a couple of hours of walking the Camino went off the road and onto the rarest kind of path on the Camino del Norte - a non rocky shaded dirt path beside a creek! It was wonderful to walk on after so much asphalt and stony trails.

      I met up with a very nice Spanish woman from Bilbao who patiently talked to me in slow clear Spanish. After a while we met a Spanish man, also from Basque Country, and the three of us walked together into Villaviciosa. They were stopping at the albergue there, but my destination for the day was a donativo albergue a couple of kilometers down the road.

      I was warmly welcomed by a young German woman who was volunteering there. I was a bit unhappy that all of the lower bunks were already taken, and had resigned myself to an upper bunk when the owner came in the room and folded another bed down from the wall because it was going to be a full house that night.

      The owner was a super nice and engaging guy named Sergio. As we arrived he wrote our names on a board accompanied by the flag of our nationality. He joined in a spirited game of Uno, then made a delicious vegetable paella for dinner, accompanied by a nice salad, bread, and wine, with homemade bread pudding for dessert.

      In the morning we were awakened by soft music playing on a speaker in the room at 6:30, then we all sat down to breakfast at 7:00. I haven't stayed in many albergues on this trip, but this was definitely one of the best albergue experiences I've had on any Camino.
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    • Day 33

      Amandi to Pola de Siero

      June 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Today it was goodbye to the Camino del Norte, as I am transitioning to the Camino Primitivo which starts in Oviedo where I will be tomorrow.

      I left the albergue alone this morning, but soon two young women from the Netherlands who had been at the albergue caught up with me while I was attempting to fix a noisy squeak in my backpack. Hannah and Ans had already walked 1800 km from Belgium! We walked together off and on for a while, then I decided to take a detour that goes by a pre-romanesque church. I knew that it wasn't open on Mondays, but hoped to be able to see the outside. Unfortunately it and the adjacent monastery were behind a locked gate, so I had to be satisfied with a picture of the top of the church. As I climbed out of the valley I was able to see the monastery nestled in the valley below.

      After stopping for second breakfast I caught up with a young French guy, and we walked together the rest of the way to Pola de Siero where we are staying at the public albergue, which has mostly single (non bunk) beds. I'm in a room with Dorotée from France who is also my age. It's a comfortable building with high ceilings and plenty of space between the beds. Shortly after arriving it started to rain, then pour, then loud claps of thunder. I'll wait a bit before heading to the grocery to resupply my snacks.
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    • Day 22

      Pola de Siero

      May 9, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Day 22
      Does it matter whether one has grand or special thoughts, rather than little or ordinary ones? Isn't it often true that trying to think about something ("important") leads more to contortion or stultification than freedom and progress?
      I had kinda thought I would spend a week or two settling in to the rhythm of the Camino days, and then my thoughts might have become quieter, or freer, or I might gain clarity or inspiration. Or something. That's not how it is.
      And I'm loath to force anything different.

      Today was another day of happy walking in gorgeously gorgeous wide broad hills full of unspoilt nature, with villages and farms freckling the view. Found a lemon tree by an abandoned house, picked one and bit into it and discovered it to be an orange! Took several more for juicy moments along the way. That's a sure way to encourage a pilgrim. And came across a funny old fashioned everything-shop in the middle of nowhere, where I had a coffee, and bought salami, coconut biscuits and nuts for snacks. Walked briefly with a German man until he told me he was heading for Gijon and I pointed out that the path we were on was 10km in the wrong direction; there was a critical junction of two Camino routes that he had missed...
      Lay on the chapel floor in Vega, prostrate, cool, peaceful, and felt as if my posture was “just my body” whereas I remained “just me”.

      There was a lot of roadside walking, but that made the woodland track for the last 3km or so seem all the more fabulous. Enchanted. And the gift of a freshly cut rose and a lily from the elderly man who called out to offer me water all the more charming and heartwarming.

      I voice-noted:
      I feel free
      I feel safe
      I feel calm
      I feel content
      I feel excited
      I feel proud
      I feel satisfied
      I feel protected
      I feel thankful
      I feel surrounded

      And was reminded of St Patrick's prayer:
      Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ above me, Christ below be, Christ within me, Christ without me

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    • Day 105

      Villaviciosa - Pola de Siero

      September 23, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Anstrengend war's heute. 26 km, die ersten Anstiege, viel Straße, ein paar Regentropfen. Die erste Pause nach 17 km, bis dahin waren alle ziemlich fertig. Dafür gab es ein ausgedehntes Picknick. ;)
      Mittlerweile befinden wir uns auf dem Verbindungsstück zwischen dem Camino del Norte und dem Camino Primitivo. Letzterer beginnt in Oviedo, das wir morgen erreichen. Und am Mittwoch gibt es dann nach 3 Wochen den ersten offiziellen Ruhetag!!
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    • Day 24

      Albergue de Peregrinos Casona de San Mig

      October 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Municipal/ church albergue - nothing special, but the best part was the host who spoke no English but showed us how to properly pour the cider that I bought at the supermarket. 😊 (Was too late with my camera to get a picture!)Read more

    • Day 18

      Diena 16 / Day 16. Amandi-Pola de Siero

      October 12, 2016 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Distance 26.2 km (375.6)
      Steps 35000 (649 985)
      Ascent/Descent 688/479

      Jūra ir ošimas liko už nugaros, o prieš akis - kalnai. Ryte slėniais lėtai sliūkino sunkūs debesys, bet prakiurti taip ir neišdrįso. Nors dėl to tikrai neliūdžiu 😉 jau įdienojus perlipau per pirmuosius kalnus, nors gal labiau vis dar kalvos. Vakarop - Pola de Siero. Po pajūrio miestų, pilnų palmių, atsipūtusių žmonių, pakylios atmosferos, buvo gana slogu įžengti į daug santūresnį, pilką miestą. O dar ir griaustiniai tolumoje neleido per daug atsipalaiduoti ir tiesiu taikymu - į Albergę. Rytoj - Oviedo, o gal ir kiek toliau. Bus matyt.

      I left the sea behind and here they are - the Mountains in front of me. Heavy clouds slowly moved in the valleys but lucky enough there were no rain. After such a nice cities along the coast it's a bit depressing to see another one, far from palm trees, happy faces and just a good vibe. But this is Camino - everyday is different day. Tomorrow's destination is Oviedo, and if I will find more energy - maybe some another place more ahead.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Pola de Siero, 33510, Пола-де-Сьеро

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