Rabanal del Camino

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    • Day 27

      Astorga to Rabanal 20.9 km

      April 4 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Had breakfast with 3 women from Toulouse France. Excited to start walking again.

      Great day with beautiful scenery. I was very tired at the end of 20.9 km. I was greete enthusiastically by Fiona and Andrew who were Hospitalaros from the UK.

      They served tea and home made treats at 5 pm. They started a wonderful fire for us as it became chilly as soon as the sun went down.

      The showers were wonderful!! I met pilgrims from Spain, Germany, USA New York and the UK.

      I saw maybe 12 pilgrims during the walk today.
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    • Day 42

      Day 31 - Rabanal del Camino

      October 8, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      A total of 13 miles today, we are definitely off the Meseta. The terrain turned mostly green, and there are these things called 'Hills' along the way. We also took a side track to a little villa that not many pilgrams go to. We almost missed the turn, well we did miss it and walked back 200 meters. We are blaming our friend Jeff Stiles. A pilgram walked by us at the turn off, and Gina and I thought the person looked like Jeff, then we started in on how Jeff would love and hate the Camino. The next thing we knew, we were past our turn and had to back track.Read more

    • Day 42

      Day 31-Rabanal del Camino

      October 8, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      We're not on the meseta anymore. We have steeper ascents now on rockier paths. We walked 13 miles today and tomorrow we are leaving two hours before sunrise so we can be at the top of the mountain for sunrise.

      We took an alternate route through Castrillo de los Polvazares that is a maragato historic landmark. All of the houses and streets had the same construction and look. Nothing was open when we walked through but it was beautiful.

      The restaurant attched to our albergue is serving pulpo today so, of course, I had some. It was yummy. Now it's time to rest up for tomorrow's long hike up and then down the mountain.
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    • Day 20

      Day 16 - We climbed up to Acebo

      October 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      We walked out of Susana’s Albergue this morning, right on time at 7:30 am, ready to roll-and we stopped 10’ from the door to admire her grape trees and pear trees, which is so typical of how our Camino has been. We stop dilly dally and look at things and we go on our way.

      Well…It didn’t take long for our 2nd stop of the day, around the corner in Rabanal, we stopped for coffee and met Karen & Rich from Rhode Island.

      They have done the Camino 9x and advised that we don’t attempt to walk over the mountain in a single day. Mackenzie also texted Joan and suggested we stop in Acebo 18km in. So emboldened with this new plan, we secured lodging in Acebo and left the coffee shop full of energy for our now very doable day.

      It was very cloudy, misty, cold and then the rain came. We quickly slipped into our rain pants and raincoats and walked, and walked, and walked. Uphill, downhill, over and over again.

      A highlight of the day was the Iron Cross at the highest point of the Camino. It is called the Cruz de Ferro. And people from all over the world bring a rock from home and carry it with them from the beginning of their journey. When you reach the cross, you lay your rock and say your prayers to the Lord for blessings and gratitude. With the foggy mist and a Peruvian flute player it was one of our most spiritual moments. Joan found an amazing spot for her rock.

      We thought we would be hiking to Acebo about 14kms in, however 20km/ 12.5m later we walked into the small town. Enjoyed our celebratory beer, found our Albergue, and attempted to dry out.

      We enjoyed a lovely Pilgrims meal with our new friends from WI, Wales, New Mexico and west of England. It was great conversation and better than usual food.

      200+km to Santiago!
      Buen Camino
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    • Day 25

      Rabanal del Camino

      June 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Walked into the village with young man from TN (unfortunately his name escapes me)
      He stopped for a short break but my albergue is only 5 minutes away so I continued

      There is a church about 100m...and there were the El Salvador gents!
      I spent some time speaking with Nelson who assured me that the horses are totally fine.
      They keep them to softer grounds and cover on the average about 35km/day.

      Yes that's where the sign belongs
      on a garbage can
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    • Day 34

      Day 30: Rabanal to Molinaseca, part 1

      June 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Mileage: 16 miles
      Altitude gain: 1,631 feet
      Altitude loss: 3,343 feet !!
      Weather: cool in the morning; hot in the afternoon
      Total mileage: 360.5 miles

      This one. I resolved not to complain on this journey but today beat me up worse than any other day so far, and I admit I both complained and cried today.

      A rooster woke me at 5:45 this morning, and since I wasn’t sleeping well anyway (not all bunk beds are created equal!) I got up and hit the trail by 6:30 or so. It was a beautiful morning! The trail started with an ascent that took me up two mountains by the middle of the day. Lovely views over the León and Cantabrian mountain ranges were the rewards. I stopped for breakfast in a cafe in Foncebadón and then by the side of the trail for a bread/cheese/fruit lunch just after the top of the second mountain.

      Things went downhill from there, both literally and figuratively.

      I knew it would be a long and difficult descent, but reading about that sort of thing is different than living it. It was eight straight miles of steep rocky trails that I began to think would never end. I stopped for a snack in Acebo midway down and then white-knuckled the last five miles down the mountain.

      I finally made it, though, and devoured a pilgrim’s menu dinner with Marcella from Brooklyn. The Friday night partying involves fireworks at random intervals, so I am looking forward to some sleep!

      1. Door in Rabanal - one of the churches?
      2. It is a very good thing I left so early, partly because it was so beautiful. Also, it took me forever to reach Molinaseca!
      3. Morning forest
      4. Rocky but beautiful ascent
      5. The view back over the direction from which I came.
      6. The famous Cruz de Ferro, at the top of the first mountain. It’s become a tradition for people to leave stones at the foot of this cross for various reasons.
      7. and 8. first descent
      9. Another vista from the top, to the south, I think.
      10. Walking along the mountainside
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    • Day 25

      Albergue La Senda

      June 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      Nice place...I do feel sad that communal kitchens still remain closed in most places.
      Preparing a meal together and than share the fruits of our labor was something that I was REALLY looking forward to...😥

      But heck it even has a little balcony and....
      Wait a minute it stopped raining
      Pilgrims laughing, Pilgrims playing
      Think I may go and enjoy the weather
      Mother, father have no fear for I am better 😁
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    • Day 37


      May 31 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Day 29 Astorga
      Distance from Astorga to Rabanal 22kms

      Stepping out of our hotel we were greeted with a crisp and sunny morning which promised to get warmer by the hour. We passed by a quaint church and onto a gravel path as we said goodbye to the city. The only sound disturbing the silence was the crunch of our shoes on the gravel path. Any excuse for a coffee we stopped in a rustic village not far into our walk and there met with Camino friends chatting before we all moved on.
      With the mountains in sight and tee pees (as an alternative to stay in) in the distance we walked on it was a gentle and perfect day. With a tiny breeze blowing brilliant blue sky and pleasant temperature we were soon at our destination for the day (it seemed so short after yesterday) however tomorrow we climb to the highest point of the entire route 1515m. We will take our time and enjoy the views from the top.
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    • Day 20

      Tag 19: Hospital de Óbrigo - Rabanal

      March 10 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 6 °C

      Wie immer verließ ich heute Morgen im Dunkeln die Herberge. Diesmal allein.
      Mike (UK) hatte sich dazu entschieden, mit dem Bus die 20 km nach Astorga zu fahren und Andreas (GER) hatte ich kommuniziert, dass ich heute allein laufen wollte.
      So lief ich mit bester Laune in den Tag hinein, durch die offene Landschaft und einen von weißen Flechten behangenen Eichenwald. Es war großartig, den Gedanken in dieser wunderschönen Landschaft nachhängen zu können.

      Nach ca. 2 Stunden kam ich an einem sehr hippieesk anmutenden Gebäude vorbei. Dort gab es gegen Spende Obst, Kaffee, andere Snacks und die Möglichkeit auf ein Gespräch. Das ist schon klasse am Camino!
      Da ich gerade aber doch sehr froh über meine Einsamkeit war, machte ich mich recht schnell weiter…

      Das Wetter war heute sehr eigenartig! Es scheinte fast unablässig die Sonne, gleichzeitig regnete es aber nahezu die ganze Zeit. So kamen reihenweise Regenbögen zustande, die teilweise fast schon kitschige Postkartenmotive über den Kirchen entstehen ließen.
      Angekommen in ‚Astorga‘ gab es dann erstmal den obligatorischen Pausenkaffe für 1,20€. Und dazu bekommt man meist sogar noch eine kleine Schnitte… Unschlagbar!
      Leider hatten wir keine Ruhe, um uns die Kathedrale von Astorga von Innen anzuschauen. Wie Mike, den ich mit Andreas in Astorga wiedertraf, es passend zusammenfasste: „Wenn du alle Sehenswürdigkeiten des Caminos anschauen wollen würdest, bräuchtest du mindestens 40 Tage…!“

      Nach Astorga ging es dann nochmal gut 20 km weiter Richtung Westen, bis wir nach heute 39 km durchgefroren von Wind und Regen in Rabana ankamen.

      Ich bin sehr gespannt, wie die Nacht wird. Aus mehreren Quellen wurde mir versichert, dass sich im gleichen Dorf ein spanischer Pilger aufhält, dessen Schnarchen letzte Nacht in einer anderen Herberge wirklich alle um den Schlaf gebracht hatte.
      Eine dieser Quellen war Alex (SWE). Er meinte, das Schnarchen grenze an Körperverletzung! Sogar sein Bett hätte gewackelt! Ob das übertrieben war, werde ich hoffentlich niemals herausfinden…
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    • Day 29

      Day 26 Leon to Fonceboden

      October 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Kim and Julie are such seasoned Pilgrims now and since I have walked this Camino last year, I have decided to alter the remainder of my route. I have some special stops to make that don't fall within their plan, so I will forge ahead alone. It has been a wonderful adventure and I am grateful to them. 🙏💗 for everything. Another bittersweet goodbye on the Camino! Started the steep climb up into the mountains again. It was cool, but the incline warmed me up in a hurry. It drizzled for the last half hour, but I was warm enough to stay in short sleeves. This is the most rustic Albergue to date, the bunk beds are a bit wobbly and creak. But at least I got a bottom bunk and the $22 included dinner which was very good.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Rabanal del Camino, 24722

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