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    • Dag 17

      Nothing like a cozy bed on a rainy day

      29. september 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Didn’t want to get out of bed this morning, I was so comfy in my bed in our room with 3 balconies at the Hotel Via XIX in Caldas de Reis. It rained overnight and the clouds were still heavy when we hit the Camino. Stopped for a grandé café con leche and a normal sized chocolate croissant by Spain standards. Still plenty big.

      Within minutes we were out of the city and back on the familiar country lanes and gravel roads, As we entered the woods it started to rain, softly at first, then in earnest. Everyone stopped in their tracks to suit up for the shower. I put on my rain poncho for the first time so now I have officially used every item I packed. Feels like a victory of some sort.

      The rain didn’t really last long, perhaps an hour or so. The route was pretty flat and well drained so the walking felt easy even when shrouded in vinyl. The temperature was in the low 60s so I didn’t feel like I was being poached in my own sweat. Overall I’d give the poncho top marks for keeping me dry and well ventilated. We had one more brief shower a couple hours later and that was that. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny.

      Today’s leg was the longest of our Camino, 25+ kilometers. Most folks were stopping in Padrón (where the famous peppers originated!) but we had a reservation a bit farther along at one of the « casas rurales », the beautiful old stone country houses dotting the hills and valleys of Galicia.
      Since our place, A Casa da Meixida, was also a few kilometers off the Camino we decided that when we reached Padrón we would call a taxi to take us the rest of the way.

      In Padrón we stocked up on food at an Eroski Center supermercado then made a few attempts to call a taxi to pick us up. Ellen did a masterful job speaking Spanish but wasn’t able to close the deal with any of the taxi services she called. We finally just called our hotel and within 15 minutes we were whisked right to their doorstep. Tomorrow morning we will take a taxi back to the spot where we left the Camino so we can answer truthfully that we walked all of the last 100k.

      Today we were happy to meet up again with Lisa, the One Armed Peregrina from Sydney. She’s still bumping along with her shopping cart. As we walked, other pilgrims called out to her saying , « I’ve heard about you! » She’s become a Camino legend.

      Only two short days until we reach Santiago, less than 25k. Many people will walk that distance in one day but I didn’t want to arrive exhausted so we will spend more night in another casa rurale and then dawdle our way into Santiago on Saturday.

      For now I’m warm and snug in another comfy bed in a big stone house listening to the rain on the roof. Bliss.
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    • Dag 12

      Calda de Reis to Padrón

      7. september 2022, Spania ⋅ 🌧 66 °F

      Sue and I enjoyed a taxi to Padrón and a few miles up the road to the hotel. Checked in and then headed to town to meet up with the others who were still coming in. Enjoyed a nice lunch of Padron’s finest pimientos. Saw the center of town and then headed to the hotel where I am resting, using Kimberly’s tens unit hoping for a short walk into Santiago de Compostela tomorrow.Les mer

    • Dag 11

      Caldas de Reis - O Vilar

      20. juli 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      10. Etappe

      25,2 km

      Mittlerweile hat sich der Körper an die Strapazen gewöhnt 😅

      Die Etappe hat mir wieder besonders gut gefallen, es ging durch viele kleine Dörfer.
      Der schönste Abschluss war allerdings das sensationelle Hostel 😍 Schon beim Einchecken gab es ein frisch gezapftes eiskaltes Bier und nach dem Bestaunen des tollen Anwesens ging es dann sofort in den Pool 🌊😂

      Privates Hostel:

      Albergue O Lagar de Jesús

      Tolle Herberge mit Pool und Restaurant 😍😍😍
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    • Dag 13

      Last Day to Santiago de Compostella

      24. januar 2020, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Had an enjoyable day yesterday. Lots of forest to walk through. Met a young Brazilian but no one else. When I finally got to my hotel the receptionist told me that I walk too fast...she had passed me in her car on the way to start her shift and was surprised I turned up so quickly..the other funny incident; I finally arrived in Padron, my destination and I was clapped (like in marathons) buen camino he says and he pointed me to the church. I said no not going there and showed him my voucher for the hotel. He pointed down the road and said 2 kms. I gave a little groan and he grabbed my head and kissed my forehead and pushed me on my way. All in good jest. I got given the local liquor to try last night....bit like lenocello. Could not be rude and decline! It was a day of forests and cemeteries.Les mer

    • Dag 8


      31. mai 2017, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Caldas de Reis to Padron 21 km great day for walking. Last push to Santiago tomorrow 23 km to go. Unfortunately Brian developed shin splints in both legs so unable to complete today or tomorrow, gutted as walked so far 😢. More photos from other days when I get back.Les mer

    • Dag 12

      Jakobsweg Porto-Santiago de Compostela

      15. april 2019, Spania ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Nach fünf trockenen und überwiegend sonnigen Tagen sind wir heute bei Regen gestartet. Von Padron ging es 29 anstrengende Kilometer über Tarno, Faramello und
      O Millardeiro nach Santiago de Compostela. Die letzte Etappe war die mit den meisten Höhenmeter auf dem gesamten Caminho aber (Kilometer bringen Geld und Höhenmeter bringen Ruhm :-) Da das Ziel so nahe war sind wir voll motiviert die letzten Kilometer gegangen. Und dann, juhu geschafft nur noch ein paar Meter bis zur Kathedrale. Kurz davor begrüßten wir noch vier schwedische Mitpilger mit "Heja Sverige" die schon beim Feiern waren. Was für ein schönes und erhebendes Gefühl vor der Kathedrale zu stehen, wie vor uns Abermillionen von Pilgern bis zurück ins Mittelalter.
      Eine Mischung aus Freude, Stolz und Dankbarkeit dass alles so gut geklappt hatte erfasste uns. In der Kathedrale haben wir für alle von uns Kerzen angezündet. Nach diesen überwältigenden Gefühlen haben wir unsere Herberge "Hostel Mega(Hexe)" für die nächsten beiden Tage aufgesucht. Den Abend haben wir gemütlich in der Herberge verbracht mit Bruschetta machen (mega lecker) Darts spielend und zum ersten Mal seit 12 Tagen wieder Fernsehen (Nachrichten, Notre Dame hat gebrannt). Im sehr ruhigen Schlafsaal (7 Personen) haben wir gut geschlafen.
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    • Dag 28

      Milladoiro, 8k outside of Santiago

      19. juni 2019, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Milladoiro is a strange town, after walking through so many small villages or cities that evolved slowly from medieval times until now (with narrow cobbled alleys and stone bridges). Instead, Milladoiro looks like it was built all at once with only cost and convenience in mind. Lots of tall apartment buildings and straight plotted wide streets.

      As I neared town, I started looking for available accommodations to get out of the rain. One was called the "Venus Motel" and there was a pink sign that said "Si amor no existe, Hace lo. " I decided to give that one a pass.

      I walked in the rain all day and was so glad I was in sandals instead of shoes. Others squelched by in wet shoes and socks, stepping gingerly around puddles. Me and a Japanese guy who was also in sandals splashed through the mud and then waded through fountains to clean our feet. At the albergue now, everybody elses’ wet shoes, with insoles removed, are propped along a wall (not) drying.

      The albergue is nice, run by a young, very friendly Cuban guy and everything looks new and well-organized. Next door was a boring, pilgrim-catering café with the same usual food. I sat outside and eavesdropped on three pilgrims at the next table, two young men and a woman. One looked Asian, one who I met before I knew was German and I don’t know what the other two were, but I had the feeling they had recently met and what they had in common was Smoking Cigarettes. The only common language they had was something I didn't understand, so I had a hard time keeping up, but kept hearing them say “Chi-Bee-Dee.” Over and over, like little birds. What could that be?? Finally I heard the word “cannabis” and realized they were discussing CBD oil. So I butt in and forced them to speak English, while I held court on all I knew about cannabis derivatives.

      Earlier in the day, I ran into Father John, walking in the rain in his long black robe, which I doubt is quick-dry, tech fabric. He and his small group had earlier walked 5 kilometers off the route to the Herbo Franciscan monastery outside of Padron that offers lodging. They had been really looking forward to staying there. But a bus full of tourists arrived just in front of them and got all the beds, so they were turned away. I said, "So you couldn't even play the ‘Padre Robe’ card?" He said no, they'd already closed the door. Big disappointment and Fr John had been dying to see some Franciscans.

      I bought a big umbrella today at a "China" shop.

      The picture below of the water basin with slanted slats on both sides was built for women to meet and wash clothes. Each village has one. The Japanese guy and I, in shorts and sandals, splashed through it, showing off for the shoes and boots crowd.
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    • Dag 10


      31. mars, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      The most beautiful rainbow came out this evening after our letting go, burning ceremony.

      Tomorrow, we finish up our Camino journey with the final 24km.

      We've made such amazing friendships this week.

    • Dag 17

      noch 10km

      29. april, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Es sind noch 10km bis zum Endziel. Ich merke dass ich immer langsamer werde, um den Spirit so lange wie möglich auf mich wirken zu lassen.

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