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    • Day 24

      Padrón to Escravitude

      October 5, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We arrived in Padrón at about 10:00, had some café, took care of some business at an ATM and a Farmacia.

      We visited the church there, dedicated to Santiago. It houses the Roman ‘pedron’ stone, which is said to have moored the stone boat which carried St James to Spain. Also a statue of St James the Moor Killer. As well as the pilgrim history, James was said to appear during a battle to help the Christians overcome the Moors.

      We walked on out of Padrón, along the highway, then turned in past farms and villages. Then found our albergue, which is a beautiful renovated building.
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    • Day 25

      Camino Portuguese Day 15

      October 6, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      For our last night on the Camino we had a true pilgrim experience. There was a shared guest meal, which was fabulous! This included a three course meal, vino and bread, and liqueur following. There was a traditional Galician drink, home brewed by a neighbour, and a coffee and a cream liqueur, which made a tasty café con leche. Yes, I was a bit tipsy.

      This wonderful meal was paired with amazing conversation of the Canadians, the Germans, the Kiwi, and the South Africans; as well as our host - a Mexican who has lived in Canada and Europe before settling in Spain with his Spanish wife.

      To complete the pilgrim experience, the large Portuguese man in the bunk above me snored like a freight train. Even with my ear plugs it was very loud. Somehow I did get enough sleep. 😴

      Many people do this Camino in 12
      days, but I had a couple of short days, a
      rest day, and the Spiritual Variant. So
      on my 15th day, I walk into Santiago.
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    • Day 10


      October 21, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Today's the first day my body felt used to the walking, like it was something I did every day for my whole life.
      I sang and danced through the last 6-7km today, it was bliss!

      It threatened to rain all day but I wasn't soaked today so yayyy.

      I'm staying at the most beautiful albergue ever tonight and they're putting on an amazing dinner with great vegan options, bring on the energy food!!

      See you tomorrow, Santiago ❤️
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    • Day 13

      Day 12 - Caldas de Reis to A Escravitude

      June 12 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      I slept nine hours, which on the Camino is a record for me. My body apparently needed the rest and I'm grateful that I had a quiet place to sleep, and also quiet roommates.

      A friend posted a link to a podcast interview of John O'Donohue, one of my favorite Celtic Christianity authors and poets. It was two of his books that I was reading when I walked the Camino Frances last year. I brought my Kindle on this trip to continue to read them but between walking, reflecting, writing, and interacting with other pilgrims I haven't even turned my Kindle on. I also haven't listened to any podcasts like I usually do at home. But as I walked into a Celtic forest this morning I decided that to hear John's voice and heart would be a gift. It certainly was!

      One of the things he mentioned is that we are more than just our experiences and our accomplishments - both good and bad - that our core is more sacred than our stories. I needed this insight today.

      After the forest I weaved in and out of little towns until the Way runs into the Ulla River. Two summers ago we walked the spiritual variant which meant we took a boat up the river to Padron. I recognized where we had disembarked. I recognized the horse that Jamie fed an apple to. I recognized tha albergue where we stayed in Padron.

      While I would have gone back into the church (Iglesia de Santiago Apostolol de Pardon) to see the stone the mythical boat was moored to, it was closed. I read later today the stone isn't out anymore but is in a cabinet. I don't know the truthfulness of where the stone is but I do know that Google's info on the church being open is a lie. Oh, well. I saw it last time. Other people say it is a Roman altar stone anyways.

      What and who I did want to see was the owner of the Don Pepe II bar/cafe. He meant a lot to my family when he served us with coffee and blessings on our last day's walk to Santiago. Google has been saying it was closed. It was. Like locked up for month's closed, not back after siesta closed. I took a picture through the window and prayed a blessing on our friend wherever he is.

      I decided not to stay in Padron but walk another 90 minutes to get closer to Santiago and shorten tomorrow's stage. I found an old farm house that had been converted into an albergue that even has an old wine press. They advertised a community dinner and that sounded like a great way to spend my last night on the Way. Surprisingly there are only five of us here tonight - An italian woman, A father and son team from Ireland, a dental hygienist from Seattle, and me. Tomorrow night this place is booked full, but tonight was a more intimate gathering.

      One last memory from today. As I navigated through Padron I was looking for lunch before heading out. The Canadian couple I met yesterday saw me and asked me to join them. We sat and talked for almost 2.5 hours. They shared the reason they started talking with me yesterday. When they were coming up behind me they saw me stop walking, pull down a rose bush from atop a wall and take a deep breath from the petals. It intrigued them that I actually stopped to smell the roses.

      While I thought the conversation was very nice yesterday, it still felt surfacy to me. Apparently though they had been talking about some of the things that had come up and they were happy to see me again because they wanted to continue the conversation. Today it went deeper and I walked away feeling like I had connected.
      I have five hours of walking left tomorrow. I plan to get an early start.

      Ultreia et Suseia!
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    • Day 14

      Pontevedra to Caldas de Reis

      May 4 in Spain ⋅ 🌫 61 °F

      Sooo many pilgrims walking out of town this morning! But as people found their own pace, the crowd thinned out. It rained the ENTIRE 13 miles, and we ended up dripping wet, with shoes squelching and spattered with with mud. There were puddles and mud on most of the paths, and we encountered two flooded streams rushing over the Camino, quite unnerving. The first one we were able to ford, completely drenching our shoes; the second one turned all of us back to find an alternate route.

      Along the way we met Jason from Seattle who was walking at about the same pace as us, We spent much of the day chatting with him. He was charming and a character and meeting him was the highlight of our day. That and lunching on another bocadillo the size of our heads — and they gave us a packet of mayonnaise! We miss American condiments!

      After dinner (which included a scrumptious caldo Gallego, the national soup of Galicia), we walked down to the chuch where we were treated to amazing traditional Galician music — a chorus of singers with bagpipes, drums, tambourines and hurdy-gurdies. Celtic music blended with Galician music is rousing and goes back centuries. Standing ovations and encores should happen more often in churches.

      As of today we have walked 135 miles with only 27 to go!
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    • Day 10


      March 31 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      This Easter is a day of rejuvenation and rebirth, leaving the old behind and looking ahead. Lisa and Dani have planned some special things for us today, including meditation, stretching, a release and burning ceremony, Reiki, and some Cuban African dancing. No walking, thank God!

      I'm feeling numb mostly, peaceful, and comfortably numb. I've spent the majority of my life in fight or fight mode, so maybe there's a bit of shock state. So much striving... this is what I'm leaving behind.

      Today, we slept in, had coffee and breakfast downstairs. I took a spin around the property, and we had morning meditation.

      Half of our group took a taxi into Padron for Easter mass, and the other half remained behind. I stayed behind, had hot tea and and stretched my achy body. We drew seer cards. There is a nice deep bathtub here, so I took a hot bath. I lay here now resting, taking in the sound of the birds, meditative music, and the gentle rain.

      The birds and plants are happy as the sun and rain take their turns on stage. And lunch is waiting for us.
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    • Day 9

      Os Lambrons, Padron

      March 30 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      I walked through rain, mud and more mud, a carnival, and hail and into the country, goats running wild, way off the Camino... guided by Google. I had no idea if I was going to the right place or not. I was ahead of the group because i didn't get the memo on the stopping point. One minute there was hail and then 5 minutes later the sun came out, just as I was walking into the place. Os Lambrons.

      I walked around looking for signs of life and found a woman in the back room in a courtyard. She confirmed that I was indeed at the right location. I'm here, almost 13 miles today.

      Everyone else arrived. We settled, showered, had wine, and met for dinner. Very nice evening. Early to bed at 2104. Tonight is daylight savings time for Spain, so we lose an hour tonight. Dejavu. Twice in one month. Who knew they had daylight savings time over here.

      Tomorrow is a rest day. Breakfast at 10, so we'll get good rest tonight. A few of us are mending foot injuries. I'm doing ok. The one blister... but have not done a thorough assessment yet.

      It was a big day, a hard day. But we're here and only one more day to walk... on Monday.

      Here's a good one...
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    • Day 15

      Went to mass in Padron today

      October 8, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      I was wearing my sweaty walking clothes and I was embarrassed but it was lovely. I participated in mass and took communion but several pilgrims stood off to the side taking pictures and whispering. It must be so weird to be a local here and see that every week 😂 now I’m at a hotel because I did some math wrong yesterday and booked a room way too close to my starting point. Tomorrow I will walk either 16km or 25km, there is nothing in between.Read more

    • Day 13

      Day 11 Caldas De Reis to past Patron

      May 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Great walk this morning in the rain through the countryside. Meeting at Pepe's in Patron. Charismatic restaurant owner that my friend Marion met last year. Lots of Laughs and then a solo walk to Jesus Camp hostel! Lol! This by far is my favorite place. It's a country Spanish hostel that is run by a young husband/wife with their 3 year old daughter. It's the first time I've had a communal pilgrim dinner and it was fun and delicious meal. Not to mention that yet again I met more interesting pilgrims. Tomorrow is Santiago, a 15 kilometer walk. It's bitter sweet as the end of the journey is coming to a close. I am grateful for the teaching of living in the "what is."Read more

    • Day 15

      Day 11- Padron, Spain

      May 29 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Today we walked from Caldas de Reis to Padron, Spain. We walked 11 miles to our hotel, it is getting hot here now in the afternoon. I swam in the pool, and although freezing, it felt great!! Tomorrow is our final day walking about 13-15 miles from Padron to Santiago. We can’t believe how fast it has gone!!Read more

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