Villanueva de Arosa

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    • Dag 20

      June 3

      6 juni, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Unfortunately I didn't sleep well and woke up tired but the throbbing in my feet had subsided. Mary and I set off at 8:00 to a nearby cafe for fuel to make our way to Pontevedra. Leaving Arcade, we crossed Pontesampaio, a historic stone bridge (a significant location during the War of Independence). We enjoyed a lovely morning walk through some forest and along an ancient stone path. My feet were not happy when we arrived in Pontevedra, so I decided to take a bus with Lorelee for the final 10 km to our destination in Combarro. A short 15 minute bus ride should have us in Cambarro by 2:00 pm. With some help from Google maps we made our way to the bus station, thankfully it was shaded. We sat there for a while watching busses come and but it seemed none were heading to Combarro. With the assistance of some locals we realized we were at the incorrect bus station. So in the intense heat we embarked on a search for the correct bus station. We spotted the bus and in our poorly pronounced Spanish asked the driver for Combarro, we heard his reply, " Si, Combarro". We settled into our comfortable seats in the air conditioned comfort of the luxury coach. It was a lovely drive along the coast, and it seemed to be a long way. An hour later, we arrived in the gorgeous seaside town of Combardos. When a Spanish person pronounces, "Combarro and Combardos" they sound the same but are two very different locations. A return trip back on the bus and the helpful bus driver stopped the bus at the side of the road and pointed us in the direction of the bus stop for Combarro. An hour long wait in the blistering heat had us ever so thankful when the bus arrived. We jumped on with Google maps as our companion feeling confident we would be at our albergue within a half hour. However, that was not to be, we missed Combarro and eventually arrived at a bus station hopeful that the bus would be doing the return trip back and we could try once again to get off at Combarro. The bus driver was quick to tell us that he wasn't going back that way and that we should wait for another bus. An hour later, after other busses came and left that were not going to Combarro, the original bus came back. The driver was shocked to see us still there and told us to sit right behind him so he could make sure we got off at Combarro. What should have been a 15 minute trip turned into a 7 hour adventure with us both convinced we shouldn't attempt Amazing Race. Our dear friend, Mary, had a delicious dinner waiting for us when we arrived.Meer informatie

    • Dag 20

      Day 15 - June 2

      6 juni, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      I awoke feeling rested and energized and ready to tackle the 23 km trek to Arcade. It was early Sunday morning (7:00 am) and the crisp air felt good. A number of groups of young people, we encountered as we walked through the deserted streets of Vigo, appeared to be feeling good as they continued their Saturday night partying. Once we exited the city streets, we were treated to spectacular vistas of the city and the Ilas de Cies and enjoyed tranquil woodland paths as we made our way to Redondela. Upon arriving in Redondela, I was treated to more intricately decorated streets that were prepared for the Corpus Christi procession. I did find a place in the shade to watch the procession that was beginning at 1:00 pm, but after about half an hour, with the temperature rising steadly and the procession not in sight, I decided I better get walking because I still had about 10 km left to walk. After navigating the busy streets leaving Rendonela, I caught up with Lorelee who was resting at a cafe. We enjoyed a drink and some food before continuing on to our final destination. Unbeknownst to us, we had a very steep climb ahead of us. The heat made the climb extremely challenging. Thankfully it was mostly on forest paths with periodic patches of shade and incredible views of the area. We arrived at our accomodation exhausted and with throbbing feet. After some rest time to recover, we went to a nearby cafe beside the water and enjoyed a refreshing drink.Meer informatie

    • Dag 21

      Day 13 - Armenteira - Vilanova de Arousa

      24 april, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      After a great dinner at the Casa Rural B&B last night of garbanzo bean stew, fried artichokes and local wine, followed by homemade coffee and herb liqueurs, we got 10 hours of sleep and woke up today to a light breakfast from our hosts. Today was our second day along the Spiritual Variant. I have to say if you’re a; nature lover, person of faith, enjoy architecture, crave fine foods and local wines, like a physical challenge or seek solitude, the Spiritual route delivers. It is well worth the additional mileage and a couple extra days.

      For most of the day we walked along some form of water. It started with a series of cascading waterfalls then turned into a quiet stream, then a larger river and finally along a beautiful bay into the town of Vilanova de Arousa. It was a wonderful day of hiking that totaled 15.5 miles. Tomorrow we take a boat upriver to start a shorter walk before our final day into Santiago!

      Don’t miss the video at the end. We were invited into a little chapel along the way where a trio sang us a song to bless our day 👏
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    • Dag 24

      Combarro to Armenteira

      4 juni, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      I had a great sleep here in our lovely, solid bunk beds with only one other lady in our 6 bed dorm. The path to Armenteira had a large hill that everyone was worried about but Helen and I were pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't as scary as everyone predicted. It was a 450 m. climb but it was gradual most of the way. We met a lovely Scotsman just before Armenteira who ended up buying our drinks! The nicest thing about today was that we were done by 12:30 and not 5!! The hostel here was typical of municipal Albergues with lots of bunks and shared washrooms but it had a nice Camino feel. At 7 pm we joined the nuns and one monk in Vespers and received a pilgrim blessing. A great ending to out day.Meer informatie

    • Dag 52

      Camping Paisaxe

      6 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Einstellige Temperaturen zeigen einem mal wieder, wie wertvoll eine funktionierende Heizung ist. Falls es nicht zu feucht ist, klickt der Zünder und es macht "whupp". Die Gasflamme erhitzt das Gußteil unseres Heizofens. Dieses wir mit Luft umspült und die Wärme geht über ein Schlauchsystem in den Wohnwagen. Ich gehe erst einmal wieder ins Bett und warte, bis die Wohnwagentemperatur die des Bettes übersteigt. Mein armer Schatz quält sich mit Schmerzen an den Frühstückstisch und wir beschließen, heute noch eine Besichtigung der Kathedrale in Galiciens Hauptstadt "Santiago de Compostella". Danach ins Warme, ans Mittelmeer. Wanderungen und Fahrradtouren in Galicien sind somit gecancelt. Falls es schlimmer wird, gehts nach Hause.
      Der Platz vor der Kathedrale ist gefüllt mit jauchzenden, fröhlichen Gesichtern. Diese Pilger haben wahrlich harte und nasse Strapazen hinter sich und können stolz auf ihre Leistung sein. Mein Guide quält sich mit zwei Wanderstöcken bewaffnet die Treppenstufen hoch und wir besichtigen Santiago mittels Bimmelbahn. Die Altstadt ist bis aufs kleinste liebevoll restauriert. Auch erfahren wir, daß an der hiesigen Universität 60 verschiedene Hochschulabschlüsse abgeschlossen werden können.
      Während einer Bimmelbahnfahrt wird man mit Infos zugeschüttet:
      Die Kathedrale soll auf dem Grab von Jakobus errichtet worden sein. Dieser war einer der zwölf Apostel und wurde 44 n. Chr. enthauptet. Seine beiden Jünger brachten den Leichnam mit einem Boot nach Galicien. Schlussendlich landete er dann hier. Im 9. Jahrhundert wurde dieses kund getan und seither gibt's die verschiedenen Jakobswege nach Santiago de Compostella.
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    • Dag 51

      Camping Paisaxe

      5 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      So muss man sich fühlen, wenn man in einer "Snare Drum" übernachtet. Das Dach des Wohnwagens ersetzt dabei das " Drumhead". Gegen 02:00 Uhr gings los. Nur mit Ohrstopfen gewann der Schlaf wieder die Überhand und bis 14:00 Uhr zogen wieder Regentropfen ihre einsamen Bahnen über die Plexiglasfenster. Um 15:00 Uhr endlich ein blaues Loch am grauen Himmel. Erst jetzt zeigt sich die Schönheit dieses Ortes. Wir befinden uns an einem langen Fjord, in dem sich der Atlantik gleich einem Finger ins Inland gräbt.
      Da Petra immer noch mit Rückenschmerzen zu kämpfen hat, geht's mit unserem Bulli auf Tour. Wir wollen den Fjord bis auf die andere Seite erkunden. 50 km hin und wieder zurück. 670 m hoch sind die Gipfel, die sich entlang des Wassers türmen. Wald, Wald und nochmals Wald, soweit das Auge reicht, vom Gipfel bis zum Ufer. Die Wasserfläche ist übersät mit Muschel- und Fischfarmen. Grosse Fischkutter in den Häfen zeigen, womit hier Geld verdient wird.
      Mal wieder eine einzigartige und andere Landschaft als die, die wir bisher sehen durften. Leider ließ die dunstige Luft keine guten Fotos zu. Einzig der Sonnenuntergang an unserem Campingplatz zeigte sich fotogen.
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    • Dag 20

      Day 13 - May 31

      6 juni, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      After a restful night with the rhythmic waves lulling us to sleep in our comfortable beds, I awoke refreshed and ready to walk the next stage (19 km). Despite the forecast of hot temperatures in the low 30s, we couldn't bring ourselves to get an early start instead opting to enjoy our plush hostel. Even the discovery of a snake, in the morning, beside my bed didn't dampen our experience. We began our walk alongside the rocky coast which eventually brought us to walking along the highway. We stopped at a cafe for lunch before beginning the climb up Camino Portela. Unfortunately, there isn't a funicular here to carry us to the top. It was very hot, so the forest path up the mountain brought a welcome reprieve from the intense heat of the sun. After about 5 km through the peaceful forest, I was extremely happy to hear music playing somewhere in the distance with the hope of a hamlet very close by. As I suspected, a perfectly placed cafe serving ice cold drinks and snacks brought a sense of relief and much needed rest. Despite the rest, I found the remainder of our walk into Baiona challenging due to the heat and minimal shade along the way. Finally, at 3:30 pm, three very tired and hot pilgrims arrived in Baiona. Due to the extremely long distance of the next stage (26 km) and the intense heat, Lorelee and I decided to catch the bus to Vigo and have a rest day there tomorrow. After an hour bus ride, we enjoyed dinner near the port of Vigo.Meer informatie

    • Dag 18

      Vilanova de Arousa!

      6 juli 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Todays walk started off magical, became beautiful, then familiar, then long, then trying and finally “when are we getting there already my feet are killing me!” 🥴 After 17 miles we were praying the albergue had beds for us! I wish I could say the Albergue De Peregrinos is nice. It has 28 beds crammed in a room above a school gym. The beds and showers get the job done but are a bit sketch on the cleanliness grade. The beaches and water here look rather amazing, but I don’t have energy to explore! After my shower, I’m laying here with a soothing foot mask on, hoping dinner won’t be a long walk, while Andrea (ambitious girl) searches out a beach to relax on!!Meer informatie

    • Dag 25

      Ruta de agua y piedras

      5 juni, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Today we walked the infamous route of stones and water which the Espiritual variant is known for. The day started off foggy and mysterious and soon we were under the canopy of trees walking beside bubbling brooks along stone paths. It was magical. I haven't counted the number of photos I took on that path but you can imagine! We stopped at several cafes today as it was a 23 km day and we were taking our time to enjoy the beauty. We came back to the ocean once again and will be taking the boat tomorrow to Padron to save walking along ugly industrial areas. Most everyone does this. We ended the day swimming in their covered pool which was heavenly, other than the fact that there was a child's birthday party going on with squealing 5 or 6 year olds! One boy was spraying us with water but I got him back😂.Meer informatie

    • Dag 21

      Armenteira to Vilanova de Arousa

      1 oktober 2023, Spanje ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Another hot night in the albergue with all the windows closed as usual, although didn't have a bad sleep and woke up when the lights were turned on at 7:30.
      Got away just after sunrise at about 8:30 and it was a really nice walk alongside a stream in the shade, a lot like in the Blue Mountains, for the first few km's.
      It was a 25km walk, but not nearly as hard as yesterday and the temp was in the mid 20's, unlike yesterday's 30's.
      It's funny how the brain works. Yesterday with the headache, my foot didn't hurt at all. Today without the headache, my foot was sore again, although not as sore as the other day.
      Got to the hotel around 4, then went for a swim at a beach that reminded us of Shoal Bay.
      Up early tomorrow for the 30km boat trip to Padron ⛵
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